Afton sighs as he looks down at Josie, he hadn't thought she'd be the one to get utterly shit-faced... But, maybe it made sense? She certainly wasn't as disciplined as Karl or Boone were... "I think we should get her to a bed so she can sleep off the alcohol..." he glances at Gomorrah's and shakes his head, "We can't go to Gomorrah's since I've... Done a couple things that may catch the owner's attention..."
Tamia crosses her arms and smirks, "Really? Funny, us three have done something similar in the Ultra-Lux." she states, gesturing at Boone and Veronica.
"What'd you do?" Afton asks, curious.
"Killed a cannibal, brought some Major's head to the embassy, almost caused a diplomatic disaster... You know, the usual." Veronica shrugs.
"Ah... Did this 'Major' happen to be called Lowell?" he quietly asks, wondering if they're the ones that caused the quest failure.
"Yeah... Huh, how'd you know? Didn't think news travelled that fast."
Afton shakes his head, "Just a guess... So, we can't go to Gomorrah's or the Ultra-Lux, and we definitely can't go to the Tops because Benny is there..."
"Wait, Benny's in the Tops?" Tamia asks with a vicious look.
Afton nods, "Yeah, found out from one of Gomorrah's higher-ups. Benny runs the Tops apparently, some two-bit gangster that no one really likes."
"Yeah, we'll see how many people like him after I've splattered his brains across the walls." she growls out, squeezing his fists tightly.
"We'll handle it tomorrow. No point causing trouble without proper preparation... I doubt Benny is even aware of your arrival here, even if he is, we'll deal with him." Karl says.
Afton nods, "I don't really wanna stay in the strip either, shall we visit the Atomic Wrangler? The Garret twins might know something about Benny that we can use."
"Yeah, I wouldn't feel right leaving Anja out there in the vehicle all night either..." Karl adds.
After convincing Tamia that leaving Benny alive for a couple more hours wouldn't hurt, the group head towards the exit of the strip, though, by the way Veronica sticks to his side with a conflicted face, it seems that something else was bothering her... "Is something wrong?" he asks, deciding to solve it quickly, like pulling a tooth.
She falters in her steps as he asks, but quickly recomposes herself, "Well, I... I just... You know, wanted to ask about..."
Tamia cuts in, clearly annoyed by Veronica's side-stepping around the issue, "What, are you afraid you'll hurt his feelings? I'll say it then... What's up with your face?" she asks bluntly, obviously referring to his pale skin and visible black veins.
Afton raises a brow, "Huh, I almost forgot about that... Well, it's a long story, one I'd be happy to recount after we're in the Atomic Wrangler with a couple drinks."
Veronica sends a small glare at Tamia before eventually nodding, "That's fine..."
The group exit the strip and enter the streets of Freeside, however, instead of walking into the main street, they turn left and walk towards Dirt-Hog...
Afton was amused that there were already a few corpses scattered around the place, clearly fresh ones belonging to would-be thieves... "God I hate Freeside." he mutters, getting nods from Boone and Karl.
Tamia keeps walking with a curious look on her face as she sees the vehicle, but Veronica stops in her tracks.
"What. The. Fuck. Is. That!? Aftooon! When did you scavenge this beauty!" she exclaims, running towards the mobile assault vehicle and giving the metal a few taps. "I don't even know what metal this is!?"
Afton smirks at her, "It's called Saturnite, obviously... Don't worry about not knowing it, it was only recently created." he states, almost causes Veronica's head to explode at the implications of what he'd just said...
A new vehicle, plated with metal that had only recently been created? Just what exactly has Afton been up to since he left!? He'd been busier than Veronic had, and she'd only been tagging along with Tamia instead of collected supplies for the bunker!
Tamia warily looks at the peculiar gun atop the vehicle that was currently pointing in her direction, all the while a piece of metal was seemingly fluttering at her? "You guy sure this thing won't shoot us?"
Afton shakes his head, "Not unless you plan on stealing it." he walks up and bangs the plating with his fist, "Anja! We're back!"
The back doors of the vehicle slam open as Dog-meat runs out and leaps at him, licking his face before he pushes the Cyberdog off. Afterwards, it goes around rapidly sniffing Veronica and Tamia. as if marking their scents in a database... Maybe it was? Afton didn't know what Glados had the cyborg doing...
Anja steps out and approaches them, giving after a small nod, "Sir, five hostiles were eliminated after trying to steal the vehicle... But I'm sure you have noticed the already. Nothing else of interest has happened though." she states.
"Good job... Ah," he pauses before gesturing at the new arrivals, "This is Veronica, and Tamia, the people I've been looking for.
Anja nods and timidly shakes their hands. Veronica looks to Afton with a strange look, "Huh, didn't think you'd be working with a ghoul, Afton..."
Afton just scoffs at her, "Look, this isn't exactly the first time either of us have broken the 'rules'... To be honest, I think most of that book is full of dogshit." he states, knowing that if any other member of the Brotherhood heard him they'd shout 'heresy' and try to burn him alive or something.
Veronica just grumbles, clearly conflicted but not willing to argue the point. She knew it to be true, and didn't feel like forcing the issue.
He shakes his head and gestures at the vehicle, "I don't feel like leaving this thing here, so let's drive it to the Atomic Wranglers, alright?"
"Uh-oooo... Shotgun!" Josie manages to say while hanging off of Karl.
Afton sends her a glare, "Were you still sober, I wouldn't mind it, but for now, you're sitting in the back with Karl on vomit-duty... You are not being sick in my truck!"
"Awww man..."
"Veronica, hop in, the drive'll be short but I wanna show you how it works anyway." Afton says as he jumps up into the driver's seat. His 'sister' following suit.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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