Emery's question only seemed to exacerbate Cole's irritation. "Huh! Human like you is exactly why! Don't think I can't see it! You are an honorless, lying manipulative scum!! You coldly murdered your own master, Zenonia!"
Emery calmly replied, a slight chuckle escaping his lips. "I'm confused. Aren't the elves all the same?"
"They are not! Your kind abandoned me, abandoned my beloved master. But the elves, they took care of me, someone who is not even their kind!"
Once again, Emery countered, his voice laced with skepticism. "Are you sure they are not just using you?"
"HUH! Elves are gods among humans. We follow what our gods tell us to do. What are we to question them?"
Emery let out a sigh, realizing that Cole had been captive since he was just sixteen years old. Almost a decade had passed since he had lived among the elves, and it was highly likely that they had thoroughly indoctrinated him.
Thank you for reading
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