--- Kat ---
*I now know more about running a town then I ever thought I would. I also feel like I know half the residents.* Kat commented mentally as they started to enter the town hall. It was a large tree in the centre of town. Not as large as the big ones surrounding the town, but easily the next largest. The main foyer was simply a big open area, though the space wasn't as large as it seemed. A large chunk of the space was taken up by the extra thick walls that supported the space. It was a good thing they'd stabled the horse outside, no way would the horse make it up the stairs.
[Yeah I have to agree that this is a bit much. I mean… I do love hearing about this sort of stuff but I can't say I wanted to know that Mrs Grm moved in two years ago and likes to shovel her pet dogs shit into her neighbours yard just because it pissing him off. I mean, yes Stphn knows a lot about the town and is clearly passionate but…]
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