Kress chapter
Judges: Ulf/'Steve' Auctifer, Oditr, Titania, Mint
Criteria: Looks, Not-sand features, Structurally Sound, Creativity, Looks
The illusion around Kress shattered and he could see that Oditr and Auctifer were standing back in a line with the other judges. Mint was still over by Kat, but Thyme was reaching over to grab her. Literally. Kress watched as Thyme inflated their form and leaned all the way over like a creepy shadow monster. Mint froze in place as Kat and Lily looked up at Thyme behind her. Mint slowly raised her head until she saw the grasping hand of Thyme, and then screamed as Thyme snatched her and put her back with the rest of the judges.
Mint was holding a hand over where her heart would be as she said, "Geeze Thyme that terrified me. I nearly lost control of this body as you did that… also am I holding my hand over the correct spot for my heart? The lack of beating makes it hard to tell,"
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