A chorus of confused "WHAT!" rang out across the stadium from those who had seen John Doe's previous matches. Seeing everyone he'd fought so far struggle with the technique only for Bodeir to completely no-sell it… nobody really knew how to react. In addition to that, Bodeir claimed to not even realise the technique was being used at all. Something many suspected was a lie… but Kat and Lily were familiar enough with him to know that complex lies were a little above Bodeir in terms of planning and intellect. It was very likely Bodeir had no idea what he was doing.
Which of course was why Sue, Kat, and Lily all joined in the chorus of confused noises as Bodeir walked offstage. "I… I… I don't understand?" mumbled Kat.
"I don't either," mumbled a confused Sue. "I thought Tess looked pretty strong… but to John beat her so easily… I expected him to be a challenge for Bodeir but… but he was toyed with the whole match… what the heck even was that?!"
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