"Thank you." Winston only gave a short reply before continuing to head forward.
He was thankful that he had gotten to know Bai Qingqing before this. Otherwise, when faced against this fondness that he had wished to get but couldn't, he would definitely give away his heart without any reservations. If he were to meet Bai Qingqing later on, he'd definitely regret it for life.
Winston's heart was abnormally calm, and there was an unprecedented feeling of ease.
In the future, he'd just watch over his beloved female in peace.
Jean took off the blue chiffon covering her face, revealing a small fair face that was a lot more exquisite and elegant-looking than the other females in the City of Beastmen, lowering her head shyly. When she didn't hear any reply after a long time had passed, she gradually raised her head to take a look, only to see that Winston was taking big strides forward once again. She had no idea if he had turned to take a look at her.
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