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40.57% Legacy (Naruto fanfiction)by cr4zypt / Chapter 27: Chapter 27 - Reunion

Capítulo 27: Chapter 27 - Reunion

"Hey there...baa-chan (Grandmother)" Naruto said with a small smile as he was watching Tsunade and another girl who was with her, he had finally found the last bit of family he had. Although his grandmother was supposed to be around sixty years old she didn't look older than thirty and it was no lie when they said that Senju Tsunade was one of the most beautiful women on earth.

Tsunade was just staring at the blonde in front of her that had just decimated the field where they were standing. The moment he turned her breath got caught in her throat. The moment she saw what he looked like, that golden blonde hair, those deep blue eyes like an ocean and when Jiraiya called him Naruto she started shaking.

"He's a carbon copy of Minato with longer hair" Tsunade was thinking. After all this time she thought she was alone in this world, that her family was all gone and now she finds her grandson not even ten feet in front of her smiling at her.

Tsunade didn't know what to think or do and did the only thing she felt was right. She blurred right pass Jiraiya and Shizune and engulfed Naruto in a deep hug while crying in happiness.

"N-Naruto-kun" Tsuande whispered while hugging him fiercely as if he wasn't real. Tears were rolling off her eyes and falling to his shirt.

"B-Ba-Baa-chan" Naruto replied while sobbing and hugging her back. He had finally found family and he was happy that Tsunade didn't reject him or leave him if her reaction was anything to measure by.

Jiraiya and Shizune watched the scene with smiles on their faces. This was what Tsunade needed, she needed a small bit of her family back and she got it in the form of her long thought dead grandson.

They ended the hug and Tsunade cleaned her tears while her eyes were still red. She crouched in front of him. "Let me take a good look at you" Tsunade said. Her voice filled with so much happiness with was intoxicating. Naruto just chuckled and rubbed the back of his head much like his father did.

Tsunade was observing Naruto as best as she could. He had long blonde hair with bangs that framed his face and slightly covered his right eye. His eyes were deep blue like an ocean and he had three whiskers marks on each cheek.

"You are so cute" Tsuande squealed and hugged him again making the others sweat drop. "I bet you have a horde of fan girls back home" Tsunade said laughing. She seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened today. She was finally happy and didn't want to let go of this feeling.

"Speaking of girls" Naruto said breaking the hug. "I'll be right back" Naruto and swirled away into his eyes. Tsunade caught the blood red sharingan eyes but filed it for later questions.

Naruto reappeared not even a second later with a girl in his arms and a small fox on his shoulders. Hinata had already been healed and was now sleeping peacefully.

"Who is she?" Tsunade asked as she watched the girl that Naruto was carrying bridal style.

"She is Hyuuga Hinata, my girlfriend" Naruto explained and Tsunade nodded. He figured that a fine looking brat like him would already been snatched by someone but she would see if the girl was worthy it.

"She was kidnapped by Itachi and Kisame but I managed to get her back and summon a healing fox" Naruto explained and turned towards Tsunade. "Can you check her just to make sure?" Naruto asked and Tsunade bit her lips. As long there wasn't blood she would be fine.

Tsunade hands started glowing green and started scanning Hinata's body from head to toe. She seemed to stop briefly on top of her chest as if assessing the damage. "She had a couple of broken ribs and dislocated shoulder but she is fine now. She only needs to rest" Tsunade explained and Naruto sighed in relief.

"I owe you Kagura" Naruto said.

"Not at all Naruto-sama" Kagura said and disappeared in smoke.

"Look at the mess you made" Jiraiya said to Naruto and kicking a piece of rubble on the ground.

"They kidnapped Hinata-chan so I tried to kill them for real. I wasn't messing around against them" Naruto said in a serious voice and Jiraiya could only nod as he watched the devastation in front of him.

"What flames are these?" Jiraiya mused out loud looking intently at the black flames that were burning the rock and showing no signs of stopping.

"Those are Amaterasu flames" Naruto said and Jiraiya looked at him. "They can only be summoned by a mangekyou sharingan and can't be extinguished by anyone except the one who summoned them in the first place. They will burn for seven days and seven nights. They are hot as the sun and can turn anything to ashes" Naruto explained and Jiraiya's eyes widened. That was some powerful katon jutsu right there.

"You said a mangekyou?" Jiraiya asked and Naruto nodded. "Does that mean you can do it as well"? Jiraiya asked. That would be a major power boost to Naruto if he was able to perform this technique.

"I know how it works so I just need to try it" Naruto said and Jiraiya nodded. "And I also know how to the other one the Tsukuyomi" Naruto said and Jiraiya nodded again. Naruto was becoming more and more powerful by the day and these two techniques he just gained would make him deadly against anyone.

"So I wasn't seeing things when you warped away with some technique" Tsunade said towards Naruto. "How can you have the sharingan…you are no Uchiha" Tsunade stated.

"Actually I have Uchiha blood" Naruto said and Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "What do you know of my father's parents?" Naruto asked.

"He is an orphan, he never knew his parents" Tsunade replied and Naruto smiled. He never got tired of the people's faces when he told them about his grandfather.

"That is not true" Naruto said grinning at her grandmother "He knew very well who is father was and lived with him for the first five years of his life" Naruto said and Tsunade concentrated on him.

"Don't leave me hanging…tell me" Tsunade said and Naruto picked the fan from this back and placed it on the ground grabbing it by the hilt.

"Is that?" Tsunade asked and her eyes widened when she piece everything together.

"My grandfather was Uchiha Madara" Naruto said and laughed at her expression. She was gapping like a fish out of water and Shizune was pale as a white sheet. "This was his fan and he passed it on to my father and now it belongs to me" Naruto explained.

"B-Bu-But…" Tsunade tried to say but her voice wasn't quite reaching.

"Madara-jiji didn't die when he fought Hashirama-jiji and later on had a son and named him…Namikaze Minato" Naruto explained.

"Who am I to doubt him" Tsunade thought to herself chuckling. Until now she didn't even now Naruto was alive to begin with.

"How about we continue this at the hotel" Naruto suggested and everyone nodded and left towards the hotel that Naruto had rented.

"Ero-sennin" Naruto said and got a tick mark from the old pervert and laughs from both women "I should warn you about the hotel" Naruto cryptically said.

## Back at the Hotel ##

The hotel itself was...mostly... fine if you don't count the chunk that was missing on the right side of the building. When Naruto entered his cloaked version and sped towards Itachi and Kisame he unleashed a shockwave that tore down almost half the building.

"I HATE SHINOBI" the owner of the hotel was yelling through the streets while trying to clean up as best as he could. Not that a broom would help much against big chunks of rock and concrete.

The owner turned around only to find the one responsible for said disaster calmly walking towards him. "YOUUUU" the owner yelled towards the blonde pointing at him "LOOK AT THIS MESS" the owner yelled.

"Don't worry" Naruto said trying to calm the owner down "My godfather here will gladly pay for everything" Naruto and said and Jiraiya's eyes widened.

"WHAT?" Jiraiya yelled out grabbing Naruto by the collar of his shirt. "Why should I pay?" Jiraiya asked rhetorically. "You were the one that blew up the hotel" Jiraiya explained.

"They found me and hurt Hinata because you decided to chase some tail" Naruto explained and Jiraiya scoffed. "Besides I've seen your money book and this won't even scratch the surface" Naruto said and Jiraiya got suspicious.

"How do you know that?" Jiraiya asked.

"Always look underneath the underneath. Besides, my eyes see more than chakra you know" Naruto said grinning. "So pay the man and let's find another place so Hinata-chan can rest properly" Naruto said and Jiraiya reluctantly agreed. He went to his pockets only to find his wallet missing and in the hands of Tsunade who was already negotiating with the hotel owner making Jiraiya cry anime tears.

"Life is so unfair" Jiraiya thought crying in his mind.

Suddenly Naruto felt Hinata stir and looked down at her. It appeared all that noise around them woke up his sleeping beauty. She tiredly opened her eyes to find herself in the arms of Naruto.

"Hey there sleepy head" Naruto said watching Hinata open her eyes and look at him. "How are you feeling?" Naruto asked.

"I'm good" Hinata said and watched her surroundings "I think I can walk" Hinata said and Naruto shook his head denying.

"You just woke up, besides I like carrying you" Naruto said and kissed her forehead making her snuggle closer to him.

"KAWAI" Shizune yelled out. "That's adorable" Shizune said fawning over both of them like a fan girl. Jiraiya was scribbling furiously on his notebook not even noticing Tsunade.

"IF YOU USE MY GRANDSON FOR YOUR RESEARCH I'LL REMOVE THE THING THAT MAKES YOU A MAN" Tsunade shouted to the heavens and Jiraiya stiffened and quickly placed his notebook on his pockets.

"H-Have mercy" Jiraiya pleaded on his knees.

"Sorry…all out of mercy" Tsunade said cracking her fingers and figuratively rolling up her sleeves.

"Scary…" Naruto thought watching his grandmother beat his godfather to a bloody pulp. Jiraiya was screaming and asking for her to stop but she didn't even waver.

"Oh lord…the pain" Jiraiya thought.

Naruto decided it was time to save his godfather from Tsunade's wrath. "How about we go for dinner?" Naruto asked and Jiraiya sighed in relief when the onslaught stopped.

"Sounds good" Tsunade replied and kicked Jiraiya one last time where the sun doesn't shine making wince in pain and gently nurse his manly parts. All the time he was cursing the blondes around him.

## Restaurant ##

The group found a small restaurant that had a few tables open since the others were all full due the massive amount of tourists around town. They were all seated in a small table with Shizune, Tsunade and Jiraiya in one side and Naruto and Hinata in the other. The menu was a few sardines with rice while Tsunade and Jiraiya were drinking sake.

"So brat how is the life?" Tsuande asked while sipping bit of sake. She wanted to know about her grandson's life since she wasn't there for the beginning of his life.

"It was rough in my early years but I'm good now" Naruto said and Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

"Rough?" Tsunade wondered what he meant exactly.

"Actually since the chunnin exams they stopped calling me demon and trying to kill" Naruto blurted out only for Tsunade's face to twist into one of anger. She forgot the Naruto was a jinchuuriki and she knew very well how most of them were treated in their village.

"Did they hurt you?" Tsunade asked with so much fire in her eyes that the table slightly cracked from the pressure of her fists.

"Don't worry they are over it now" Naruto said calming her down. "I showed them I had the sharingan and that I belonged to the Senju clan and now they almost worship me" Naruto said shaking his head. How could they be so superficial? Naruto was a demon one day and the next he was the prince of Konoha. "But I hold no grudge against them" Naruto said.

"You do realize that once you make chunnin you will be able to take the clan seat and will be forced into CRA right?" Tsunade asked. The CRA was the thing that drove her out of the village in the first place and when Kushina died she nothing to go back for.

"I'm an elite chunnin by the way and I have already refused the CRA" Naruto said chuckling.

"Elite Chunnin?...a brat like you?... where's the vest?" Tsunade taunted him.

"I don't like wearing the vest and didn't you see what I did to those Akatsuki members?... they were both kage level shinobi" Naruto explained grinning back.

"Oh please that was all the Kyuubi's doing" Tsunade said waving him off.

"I like her" Kurama said from Naruto's mind.

"You like anyone that praises you" Naruto replied sweat dropping.

"Fine be that way" Naruto said pouting and everyone laughed.

"How did you refuse the CRA?" Tsunade asked. "It's mandatory by law" Tsunade explained.

"Simple. I threatened to leave the village if they forced me into it" Naruto said grinning and Tsunade chuckled.

"By the way Jiraiya why are you here?" Tsunade asked and Jiraiya sighed as the might be a difficult conversation.

"Sensei as asked us to find you and tell you that you've been chosen for Godaime Hokage" Jiraiya asked and Tsunade sighed.

The moment Jiraiya said sensei wanted her to become Hokage she remembered what happened with Orochimaru. She agreed to meet with them in one week and if she cured her arms he would destroy Konoha.

"I'm going back to the village but it isn't to be hokage" Tsunade replied and Jiraiya raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Sensei sent me a letter saying Naruto was dead the night the Kyuubi attacked" Tsunade explained.

"What?" Naruto asked. "That doesn't make any sense. He was the one that told me of you in the first place" Naruto explained.

"Something is off here" Jiraiya said. "What did the letter look like?" Jiraiya asked.

"Normal kage letter with his signature and stamp" Tsunade explained. The letter was long gone and she destroyed it the moment she read it.

"There isn't anyone else for the hokage position" Jiraiya reasoned.

"How about you?" Tsunade asked.

"My spy network is too important for the village besides, I'm not the type of man to be behind a desk eight hours a day" Jiraiya replied.

"I'm not becoming's a fools job" Tsunade said and Naruto subconsciously activated his sharingan and started glaring at Tsunade.

"How dare you say that?" Naruto asked. "Hashirama-jiji, Tobirama-jiji, my father, all of our family took the hokage position and died defending the village they love" Naruto was explaining.

"Exactly...they all died for nothing" Tsunade said.

"They died protecting the village they loved and we should continue their legacy and protect the village they created" Naruto said but Tsunade seemed reluctant to agree until a devious thought crossed Naruto's mind.

"How about a bet?" Naruto asked and Jiraiya smirked.

"What kind of bet?" Tsunade asked focused on Naruto.

"You and me outside. If I kick your ass you return to the village and become hokage" Naruto said and Tsunade pondered.

"He's just a gennin" Tsunade thought. "I agree but if you lose I'll get all of your money and no Kyuubi" Tsunade said.

"I agree" Naruto replied.

"Let's take it outside then" Tsunade said and they all walked outside to the middle of the street.

"This was all going so well" Hinata said sighing and both Jiraiya and Shizune agreed.

## Outside ##

On the outside Naruto and Tsunade were facing each other while Jiraiya, Shizune and Hinata were at the side watching.

"Last time to back out" Tsunade said giving him a chance.

"I never give up and I never surrender because… to be hokage, is my dream" Naruto said with unbreakable fire behind his eyes. Sharingan eyes for that matter. Tsunade smirked and she swore she saw a visage of Nawaki behind Naruto.

"Do as you wish...if you win I'll throw in this necklace as well" Tsunade and Shizune's jaw dropped as well Jiraiya's.

"Hashirama's necklace uhm?" Naruto mused. "Let's go then" Naruto said as he took his stance.

"Tsunade I should warn you..." Jiraiya was saying but was cut off.

"Please Jiraiya I can take care of a gennin" Tsunade said smirking. "Even if he is an elite chunnin I still got him" Tsunade said. Even though she didn't say it, she wanted Naruto to win but she wasn't going to make things easy.

"It's ironic" Hinata said and got confused faces from everyone. "The descendants of Hashirama and Madara are facing each other again" Hinata said and they chuckled.

"Very true" Jiraiya replied and all of them focused on the fight. Tsunade didn't have any stance; she was just standing there with her arms on her waist. Naruto was eyeing her carefully with his sharingan blazing.

Deciding to try and scare her off a little he made his sharingan start spinning very slowly. Tsunade watched carefully his spinning constantly checking for chakra anomalies in her chakra network to look out for genjutsu.

Naruto started speeding off his sharingan until it started mutating slightly. Eventually the sharingan started to slow down and the normal pattern was long gone and replaced by deep black eyes with a broken red circle with three circles in them.

"A mangekyou?" Tsunade wondered in thought as she watched Naruto's eyes very carefully. She dropped the care free attitude and took a basic stance. She may never have faced an Uchiha with a mangekyou but her father had warned about the powers those eyes had and that they weren't to be taken lightly.

"Tsukuyomi" Naruto said and Tsunade's eyes widened just before her world disappeared and was replaced by Naruto's Tsukuyomi world.

"What is this?" Tsunade asked as she walked around Naruto's world.

"Welcome to my strongest genjutsu" Naruto said popping out of nowhere and standing in front of Tsunade "In here I'm god and I control everything, even time itself. Three days here are but three seconds on the real world" Naruto explained and Tsunade realized in just what mess she was.

"This is the second time I tried this jutsu and my control still sucks but it should be enough to hold you" Naruto said and Tsunade got pinned to a cross and Naruto stood there in front of her with a sword.

"What are you going to do?" Tsunade asked. She didn't want to believe Naruto would torture her.

"I'm going to...make you laugh to death" Naruto said chuckling evilly and the sword was replaced by a feather.

Naruto started using his feather on Tsunade's sensitive spots. Tsunade bit her lips and tried to hold it but she couldn't. Tsunade bursted out laughing and crying as she couldn't hold the tears.

"HAHAHAHA" Tsunade broke out laughing and crying, she could barely breathe. She wanted to bend over since her stomach hurt but she couldn't as she was pinned to the stake.

"MUAHHH" Naruto laughed evilly at the sight of Tsunade. (A/N: Check out Barney's evil laugh to get an idea www . youtube watch?v=CFg7esxnrXs)

## Real World – Three Seconds Later ##

On the outside all of the viewers were oblivious to what was happening. They all heard Naruto call out his genjutsu but they didn't know if Tsunade was caught as they were just staring at each other. Suddenly Tsunade fell to her knees breathing heavily with her eyes puffy red and one could see dried tears in her face.

"Damn brat" Tsunade said back in the real world as she crouched to regain her breathing. Naruto just grinned back at her. It was a just by miracle that Tsunade didn't pass out.

"What did he do?" Jiraiya asked curious.

"He made me laugh for 72 hours straight" Tsunade said and everyone sweat dropped. That was a …peculiar use for a genjutsu.

"I'll get you for that" Tsunade said before she started dashing towards Naruto with her fist cocked.

"She's using chakra in her fist" Naruto thought as he watched her approaching with his ems activated. He brought his fan from his back and placed it in front of him. He grabbed the hilt with one hand and the other end with the other hand.

"That's not going to help" Tsunade and slammed her fist hard into the fan. The moment her fist collided the fan, it was like a large bell echoing through the streets. The entire ground shook but Naruto held his ground. His fan didn't crack or waver.

Tsunade was flagger basted that the fan was still in one piece. She didn't even put a dent in that thing. It was true that she wasn't using her strength to the max but that punch was enough to bring down a wall and yet the fan was still in one piece.

Naruto flexed his fan and unleashed and current of air making Tsunade jump back and gain some distance. Naruto placed his left hand in the tiger seal preparing to unleash a fire jutsu when he was interrupted by Jiraiya.

"STOP NARUTO" Jiraiya yelled and both turned to him. "Don't use ninjutsu in the middle of the street baka" Jiraiya explained and Naruto nodded.

Naruto took out a three pronged kunai and threw it at Tsunade who watched it approach very carefully. The moment the kunai was about to pass next to her head Tsunade caught it by the handle and started spinning it around her fingers.

"That wasn't a smart move" Naruto said and Tsunade raised an eyebrow.

"And why not?" Tsunade asked.

"Did you notice that kunai isn't ordinary?" Naruto asked with a grin and made Tsunade stop spinning the kunai and look at it carefully and she notice that it was a three pronged kunai with kanji on the handle.

"He couldn't have" Tsunade thought just before she saw a bright yellow flash. She was about to turn around when she felt Naruto kicking her ass making her jump in the air and nurse her rear.

"The hell are you doing?" Tsunade asked nursing her butt.

"I win baa-chan" Naruto said grinning with his foxy smirk.

"Care to explain how that is?" Tsunade asked.

"I said I would win if I kicked your ass and I did just that" Naruto said grinning and started laughing at the faces of everyone when the realization hit them all.

"You tricked me" Tsunade said shaking her head. She couldn't win a damn bet to save her life. Hinata just shook her head. She knew Naruto was very devious and sneaky, probably having a fox sealed inside of him increased his cunning as well. She should have seen that coming.

"I did no such thing" Naruto innocently replied. "You agreed to the bet so will you come back with us to the village and become our hokage?" Naruto asked.

Tsunade sighed in defeat and surprisingly relief. She walked calmly to Naruto and kneeled in front of him. She undid her necklace and wrapped it around Naruto's neck kissing his forehead.

"Become a great hokage like your baa-chan" Tsunade said placing her hand above his necklace and his heart. Naruto just smiled and hugged her.

"I'm glad it all worked out for the best" Jiraiya said and turned to Tsunade. "Do I get a kiss to or perhaps a hug?" Jiraiya asked wiggling his eyebrows and proceeded to be buried by Tsunade and her fists.

## Next Day ##

After last night's battle everyone got together and went to a hotel to spend the night. It was a pain in the ass for Tsunade to allow Naruto and Hinata to sleep together but in the end she caved but warned them that they were too young for kids.

They were all together eating breakfast silently when Tsunade remembered something. "Naru-chan, why were you fighting those two yesterday anyway?" Tsunade asked and Naruto sighed before starting his explanation.

"Don't call me that…it sounds girly" Naruto whined and Tsunade smirked.

"I like Naru-chan, it sounds better than whiskers-kun" Hinata said giggling making Naruto glare at her. Naruto sighed before starting.

"According to ero-sennin there is an organization called Akatsuki made up by S-rank criminals and they are after the bijuus" Naruto explained and Tsunade's eyes widened. It wasn't very common to see kage level shinobi working together.

"They are rumored to have ten members. Orochimaru used to belong to them until he betrayed them. For now I only know of Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Sasori of the Red Sand and Deidara the Mad Bomber. They are all S-rank" Jiraiya explained.

"By the way Hinata-chan" Naruto said turning to her. "How did they catch you?" Naruto asked.


Naruto and Hinata had just parted ways with Jiraiya since he went towards the woman the blinked his way. They were both going towards the hotel when Hinata felt a chakra presence nearby.

She activated her byakugan and scanned the nearby roofs trying to pin point the signature. It turned out to be a big mistake. Since Hinata activated her byakugan her vision became almost 360 degrees which meant she couldn't help but to not see a pair of blood red sharingan eyes.

It was just a small glimpse before Hinata broke the genjutsu it was placed on her but it was good enough to distract her and allow a shadow clone to perform a substitution with her. Hinata was now facing two people which had long black cloaks with red clouds in them and they were both wearing straw hats.

The moment she was replaced and stood facing both of them, Kisame dashed towards her and tried to kick her in the chest to end this quickly. Hinata turned to the right, side stepping the kick and, charging her hands with chakra, she tried a juuken strike to his right shoulder.

The attack connected but Kisame remained impassive. Hinata analyzed him with her byakugan and noticed that her strike wasn't laced with chakra when she obviously charged it with. Hinata noticed that the sword had an active chakra network as if it was alive.

"Did the sword absorb the chakra?" Hinata thought.

"What do you want?" Hinata asked as she took the basic taijutsu stance.

"Let me play with her Itachi-san" Kisame said. Itachi said nothing and took a few steps away from both of them. Itachi focused his attention on the far away hotel.

"What do you want with me?" Hinata asked again.

"Nothing. What we want is the kyuubi brat" Kisame said grinning and Hinata knew that these two belonged to the Akatsuki and were most likely kage level shinobi. She knew she wouldn't stand much of a chance but she wouldn't go down without a fight.

Hinata flared her byakugan and Kisame laughed and picked up his sword still wrapped in bandages. Hinata made a few hand seals and disabled her gravity seals and stood ready to face them.

Kisame started grinning like a mad man and tried a sword slash on Hinata to knock her away. She ducked under the swing. Kisame, using the momentum of his sword, tilted his body and tried to kick her again. Hinata side stepped the kick and jumped in the air. Hinata placed the hands on his leg supporting herself and kicked Kisame in the face knocking him back.

Kisame got up pissed he got it and ran forward where Hinata was waiting in her defensive stance. He quickly arrived and they exchange a flurry of blows but it Hinata was far too slippery and fast for the slow and wide movements of Kisame and his sword wasn't helping.

Kisame was becoming more and more pissed. He placed the sword on his back and decided to engage the girl purely on taijutsu. It was a big mistake and Itachi just shook his head. Itachi could clearly see that Hinata had the advantage in taijutsu. She may seem small and weak but that was compensated by her agility and speed.

"Stay still" Kisame yelled as he couldn't even scratch her. If it was ninjutsu she would already been dead but they couldn't use it because it may alert Jiraiya or Naruto. Hinata was supposed to be used as leverage.

Hinata ducked under a punch and gave him a juuken strike on his right leg making him kneel. Kisame tried a right hook and Hinata caught it with her left hand and gave him a juuken strike right to his hearth destroying his hearth.

"Bitch" Kisame said and shakily placed his hands on the sword to get healed. Hinata heard the comment and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine making Kisame's eyes pop out of his sockets, even Itachi cringed and shivered when he saw that.

Hinata felt a presence behind and turned just to see Itachi give a kick to her shoulder. She got hit and the force of the kick made her turn towards Kisame who had his sword ready and slammed it against Hinata making her fly into the ground. She crashed and was instantly knocked out.

"She was a slippery bitch" Kisame said huffing at her.

"I'm tired of telling you to not underestimate your enemies. But you decided to engage in taijutsu against a Hyuuga" Itachi said sighing. "You do realize that if you didn't have that sword, you would have died right?" Itachi asked and Kisame scoffed.

"Look at her; she's all small and skinny. It looks like she might break at any time" Kisame said pointing at her.

"Deception is a ninja's greatest weapon. She may look frail but her skill is at least elite jounin level bordering kage level" Itachi said and he remembered the battle with his sharingan. "Give it a couple of years and she will become a force to be reckoned with in taijutsu" Itachi explained.

"Fine, I get it. Let's just get the brat, he can't be much more difficult than her" Kisame said and towards Hinata, to pick her up and then heads towards Naruto.


"Damn those two" Naruto said clenching his fists. "Next time they will die" Naruto said.

"It was my fault Naruto-kun. I got caught in the first place and then ignored Itachi thinking he wouldn't interfere" Hinata explained sighing.

"Tsunade-sama" Hinata called out and she focused on her. "Could you train me in the medical arts? ...I always wanted to become a combat-medic" Hinata asked. She always had an interest in poisons, antidotes and medicine.

"I'm surprised to see a Hyuuga ask" Tsunade replied surprised "I've tried many times in the past to have Hyuugas as medics due to the byakugan but the Hyuuga Clan couldn't lower itself to practice medicine" Tsunade said scoffing.

"Are you sure Hiashi will allow it?" Tsunade asked and Hinata shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't belong to the Hyuuga Clan anymore" Hinata replied.

"What do you mean?" Tsunade asked confused thinking she didn't hear her right.

"My father deemed too weak to be the heiress of the clan so he branded me with the caged bird seal and disowned me from the clan when I was eight years old. I've been living with Naruto-kun ever since. That is why we are so comfortable sleeping together" Hinata explained and Tsunade got pissed.

That wasn't the leaf village her father had created. They treated jinchuuriki like garbage and left their own children to fend to themselves. She never liked the Hyuugas but this had just hit a new low.

"You don't have the seal" Tsunade said as she watched her forehead.

"Naruto-kun managed to removed it" Hinata replied and Tsunade raised an eyebrow. So the brat was a seal master, he was just full of surprises.

"I will train you Hinata" Tsunade said and Hinata nodded thanking her.

"I need to talk to you about something" Tsunade said and they all stopped eating and focused on her. "I'm supposed to meet with Orochimaru in six days" Tsunade said and silence reigned at the table.

"I suppose he wants you to heal him for what I've done to him" Naruto said. It was the only logical outcome as to why Orochimaru would search for Tsunade now of all times.

"That's right. I agreed to meet with him in six days so we can end him there once and for all" Tsunade said and Naruto got curious.

"Why did you agree to meet with him at a later date?" Naruto asked and Shizune looked carefully at Tsunade.

"He said that he would bring back Dan, Nawaki and Kushina if healed him" Tsunade said and no one said anything.

"He had already brought back my mother when we fought against him during the invasion" Naruto said. "I-I" Naruto started but stopped to think if it would be a good idea "I can allow you to see them one last time" Naruto said and Tsunade froze.

"Naruto…you can't mean" Jiraiya started but Naruto interrupted.

"I can use the edo tensei without sacrifices but the souls are only here temporarily. Once the time is up they go back to the pure world" Naruto explained and turned to Tsunade.

Tsunade bit her lip deep in thought. She wanted nothing more to have them back but to see them leave again. "I want to see them again…one last time" Tsunade said and Naruto nodded.

"Let's finish breakfast and go outside and do it then" Naruto said and everyone agreed.

## Outside Restaurant – Empty Field ##

Everyone left the restaurant and headed for an empty field where they could the ritual without being disturbed. Everyone took a few steps back and allowed Naruto to do his job.

Naruto was lucky that Tsunade had a few strands of hair from all of them. She kept them as a reminder of them. Naruto took out a scroll and placed it on the ground. He channeled chakra into it and the kanji started spreading through the field leaving three empty circles around the kanji.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto said and made three clones that went and sat on each of those circles.

"Shadow Clones?" Jiraiya asked.

"The edo tensei needs a vessel to anchor the souls to our realm. As long as the clone as chakra to sustain itself I can use them as vessels" Naruto explained and Jiraiya nodded. It made sense.

Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon Naruto went through the hands seals hand clapped his hands together "Kuchiyose : Edo Tensei (Summoning Technique: Impure World Resurrection)" Naruto said and the clones started to become covered by leafs until they took the form of someone else.

The first person was a man. He had long, pale-blue hair that reached his back and dark green eyes. He wore the standard Konoha shinobi outfit of that time complete with forehead protector and the pocket-less flak jacket. He was Kato Dan, Tsunade's lover and Naruto's maternal grandfather.

The second person was also a young man. He had short light-brown hair, green-grey eyes and distinct blushes on his cheeks. For attire, he wore a dark teal poncho top and light green pants. He was Senju Nawaki, Tsunade's younger brother.

The third one was a woman. She had waist-length fiery red hair and blue eyes. She was wearing dark ANBU pants and black ANBU chest plate. She was Senju Kushina, Tsunade's daughter and Naruto's mother.

"Where am I?" Nawaki asked. The last thing he remembered was running through an empty field and then a loud explosion followed by darkness.

"Kushina, Nawaki, Dan" Tsunade said looking at the three people that Naruto summoned back from the dead.

"You haven't changed a bit…Tsunade-chan" Dan said as he looked around.

"Kushi-chan is that you?" Dan asked the beautiful red haired girl next to him.

"Yes tou-san. It's good to see you again" Kushina said and looked around to find Naruto, Tsunade, Jiraiya and some girl she didn't know.

"So...hello" Naruto said scratching the back of head and everyone focused on him "I've temporarily brought you back so Tsunade could say proper goodbye. You will be able to be here for around a day" Naruto explained and everyone nodded.

"Naruto-kun?" Kushina asked.

"Yes kaa-san?" Naruto replied.

"Kaa-san?" Dan asked eyeing the blonde carefully "Then that would make me your grandfather…it's nice to meet you" Dan said.

"You too grandfather" Naruto replied and looked to his left to see Nawaki talking to Tsunade who was hugging him and crying. "This is Hyuuga Hinata, my girlfriend" Naruto said introducing Hinata to his mother.

"Girlfriend Uh?" Kushina asked in a teasing tone making them both blush deep red. "How did that happen?" Kushina asked wanting all the juicy details.

Kushina asked and Naruto went and told her about everything that had happened. How when their first met Naruto saved Hinata from a couple of bullies, a year later he saved her from being kidnapped by a Kumo-nin and when Hinata got kicked out they confessed to each other.

"Oh that's so cute" Kushina said with starts in her eyes. "Did you know that your father and I fell for each other in the same way?" Kushina and Naruto raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Back when I was around 10 years old Kumo tried to kidnap me because of my special chakra that allows me to create chains. When I was kidnapped, we had already reached the border and I was losing hope until your father appeared and saved me" Kushina said and Naruto laughed at the coincidences.

"I guess we are meant to be" Naruto said and kissed Hinata's cheek making her snuggle into his arms and Kushina merely nodded. She could already tell that Hinata was a very sweet girl that loved Naruto very much.

"How is the furball treating you?" Kushina and when she heard Naruto's stomach growl that was response enough.

"I guess he doesn't like being called furball" Naruto replied chuckling.

"What if I called you flesh bag…would you like it?" Kurama asked

"I guess not but you've already called me that a couple of times" Naruto replied and Kurama stayed silent.

"Naruto-kun are you alright?" Kushina asked as Naruto suddenly spaced out.

"He does that sometime when he talks with the Kyuubi" Hinata explained and Kushina smacked her head for not thinking of that. Naruto got back to the real of the living and noticed both of them looking intently at him.

"What?" Naruto asked and they were both staring at him.

"'s just your face went through a couple of emotions and you almost looked like a clown" Kushina said and Naruto sweat dropped.

"You know" Kushina started gathering his attention "It's a shame you can't meet Minato-kun" Kushina said sadly.

"I already did" Naruto replied making Kushina perk up in confusion. "When I was five years old, I awakened my sharingan and he appeared in my mindscape. He explained me everything that happened the night that I was born, he told me about his father and unlock the Kyuubi's cage" Naruto explained and Kushina nodded until Naruto's stomach grumbled.

"I guess I'm angry" Naruto said chuckling. One of the things Naruto most liked is eating. "It's almost noon" Naruto innocently said and Kushina chuckled at his son's antics.

"All right...gather up" Naruto yelled and everyone got together. "It's noon. How about we go for lunch?" Naruto asked and everyone nodded.

"Wait" Jiraiya and everyone stopped "Do edo tenseis even feel hunger?" Jiraiya asked and Naruto shrugged and turned to them.

"I could eat but maybe it's just the vessel that is hungry" Kushina explained but they all shrugged it wasn't that big of a deal.

"So what should we go for?" Tsunade asked.

"RAMEN" Naruto and Kushina instantly replied and everyone chuckled. It looked like Naruto got his ramen addiction from his mother.

"I'm not paying" Jiraiya quickly said sealing his wallet away.

## Later that Day ##

They all spent the day as a family should have, having fun and enjoying their company. Their lunch was an epic standoff in ramen eating contest between Naruto and Kushina. Unfortunately for Naruto, Kushina was an edo tensei and, as such, she couldn't get full and Naruto caved at 15 bowls, passing out.

Dan and Nawaki got to meet their grandson and grandnephew respectively. They all learned a lot on about the world had changed. Dan pretty much told Naruto stories of Hashirama and Tobirama since he was alive when they existed.

"So this is it uhm..." Tsunade said. Naruto felt that his shadow clones were running on fumes and it would a couple of minutes before they dispelled ending the jutsu.

"Don't cry doesn't suit a strong woman like you" Dan replied with a small smile. "I got to meet my grandson and see our daughter again" Dan said and Tsunade slowly nodded, it hurt to see them leave again.

"It good to see you again" Tsunade said and turned to Nawaki "At least I got to give you a proper goodbye" Tsunade said.

"Don't worry nee-san" Nawaki said grinning "Even though I don't like to have been killed at least we won...but one day it will be like tou-san wanted. An era of peace without wars and conflict...when mankind will be able to understand each other" Nawaki said, for someone so young he sure had strong beliefs.

"This it Naruto...I'm sorry for the burden we placed on you" Kushina said. Even though she got to know the fox very well and knew he would help Naruto she knew that the village wouldn't honor Minato's whish.

"Don't worry, I'm happy you entrusted it to me" Naruto hugging his mother for the last time. "And don't forget about the promise I made" Naruto said and Kushina grinned.

"I'll be waiting. In the mean time wait a couple of years before you give me grandsons" Kushina said smirking and they both blushed and looked away from each other.

"Goodbye Naruto-kun" Kushina said before the clone dispelled and Kushina's body disintegrated until it remained nothing but leaves on the ground.

"Leave the rest of your life to the fullest" Dan said as he also disappeared.

"Bye Nee-san" Nawaki said and vanished as well.

No one said anything for a couple of minutes as they were all walking home. Tsunade was happy she got to see them all one last time and Naruto was happy he got to talk and get to know his mother a bit more.

"Let's get ready" Tsunade said and everyone got confused looks. "I need a new snake skin wallet" Tsunade said smirking.

## Akatsuki Base – Outpost 4 ##

Both Akatsuki members didn't expect to find such resistance from the Kyuubi jinchuuriki, especially when he was only fourteen years old. Kisame managed to drag Itachi's unconscious body towards one of many Akatsuki outposts located around the land of fire.

Kisame used his ring to call the leader of the organization. Not even 5 minutes had passed and an holographic figure appeared in the middle of the room. We couldn't see much from the figure besides it had short spiky hair but the thing that stood out were his eyes. He his eyes were dark silver with concentric circles around the pupil. (A/N: I know the rinnegan is supposed to be purple but I like the silver color more)

"Report" the figure said before looking carefully at both members stopping at Itachi "What happened to him?" the figure asked as he took noticed to the state of Itachi. To put it simply he looked like someone who was put through a blender.

"The Kyuubi brat happened to him" Kisame replied and the figure looked at him in disbelief.

"You mean to tell me a fourteen year old knocked out Itachi?" the figure asked.

"We were severally outgunned. Our spies told us that he was the loud mouthed dead-last but it was far from the truth" Kisame said.

"Explain" the figure said.

"For starts the Kyuubi brat has, not only the sharingan, but also the next level, the mangekyou sharingan" Kisame said.

"What?" the figure asked. Something was missing, Itachi, Sasuke and… Madara were supposed to be the last Uchihas.

"It's true…he says he's Uchiha Madara's grandson. He broke Itachi's Tsukuyomi like nothing and the Amaterasu flames did nothing against him" Kisame explained.

"Madara's grandson…why didn't he tell me" the figure thought. Something here wasn't right. "I see…what else can you tell me?" the figure asked.

"He has some strange power that allows physical attacks to go throw him as if he was a ghost" Kisame explained the figure raised an eyebrow.

"Intangibility…like Madara's power" the figure thought. The Kyuubi brat was becoming more trouble than he first thought "Anything else?" the figure asked.

"Oh yeah…he can use the Kyuubi's power without losing control… he went to four tails and that was sufficient to force Itachi to use his Susanoo" Kisame said.

"That is a problem" the figure replied "But no matter your job was only recon, you did a good job" the figure said and was about to leave when Itachi was the one who interrupted him.

"Are we to leave him alone for three years?" Itachi asked. "We don't know what level he might achieve with three more years seeing the level he is right now" Itachi said. Naruto was already very powerful and leaving him alone for three years to master the mangekyou might not be the best move.

"If it comes to that I'll take him down myself" the figure said and was about to leave until he said one last thing. "After all, no one can stand against a god"

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