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23.18% Legacy (Naruto fanfiction)by cr4zypt / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Preliminary's

Capítulo 15: Chapter 15: Preliminary's

Team 8 was walking towards their assigned rooms. Since they completed the second task of the chunnin exams in one day they could relax and recover during the four available days.

"Naruto-kun" - Hinata said getting Naruto's attention "If I had to fight Gaara do you think I could win?" - she asked.

They continued walking and Naruto was thinking, after a few minutes he decided to reply. "I don't really know what he can do but when we met him, he had sand around him and apparently he is the son of the fourth Kazekage so he probably can control sand with his chakra. Since you are a water type you can drench his sand in water to make it slower and more chakra demanding to use forcing him to waste more chakra. But if he decides to use his bijuu than I think you would lose... unless you do that trick I taught you" - he said grinning.

"I guess your right" - she replied. Shino just heard the conversation with interest. This year there was a lot of tough competition. His bugs wouldn't much against a bijuu, since primarily he uses them to drain the enemy's chakra and draining a bijuu might take...a while.

They arrived to their room and found it a standard room. It had three single beds, a small bathroom, a small desk with chairs and a window.

"Do you think you will be able to sleep without me?" - Naruto said grinning.

"Oh...i'm not sleeping without you" - she said walking towards him "If you hold me close enough I think we will be just fine" - she replied and kissed him.

"I like the idea" - He said smiling and holding her. "Want to go eat something?" - he asked and she nodded.

"Hey Shino want to come?" - He asked and the bug boy simply nodded. They finished unpacking and left their stuff in the room.

Team 8 got out of the room and walked throught the hall heading towards the other floors. The tower in the middle of the death forest was relatively small. It had five floors. The first was reception and the arena, the second was the kitchen, the third and fourth floors were the rooms and bathrooms and the last floor was the administrative and surveillance room.

They made their way down the floors and quickly found the kitchen. There was plenty of food already prepared due to the chunnin exams. They entered the kitchen and noticed that they weren't alone. Inside the kitchen there was the sand team.

"Hey Gaara" - Naruto said waving as he entered the kitchen. Both Kankuro and Temari instantly stiffened as they knew that Gaara could flip at any time. Hinata and Shino were just a bit weary of them.

"Uzumaki Naruto" - Gaara said eyeing Naruto carefully. "You interest me" - he said.

"Sorry but I don't swing that way besides I already have a girlfriend" - Naruto said chuckling and kissing Hinata's cheek. Gaara's eye twitched at his statement. Temari and Kankuro were wondering if all leaf shinobis had a death wish.

"Mother will have your blood and then everyone will acknowledge my existence" - Gaara with a sick smile.

"Mother? You do realize Shukaku is male right?" - Naruto asked "And you don't have to kill to have people noticing you" - he finished.

"I doesn't matter once I kill you I shall forever prove my existence" - Gaara said.

"You want people to acknowledge you than find people to protect. Instead of killing them, fight to protect them and those few precious people will acknowledge you forever" - Naruto explained.

"You fight to protect people?" - Gaara asked

"Yes that is right. Your true strength emerges when you fight to protect those you care about" - Naruto said.

"Fool, we are nothing but murderers. We live to kill. We are weapons" - Gaara said. Kankuro and Temari were listening to the conversation and wondering if they should leave because this conversation seemed to be heating up.

"I never considered myself a weapon" - Naruto said.

"You are a fool and I shall prove it to you. Once I kill you everyone will notice my existence" - Gaara said.

"Fine then. When we meet of the arena I shall prove to you that acknowledgement comes from people that care about you." - Naruto said and he and his team left the room leaving a thirsty Gaara behind.

"Hey Hime I'm going to talk with Anko, I'll meet you later" – Naruto said.

"Alright see you later" – she replied and gave him a quick kiss.

## Floor 5 Surveillance Room ##

Naruto separated from his team and headed towards the fifth floor. He walked towards said room and knocked on the door. He opened it and in the room there was the Hokage, Anko, Ibiki and a few chunnins.

"Something you need Naruto-kun?" – The hokage asked as he watched the blonde enter the room.

"Can I talk to you in private with Anko?" – Naruto asked and the Anko raised an eyebrow wondering what the kid wanted.

"Of course" – the hokage replied and made a gesture for everyone to leave the room except Anko. Naruto flashed through a few hand seals and said "Sound Barrier Seal". There was a small flash of light and suddenly vanished.

Anko was surprised by seeing a gennin using these types of seals. But she knew what kind of life Naruto had lived and if he wanted to survive he would have to pick up his pace.

"Now then, I would like to check out that curse seal if you don't mind" – Naruto said and Anko involuntarily brought her to her neck.

"Why do you want to see it?" – She asked. She didn't like talking about her past.

"I want to know if I'm capable of removing it" – Naruto said and Anko started laughing.

"Kid I'll give you that you are strong but this seal can't be removed" – Anko regretfully said.

"Any seal can be broken" – Naruto said "Have faith, besides it doesn't hurt to try".

"Come on Anko you don't know but Naruto is a seal master" – the hokage said. Anko raised an eyebrow and watched him carefully.

"You are telling me this kid is a seal master? The only one in the leaf is Jiraya of the Sannin and even he already tried" – Anko said.

"Yes his telling you the truth. He already provided our village with a few seals of his own. Improve exploding tags, remotely detonated tags and his own creation flash tags" – the hokage explained. Anko still had her doubts.

"I'll make a bet with you. If I can't remove it I'll pay you an all you can eat at the dango shop however if I can remove it you do the same for me in the ramen stand" – he said grinning.

"FINE" – Anko said sighing and removed her coat so Naruto could more easily have access to her curse mark.

Naruto activated his sharingan to perfectly memorize the seal. He placed his fingers on the curse mark and channeled a bit of chakra. He noticed the mark slightly glow and made Anko slightly wince.

"It must be tuned to Orochimaru's chakra signature" – Naruto thought.

"Anko, I need you to activate the curse seal please" – Naruto said and stayed watching her chakra network carefully with his sharingan to notice the changes.

"FINE" – she replied. Anko channeled chakra to her curse seal and it began spreading across her whole body. Black markings were originating from the seal and spreading across her skin reaching the whole body.

Naruto watched carefully with his sharingan, analyzing every small change.

"Interesting" – Naruto said and close his eyes.

"What do you think Kurama? Can we force your chakra into the seal to break it?" – Naruto asked.

"Forcing my chakra would destroy the curse seal but would most likely badly poison her. She wouldn't survive without a very good medic around" – Kurama replied.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw both of them staring at him.

"I was talking to the furball about it" – Naruto said.

"You can talk to it?" – Anko asked.

"Yes but is not an IT it's a HIM" – Naruto replied seriously. "Anyway I could force the kyuubi's chakra to it and destroy it but it would poison you. It would require baa chan herself to be able to stabilize you long enough to remove it" – Naruto explained.

"Baa-chan?" – Anko asked.

"My grandmother Tsunade" – Naruto replied.

"HOLY SHIT, you are her grandson?" – Anko half yelled. Tsunade was a legend among all of kunoichi. She was what every kunoichi wanted to be. Strong and beautiful and with the right…erm…assets.

"Yes but keep it to yourself. Now I noticed that the seal besides leaking chakra it also sends a few chemicals to the blood stream most likely to create addiction and increasing the body's stamina and strength. Either way I would need baa-chan to remove it either using the kyuubi or not" – Naruto said and he could see the frown on her face. Tsunade had left the village years ago.

"There is one thing I can do, be right back" – Naruto said and vanished in a yellow flash.

The hokage's and Anko's eyes widened. They hadn't seen that flash in over fourteen years.

"W-was t-that?" - Anko stuttered.

The hokage managed to regain sense and asked "Now do you believe me?"

Anko only managed to dumbly nod. A few minutes later Naruto reappeared in the room with a large scroll in his hands. Naruto placed the scroll on the ground and opened it to show a very big and complex sealing array.

"Anko sit in the middle of the scroll please." – Naruto said and got a look of confusion. He sighed and continued. "I may not be able to remove the seal alone but I can place a restriction and block seal that will permanently lock away the seal. Basically you would have to force chakra to the seal to activate it and you will no longer have the constant pain" – Naruto explained and Anko quickly sat in the scroll.

"Alright let's do it" – Anko said getting ready for the constant pain to leave her.

"It may hurt a little bit while the seal is applied" – Naruto said.

"I'm used to pain" – Anko said.

"Ok" – Naruto walked up to Anko and placed his hand in her curse mark. A few seconds later kanji erupted from his hands and spread across Anko and the scroll.

"Ready?" – Naruto asked and she nodded.

"Fūja Hōin(Evil Sealing Method)" – Naruto said and in a instant all the kanji began rushing towards his hand that was placed in her curse seal. Anko bit her lip in pain but she could handle it. After a few minutes all the kanji reached the curse seal and formed a ring around the curse seal as if locking it.

Naruto removed his hand and Anko relaxed. "We are done. How to you feel?" – Naruto asked.

A second later Anko was all over him kissing and pressing her body against his much to the jealously of the old hokage who had a trickle o blood flowing in his nose.

"Ok Anko I have a girlfriend you know?" – Naruto rhetorically asked.

"Don't worry kid. Besides it was my way to say thank you. Even though it still here it no longer hurts, I can barely feel it on my neck." – Anko said happy.

"Don't mention it." – Naruto started "hey jiji do you think you could bring Sasuke here for me to do the same to him?" – Naruto asked.

The hokage nodded and said "Boar". Immediately in front of him appeared an ANBU and kneeling before him.

"Hai Hokage-sama" – the anbu said.

"Bring me Uchiha Sasuke" – the hokage ordered and the anbu left.

Naruto turned to the hokage. "Do you think he will accept to have it blocked?" – Naruto asked.

"Why wouldn't he?" – the hokage said raising an eyebrow.

"You do realize he intends to kill his brother right?" – Naruto asked and the hokage nodded. "And do you think he will gladly forget this power?" – Naruto asked.

"I see your point but I have faith he will do the right choice" – the old hokage said.

"He's naïve. ALL UCHIHAS MUST BURN" – Kurama said chuckling evilly.

"What the hell Kurama, I have Uchiha blood" – Naruto screaming.

"You and your father are different. You are not power hungry fools and you are not arrogant, well, except when you are in the middle of battles" – Kurama said

"I only say that stuff to piss the enemy off. If he gets angry he will make mistakes I will capitalize on" – Naruto replied.

They waited for a few minutes until the Anbu appeared in the room followed by a pissed off Sasuke who, by the looks of it, just woke up from his Neji's induced sleep.

"What do you want?" – Sasuke said glaring at Naruto.

"We need you to sit in the middle of the scroll to seal your curse mark" – Naruto answered.

"Why would I want to do that? I need this power" – Sasuke said.

"Idiot. You would be willing to be used as a puppet so that you could kill your brother?" – Naruto asked.

"Shut up. You don't know anything and I would gladly give my life if it meant to kill him" – Sasuke said and Naruto just shook his head.

"Fine. Sit in the scroll anyway. Since for now it's impossible to remove the curse seal safely without killing the host I'm applying a suppression seal that allows for the host to have better control over the seal." – Naruto explained and Sasuke smirked.

"You shouldn't use it. I can see that the host tends to develop an addiction to its power." – Naruto explained and Sasuke simply shrugged it off.

"It was a gift and I intend to use it" – Sasuke said and Naruto shook his head.

"This might hurt a little" – Naruto said but didn't mind much. He did the same steps as for Anko and placed his hand on his curse seal. "Fūja Hōin(Evil Sealing Method)" – Naruto said.

Sasuke screamed for a few minutes and when it was completed he fell to the floor unconscious.

"Boar, take him to him room. He must be exhausted from the forest of death" – the hokage said and the anbu took off.

"See you guys in four days" – Naruto said and left the room followed by a very happy Anko.

"You would be so proud of your son Minato, Kushina" – the hokage thought as he also left the room. He had preparations to do for the finals.

## 4 days later ##

The next four days went by without any trouble and they were boring as hell. They weren't allowed to leave the tower until the end of second phase of the chunnin exams. During these four days a few more teams arrived to the tower. As he expected the team from taki and kumo also arrived.

Every competitor was summoned to the arena and filled it facing the hokage. The arena room was pretty much empty. The room had a giant statue with a shinobi doing the ram hand seal. There were two balconies, one in each side of the room for the spectators. Behind the statue was a big electric board.

"First I must congratulate you all for passing the second round of the chunnin exams" – the hokage said and a few smirked thinking they were the best.

"Now t-" - the hokage started but was interrupted by another shinobi.

"Do you mind if I continue Hokage-sama?" - said shinobi asked and the hokage shook his head.

"My name is Gekko Hayate and I'm the proctor of this part of chunnin exams" – Hayate said. He had short brown hair and dark markings under his eyes. Even though he was a young man, he had pronounced lines under his eyes as well as an unexplained chronic cough that plagued him. He wore the standard Konoha shinobi outfit complete with a forehead protector that he wore as a bandanna, flak jacket and regular shinobi sandals. He also carried a katana with a rectangular hand guard strapped over his back.

"Before we can proceed we will need to have preliminary matches" – Hayate said and the gennins erupted in protest.

"What do you mean by preliminary matches?" – Kiba asked.

"We didn't expect this many people to pass the exam so we have to thin out the contestants. During the third phase of the exam many nobles will assists the matches and their time is precious to not be unnecessarily wasted." – Hayate explained and a few were against it.

"Why should we risk our lives for this?" – Someone yelled.

"I think you misunderstand the meaning of the chunnin exams" – the hokage said and everyone turned to face him.

"The chunnin exams are used to promote promising gennins to chunnin however there is somewhat of an underlying objective. The chunnin exams are a substitute for war and to prove that the country that is competing is strong. The strength of a village is the strength of their shinobi and the strength of their shinobi only flourishes in life and death battles" – the hokage explained.

"By having shinobi compete in the chunnin exams the country can prove their strength which will award them a higher number of missions bringing more wealth to the village" – the hokage concluded.

"Before we begin is there anyone who wishes to forfeit?" – Hayate asked and no one stepped forward.

"Very well we shall begin now. The match ends by either knock out, death or impairment. If I declare the winner the match ends immediately understood?" – Hayate said eyeing them seriously and everyone nodded.

"The names will appear on that electric board randomly" – Hayate explained as the board started shuffling through names. "Since we have an odd number of contestants one of you will advance immediately to the third round of the chunnin exams." – Hayate explained as the board went random names.

"Sabaku no Kankuro will have a free pass" – Hayate said.

"Lucky. I can go to the finals without showing my skills" - Kankuro thought.

The board started going through new names until it stopped.

"Will Uchiha Sasuke and Ren Azumi step forward the rest of you please go to the balconies" – Hayate explained and everyone left the arena except Sasuke and Azumi who were staring at each other.

## In the Balcony ##

"Go Sasuke-kun" – Sakura yelled cheering for her Uchiha.

"Might as well see if I learn anything" – Naruto said activating his sharingan and proceeded to analyze the matches.

## Uchiha Sasuke vs. Ren Azumi ##

"Fighters ready?" – Hayate asked and both nodded.

"HAJIME" – Hayate said and jumped back.

As soon Hayate started the match Sasuke rushed towards the enemy went for a low kick. As Sasuke expected Azumi jumped up and Sasuke took this opportunity to quickly continue his rotation and placing a kick his Azumi's stomach making him fly to the ground.

"Give up you are no match for the Uchihas" – Sasuke smugly said. Azumi slowly got up and cleaned his lip that got busted when he crashed into the ground.

Azumi angered by being bested in that little skirmish quickly made hand seals and said "Doton: Earth Spikes" slamming his hands on the ground. The ground in front of Azumi rose slightly and threw a few rock spikes at Sasuke with moderate speed.

Sasuke quickly dodged all of them and yelled "Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu (Phoenix Fire Technique)" and sent multiple small fireballs towards the enemy. Azumi didn't have the skill to dodge them all and took one to his left leg and another to his shoulder leaving him in the ground slightly burned and in pain.

"Winner: Uchiha Sasuke. MEDICS" – Hayate said and Sasuke smugly smirked and made his way up to the balcony near his team while medics went to heal Azumi.

"Didn't even need Sharingan" – Sasuke thought.

"Congratulations Sasuke-kun" – Sakura said with stars in her eyes as she watched her beloved Sasuke-kun making his way up the stairs.

"At least the only fan girls that are here are Ino and Sakura" – Naruto said and got glares from both Ino and Sakura.

"You know Naruto-kun, I'm a fan girl" – she said and Naruto rose and eyebrow.

"You are?" – Kurenai asked.

"Of course. I'm Naruto's fan girl. *Cough Cough*" – Hinata started and cleared her voice. "*SQUEAL* Oh Naruto-kun is so coooooool will you go out with me?" – she asked with stars in her eyes and her best puppy dog face.

"I can't say no to you hime" – Naruto said laughing and kissed her. Kurenai just sweat dropped and Kakashi chuckled at their antics.

"Awwww...I seriously need a boy friend" – Ino said with stars in her eyes watching both of them.

"Congratulations Sasuke" – Kakashi said

"Hn" – Sasuke grunted making Sakura squeal in delight.

They watched the board go another set of random names.

"Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino please step into the arena to begin your match" – Hayate said.

(A/N: Like cannon not even going to bother with this)

"Due to both contestants being unconscious I declare this match a tie" – Hayate said.

"Fan girls" – Yugito started "The disgrace of the kunoichi. If they spent more time training instead of drooling over the Uchiha over there they wouldn't be slapping each other. It's just sad" – Yugito said and everyone nodded agreeing with her.

"At least you learned how to properly slap someone" – Naruto said and everyone sweat dropped.

"Sabaku no Gaara and Miwa Fuji please step into the arena to begin your match" – Hayate said and Gaara used his traditional sand shunshin to the arena while his opponent jumped off.

## Sabaku no Gaara vs. Miwa Fuji ##

"Ready?" – Hayate asked. Fuji nodded and in Gaara's case sand left his gourd and started dancing around him.

"HAJIME" – the proctor said and jumped away. He could sense the rise in Gaara's bloodlust.

"Sand Shuriken" – Gaara immediately said and sent ten shurikens he made with his sand towards the enemy. Fuji didn't expect such a sudden attack and made a very risky evasion maneuver by ducking to the ground.

Fuji was rising when he noticed his feet were caught in something. He looked down and saw sand wrapped around his feet and quickly rising. Fuji tried to struggle to get free but it seemed the more he struggled the quicker it wrapped around him.

Not even five seconds later Fuji was completely covered in sand. "Sand Coffin" – Gaara said as he brought his open hand up. He suddenly close his hand and said "Sand Funeral". Gaara close his hand into a fist and immediately the sand around Fuji compressed completely crushing him. Fuji exploded in a shower of blood that covered almost all the arena.

"Winner: Sabaku no Gaara" – Hayate said a little disgusted as someone could kill this easily even more in a tournament.

"H-He k-killed him" – Sakura said as she had awakened up just in time to see the bloody end.

"Fuji" – Fuu murmured to herself. Even though, in her village, only Shibuki liked her she still wouldn't want to kill anyone or whish their death for that fact.

"That tanuki always wanted destruction. He still is insane" – Kurama said to Naruto.

"I guess I need to defeat him if we face off to prove my point" – Naruto replied.

"Uzumaki, you will be mine" – Gaara almost yelled pointing to our favorite blonde standing in the balcony.

"I already told you I don't swing that way" – Naruto said and that phrase pissed Gaara off as she shot a wave of sand towards him.

Naruto watched the sand came to him and before anyone could react, the sand wrapped around him and immediately crushed him.

"NARUTO" – Kakashi yelled and his watched his little brother getting crushed to death. Gaara smiled as he finally got this precious blood offering to her mother. He quickly removed his sand to show an untouched Uzumaki Naruto.

"Did you do something?" – Naruto asked. The reactions were very different. Kakashi sighed in relief. Temari and Kankuro had their jaws on the floor as they saw the blonde unhurt. Yugito stared at the blonde suspiciously, to her he was truly an enigma.

Naruto made a quick sealless shunshin and landed right in front of Gaara. He proceeded to plant a very firm kick in his stomach and sent him flying to the wall. The sand wasn't quick enough to protect and everyone could see small cracks appears in his skin.

"He hit Gaara" – Kankuro said flagger basted. He never saw his brother get hit for that fact and yet this blonde kid just appears in front of him and gives him a kick like it was nothing.

"So you do have another defensive sand layer" – Naruto said as he watched Gaara get up and the cracks disappear.

"ENOUGH" – the voice of the hokage roared through the room instantly putting everyone in attention. "Naruto stand down and you" – the hokage said pointing to Baki the sand team jonin "Control your students or we will discipline them for you".

"Apologies Hokage-sama" – Baki said bowing to the hokage. That Gaara almost ruined everything.

(A/N: Tenten vs. Temari Cannon style)

"Hyuuga Neji and Akimichi Chouji please step into the arena to begin your match" – Hayate said and Chouji got kinda scared but nonetheless they both made their way down.

"HAJIME" – Hayate said.

As soon as the proctor started the match Neji activated his byakugan and charge at Chouji. Chouji panicked and started a sloppy Nikudan Sensha (Human Bullet Tank). Chouji started spinning and going with good speed against Neji.

Neji watched him approach and quickly made a plan. Neji dodged to the side and placed his foot in front of Chouji's path. This action made Chouji bump into his foot and rise into the air quickly losing his stance and ending the technique and allowing Neji to give him a few good juuken strikes that left him unconscious on the ground.

"Winner: Hyuuga Neji" – Hayate said.

"It was his fate to lose to me" – Neji smugly said.

Neji walked up the stair and was congratulated by Tenten. He didn't know it but she had a crush on him but even with his superior eyesight he was too blind to see it.

"Hyuuga Hinata vs. Karui of Kumo please step into the arena to begin your match" – Hayate said.

Hinata was leaving when Naruto pulled her back and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "For luck" – he said and she smiled.

"I know you don't like Kumo but don't go overboard" – Naruto whispered to her hear and she nodded.

## Hyuuga Hinata vs. Karui of Kumo ##

"READY?" – Hayate asked and seeing both nod he said "HAJIME".

"My lucky day I get to face a Hyuuga" – Karui said and got a confused look from Hinata.

"What I mean is that the Hyuugas specialize too much on Taijutsu, if I keep my distance you can't do anything. I wonder why our former Raikage wanted your bloodline so much" – Karui said.

Hinata frowned. "You know, I was the one that was kidnapped that day" – she said and Karui raised an eyebrow.

"So that means that you are the heiress. My lucky day, I get to kick your ass and prove that the hyuugas are worthless" – Karui said smirking.

Hinata chuckled sadly. "I'm no longer the heiress or a hyuuga for that matter" – Hinata replied.

"I don't understand" – Karui said.

"What I meant is that I no longer belong to the hyuuga clan. My father deemed too weak to be the heiress of the clan so he branded me with the cage bird seal and disavowed me from the clan" – Hinata explained and a few on the stands gasped.

## Balcony ##

"That's cruel, to leave your daughter because she's weak" – Ino said. She wondered what would happen if that happened to her.

Kurenai seethed her teeth. When she found out she wanted nothing more than strangle that Hiashi. To do that to his own family, no wonder he sent his own brother to his death.

## Hyuuga Hinata vs. Karui of Kumo ##

Karui didn't say anything. She never knew that the Hyuugas would be so cold and uncaring. She heard about that they were arrogant and stoic but this was a new low.

"In the end I should be grateful to you" – Hinata started and seeing Karui's confused look she continued "If you didn't kidnap me, Naruto-kun wouldn't have saved me and maybe my father would never have expelled me. The last few years I've spent with Naruto-kun were my happiest time, my father never showed love our compassion of any sort so I guess in the end everything worked out for the best" – Hinata concluded showing a small yet true smile.

"Naruto-kun, you mean that blonde kid?" – Karui asked pointing to our favorite blonde watching in the balcony.

"Why are you calling me kid we are the same age" – Naruto stated from the balcony.

"Yes, he was the one that found me when I was being kidnapped and managed to hold off and eventually defeat my kidnapper" – Hinata said and Karui's eye widened.

"B-But you were six years old. How can a six years old child kill a jonin?" – Karui asked in shock.

Everyone who heard took a while to assimilate and turned to face the blonde.

Naruto sighed and answered "That is what happens when people underestimate me. Even though I was six years old I already was gennin level and I am very sneaky. He underestimated me and paid the price." – Naruto explained and the audience slowly nodded.

Hinata smiled remembering all the fun they had since she started living with him. Teaching him proper manner at the table, smacking him with a pillow so he could wake up, hiding his ramen, helping him with his pranks, training with him, watching the night skies and sunsets with him, living with him, sleeping next to him and kissing him.

"You did mention that if you kept your distance from the hyuugas it would be fine but with me that doesn't apply. I can assure you that I am a master at the juuken but I didn't stick with only that as I will show you now" – Hinata said and dropped to the basic juuken stance.

"Ready?" – Hinata asked and Karui nodded and picked up her sword from her back. Hinata channeled chakra to her wrist seal and in a poof of smoke there was in her hand a twenty inches long singled edged straight sword. The blade's hilt was lavender with white lines around the edges.

"So you know kenjutsu" – Karui said and dashed towards her. Karui jumped and did a vertical slash only to Hinata block with her own sword. Hinata jumped back and did a few hand seals and shouted "Suiton - Teppoudama (Water Bullet)". Hinata sent a few compressed water bullets at high speed towards Karui. Karui skillfully evaded all of them and watched as they collided with the wall and removed a good chunk of it. Karui gulped; if that had hit her it would have broken a few bones.

Karui once again rushed forward and said "Cloud-Style: Deception Slice" and made a slash motion with her sword. Hinata easily blocked but Karui turned to smoke revealing a wooden log. Hinata activated her byakugan just in time to block a lateral swing from Karui's sword and jumped back gaining a bit of distance from Karui.

Hinata knew that she didn't stand a chance with Kenjutsu. She preferred to daggers to swords. Daggers were easier to integrate with her Taijutsu style and allowed for more swift motions without leaving so many openings.

Hinata channeled wind chakra to her sword and quickly closed the distance. Karui brought her sword to block. Wrong move as Hinata made a few quick slashes and destroyed Karui's sword leaving it in pieces on the ground and Karui holding the hilt.

"What did you do?" – Karui asked getting pissed off. That was her favorite sword.

"After a few skirmishes I can tell that you are better at kenjutsu than me so I had to take care of that. I channeled wind chakra to my sword and destroyed yours" – Hinata explained and once again ran through hand seals and said "Suiton - Suishouha (Exploding Water Wave)". Hinata expelled great amounts of water to the arena completely flooding the grounds.

## Balcony ##

"Not possible. That's an A-rank water jutsu. How can she have enough chakra for that?" – Kakashi asked out loud and turned to Kurenai. "What have you been teaching them?" – He asked.

Kurenai simply smirked. "I didn't teach them anything, all credits go for Naruto" – Kurenai said and Kakashi turned to Naruto.

"I told you I've been training since I was five years old. Hinata joined me when she was seven. The dead last and the shy girl was all a cover. Deception is a ninja's greatest tool" – Naruto said and everyone turned their attention to the arena.

## Hyuuga Hinata vs. Karui of Kumo ##

"Raiton - Kangekiha (Lightning Style: Emotion Wave)" – Karui said and channeled raiton chakra through her hands and released it through the water to shock Hinata.

Hinata saw this and jumped up to break her connection with the water. She went through hand seals and said "Fuuton - Daitoppa (Great Breakthrough)" and sent a gust of wave that disrupted the lightning attack and made Karui lose her balance.

Hinata took this opportunity and quickly went through new hand seals and shouted her favorite water technique "Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water Dragon)". A water dragon rose from the water in the ground and quickly crashed into Karui who didn't have time to dodge. Karui was sent crashing into the wall and hit with the pressure of the water dragon.

Karui was a little dazed from the impact and slowly got up but Hinata quickly appeared next to her and said "Suiton - Suirou no Jutsu (Water Prison)". A chunk of water rose and quickly formed a sphere that trapped Karui inside and rendered her unable to move.

Hayate was shocked. The amount of skill the girl displayed with water jutsu was jonin level. He managed to break free from his stutter and said "Winner: Hyuuga Hinata".

## Balcony ##

"She won, she won" – Naruto chanted as he watched everyone on the balcony except his team stare in shock as Hinata made her way up the stairs. Even the hokage was shocked at the skill she showed.

Kakashi broke free from his own shock. He blinked…and blinked again. Kakashi approached Neji. "C-Can you check her chakra levels?" – he asked stuttering.

Neji activated his byakugan and froze to what he saw. "T-That's impossible. She has elite jonin chakra levels. How is that even possible? She is a gennin and nothing but a failure"- Neji said.

"If she is a failure I wonder what a genius could do" – Kakashi mused.

Naruto quickly hugged Hinata and spinned her around. "Congratulations Hime" – Naruto said making her giggle.

"You are nothing but a failure. To rely on Ninjutsu only proves you weren't meant for the byakugan" – Neji coldly stated.

"Then if we face in the finals I'll show you my juuken" – Hinata said.

"Omoi from Kumo vs. Fuu from Taki please step into the arena to begin your match" – Hayate called out.

## Omoi from Kumo vs. Fuu from Taki ##

"Ready?" – Hayate asked and both nodded.

"HAJIME" – Hayate called out and immediately jumped back.

Fuu quickly went through a few hand seals and said "Mizu no Muchi (Water Whip)". Fuu took advantage of the existing water and quickly made fours water whips that grabbed Omoi's arms and legs and pinned him in the spot.

Fuu approached him from behind and placed a kunai at his neck. "Yield" – Fuu said. Omoi tried to struggle to find a way to free himself from this binds but they wouldn't budge.

"I surrender" – Omoi said.

"Winner: Fuu of Taki" – Hayate said.

## Balcony ##

"That was...anticlimactic" - Asuma said was he watched Omoi return to the balcony with his head low. To be caught off guard and defeated with a single jutsu it was a shame.

"Man those things are really tight, they wouldn't budge" - Omoi said while sucking on his lollypop and shaking his head in disappointment.

"What affinity do you have?" - Naruto asked.

"Like most people in Kumo I have lightning why?" - Omoi asked.

"You could have channeled lightning chakra trough the whips and since they are water they would most likely have weakened enough for you to perform a substitution" - Naruto explained and Omoi face palmed.

"How come I didn't think of that" - Omoi asked and Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"Nii Yugito vs. Aburame Shino please come to the arena to begin the match" - Hayate called out.

"Good luck Shino" - Naruto said and Hinata nodded.

"Thank you but is unlikely I will win" - Shino stoically said heading down to the arena.

"Well he's excited" - Asuma said.

## Aburame Shino vs. Nii Yugito ##

"Ready?" - Hayate asked and both nodded. "HAJIME" - Hayate said and jumped back.

Immediately as Hayate said start Yugito jumped into action and quickly close the distance between her and Shino. Yugito jumped in the air and performed a drop kick. Shino brought both his arms up in a x formation and blocked the kick.

Shino quickly grabbed her leg and spinning threw her at the wall. Yugito twisted mid air and landed gracefully in the wall like a cat would.

## Balcony ##

"Looks like Shino's taijutsu skill as increased" - Kakashi said surprised.

"Since Naruto and Hinata were more advanced it gave me more time to focus on Shino. Also he's main weakness, as most long range users, is taijutsu so we tried to get him a defensive type taijutsu style" - Kurenai explained and Kakashi nodded.

"Go Shino, kick her ass" - Naruto yelled. Kurenai just shook her head. Naruto could defeat her in a spar and yet he still had a childish behavior.

## Aburame Shino vs. Nii Yugito ##

Yugito dropped from the wall and into the ground and crouched in all four like a cat getting ready to pounce on the victim. Shino eyed her very carefully and started releasing his bugs. Yugito saw the bugs heading towards her and shouted "Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu (Phoenix Fire Technique)". Multiple fireballs crashed into Shino's bugs and engulfed them in flames.

Yugito smirked but quickly dropped her smile when she noticed that the bugs were still coming as if nothing happened to them.

"How did you do that?" - Yugito asked.

"My main weakness is fire since it can easily destroy my bugs so I coated them with water chakra to protect them" - Shino stoically explained.

"I guess I have to turn up the heat" - Yugito said smirking. "Let's go Nibi" - Yugito said to her partner.

"Right kitten"- Nibi replied.

"Katon: Ao Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Blue Fireball technique)" - Yugito yelled and unleashed a big blue fireball towards Shino. This fireball engulfed the bugs and immediately turned them to dust. The fireball continued its path towards Shino.

"Doton - Doryuuheki (Earth Wall)" - Shino said and a small earth wall rose in front of him to protect him. The fireball collided to the earth wall and slowly but surely began to apply pressure. The wall didn't stand a chance with a bijuu powered fireball and began to crack until he collapsed.

Shino saw the wall starting to crack and immediately jumped away. Yugito expected such, so she was there to greet with a fierce punch to his face. Yugito punched him but he transformed into bugs "Bug Clone" - Yugito thought as the clone she punched began to surround her. Yugito channeled Nibi's chakra and one by one each of the bugs began to fall on the ground killed by the bijuu's extremely poisonous chakra.

"I surrender, she destroyed one of my hives and i'm low on chakra. It would be illogical to proceed" - Shino breathing heavily.

"Winner by forfeit Nii Yugito" - Hayate said.

## Balcony ##

"You did good Shino" - Kurenai said and he nodded.

"Yeah , it would be very hard to win against someone like her" - Naruto said.

"What's so special about her?" - Sasuke asked but it felt more like a demand.

"Let's just say she's the number two" - Naruto said smirking and Sasuke was about to jump him when Kakashi caught his shoulder.

The hokage heard that and already suspected as much. "That means that with her there are 5 jinchuurikis here" - the hokage thought.

"Nara Shikamaru vs. Inuzuka Kiba please come to the arena" - Hayate called.

"Yeah the lazy ass. We have this one on the bag" - Kiba cheered and he picked up Akamaru and ran to the arena.

## Nara Shikamaru vs. Inuzuka Kiba ##

"Ready?" - Hayate asked.

"That's right we are" - Kiba yelled.

"Troublesome, I guess I am" - Shikamaru replied.

"HAJIME" - Hayate said and jumped back.

"This is so troublesome. I'm no match for Kiba's speed or strength..." - Shikamaru thought as he analyzed Kiba and came up with a plan for defeat him.

Kiba immediately said "Ninpou - Shikyaku no Jutsu (Four Legs Technique)". We could see as Kiba crouched to the ground in all fours. His nails became more elongated as his fangs and his eyes took a more feral grin with vertical slits.

Kiba ran forward with impressive speed and Shikamaru, the lazy ass he is, decided to run and avoid very single strike Kiba tried. This continued for a few minutes until Kiba got tired and jumped back gaining some distance.

"Fight back lazy ass" - Kiba yelled get pissed off that he didn't hit him one single time.

"I'm fighting back, troublesome" - Shikamaru said and sighed. Shikamaru went through his pockets and took a smoke bomb. He threw it at Kiba and the entire arena where Kiba was became covered in smoke.

Inside the smoke cloud Kiba was quickly turning and checking every position to find out what exactly Shikamaru was trying to do. He check left, right, up and his left. Kiba was getting tired of this and about to jump away when he froze unable to move.

As the smoke cleared Kiba could see Shikamaru crouching with his hands in the rat seal.

"What did you do?" - Kiba asked as he struggled to move. Kiba could see from the corner of his eye that Akamaru was also frozen in the same place.

" Kagemane no Jutsu (Shadow Imitation Technique) Success" - Shikamaru said.

"In the beginning of the match when you engaged me in taijutsu I placed a few small bells in you. When I threw the smoke bomb I blocked your vision of me so you couldn't see what I was doing. Since you had the bells I could easily find you in the middle of the smoke and connected my shadow to yours preventing you from moving" - Shikamaru explained.

"Forfeit" - Shikamaru said.

"Fine I surrender" - Kiba said angry how it turned out.

"Winner by forfeit: Nara Shikamaru" - Hayate said.

## Balcony ##

"Who thought the lazy ass could come up with that" - Sakura smugly said.

Asuma laughed. "You know I gave him an IQ test and he scored 220. The kid's genius and never got good scores in the academy because he was always too bored to do more" - Asuma said chuckling to the shock of many.

"Just slight above you" - Hinata whispered to Naruto.

Asuma over heard what Hinata said. "What do mean slightly above him?" - Asuma asked.

"Exactly that. Naruto did an IQ test like everyone however in the academy he scored less than 50 which would mean severe lack of cognitive functions. However we tested each other at home and he scored 210" - Hinata explained and everyone jaw hit the floor.

"How can the dead last have such high IQ?" - Asuma asked.

"The same way Shikamaru who was almost the dead last has as well" - Naruto said chuckling. "But i'm not the only one. My Hime here also scored 200 points" - Naruto said and laughed at their faces. The dead last and the shy girl were genius. "This never gets old" - Naruto thought.

"How wonder what more did you hide?" - Asuma asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee please step into the arena for the match" - Hayate called out.

"Looks like we are up Lee. I want to test my Dragon Fist against your Goken (Strong Fist) so how about I only use taijutsu no bloodline even?" - Naruto asked.



"YES GAI-SENSEI" - Lee said.





Both master and student were hugging each other in the a beach as the water came rushing between them and crashing into the rocks. Tears could be seen shinning as the sun was going down.

"KAI! KAI!" - Naruto yelled. "Kurama HELPPPP" - He pleaded to his partner.

"It doesn't work, what sort of genjutsu is this" - Kurama said as he ran to the back of his seal and closed his eyes with his tails.

"WAIT!" - Sakura yelled making Naruto turn back as he was already going down to the arena. "You have a bloodline?" - Sakura asked.

"Yes I do" - Naruto said and discarded anymore question as he turned to leave again.

"How can a clan less and orphan loser like you a bloodline?" - Sasuke smugly asked. Naruto clenched his fist shaking in anger. He almost channeled the kyuubi's chakra but Kurama managed to hold it.

Naruto managed to calmed down. "You know Sasuke? One day you will eat all those words, you are not as special as you think. Besides people say that my bloodline is the strongest in the world" - Naruto said.

"Please dobe. The sharingan is the most powerful bloodline in the world" - Sasuke said smirking.

"If you say so" - Naruto said laughing as he made his way down the stairs. People who knew he had the sharingan chuckled at his word play.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

"Ready?" - Hayate asked and both nodded.

"Final match of the preliminaries Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee. HAJIME" - Hayate said and jumped back.

"We are both genius of hard word Lee. Let's show them the power of taijutsu" - Naruto said and got into his stance. Left leg in front of the right with both knees bent, left arm stretched with the hand palm facing the enemy while the right arm was coiled near the waist with a fist.

Lee had a more simple stance. He was standing straight with his left arm behind his back and his right arm pointing to the enemy with a straight palm.

## Balcony ##

"Strange" - Gai mused "Never seen that particular stance before" - Gai thought out loud nursing his chin while he thought.

"That stance belongs to the taijutsu style of his father with a few modifications that Naruto integrated in there." - Hinata said

"I thought Naruto was an orphan" - Sakura asked.

"He is but his father left him scrolls with his jutsus" - Hinata explained.

"Who was his father?" - Sakura asked.

"It isn't my place to tell" - Hinata replied and Sakura frowned.

"Must be some unknown chunnin who got drunk and died in some mission" - Sasuke said and Kakashi was about to snap his neck for disrespecting his sensei.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

As Hayate said start, Rock Lee immediately started running to Naruto. He close the distance in no time. Lee jumped and said "Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirlwind)" and tried to kick him. Naruto brought his right arm and blocked the kick.

Lee jumped back and Naruto immediately regretted blocking that as his arm felt a little numb.

As Lee touched the ground he went again at high speeds towards Naruto and both engaged in a fierce display of taijutsu. Due to the fact that Naruto could use chakra to empower his muscles, he had a slight advantage in speed in short bursts that were perfect for his quick counters.

The battle went on until Lee quickly got in past his defenses. Lee crouched beneath Naruto and said "Konoha Shoufuu (Leaf Rising Wind)". Lee tried an uppercut with his feet at Naruto but he managed to roll and dodge it.

As Naruto was rolling he tried to sweep Lee's legs only to make him jump back and evade it as well.

As soon as Lee touched the ground he disappeared in a burst of speed. Naruto looked around until he felt Lee above. He looked up just in time to block a powerful drop kick with both arms. Naruto quickly grabbed his leg and threw Lee at the ground. Lee spinned and landed without trouble at the ground.

"Your taijutsu is very good Naruto-kun, as expected from my eternal rival" - Lee said with tears in his eyes.

Naruto shuddered and replied "S-Sure Lee, eternal rivals". Naruto knew he might have signed his death sentence right there but this match was extremely good. Hinata was a very good sparring partner at taijutsu but she always used her gentle fist style. Naruto never faced a user of Goken.

Even thought Naruto had the advantage in speed he sometimes managed to get in a punch or kick but Lee seemed to brush them off as nothing more than a little scratch. But this difference in speed was almost removed by Lee's experience in taijutsu putting them equals in skill.

This time Naruto took charge and ran towards Lee. Naruto threw a sloppy punch that Lee easily side stepped but that was what Naruto wanted. As soon as Lee side stepped his punch Naruto threw his hands to the ground to support himself and used his legs to snare Lee's head between his feet. Naruto with a swift motion of his ankles threw Lee at a wall who didn't see that coming and was unable to block.

## Balcony ##

"Impressive - Gai shocked with that particular movement that managed to firmly give Lee some damage.

"Naruto's taijutsu style incorporates allot of acrobatic movements. He could have snapped Lee's neck with that one" - Hinata explained and Gai eyes widened. Thank god his student was alive.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

"I didn't expect such a technique from you Naruto-kun" - Lee said as he got up and brushed off the dust.

"Lee, take them off" - Gai yelled from the balcony.

Lee heard what his sensei said and was surprised. "But I thought you could only remove them if it was to protect someone important to you" - Lee said.

"It is but this time i'm giving permission to remove them" - Gai said.

Lee heard this and smiled. He sat down in the ground and removed the weights he was wearing beneath his orange leg warmers.

"So he uses weights. I knew this wasn't his full power" - Naruto thought and considered removing his seals but he would wait and see if it was necessary.

## Balcony ##

"Just removing a bit of weight won't do anything" - Sakura said. She watched Lee removed his weights and drop them in the ground and caused a crash that shook the entire arena.

Sakura's eyes widened at the weight he had.

"Wasn't that a little bit too much Gai?" - Kakashi asked and Gai scoffed.

"How can he even stand with so much weight?" - Yugito yelled. What was with these leaf ninjas, were they all crazy.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

"YOSH Now I can move freely." - Lee said and Naruto lost track of Lee.

Naruto didn't even managed to blink as Lee appeared right in front of him and delivered a powerful punch straight to his face that sent Naruto tumbling to the ground.

Naruto slowly got up as Lee appeared next to him and kicked him in the stomach and sent him crashing to the wall. Naruto slowly got up as Lee appeared next to him. Lee crouched and kicked him into the air. Before Naruto could process the situation he was already in the air. He blinked just in time to see Lee give a drop kick and send him to the ground crashing into the cement floor hard. The floor cracked from the pressure and release a cloud of dust.

## Balcony ##

"That is some speed" - Kakashi said.

"Unbelievable, I didn't even see anything" - Sakura said.

"Why can't my sharingan track that speed. He's nothing more than a blur" - Sasuke thought as he seethed his teeth.

"Looks like Naruto is done" - Asuma said as he smoked his cigar.

"I wouldn't be so sure" - Kurenai replied with a knowing grin and got confused faces from Kakashi and Asuma.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

Naruto slowly got up and removed a few rocks that were nearby from the crater he caused. He dusted himself off and saw his ruined jacket.

"You know I liked this jacket" - Naruto said and everyone sweat dropped as he remained so calm when he just got plummeted to the earth.

Naruto raised his right hand and made a half tiger seal and said "Gravity Seals KAI!". His whole body slowly glowed and dimmed down.

"You aren't the only one who trains with weights Lee although I prefer resistance seals" - Naruto said as he flexed his muscles to get used to his new speed. Naruto ran with blinding speeds towards Lee. Lee didn't have time to do anything as Naruto took a page from Lee's book a punched him straight in the face and sent him to the ground.

## Balcony ##

"Fast" - Kakashi said. "Looks like you are right Kurenai. He also had weights on" - Kakashi said and Kurenai nodded.

"But I didn't see him removing weights Kakashi-sensei?" - Ino asked.

"Naruto wasn't physical weights. He was using what it's called gravity seals. These seals were invented by the yondaime hokage and basically they restrain the body's movement making you put more strength to move" - Kakashi explained and Ino nodded.

"I want those seals" - Sasuke demanded.

"Sorry but I can't give you. They can only be applied by someone very well versed in seals and they are very dangerous to anyone who doesn't know seals. If you don't know how to properly use them you may not be able to deactivate them during a battle giving the opponent a big advantage" - Kakashi explained with a serious tone.

"Then how can that dobe use them?" - Sasuke asked as he saw Naruto get leaps ahead of him. That power should be his.

"Apparently he's very good with seals and a seal master" - Kakashi said much to the surprise of everyone.

"But I thought you needed to very smart to learn that" - Sakura asked.

"Then I guess that Hinata was saying the truth about his IQ" - Kakashi said chuckling.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

They both engaged in a vicious taijutsu battle. To anyone bellow jonin they were nothing but blurs at such speeds. The power and speed that was behind those attacks was enough to completely shatter anyone bone it hit the opponent.

Every single punch or kick they gave, the opponent blocked it and sent a shock wave towards the whole arena.

Lee disappeared in a burst of speed and quickly appeared behind Naruto and threw a punch. Naruto caught the punch with both hands and brought Lee in front of him and placed a kick in his stomach. Lee simply shrugged it off.

"As I expected. I'm faster but you have more strength" - Naruto said.

"So it is" - Lee said as he regained his balance and untangled his ligatures in both arms. Lee disappeared and quickly appeared next to Naruto and kneed him in the stomach. Naruto double over and Lee kicked him into the air.

Naruto was in mid air when Lee appeared next to him and tapped his back. Lee's ligatures quickly left his arms and wrapped around Naruto. Lee picked Naruto and both started spinning very fast and going in fast to the ground "Omote Renge (Front Lotus)".

"This is going to hurt" - Naruto thought as he was spinning and heading head first to ground with high speeds.


A massive shock wave was heard through the whole room as Lee sent Naruto to the ground making a big crater. Much bigger that the one that was previously there. Lee was on the side as he watched the dust cloud settle and saw Naruto lying on the ground.

"Ohhhh" - Naruto barely said as he got up from the crater and got shocked faces from everyone. "That hurt like hell. I'm already regretting not using my bloodline" - he said as he got up and flexed his neck and dusted off his clothes.

"How can you stand up after that?" - Lee asked as he was starting to get tired. That move was forbidden by his sensei due to toll it takes on his muscles.

"I channeled chakra to my body to strength him and lessen the impact but even so it hurt like hell" - Naruto said as he got ready to continue the onslaught. "It's about time to show you the true power of my taijutsu style" - Naruto said.

Lee didn't want to give him time to recover and quickly ran towards him and said "Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirlwind)". Naruto already knew this move and took the opportunity. He saw the kick approaching and elbowed Lee's leg.

Lee toppled over in pain and nursed his leg. "I'm sorry Lee but my true taijutsu style is meant to target weak and pressure points along the human body. I didn't put enough pressure to break the bones. Please surrender I do not want to hurt you" - Naruto said.

"I cannot give up. Gai-sensei forgive me but I must do this." - Lee said and rose up. He brought his arms in front of his chest in an x form. Naruto watched was his veins started to show beneath his skins and his skins started to become redder.

Naruto's eyes widened when he realized what Lee was about to do. "Lee you can't open them, this is getting out of hand" - Naruto said.

"I cannot give up, for this is my nindo way" - Lee said.

"Kaimon (Gate of Opening) KAI" - Lee said as his veins started getting more defined under his skin.

"Kyuumon (Gate of Healing) KAI" - Lee said and his started turning red.

"Seimon (Gate of Life) KAI" - Lee said and a green aura could be seen forming around his body.

"Shoomon (Gate of Pain) KAI" - Lee said.

"Tomon (Gate of Closing) KAI" - Lee said and the air around him began to swirl around him due to massive amounts of chakra he was realizing.

## Balcony ##

"You taught him how to open the gates?" - Kakashi said. "ARE YOU INSANE?" - he asked.

"I don't want to hear this from you. He can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu. Taijutsu is the only thing he has." - Gai replied.

"I can see the chakra around his body. This is amazing" - Sakura said as she watched in wonder the power that was radiating from Lee.

"I want you to teach me this Kakashi-sensei" - Sasuke said.

"NEVER. The gates are extremely dangerous. There are eight gates in the human body. If you open them all you temporarily gain a boost of strength that can surpass a Kage but then you die" - Kakashi explained.

"Lee is using them. Then that means is going to die?" - Sasuke asked.

"You die if you open the eight and last gate. However if your body isn't strong enough to handle the strain of lower gates you can easily die as well. This is why it is a very dangerous technique" - Kakashi explained and Sasuke huffed.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

"You truly are amazing Lee. But I can't lose here as well and I promised only taijutsu which only leaves me this as my last trump card.

"KAIMON, KYUUMON, SEIMON, SHOMON, TOMON KAI!" - Naruto said and exploded with chakra.

## Balcony ##

"WHAAATTT?" - Kakashi yelled as he watched Naruto so easily open five gates. "How can he open the gates as well, he is crazy?" - Kakashi said.

"KURENAI" - Kakashi started "Did you teach him this?" - Kakashi asked in a dangerous voice.

"NO, I didn't even know he could do this" - Kurenai said just as surprised.

"Relax" - Hinata started and got the attention of everyone. "He knows what he's doing. Anyone can open the gates as long they know where they are situated in the human body. I can open them as well. I can go up to four." - Hinata said and everyone stared at her in shock.

Kakashi gulped and revealed his sharingan to see the battle that was about to unsure. "How many gates can he open?" - Kakashi asked.

Hinata smirked and shouted "Naruto go full power".

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

Naruto laughed at the enthusiasm Hinata was showing and decided to show them.

"Kurama get ready. I'm going full strength" - Naruto said smirking.

"Honestly you have no restraint" - Kurama replied.

"Keimon (Joy of Gate) Kyoomon (Gate of Shock) KAI" - Naruto said and he was surrounded by a blue aura.

## Balcony ##

"Seven Gates" - Kakashi said barely standing. Sakura, Ino and most of the weaker gennins were on the ground. The amount of power Naruto was unleashing was pushing the air from everyone.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

"Shimon (Gate of Death) KAII" - Naruto said and everyone's eyes widened. Naruto's muscles bulged out completely reaping off his mesh armor and shirt he head leaving his torso naked. Naruto started walking towards Lee, every step he took the ground beneath him cracked. His eyes were completely blue and his skins was red. His was sweating heavily and that gave him a blue aura around. His hair was flowing in the air and lightly glowing.

## Balcony ##

"H-He opened the last gate" - Kakashi said as he fell to his knees.

"Don't worry" - Hinata said calmly and everyone stared at her "There are five people in the whole world who can open all gates and live and Naruto is one of them" - Hinata concluded.

"Y-You mean he can open the last gate and l-live?" - Gai asked and she nodded.

Gai gulped and turned his attention to the arena. This was a moment of a life time. To be able to witness all eight gates opened.

## Uzumaki Naruto vs. Rock Lee ##

"Ready Lee?"- Naruto asked. His voice took a deeper tone due to all the open gates. Lee gulped and slowly nodded not really wanting to see just what was going to happen to him.

Naruto disappeared in a burst of speed that not even the hokage could follow. Not even Kakashi's sharingan managed to follow him.

Lee looked around when suddenly felt crippling pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw Naruto with his fist embedded in his chest. Lee was sent flying. Before he could hit anything, Naruto appeared beneath him and kneed him in the back and sent him into the air.

Naruto disappeared once again and appeared above Lee in the air. Naruto punched Lee with such strength that sent a shockwave throught the whole arena. Anyone watching had to secure themselves with chakra to stand.

Lee was about to go crashing into the ground when Naruto pulled him back by his arms ligatures and gave him a drop kick to the chest and sent crashing into the ground. When Lee smashed, to whole building shacked and the arena was blown to bits. The hokage and jonins that were watching had to leave otherwise they would receive to full power of the blast wave.

Naruto dropped to the ground and kneeled. Even thought he could survive opening all the gates it took a very large toll in his body.

Hayate approached Lee to see if he was even in one piece. He approached him and touched his neck and felt a weak pulse from him.

"Ah-Ah. Winner by knockout: Uzumaki Naruto" - Hayate said stuttering. He snapped from his shocks and yelled "MEDICS".

## Balcony ##

No one said anything to the amount of power they just displayed. They wondered how even Lee managed to survive such brutal strikes.

They saw Naruto slowly walking up to them. They noticed he was breathing heavily.

"So that's the power of the eight gate" - Gai said as he ran towards his fallen student.

"A-Are you okay Naruto?" - Kakashi asked.

Naruto sunk to the ground and leaned against the wall. "Yeah, I just need a little bit of sleep and I'll be back up in no time" - he replied.

"You aren't human" - Yugito said as she approached Naruto.

"Funny because if it weren't for the furball I would have died" - Naruto said chuckling too the shock of many and confusion of the others. "You probably wouldn't survive. Anyone below the fifth wouldn't survive opening the last gate. I don't like openings gate because I have better options but I promise Lee a taijutsu only battle. I won't be able to move properly today" - Naruto said.

"Do you know any of them?" - Sasuke smugly asked trying to get as much information as he could.

"Well of the five people that can survive there are three in here. There's me, Killer Bee" - Naruto said pointing towards the Kumo's team jonin" and there is Fuu" - Naruto concluded pointing to Fuu the member of the Taki team.

"Why are they so special" - Sasuke asked and everyone tensed.

"Not my place to tell Sasuke" - Naruto replied and got to his feet. Sasuke scowled the blonde.

"Contestants gather up" - Hayate said and everyone who passed was now standing in front of Hayate.

"Is Lee alright?" - Naruto asked.

"Well...According to the medics, his muscles are shredded, he as a few broken bones a dislocated shoulder and a concussion." - Hayate replied and everyone stared at Naruto who was starting to feel bad for what he did.

"Don't worry. He will need to be in bed for three weeks before he can walk again but he will be just fine" - Hayate said and Naruto sighed in relief.

"The finals for this year chunnin's exam will be held in main arena in one month time. Here it is the tournament grid. Take a good look" - Hayate said and showed them the paper.

Hyuuga Hinata vs. Hyuuga Neji

Fuu vs. Nii Yugito

Sabaku no Temari vs. Nara Shikamaru

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Uchiha Sasuke

Sabaku no Gaara vs. Sabaku no Kankuro

"Looks like I will be able to show you the true power of the sharingan" - Sasuke smirked towards Naruto.

Naruto laughed and laughed and Sasuke got pissed. What's so funny?" - Sasuke asked.

"I'll give it to you. The Sharingan is an amazing tool but that alone isn't enough" - Naruto explained.

"You will never know the true power of the sharingan and I will show it to you in the finals" - Sasuke said smirking.

"I guess we will test who's bloodline is more developed" - Naruto said smirking. Everyone who was in the room just watched and began considering that Sasuke had a death wish. Bloodline or not the amount of power Naruto unleashed here was enough to even give Kakashi or Gai a run for their money.

"I guess we also face each other cousin. I will show you what a failure you are" - Neji said to Hinata with his traditional arrogant grin.

"Maybe, but I will not give up" - Hinata said smiling.

"Ok contestants you may leave the room. See you all in one month. Naruto stay behind I want to talk to you" - the hokage said and he nodded.

## With the Hokage ##

"Congratulations Naruto-kun although you pulled a dangerous move" - the hokage said in a serious tone.

"I know. I would never use the gates since I have better options but I wanted to give to Lee a taijutsu battle" - Naruto explained and the hokage nodded.

"What do you plan to do during this free month?" - the hokage asked.

"Train of course. Why do you ask?" - Naruto asked.

"Well since both you and Hinata passed and Kurenai can only train one person effectively I thought I would mention that your god father arrived yesterday to the village" - the hokage said and watched Naruto reaction.

"My godfather? Who is he?" - Naruto asked wondering who did his father choose.

"My student Jiraya and one of teammates of your grandmother" - the hokage replied and watched Naruto's jaw hit the floor.

"You mean the Jiraya of the sannin?" - Naruto asked getting ready to chase to man for training.

"The one and only" - the hokage replied laughing. "He should be in the ... hot springs".

Naruto didn't think much of it and quickly left to the hot springs to meet his godfather. His godfather was the Jiraya of legendary three. He should really be able to teach him all sort of powerful techniques and be very strong and serious person. Right?

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