Everybody was silent, unsure of what they have heard. Even I can't believe that Rikkun is joking around at times like this.
"Tomorrow, we attack Helena!"
Rikkun repeated his words, and for some reason, his second proclamation had much more of an impact.
"W-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" All of us have question marks on our faces.
"R-Rikkun, are you sure?" I worriedly asked our leader.
"Of course." Rikkun chinned up and held his hips, like a senator making a bold platform in the coming elections. "I'm tired of just waiting for our enemy to ambush us. It's time for us to make an ambush instead! Besides, attacking first have the element of surprise!"
Everybody murmured to their seatmates. They discussed something like "Are we really ready to face Helena?" and "Did Alaric think this plan over?" After a while, I have seen convinced faces nodding to each other.
"So, any objections?" Rikkun said.
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