/ Magical Realism / Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Magical Realism Completado 791 Capítulos 32.4M Visitas
Autor: Dragon King's Nice Son-In-LawTraductor: NoodleTownEditor: NoodleTown

4.38 (3,599 valoraciones)

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Normal Release Schedule - 2 chapters on every weekdays/ no releases on weekends.
Hao Ren, an ordinary university student, saved a little girl who fell from the sky. By accident, he swallowed a "candy" that fell off of that girl's body and somehow became the Dragon King's son-in-law......
His life was turned upside-down from that point on.
There were dragons in this world? And they are living side-by-side with humans? Ancient Chinese Mythologies really happened?
Hao Ren got to experience a new world that was hidden from ordinary humans. Despite the thrills that came with the new discovery, there were challenges along the way.
He thought his easy life as the Dragon King's son-in-law was going to be chill and gucci, but conspiracies and undercurrents were coming his way.
TL Notes: this novel was written quite a while back, and its statistic isn't as great as some of the newer novels. However, the storyline is great, and the development of characters and emotions between them are the highlights of the novel. I read this novel more than three times, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.


  1. George_Aganon
    George_Aganon Contribuido 17757
  2. Joel_Contreras
    Joel_Contreras Contribuido 17727
  3. Jtre_Ato
    Jtre_Ato Contribuido 17717


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    Website : qidian china Views : 6.02million Rating : N/R Chapters : 798 Status : completed Word count : 2.52million author level : lv5 No of works : 1 Comments : 612 Year started : 2010 Hi ppl I'm back. Of course I dunno if you guys even remember me. Anyway I'm gonna continue this again.

    Ver 341 respuestas
    LV 14 Badge

    One day, your just minding your own business and you see a piece of candy and you're like " oh! A piece of candy!" And you eat it because you're a badass who does what they want 😎 little did you know BAM! You're the son-in-law to a dragon now. Does this mean you'll become a dragon too? Will you ever eat candy again? Is your dragon wife at least hot? Find out next time on Dragon ba- oh wait fu-- (cuts off into black screen)

    Ver 180 respuestas

    The only reason I voted for this novel is because thestatsguy returned and gave us information on this novel. I didn't even read the synopsis. Thus, on this day I voted for thestatsguy.

    Ver 227 respuestas

    I read 1/3 of the raw which is like 200-300 and sneaked a peek at the ending. It seems to be a harem and the MC is actually very caring and protective to his women. The cultivation lvls are the usual: Qi Condensation, Foundation Establishment, etc. But also have a different kind by dragons with 9 lvls. It also includes ingredients, attributes, pills, majic weapons....There are also layers of sky/heaven like no human cultivator can descend to below 5th layer of heaven, so the remaining cultivators are mostly of dragon tribe and a mysterious organisation that retains peace in the human world. The story is mostly a mixture of modern and xianxia stuff...The MC is Haoren, 19, the son of 2 famous scientists who are always busy, he is raised by his grandmother. His parents sent him to a normal school but the school is managed by the dragon palace (东海龙宫). He is pretty much well like in his dorm with his fellow classmates. There are 5 women: the dragon princess (15 yrs old attending the top secondary school, met when she failed to summon the rain and fell onto him in the first few chapters), the class monitor (forgotten childhood sweetheart), 2 sisters from heaven (trapped in the mortal world for 200 yrs, released after he saw them on his first visit to the dragon palace) and his teacher (one of members of the secret organization, raised by an elder of the dragon palace). He have a pet named Xiao Bai, a baby snow lion that can later fly and spit fire. His cultivation is special, balancing the 5 attributes (fire, water, earth, metal and wood) in his body to cultivate the lightning attribute to shoot sword qi...

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 69 respuestas

    Swallowed a candy that fell from a girl's body? Somehow became the dragon king's son in law? The absurdity and ex-machina vibe actually intrigues me. Experiencing a hidden world, I got the fantasy vibes of Harry Potter and Ancient Magus' Bride... Gonna give this a try.

    Ver 67 respuestas
    LV 11 Badge

    First Impression of the story:- I read a few chapters and felt that the novel was a decent read. It gave me the vibes of Genius Sword Immortal, My Beautiful Teacher, etc. It looks like the kind of novel where lots of beautiful ladies show up but it beats reading boilerplate novels any day. MC is accidently thrust into a Fantastical world hidden within the real word and tries to cope with these new changes in his life and what happens next forms the rest of the story....

    Ver 36 respuestas
    LV 6 Badge

    I droped this as soon as I read the kid character being described as sexy. This is pedo bait for lolicons who are into grooming. In fact, I expect the rest of this novel to a bunch of pedo pandering. This is not the kind of content I want to see on webnovel.

    Ver 29 respuestas

    Let me start off by saying the characters and their relations and how they affect each other is one of the more realistic ones I have ever read in Chinese webnovel. They actually have a character development instead of the author slapping "They felt closer after talking" or "It was a love at first sight". And the supporting cast is not one-dimensional cardboard cutouts, they actually care for each other and you can feel it in the dialogue. The author shows a strong hand of " Show and Not Tell". The other aspect aren't things that would be marveled at but it is still good.

    Ver 6 respuestas

    So am I the only person who thinks the MC is stupid. A candy drops from a little girl what do do you do??? Oh i don't know maybe eat it 😕 But the story sound sound interesting anyway

    Ver 26 respuestas

    Just a random and unreasonable Harem hater coming through no big deal Harem sucks- all characters are one dimensional Harem sucks- all characters are one dimensional Harem sucks- all characters are one dimensional Harem sucks- all characters are one dimensional Harem sucks- all characters are one dimensional

    Ver 7 respuestas

    I have just completed the raws of this novel. The plot line and story are brilliant. Its worth reading. But I must admit, last 100 chapters of this novel are like a mess. Almost everything happens in these last chapters. You can really feel that the author is rushing to finish this novel as soon as possible. The cultivation level of the MC and his girls skyrocket in these chapters, sometimes even skipping few of the levels directly. There are 3 bed scenes with Su Han, Zi and Yujia respectively. Finally he has 5 women in his harem: Su Han, Zhao Yanzi, Xie Yujia, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili. There is one more, Duan Yao, whose ending is not elaborated as her soul is being protected in the Kunlun Mountain Lamp because she was injured while saving Hao Ren from Xu Ke. It was written in the last chapter that once MC reaches the realm of 8 hearts lotus, he can save her. But it has been 5 years since that incident and he can't say if her soul still has feeling for him. Many characters were not properly developed like: Duan Yao, Zhao Baibai, Lu sisters, Western Queen, Wu Luoxue, Qin Lang, Elder Xingyue, Ye Zilong and many more. Romance between MC and Su Han, Lu sisters and Guan Yao, was also not elaborated. Ending was very abrupt: 5 years later, Hao Ren becomes a world famous architect and inherits Iom Studio. He marries Zi in the East China Sea Dragon Palace and half-a-month later marries Xie Yujia in front of all the mortals. Now another mystery that was unraveled was about Su Han. Her father is a water-system Tianlong and lord of the Dragon Temple. Her mother is the Gold-system Tianlong who successfully robbed 500 years ago. Now about Smart. He is the only son of Shiefie (Phoenix) and Qin Lang (Unicorn). Both of whom are the King of the World. Shiefie is the daughter of the Prisoner. Smart is an Ink-Black Unicorn. He falls in love with Wu Luoxue, who lives a life of mortal but is actually the daughter of Bai Ze, another King of the World. Conclusion was not given to their romance, even in the last chapter. Lu sisters are actually the core disciples of the Western Queen ('The Virgin'), who loves them like daughters and marries them to Hao Ren. Zhao Kuo is the chosen one by heavens. He marries Elder Xingyue in the end. Zhao Hooran is resurrected in the end as the ultimate dragon. Oh, and there is also the Monkey King (Sun Wukong), who becomes the Second brother of Hao Ren. His 'Stick' becomes the life magic weapon of Hao Ren. Although there are short-comings and the ending never feels to be sufficient, this is still a great novel with a lot of scope for a new volume or a good spin-off. Because seriously, the its ending cannot be called a conclusion. The author has 2 other novels, about which I don't have much idea. But it will be welcomed if you can give their summaries and reviews in the comments.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 20 respuestas

    I regret to say that I am dropping this novel, which is a pity because I have such high hope in the beginning chapters. But the characters brain-damage actions (most of them) convince me otherwise. First, the grandmother. Grandmother, stop messing with your grandson's love life. I know you want great grandkids but you can't drag every girls in sight and dump them into his lap. And what the heck is telling each of them you love them and won't let the boy mistreat them? The one to mistreat them the most is YOU! If you love someone, would you try to hook her lover WITH ANOTHER GIRL?! Then The immortal grandma. I know you love your disciple and all. But when your disciple fall for a guy with owner, instead of consulting her to stop it, you go everywhere lobbying the guy to break up with his rightful fiancee and go with your disciple?? Do you think your disciple would be happy you force a guy to stay with her? And if the guy willingly go to your disciple, would you really want such an unfaithful guy to be with her? And what is is rant about how he is mistreating your disciple? They were never an item, how can there be mistreatment? Zi Honestly the one I like best. She is annoying as hell but at least she doesn't do the stupid ****. Class Prez (who are no longer one) You should stop the minute you know he has a fiancee. Why do you still stick to him and be doubtful whether he has something with that girl when he is the one to tell you that is his fiancee? Hao Ren You are not a good guy. Decide already, you moron. Decide who you like and come clean. Wait, there is nothing to decide. You know you have to marry Zi, or she dies. And that is also the deal you struck with her parents who was extremely nice to you! So what are you doing acting like that to the other girl and give her hope? You tell her not to go abroad. You hold her hand. You ask her out. You sit beside her on the bus. You are silent when everyone tease that you guys are an item. And then many chapters after that you say you are not her boyfriend?! If this is not lover's behaviors then what is?!!!!

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 13 respuestas
    LV 5 Badge

    And they told me that eating sweets from strangers was bad, they certainly did not want me to become son-in-law of the dragon king ☺☺☺💕💘 This is my first review and I do not know much in English, any error tells me

    Ver 4 respuestas

    First off, let me say that the translation quality and updates are quite good. There is some odd grammar here and there but within acceptable margins considering the upload speed. I've read up to the latest chapter as of this review (ch. 151) and the MC has barely progressed in cultivating. There's supposed to be 8 or 9 levels and most likely more, but up to ch. 151, he's barely at half kan-level i.e. the first level. According to the statsguy, this novel only has 798 chapters which means more than 1/5 is complete and the MC has done almost nothing. The author spends more time of emphasizing the social life and random events regarding the MC which doesn't contribute to the overall story in my opinion. Even though he should studying for exams or cultivating to progress himself, why is he doing random things like going to his fiance's middle school for parent/teacher meetings or "protecting" her from other students. She didn't need his protection before, why now? Let's move on to character development, trick statement, there isn't much to begin with. His school friends make the same lame jokes about his good luck with women and trying to get the hot girls' numbers from him. His fiance's constant attitude problem hasn't changed much and his just-revealed childhood friend never liked him until he started getting popular which betrays her own character design. She was portrayed in the beginning as goody-two-shoes girl who didn't care about popularity, wealth, or power, but she ends up doing the exact opposite. Lastly, while I understand China's age of consent is 14, it's still kind of creepy to read about a university student is touching a middle school girl's legs who is 15. Why does the author constantly describe how sexy a middle school student is? It's not just the MC's fiance either, there are several occasions where it mentions some of her friends and other random students. It's just weird to me reading it since I'm American and where my state's age of consent is 18. Take my review for a grain of salt but the story just isn't going anywhere at this rate for me to want to continue reading it. Have a nice day.

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 2 respuestas
    LV 13 Badge

    Dont waste your time on this, though it starts interesting the character development is as bad as it can be. You expct that around 500 chapters with be enough to develop a character, but except the little development regarding the power of the characters, their personality hasnt changed at all and it gets annoying.

    Ver 1 respuestas

    This novel is amazing, I usually read content with lots of fights, but in 40 chapters I fell in love with this, it's a slice of life that has cultivation around it, but the greater focus is in the relationship the protagonist has with other characters, their personalities are all well built, the story makes sense and is captivating. There are tids and bits of comedy but also lots of sweet moments throughout it, I guess there will be fights once the protagonist reaches a certain level of power, but for now, only trivial things bothered him, to a level where anyone could experience the same thing. Give this story a go, fights and near death situations are not the only quality content out there.

    Ver 11 respuestas

    I'm only here because it says son-in-law.... I like romance novels but only if they are from the perspective of male mcs.. So this seems to fit the bill (even though its prob not romance)

    Ver 12 respuestas

    This novel now is really annoying. There are nothing interesting happening. First , you have the MC who don't focus enough on cultivation. For a cultivation novel , you have more romance and drama than action . The MC have too much background; the grandma, the lu sisters , the inspector (su han), the disciple of Qi niu ...That's too much. The Mc didn't have enough life and death battle. Secondly, the MC is a idiot(you can see that even with his cultivation , he can't have a perfect score in exam) why is that? Because of his stupidity he accidently launch a war betwen the dragon clan. There are too much to say so i will go straight; WHY NOTHING SERIOUS HAPPENING EVEN AFTER MORE THAN 300 CHAPTERS?

    Ver 2 respuestas

    It is a very interesting story , but overly long. And the ss are pricy. Also zi has a beyond spoilt character. I really was enjoying the story until demands for ss. I feel with a story that takes so long to get to important details, it should be cheaper so one can enjoy the story

    Revelar spoiler
    Ver 1 respuestas
    LV 6 Badge

    I know what " candy " you eat. Hihihi... Hehehe. HOHOHO I eat a few times too. I know how u are, bro. ;D Chocolate > ( Candy candy candy candy candy ) ( Sweetie sweetie girls love ) ( Chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing )

    Ver 4 respuestas

    Volumen 1

    1. 1
      Ate a Candy 6 years ago
    2. 2
      The Arrogant yet Pretty Girl 6 years ago
    3. 3
      I’m Not a Good Person? 6 years ago
    4. 4
      Cottage by the Beach 6 years ago
    5. 5
      Time to Find a Girlfriend 6 years ago
    6. 6
      Bear the Anger of My Father! 6 years ago
    7. 7
      Emergency Meeting 6 years ago
    8. 8
      A Forced Marriage 6 years ago
    9. 9
      And Your Identity Is… 6 years ago
    10. 10
      Called by the Beauty 6 years ago
    11. 11
      To Be Under the Spotlight 6 years ago
    12. 12
      Just a Meal? 6 years ago
    13. 13
      Obtained a Status 6 years ago
    14. 14
      A Distant Goal 6 years ago
    15. 15
      The First Visit 6 years ago
    16. 16
      Strange Things Happen Every Year 6 years ago
    17. 17
      All Dangerous People 6 years ago
    18. 18
      I Disagree!! 6 years ago
    19. 19
      Became a Replacement? 6 years ago
    20. 20
      Unstoppable Peach Blossom 6 years ago
    21. 21
      Aren’t You Too Generous 6 years ago
    22. 22
      The Most Handsome Guy in East Ocean University 6 years ago
    23. 23
      You Must Not Lose 6 years ago
    24. 24
      Who Said We Are Not a Family? 6 years ago
    25. 25
      The Mysterious Daoist Temple 6 years ago
    26. 26
      Who’s Holding You Back? 6 years ago
    27. 27
      Listen or Suffer 6 years ago
    28. 28
      Just for a Little While 6 years ago
    29. 29
      The Real Master 6 years ago
    30. 30
      Failure of an Opportunity 6 years ago
    31. 31
      The Competitor... 6 years ago
    32. 32
      Can't Even Keep a Low Profile 6 years ago
    33. 33
      He Is Prince Charming 6 years ago
    34. 34
      I’m His Fiancee! 6 years ago
    35. 35
      Who Is Your Rival 6 years ago
    36. 36
      Her Sister Is…… 6 years ago
    37. 37
      Definitely No Chance To Win 6 years ago
    38. 38
      The Sticky Candy Strategy 6 years ago
    39. 39
      The Power of the Crowd 6 years ago
    40. 40
      Who Would Win the Fight? 6 years ago
    41. 41
      Big Trouble 6 years ago
    42. 42
      It All Depends on You... 6 years ago
    43. 43
      Passed the Probation Period 6 years ago
    44. 44
      It’s Not Jealousy! It’s Inspection! 6 years ago
    45. 45
      Transforming into a Fashionable Woman 6 years ago
    46. 46
      How Old Are You? (2 in 1 Chapter) 6 years ago
    47. 47
      The Beauty in the Ferrari 6 years ago
    48. 48
      Daily Errands 6 years ago
    49. 49
      Hammered 6 years ago
    50. 50
      Height Couldn’t Endure the Coldness* 6 years ago
    51. 51
      Not Enough Talent? 6 years ago
    52. 52
      Well, Masters? 6 years ago
    53. 53
      The Pains in Cultivation 6 years ago
    54. 54
      An Emergency 6 years ago
    55. 55
      Life-Saving Grace 6 years ago
    56. 56
      The Genes of a Clever Wife and a Wise Mom? 6 years ago
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      An Honoured Guest 6 years ago
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      Backup Is Here… 6 years ago
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      Why Are You so Disrespectful? 6 years ago
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    61. 61
      The Attitude of the School 6 years ago
    62. 62
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    67. 67
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      The Good Girl 6 years ago
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    79. 79
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    80. 80
      Expedition!! 4 years ago

    Volumen 2

    1. 81
      A Granddaughter-In-Law? 6 years ago
    2. 82
      The Dragon Palace? 6 years ago
    3. 83
      She Really Liked Zi 6 years ago
    4. 84
      Just a Broken Temple? 6 years ago
    5. 85
      Long Live Fuma Hao Ren! 6 years ago
    6. 86
      Countless Treasures 6 years ago
    7. 87
      Release!! 6 years ago
    8. 88
      Futile Struggles 6 years ago
    9. 89
      Futile Fight 6 years ago
    10. 90
      Meeting on a Narrow Path 6 years ago
    11. 91
      Duel! 6 years ago
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      Conquer 15 Meters If You Are a Man 6 years ago
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    17. 97
      What Are Brothers? 6 years ago
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      Little Fiancee Has Her Own Thoughts 6 years ago
    19. 99
      An Expert in Disguise 5 years ago
    20. 100
      Off-Limit 5 years ago
    21. 101
      Experiencing Another Life 5 years ago
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      No Time to Lose 5 years ago
    24. 104
      Still Keeping It from Me? 5 years ago
    25. 105
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    26. 106
      Domineering Prestige 5 years ago
    27. 107
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    28. 108
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    31. 111
      Charging at Qian-level 5 years ago
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    34. 114
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    35. 115
      Zhao Yanzi from Class Two in the Eighth Grade! 5 years ago
    36. 116
      I Just Hate It! 5 years ago
    37. 117
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    46. 126
      Choosing a Cultivation Technique 5 years ago
    47. 127
      It’s Not Two-Element Cultivation but Five! 5 years ago
    48. 128
      Catching the Little White Rabbit 5 years ago
    49. 129
      Tiangang Sword Array Formation 5 years ago
    50. 130
      The Legion of Beauties 5 years ago
    51. 131
      Sister Su, Please Keep an Eye on Them for Me 5 years ago
    52. 132
      What a Coincidence 5 years ago
    53. 133
      Little Older Brother?! 5 years ago
    54. 134
      Two Became One... 5 years ago
    55. 135
      What a Shame... 5 years ago
    56. 136
      The Basketball Babies 5 years ago
    57. 137
      Let's Have a Talk 5 years ago
    58. 138
      Sword Cultivation? Lightning Cultivation? 5 years ago
    59. 139
      The Report Card of Five Elements?! 5 years ago
    60. 140
      A Talented Artist?! 5 years ago
    61. 141
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    62. 142
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    63. 143
      'Data' Cultivation Method 5 years ago
    64. 144
      Nothing Good Is Coming! 5 years ago
    65. 145
      Out of Seclusion Cultivation 5 years ago
    66. 146
      The Frustrated No.1 Master in the Mortal World 5 years ago
    67. 147
      Condense into Sword 5 years ago
    68. 148
      The Metal Elemental Is the Strongest?! 5 years ago
    69. 149
      Small Lightning Cloud Tribulation! 5 years ago
    70. 150
      Don’t Underestimate Your Enemy 5 years ago
    71. 151
      Bad Kid 5 years ago
    72. 152
      Weird, It’s Really Weird… 5 years ago
    73. 153
      Valuable Treasure! 5 years ago
    74. 154
      Cultivate with Martial Arts 5 years ago
    75. 155
      So Many Heroes 5 years ago
    76. 156
      The Power of the Scroll 5 years ago
    77. 157
      The True Master 5 years ago
    78. 158
      You Opponent Is Me 5 years ago
    79. 159
      I Want to be Surrounded by Great Grandchildren! 5 years ago
    80. 160
      Unwilling to Admit Defeat 5 years ago
    81. 161
      The Strongest in the Mortal World 5 years ago
    82. 162
      Collectedness 5 years ago
    83. 163
      The Last Moment 5 years ago
    84. 164
      Soul Formation Cultivator 5 years ago
    85. 165
      Heavenly Dragon Realm 5 years ago
    86. 166
      Gold and Jade on the Outside? 5 years ago
    87. 167
      Party Guests 5 years ago
    88. 168
      Burn It, Phoenix! 5 years ago
    89. 169
      West Ocean Dragon Palace! 5 years ago
    90. 170
      Who to Pick?! 5 years ago
    91. 171
      Wouldn't Want a Gold Mountain! 5 years ago
    92. 172
      Who Does Zi Belong to! 5 years ago
    93. 173
      The Thoughts of the Little Girl... 5 years ago
    94. 174
      Who's More Like the Bad Guy? 5 years ago
    95. 175
      Learn to Be Virtuous... 5 years ago
    96. 176
      Natal Dharma Treasure? 5 years ago
    97. 177
      Not Attractive at All? 5 years ago
    98. 178
      The Mysterious Daoist 5 years ago
    99. 179
      Resisting Heavenly Tribulation 5 years ago
    100. 180
      The Hidden Space - Jiezi Space 5 years ago
    101. 181
      Dharma Treasures Are Array Formations 5 years ago
    102. 182
      Returning to Middle School 5 years ago
    103. 183
      One Big and One Small~~ 5 years ago
    104. 184
      Unconvinced!! 5 years ago
    105. 185
      In Public!!! 5 years ago
    106. 186
      Weakening the Heavenly Tribulation? 5 years ago
    107. 187
      Ninth Heaven 5 years ago
    108. 188
      Special Group 5 years ago
    109. 189
      Idiot in Life 5 years ago
    110. 190
      Inspector’s Temporary Help?! 5 years ago
    111. 191
      The Attack of Sword Energies 5 years ago
    112. 192
      Elevation! Elevation! 5 years ago
    113. 193
      The Heavenly Tribulation Activated! 5 years ago
    114. 194
      Grand Array Formation, Activate! 5 years ago
    115. 195
      The Power of Heavenly Tribulation 5 years ago
    116. 196
      Black Dragon!! 5 years ago
    117. 197
      10,000-Cultivators Array Formation 5 years ago
    118. 198
      Seven-Colored Snow Lotus 5 years ago
    119. 199
      Borrowing the Treasure 5 years ago
    120. 200
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    121. 201
      The Top-Tier Herb 5 years ago
    122. 202
      Demon Beast? 5 years ago
    123. 203
      Covered in Tears 5 years ago
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    126. 206
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    135. 215
      Coiled Dragon Golden Spear? Seize! 5 years ago
    136. 216
      Might As Well 5 years ago
    137. 217
      Zi Could Blush too? 5 years ago
    138. 218
      Such a Slim Waist! 5 years ago
    139. 219
      The Pretty Girl is Greedy Too 5 years ago
    140. 220
      The Principal's Grandson-In-Law 5 years ago
    141. 221
      Stuff Is About To Happen 5 years ago
    142. 222
      What Can Do I with You… 5 years ago
    143. 223
      Don’t Be Stubborn 5 years ago
    144. 224
      Too Many! 5 years ago
    145. 225
      Coming for the Treasures 5 years ago
    146. 226
      Let’s Fight! 5 years ago
    147. 227
      Battle!!! 5 years ago
    148. 228
      Overruled! 5 years ago
    149. 229
      Trading Convention? 5 years ago
    150. 230
      The Sword Array Formation 5 years ago
    151. 231
      Third Uncle Cultivates the Same Technique! 5 years ago
    152. 232
      Excitement of the Trip 5 years ago
    153. 233
      The Mysterious Masters 5 years ago
    154. 234
      Blunt Man... 5 years ago
    155. 235
      Little White Has its Dignity too! 5 years ago
    156. 236
      We Have Money!!! 5 years ago
    157. 237
      My Mistake 5 years ago
    158. 238
      Who Let down Whom? 5 years ago
    159. 239
      The Power of the Old Grandma 5 years ago
    160. 240
      In Front of Everyone 5 years ago
    161. 241
      Keeping the Goodies Within the Family 5 years ago
    162. 242
      The Shock 5 years ago
    163. 243
      Besiege the Nine Dragon Palace 5 years ago
    164. 244
      Who Dares to Break into the Godly Palace?! 5 years ago
    165. 245
      Severely Wounded! 5 years ago
    166. 246
      The Weakest Moment! 5 years ago
    167. 247
      Coming back?! 5 years ago
    168. 248
      Um...They All Seem to be Powerful 5 years ago
    169. 249
      Hard to Read Others' Minds 5 years ago
    170. 250
      Humph! Bully Her! 5 years ago
    171. 251
      Before The Storm 5 years ago
    172. 252
      Cultivation Is Difficult 5 years ago
    173. 253
      Enemies Met 5 years ago
    174. 254
      Take Care of It 5 years ago
    175. 255
      A Desperate Fight 5 years ago
    176. 256
      Life-Death Note 5 years ago
    177. 257
      Zhen-level 5 years ago
    178. 258
      Everyone on Alert 5 years ago
    179. 259
      The Boss in East Ocean City 5 years ago
    180. 260
      Recruiting Me into a Club? 5 years ago
    181. 261
      Hand Him Over! 5 years ago
    182. 262
      Sun Yun Martial Arts Dojo 5 years ago
    183. 263
      The Good Team 5 years ago
    184. 264
      Making a Stand 5 years ago
    185. 265
      It’s Not What It Looks… 5 years ago
    186. 266
      Beauty Pills? 5 years ago
    187. 267
      Grandma Had People to Depend On 5 years ago
    188. 268
      Trying to Mess with Grandma? 5 years ago
    189. 269
      Fell Right into the Trap 5 years ago
    190. 270
      Hit the Wrong Guy 5 years ago
    191. 271
      Lightning Cultivation!! 5 years ago
    192. 272
      The First Date 5 years ago
    193. 273
      The Sucker 5 years ago
    194. 274
      I Don't Even Mind 5 years ago
    195. 275
      Kicked an Iron Board 5 years ago
    196. 276
      A Big family 5 years ago
    197. 277
      Grandma Cherishes You! 5 years ago
    198. 278
      Tragedy… 5 years ago
    199. 279
      Who Is More Powerful? 5 years ago
    200. 280
      A Competition Across Time 5 years ago
    201. 281
      Little Beauty in Costume 5 years ago
    202. 282
      Potential Battle 5 years ago
    203. 283
      No Wonder Zi Wanted to Challenge Her 5 years ago
    204. 284
      The Dinner! 5 years ago
    205. 285
      Zi Can Cultivate? 5 years ago
    206. 286
      Frenemy 5 years ago
    207. 287
      Super Cute Beauty 5 years ago
    208. 288
      Making Beauty Pills! 5 years ago
    209. 289
      Making Elixirs with Notes 5 years ago
    210. 290
      Little White’s Boss 5 years ago
    211. 291
      The Head of Support! 5 years ago
    212. 292
      The Inauguration Ceremony 5 years ago
    213. 293
      Get Out of Here! 5 years ago
    214. 294
      Huge Promotion 5 years ago
    215. 295
      A Perfect Match? 5 years ago
    216. 296
      One Extra Person… 5 years ago
    217. 297
      Different Stance! 5 years ago
    218. 298
      Dependable! 5 years ago
    219. 299
      Breakthrough! Breakthrough! 5 years ago
    220. 300
      Hao Ren Is a Big Bad Guy 5 years ago
    221. 301
      Little White Is Back! 5 years ago
    222. 302
      The Taming… 5 years ago
    223. 303
      Gold and Silver Mountains Came With Him 5 years ago
    224. 304
      The Conch 5 years ago
    225. 305
      Flooding of the West Ocean Dragon Palace 5 years ago
    226. 306
      Plunder 5 years ago
    227. 307
      Too Late to Cry! 5 years ago
    228. 308
      Who Trespassed?? 5 years ago
    229. 309
      Loot 5 years ago
    230. 310
      A Bold Idea 5 years ago
    231. 311
      It’s Too Late to Regret 5 years ago
    232. 312
      Zhen-level = Master? 5 years ago
    233. 313
      Outrage!! 5 years ago
    234. 314
      Stupid Uncle! 5 years ago
    235. 315
      Relocation! 5 years ago
    236. 316
      Is It My Turn? 5 years ago
    237. 317
      Real Combat 5 years ago
    238. 318
      Right, or Wrong? 5 years ago
    239. 319
      Envy, Jealousy and Hatred 5 years ago
    240. 320
      The Difficult Situation 5 years ago
    241. 321
      A Lean Camel Was Bigger Than a Horse 5 years ago
    242. 322
      The Hao Ren You Didn't Know... 5 years ago
    243. 323
      The Change of Identity? 5 years ago
    244. 324
      Time Together 5 years ago
    245. 325
      Damn Uncle 5 years ago
    246. 326
      Little White's Function 5 years ago
    247. 327
      A Small Pot of Land 5 years ago
    248. 328
      Who Do I Favor? 5 years ago
    249. 329
      Strength Speaks the Loudest 5 years ago
    250. 330
      Who’s the Big Bad Wolf? 5 years ago
    251. 331
      Cutting off?? 5 years ago
    252. 332
      If Third Lord Was Here… 5 years ago
    253. 333
      This Is My Territory 5 years ago
    254. 334
      Match for Little Zi 5 years ago
    255. 335
      Daughter’s Concern 5 years ago
    256. 336
      Longing 5 years ago
    257. 337
      Am I a Senior?! 5 years ago
    258. 338
      Coming Back Home! 5 years ago
    259. 339
      One Big Family 5 years ago
    260. 340
      Hao Ren Is a Bad Guy! 5 years ago
    261. 341
      Farming! Elixir Making 5 years ago
    262. 342
      Sixth Heaven? Seventh Heaven? 5 years ago
    263. 343
      Difficult to Read a Woman's Mind 5 years ago
    264. 344
      The Beauty of Su Han 5 years ago
    265. 345
      The Most Powerful Inspector 5 years ago
    266. 346
      Take Whatever I Want 5 years ago
    267. 347
      Lightning Cultivation? 5 years ago
    268. 348
      Great Cultivator on Fifth Heaven 5 years ago
    269. 349
      You Still Have an Attitude? (2 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    270. 350
      What? Not Zhao Yanzi? 5 years ago
    271. 351
      The Privilege of Inspectors!! 5 years ago
    272. 352
      Zhao Haoran! 5 years ago
    273. 353
      Old Dragon King!! 5 years ago
    274. 354
      Only I Can Kill My People! 5 years ago
    275. 355
      Fight Back! 5 years ago
    276. 356
      Natural Treasures of the Herb King Valley! 5 years ago
    277. 357
      Ultimate Force of Nature!! 5 years ago
    278. 358
      Life Is Precious~~ 5 years ago
    279. 359
      Praising Zi 5 years ago
    280. 360
      High-End Banquet! 5 years ago
    281. 361
      Zi’s Reappearance 5 years ago
    282. 362
      What to Love and What to Hate 5 years ago
    283. 363
      I’m Proud! 5 years ago
    284. 364
      The Most Powerful Force!! 5 years ago
    285. 365
      Losing His Temper! 5 years ago
    286. 366
      The Soldiers and the General 5 years ago
    287. 367
      Fury! 5 years ago
    288. 368
      What Is Love… 5 years ago
    289. 369
      Standard Rescue?? 5 years ago
    290. 370
      Progress Instead of Backslide 5 years ago
    291. 371
      Dragon!!! 5 years ago
    292. 372
      I'm not the Greatest Hero 5 years ago
    293. 373
      Don't Come Near! 5 years ago
    294. 374
      Different Objectives 5 years ago
    295. 375
      We Are All Mortals~ 5 years ago
    296. 376
      Mordern Agriculture Techniques 5 years ago
    297. 377
      Can Level 5 Be Arrogant? 5 years ago
    298. 378
      Purple Green Treasure Sword! (2 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    299. 379
      Chilling Frost Spreads on the Calm Lake at Night 5 years ago
    300. 380
      Beat Them Until They Surrender 5 years ago
    301. 381
      The Commanding General of East Ocean! 5 years ago
    302. 382
      I Trust You!! 5 years ago
    303. 383
      1,000 Years of Cultivation Strength! 5 years ago
    304. 384
      Controlling the Dragon Palace's Lifeline 5 years ago
    305. 385
      Big Zhumu, Little Zhumu (2 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    306. 386
      Forming an Alliance? 5 years ago
    307. 387
      Brothers Indeed! 5 years ago
    308. 388
      Passion for Cooking and Planting! 5 years ago
    309. 389
      Disciple of the Sect 5 years ago
    310. 390
      Getting Looked at in a New Light 5 years ago
    311. 391
      I Hand My Fate into Your Hands 5 years ago
    312. 392
      No Match at All… 5 years ago
    313. 393
      I’m Not Her Sister! 5 years ago
    314. 394
      No Match for Su Han? 5 years ago
    315. 395
      Great Helpers 5 years ago
    316. 396
      Hang out in a Big City!! 5 years ago
    317. 397
      Zhao Yanzi's Ambition... 5 years ago
    318. 398
      You Can't Handle This 5 years ago
    319. 399
      Personal Coach 5 years ago
    320. 400
      Heavenly Dragon, Treasure! 5 years ago
    321. 401
      Top-Tier Mystic Crystal!!! 5 years ago
    322. 402
      Unprecedented!!! (2 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    323. 403
      Robberies 5 years ago
    324. 404
      Dragon God Shrine (1.5 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    325. 405
      Identity or Strength!? 5 years ago
    326. 406
      Main Examiner's Special Care 5 years ago
    327. 407
      Strongest Support Team 5 years ago
    328. 408
      Winning Streak?! 5 years ago
    329. 409
      Number: Ren Yin 246! 5 years ago
    330. 410
      Zhao Guang's Reason 5 years ago
    331. 411
      Won't Go Easy On You! 5 years ago
    332. 412
      Watch Uncle or Third Uncle? 5 years ago
    333. 413
      Losing For Sure?! 5 years ago
    334. 414
      Xun-level, Trump Card! 5 years ago
    335. 415
      Spirit Beast: Do You Have One? 5 years ago
    336. 416
      The One Inch Longer, One Bit Stronger! 5 years ago
    337. 417
      Powerful Pill Goes with Powerful Person! 5 years ago
    338. 418
      Don’t Want to See Anyone 5 years ago
    339. 419
      10,000 Swords Are Equal to 10,000 Minds 5 years ago
    340. 420
      You Land You Lose 5 years ago
    341. 421
      Unexpected Apperance 5 years ago
    342. 422
      Third Uncle, Please! 5 years ago
    343. 423
      Battle! 5 years ago
    344. 424
      More Experienced?! 5 years ago
    345. 425
      Killing Tribulation! 5 years ago
    346. 426
      Break Your Killing Tribulation! 5 years ago
    347. 427
      Slaying the Dragon 5 years ago
    348. 428
      Black Dragon Spike 5 years ago
    349. 429
      What I Need...... 5 years ago
    350. 430
      Handsome Can't Feed Him 5 years ago
    351. 431
      Hatred 5 years ago
    352. 432
      Practice 5 years ago
    353. 433
      Treating All! 5 years ago
    354. 434
      Only Third Lord! 5 years ago
    355. 435
      Majesty as the Commanding General (2 In 1 Chapters) 5 years ago
    356. 436
      Fuma, You Can't Do This 5 years ago
    357. 437
      I'm Drunk!! 5 years ago
    358. 438
      Who Dares to Bully Yujia! 5 years ago
    359. 439
      Spells’ Origin Note Scroll 5 years ago
    360. 440
      Girls All Around...... 5 years ago
    361. 441
      Are You Single? 5 years ago
    362. 442
      Alliance~ 5 years ago
    363. 443
      Good Girl! 5 years ago
    364. 444
      Winner Takes Hao Ren~ 5 years ago
    365. 445
      Girl, Come and Play When You Have Time 5 years ago
    366. 446
      Sneaking into the Sky Mountain Sect? 5 years ago
    367. 447
      Connected to Su Han 5 years ago
    368. 448
      Herb King Valley, Bulletin Board! 5 years ago
    369. 449
      The Sky Mountain Sect!! 5 years ago
    370. 450
      Hmph! You Will Repay for What You Did! 5 years ago
    371. 451
      Roar!!! 5 years ago
    372. 452
      Cold War 5 years ago
    373. 453
      Women's Minds Are Hard to Guess! 5 years ago
    374. 454
      Elixir Master on Fifth Heaven~ 5 years ago
    375. 455
      Soul Formation Realm Master~ 5 years ago
    376. 456
      Third Uncle, This Is Called Youth! 5 years ago
    377. 457
      I Don't Need Your Company! 5 years ago
    378. 458
      Zhao Yanzi Is Mine! 5 years ago
    379. 459
      A Tough Girl! 5 years ago
    380. 460
      Little Gifts?! 5 years ago
    381. 461
      The Request from a Dragon King 5 years ago
    382. 462
      Can't Bully You No More...... 5 years ago
    383. 463
      Helping East Ocean! 5 years ago
    384. 464
      Little White's Poop~ 5 years ago
    385. 465
      Super Fertilizer!! (2 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    386. 466
      Entering Dragon God Shrine! 5 years ago
    387. 467
      Dragon Tribe's Central Agency 5 years ago
    388. 468
      Meeting an Acquaintance the Dungeon 5 years ago
    389. 469
      Who Dares to Hurt My Family!! 5 years ago
    390. 470
      Rare Beauty 5 years ago
    391. 471
      Meeting Parents 5 years ago
    392. 472
      Swimsuit Battle! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    393. 473
      Being Surrounded by Swimsuits! 5 years ago
    394. 474
      Most Shameless… Little White! 5 years ago
    395. 475
      Broke*ss? 5 years ago
    396. 476
      Honeymoon~ 5 years ago
    397. 477
      A Big Blow~ 5 years ago
    398. 478
      I Just Like You~ 5 years ago
    399. 479
      Demon Sea 5 years ago
    400. 480
      Top Ten Demon Kings 5 years ago
    401. 481
      Failed Poison Pill Plan 5 years ago
    402. 482
      Big Zhumu, Little Zhumu (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    403. 483
      New York, Headquarters! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    404. 484
      Chinese Kungfu! 5 years ago
    405. 485
      A Special Day~ (1.3 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    406. 486
      Young People Should Be Proactive 5 years ago
    407. 487
      The Trading Center on Fifth Heaven 5 years ago
    408. 488
      Asking the Master for Elixir Pills 5 years ago
    409. 489
      How Dare You?! 5 years ago
    410. 490
      Destroy Kongtong! 5 years ago
    411. 491
      It’s OK to Sleep Together~ 5 years ago
    412. 492
      Good Alliance! 5 years ago
    413. 493
      Zhao Haoran's Mansion 5 years ago
    414. 494
      Having Children~ (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    415. 495
      An Item of the Immortals?? 5 years ago
    416. 496
      Special Training with Zi 5 years ago
    417. 497
      Preparation Before Having Children! 5 years ago
    418. 498
      Defeat Zhao Kuo! 5 years ago
    419. 499
      Using the Mystic Crystal 5 years ago
    420. 500
      The Magnificent Commanding General 5 years ago
    421. 501
      Mind Battle! 5 years ago
    422. 502
      The Taste of First Love~~ 5 years ago
    423. 503
      Jerk… 5 years ago
    424. 504
      I Didn’t Let You Hold Me! 5 years ago
    425. 505
      Mystic Water Sword Techniques - Power of 1,000-Year Cultivation Strength 5 years ago
    426. 506
      Drastic Changes at West Ocean! 5 years ago
    427. 507
      Half A Million Soldiers 5 years ago
    428. 508
      Three Commanding Generals! 5 years ago
    429. 509
      Everything Depends on Military Power! 5 years ago
    430. 510
      Meeting Hao Ren's Friends! 5 years ago
    431. 511
      Love the Person and Everything Around Him 5 years ago
    432. 512
      Keep an Close Eye on the Fiance 5 years ago
    433. 513
      She Is a Big Celebrity! (1.3 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    434. 514
      Controlling the West Ocean Dragon Clan 5 years ago
    435. 515
      Powerful Fuma (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    436. 516
      Stronger Than Su Han? 5 years ago
    437. 517
      Su Han, First Time Cooperating 5 years ago
    438. 518
      Is That Demon Beast Your Relative? 5 years ago
    439. 519
      Treasures! 5 years ago
    440. 520
      Hundred of Flowers Blooming in the Herb King Valley 5 years ago
    441. 521
      Demonic Bow 5 years ago
    442. 522
      Welcome Master! 5 years ago
    443. 523
      Firm Control 5 years ago
    444. 524
      Zi Lives Across from Me (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    445. 525
      Close Supervision 5 years ago
    446. 526
      Fiancée, Fiancée! 5 years ago
    447. 527
      Full Mark from Su Han 5 years ago
    448. 528
      Brother Ren? (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    449. 529
      Legendary Elixir Master! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    450. 530
      Duan Yao, Elixir Pill! 5 years ago
    451. 531
      If I Don’t Kill You, My Last Name Isn’t Duan 5 years ago
    452. 532
      Who Is More Vicious? 5 years ago
    453. 533
      A Moving Treasure Vault! 5 years ago
    454. 534
      Mechatronic Engineering Program, Full of Beauties? (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    455. 535
      The Humble Peak Master 5 years ago
    456. 536
      Demon King?!! 5 years ago
    457. 537
      Outsider~~ 5 years ago
    458. 538
      Metal-Elemental Dragon~~ 5 years ago
    459. 539
      Tough Background? 5 years ago
    460. 540
      I Am Xie Yujia! 5 years ago
    461. 541
      Your Cousin Is Powerful? 5 years ago
    462. 542
      Recruitment 5 years ago
    463. 543
      The Club! 5 years ago
    464. 544
      Tiger's Anger 5 years ago
    465. 545
      Watch a Good Show! 5 years ago
    466. 546
      Who Dares to Bother Brother Hao… 5 years ago
    467. 547
      Collect Protection Fee! 5 years ago
    468. 548
      Money! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    469. 549
      A Club Full of Beauties... (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    470. 550
      The Demon… Has Appeared? 5 years ago
    471. 551
      Eternal Demon King 5 years ago
    472. 552
      The Nine Dragon Palace Agreement! 5 years ago
    473. 553
      Thunder Roc Tailbone 5 years ago
    474. 554
      Use the Best Dharma Treasure 5 years ago
    475. 555
      Restarting Lightning Cultivation! 5 years ago
    476. 556
      A Little Demon Running into a Big Demon 5 years ago
    477. 557
      Charming Won't Do You Any Good (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    478. 558
      My Identity is... (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    479. 559
      The Lu Sisters 5 years ago
    480. 560
      Who Told You... I Haven't? 5 years ago
    481. 561
      Ay, Uncle~ 5 years ago
    482. 562
      Very Sweet~ 5 years ago
    483. 563
      In Love! 5 years ago
    484. 564
      Tricky Little Girl 5 years ago
    485. 565
      Showcase of Power!! 5 years ago
    486. 566
      Rooting For Brother Ren! 5 years ago
    487. 567
      Little White, Transformation Scroll! 5 years ago
    488. 568
      Battle of Dharma Treasures! 5 years ago
    489. 569
      Supreme... Spiritual Treasure?! 5 years ago
    490. 570
      Collecting Treasure! 5 years ago
    491. 571
      Only the Strong and Intelligent Deserved Valuable Treasures 5 years ago
    492. 572
      Status as the President~ 5 years ago
    493. 573
      Fight Again?! 5 years ago
    494. 574
      Done For! 5 years ago
    495. 575
      Probation!! 5 years ago
    496. 576
      After Su Han? (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    497. 577
      Inspecting West Ocean! 5 years ago
    498. 578
      Overpowering Two Dragon Clans! 5 years ago
    499. 579
      The More the Merrier! 5 years ago
    500. 580
      Useless Disciple?! 5 years ago
    501. 581
      Likes You... (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    502. 582
      Punish by the Family Rules! 5 years ago
    503. 583
      Enlightenment by Nature (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    504. 584
      The Sky Mountain Order (1.6 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    505. 585
      Punish with the Sect Rules! 5 years ago
    506. 586
      Don’t Run! 5 years ago
    507. 587
      Meeting Duan Yao Again 5 years ago
    508. 588
      Life-Death Notes! Demonic Bow! 5 years ago
    509. 589
      Big Zhumu! Small Zhumu! 5 years ago
    510. 590
      Can You Make It? (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    511. 591
      Surrounded! 5 years ago
    512. 592
      A Very Proud Little Girl! 5 years ago
    513. 593
      Small Immortal Extermination Array (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    514. 594
      Bad Thief! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    515. 595
      Give Up... 5 years ago
    516. 596
      Not Afraid of You~~ 5 years ago
    517. 597
      Make Peace?! 5 years ago
    518. 598
      Getting Revenge For Sure! 5 years ago
    519. 599
      Nascent Soul Realm Master!! 5 years ago
    520. 600
      Fighting Cultivators with Swords! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    521. 601
      Fight, Breakthrough… 5 years ago
    522. 602
      A Bunch of Trash! 5 years ago
    523. 603
      Nine-Sky Star-Breaking Array Formation 5 years ago
    524. 604
      The Strongest Shield? 5 years ago
    525. 605
      The Golden Shield Isn’t Happy (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    526. 606
      Have You Grown Tired of Living? 5 years ago
    527. 607
      Playing Dead 5 years ago
    528. 608
      Shiver! Sky Mountain Sect! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    529. 609
      The Ultimate Essence-Locking Note! 5 years ago
    530. 610
      Destruction In Revenge 5 years ago
    531. 611
      Heavy Loss! 5 years ago
    532. 612
      Admit Defeat… 5 years ago
    533. 613
      Breaking the Note with Five Elements 5 years ago
    534. 614
      Nascent Soul Realm, Catastrophe 5 years ago
    535. 615
      The Wind Rose and the Clouds Surged up 5 years ago
    536. 616
      The Lu sisters’ Poison Pill Plan 5 years ago
    537. 617
      Turning into a Mortal (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    538. 618
      You Are an Insignificant Figure! 5 years ago
    539. 619
      The Apology from South Ocean 5 years ago
    540. 620
      Why Are You Jealous... 5 years ago
    541. 621
      Metal-Elemental Dragon! 5 years ago
    542. 622
      I Can Only Paint Apples... (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    543. 623
      The Hidden Danger 5 years ago
    544. 624
      Take Back the Dharma Treasure and Catch a Small Demon King! 5 years ago
    545. 625
      Comprehending Heavenly Dao with Martial Arts! 5 years ago
    546. 626
      Small Demon King! Small Demon King! 5 years ago
    547. 627
      Fake Boyfriend?! 5 years ago
    548. 628
      What If I Brought Him in Here! 5 years ago
    549. 629
      Loved By All (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    550. 630
      Revenge! 5 years ago
    551. 631
      Herb King Master Showed Up! 5 years ago
    552. 632
      The Super Note... 5 years ago
    553. 633
      Apology?! 5 years ago
    554. 634
      Cut off from the Family! 5 years ago
    555. 635
      Joining Ethereal Summit? 5 years ago
    556. 636
      Duan Yao! Form the Array Formation! 5 years ago
    557. 637
      Life Is in Your Hands! 5 years ago
    558. 638
      You Are No Longer Needed 5 years ago
    559. 639
      The Arrogant Golden Shield 5 years ago
    560. 640
      Countless Treasures 5 years ago
    561. 641
      Bait and Switch~ 5 years ago
    562. 642
      Outsider 5 years ago
    563. 643
      Fierce Competition 5 years ago
    564. 644
      Moved 5 years ago
    565. 645
      Compete with Me Directly! 5 years ago
    566. 646
      Too Easy for This Kid! 5 years ago
    567. 647
      Everyone's Spiritual Pillar 5 years ago
    568. 648
      Girls, You Must Work Harder... 5 years ago
    569. 649
      The Support from Grandma! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    570. 650
      The No.1 Demonic Girl in the World! 5 years ago
    571. 651
      Giving Generous Gifts... 5 years ago
    572. 652
      Capture Hao Ren! 5 years ago
    573. 653
      Master Amongst Masters! 5 years ago
    574. 654
      A Magnificent Appearance... 5 years ago
    575. 655
      You All Get Presents! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    576. 656
      Breaking Through the Nine Heavens with a Thought 5 years ago
    577. 657
      Immortal Physique 5 years ago
    578. 658
      Must Break Through, Break Through! 5 years ago
    579. 659
      Dragon! Dragon! Dragon... 5 years ago
    580. 660
      Attack!!! 5 years ago
    581. 661
      Kill Anyone Who Comes My Way! 5 years ago
    582. 662
      Catching a Dragon? 5 years ago
    583. 663
      Powerful Person and Might Treasure (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    584. 664
      Little White's Growth 5 years ago
    585. 665
      When Will We Meet Again? (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    586. 666
      You Must Defeat Heavenly Dragons 5 years ago
    587. 667
      Nine Big Demon Kings! 5 years ago
    588. 668
      Penglai Seven Killing Array 5 years ago
    589. 669
      Mind Array! 5 years ago
    590. 670
      Treasure of the Treasures... 5 years ago
    591. 671
      The Upheaval in the Demon Sea 5 years ago
    592. 672
      You’re Too Weak... 5 years ago
    593. 673
      I Want Him Alive! 5 years ago
    594. 674
      The Green Lotus Ancient Lamp 5 years ago
    595. 675
      Target Is a Big Demon King! 5 years ago
    596. 676
      The Happy Little White... 5 years ago
    597. 677
      Selecting Treasures 5 years ago
    598. 678
      People Have Different Ambitions 5 years ago
    599. 679
      Level 4 Inspector! 5 years ago
    600. 680
      The Golden Shield Must Do Work! 5 years ago
    601. 681
      The No.1 Club of the Dragon Tribe 5 years ago
    602. 682
      Club President!! 5 years ago
    603. 683
      Golden Armors Will Be Everywhere 5 years ago
    604. 684
      A Meeting Among Dragon Kings (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    605. 685
      The Mortal Who Received the Most Attention (1.5 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    606. 686
      Time To Get Started!!! 5 years ago
    607. 687
      One on One 5 years ago
    608. 688
      Heavenly Dragon Scroll 5 years ago
    609. 689
      Eight-Trigram Versus Five-Element 5 years ago
    610. 690
      The Junior Beats the Senior! 5 years ago
    611. 691
      Indifferentiated Attack... 5 years ago
    612. 692
      Invincible Mindset 5 years ago
    613. 693
      Leveled Up! 5 years ago
    614. 694
      Duan Yao Is at the Nascent Soul Realm? 5 years ago
    615. 695
      Return 5 years ago
    616. 696
      Belong to the Demon Sea! 5 years ago
    617. 697
      Breakthrough 5 years ago
    618. 698
      Hey~ 5 years ago
    619. 699
      Four Stars in the Big Dipper! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    620. 700
      Begging for Forgiveness… 5 years ago
    621. 701
      Shameless Little Shield 5 years ago
    622. 702
      The Prince Circle? 5 years ago
    623. 703
      I Will Come Back 5 years ago
    624. 704
      Nine Dragon Palace - Appear! 5 years ago
    625. 705
      Fragile Su Han 5 years ago
    626. 706
      Fierce Beasts! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    627. 707
      Climbing the Mountains with You 5 years ago
    628. 708
      As Gentle and Silent as the Rain (2.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    629. 709
      For You... For Me... 5 years ago
    630. 710
      Entering a Ancestral Dragon Palace Again! 5 years ago
    631. 711
      If You’re Brave Enough, Then Come! 5 years ago
    632. 712
      Heaven-Reaching Tower! 5 years ago
    633. 713
      Qiu Niu~ 5 years ago
    634. 714
      Three Against One! Who’s Victory?! 5 years ago
    635. 715
      Killing Demon King! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    636. 716
      Acquaintance~ (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    637. 717
      Swear Loyalty to Each Other? (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    638. 718
      A Part of Fate 5 years ago
    639. 719
      A Small Request from Lady Zhen 5 years ago
    640. 720
      Everything Started and Ended Because of Love 5 years ago
    641. 721
      Working Against the Heavenly Dao! 5 years ago
    642. 722
      World-Ending Lightning Tribulation 5 years ago
    643. 723
      It’s All Arranged by Fate! 5 years ago
    644. 724
      Return in One Piece! 5 years ago
    645. 725
      Is This... Immortal Fruit?! 5 years ago
    646. 726
      100,000-Year-Old Spiritual Herbs! 5 years ago
    647. 727
      Seventh Heaven! 5 years ago
    648. 728
      Steal or Trade? 5 years ago
    649. 729
      Little White’s New Ability 5 years ago
    650. 730
      Sword Array! Seven-Star Big Dipper Array! 5 years ago
    651. 731
      Soul Formation!!! 5 years ago
    652. 732
      Level 10… Demonic Core! 5 years ago
    653. 733
      Eighth Heaven? Heavenly Dragon? 5 years ago
    654. 734
      Didn't Like It~ 5 years ago
    655. 735
      Above Soul Formation Realm 5 years ago
    656. 736
      Initiate: Seven-Core Five-Color Lotus! 5 years ago
    657. 737
      The Mystic Crystal Is Close~ 5 years ago
    658. 738
      Transformed Little White~ 5 years ago
    659. 739
      The Cultivation Library 5 years ago
    660. 740
      You Want to Catch Me?! 5 years ago
    661. 741
      Severe Offense! 5 years ago
    662. 742
      Who Can Save You?! 5 years ago
    663. 743
      Never Coming out the Shrine! 5 years ago
    664. 744
      The Chosen One by the Heavenly Dao... 5 years ago
    665. 745
      The Leader of Global Biology Circle 5 years ago
    666. 746
      Can't Hold It Back Anymore 5 years ago
    667. 747
      All the Men Are Perverts! 5 years ago
    668. 748
      Wify~ 5 years ago
    669. 749
      Experiencing New Life? 5 years ago
    670. 750
      Consummate the Love…? 5 years ago
    671. 751
      Choosing a Day for the Wedding! 5 years ago
    672. 752
      The Pinnacle Battle! 5 years ago
    673. 753
      No-Liability Agreement! 5 years ago
    674. 754
      Gaining the Upper Hand! 5 years ago
    675. 755
      The Chance of Becoming a Heavenly Dragon 5 years ago
    676. 756
      The Cycle of the Heavenly Dao 5 years ago
    677. 757
      100,000-Year-Old Seven-Core Five-Color Lotus 5 years ago
    678. 758
      Dragon God Shrine... Ascending? (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    679. 759
      When Can We Meet Again~ 5 years ago
    680. 760
      The Girls are all Here~ 5 years ago
    681. 761
      Metal-Elemental Dragon Elders (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    682. 762
      Crazy Dragon! Evil Dragon! 5 years ago
    683. 763
      The Unpredictable Change! 5 years ago
    684. 764
      Take Care of Princess Zi... 5 years ago
    685. 765
      Want to Become a Mortal 5 years ago
    686. 766
      The Savior 5 years ago
    687. 767
      Kunlun Mountain!!! 5 years ago
    688. 768
      Countless Treasures... 5 years ago
    689. 769
      The Sealed Godly Spring 5 years ago
    690. 770
      Impossible to Save 5 years ago
    691. 771
      Charging to Eighth Heaven! 5 years ago
    692. 772
      Godly Cloud Dao!!! 5 years ago
    693. 773
      Ascending~ 5 years ago
    694. 774
      Won’t Save Mortals?? 5 years ago
    695. 775
      Becoming a Sage!! 5 years ago
    696. 776
      All Yours... 5 years ago
    697. 777
      Reaching the Four-Petal Realm in Secret! 5 years ago
    698. 778
      Taking Back the Ultimate Treasure of East Ocean! 5 years ago
    699. 779
      Pacify the Surging Tides!! 5 years ago
    700. 780
      One Step Ahead 5 years ago
    701. 781
      The No. 1 Killer in the World!! 5 years ago
    702. 782
      Battling Ya Zi! 5 years ago
    703. 783
      One Strike! (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    704. 784
      Battle All the Way Up!! (1.4 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    705. 785
      There Are Always More Powerful People in the World (1.7 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    706. 786
      The No. 1 Master in the Heavenly Realm!!! (1.6 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    707. 787
      Wrong Calculation... (1.6 in 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    708. 788
      Chenxin! Chenyi! (1.6 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    709. 789
      Coming Back to Life (3.1 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    710. 790
      Beyond the Heavenly Dao (1.3 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago
    711. 791
      Perfect Ending (Finale - 2 for 1 Chapter) 5 years ago

    Autor Dragon King's Nice Son-In-Law

    Traductor NoodleTown

    Editor NoodleTown