"I DON'T WANT TO DIE A SECOND TIME!!!" ___ Ellen Summers' life turns upside down after a freak accident lands her in a strange world. She wakes up as Ellen Winters, the antagonist in an online novel she once read. No longer an orphan and poor, she now has a loving father and finds herself surrounded by wealth. But in the novel, Ellen Winters meets a tragic fate, dying at the end after being abandoned by her husband, Mason Coldwell, who still harbors feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Aubrey. Determined to escape this cruel destiny, Ellen decides to rewrite her story. She fights to keep Mason and Aubrey apart, knowing the heartbreaking consequences that await if they reunite. However, as she tries to change her fate, Ellen unexpectedly begins to fall for Mason. Just as she starts to believe in a future together, an unforeseen terror disrupts her plans. Ellen wonders if her attempts to alter the storyline have unleashed something darker. Can Ellen truly change the course of fate and find happiness with Mason, or will the shadows of the original story prove too powerful to overcome? And will they survive the terrors that threaten to engulf them?
Merinda absolutely hates Harems! The idea of someone being able to have multiple partners utterly disgusts her. Imagine her horror when she wakes up and suddenly finds herself in an ancient harem one day. She is now Ayan Savez the fifth wife of the great General Kang of the Empire of Turk. An empire that existed 500 years ago where her country stands today. And to make things worse she is the most unfavored wife amongst all the wives. Receiving the least amount of attention from the General. As she navigates her new circumstances she stumbles upon a troubled young boy who may be the key to understanding why she was brought back in time. ***Cover art not mine****In a marriage of convenience, Nathan, after a night of drinking, has an affair with Ava, leading to her ectopic pregnancy. Before the surgery, Ava calls Nathan, who is preoccupied with his mistress and neglects Ava, even going as far as to accuse her of having an affair and carrying another man's child after the surgery... As their one-year contractual marriage comes to an end, Nathan realizes his feelings for Ava. But Ava is not willing to play along anymore! Excerpt: "I am Nathan Ford's girlfriend, loved by him, as everyone knows. And you... you're just a title holder, soon to be thrown out. By then, you'll lose all your dignity... no, you've already lost it. I bet your deceased mother would turn in her grave if she knew what you've become." Hearing Iris Hart's sharp and biting words, Ava Sterling initially didn't want to stoop to her level. However, the mention of her late mother crossed a line. A crisp slap echoed before Iris Hart could even react, leaving five bright red marks on her face. "Ah—Ava Sterling—you lowlife, how dare you hit me..." Iris Hart realized she had been slapped and reached out to retaliate, but Ava Sterling was prepared and caught her hand easily. "Listen, Iris Hart, if I'm the joke, what does that make you? You're also a joke. At least I'm Nathan Ford's wife by law! You! Iris Hart, are nothing but a mistress scorned by everyone. Every wealthy man may stray, but a hotel is just a hotel, and home is home. There can be many dishes, but there's only one bowl of rice."
``` —Pareces solitaria y bueno... —dijo ella. —¿Bueno? —El Alfa le dio una sonrisa condescendiente. —Rota. Como alguien que ha luchado muchas batallas. Alguien que ha sido herido —dijo ella. —Es verdad. Y por eso, estoy listo para luchar aún más batallas si eso promete lo que quiero —dijo Alfa Maverick. —¿Y qué quieres? —preguntó ella con una dulce sonrisa. —Muerte. La muerte de todos los pícaros por lo que me hicieron —dijo Alfa Maverick, mirando a la chica que se tensó a su lado. —Tú no eres un pícaro, ¿verdad? —Alfa Maverick miró a sus encantadores ojos, su mano acariciando sus mejillas, haciéndola sonreír incómodamente. Ella era en efecto un pícaro, y no cualquier pícaro normal, sino uno buscado por todo el mundo. ~~~~~~ —Yo, Valencia Brooklyn, rechazo a Tyler Anderson como mi compañero predestinado. Prefiero aceptar la muerte antes que a un compañero desleal —Estas fueron las palabras exactas que cambiaron su vida. Dado que este mundo de los hombres lobo no podía aceptarla por ser una omega y no tener un lobo, decidió hacer exactamente lo mismo. Se convirtió en un pícaro que todos empezaron a temer y buscar. Una pícara que mataba a otros pícaros, robaba a la gente, rechazaba a un alfa, engañaba al consejo y lo más importante, vivía entre humanos rompiendo todas las leyes y normas. ¿Qué sucederá cuando alguien del consejo le dé su caso anónimo al alfa más fuerte del mundo? ¿Un alfa incluso más fuerte que el hijo del Rey Alfa? ¿Cómo se salvará de un alfa que ha jurado matar a todos los pícaros para vengar lo que hicieron con él? ¿Cómo atrapará Maverick Aurelius a esta misteriosa pícara que no tiene olor? Cuando se encontraron por primera vez, él debería haberla matado, pero ¿cómo iba a reconocerla si ella era apenas un gato? Valencia nunca se transformó en su lobo porque estaba maldita para ser una cambiaformas. ¿Cómo reconocerá el alfa al pícaro en el gato que ha desarrollado la extraña costumbre de entrar en su habitación y jugar con sus cosas? ~~~~~ P. D. Esta es mi segunda entrada para el WSA 2024. Por favor, apoyen con votos, regalos, boletos y comentarios. ```
—¡No aquí, débil! Nos encontraremos en el arroyo cerca de la frontera de la manada en una hora, entonces podrás mostrarme lo que tienes —le informó. —¡Bien, desafío aceptado! Pero si te derroto, dejarás de acosarme y me dejarás en paz —Aurora dijo entre dientes. —Claro —le respondió él. —El odio que tengo por ti se detendrá cuando dejes de existir. Allí, nadie vendrá a rescatarte y finalmente podré despedazarte. ¡Nadie falta al respeto a Dante y se va sin consecuencias! —Dante pensó para sí mientras se alejaba. La vida de Aurora se suponía que sería perfecta ya que era de un nacimiento noble, pero desafortunadamente, estaba lejos de ser perfecta. Su padre era el beta, el segundo al mando del Alfa de su manada y su madre era una de las guerreras más fuertes de la manada. Como era la primera hija, era tratada como una flor, protegida del daño, la tristeza, las perturbaciones y los problemas, y solo se le mostró la pura alegría, el puro amor, la felicidad y todo lo hermoso mientras crecía, ¡pero su vida no estaba llena de rosas, a medida que envejecía! Al crecer, había creído que sería normal como cualquier otro hombre lobo de su manada y toda la comunidad de hombres lobo, pero ay, era extrañamente diferente. Era la única hombre lobo en su manada que no tenía lobo, un animal interior, por lo que era tratada como una marginada. Mientras que otros hombres lobo obtenían a sus lobos en sus dieciséis cumpleaños, el de ella se negó a aparecer. Ni siquiera cuando cumplió los dieciocho. ¡Ni siquiera cuando encontró a su compañero!
Conteúdo Maduro - Classificação 18+ (Sem estupro) "Você parece solitária e, bem..." "Bem?" O Alfa deu a ela um sorriso condescendente. "Quebrada. Como alguém que lutou muitas batalhas. Alguém que foi ferido." Ela disse. "É verdade. E assim, estou pronto para lutar ainda mais batalhas se isso prometer o que eu quero," disse Alfa Maverick. "E o que você quer?" Ela perguntou com um doce sorriso. "Morte. Morte de todos os renegados pelo que eles fizeram comigo," disse Alfa Maverick, olhando para a garota que se tornou tensa ao lado dele. "Você não é um renegado, é?" Alfa Maverick olhou em seus olhos encantadores, sua mão acariciando suas bochechas, fazendo-a sorrir constrangida. Ela era de fato uma renegada, e não apenas uma renegada normal, mas uma procurada pelo mundo inteiro. ~~~~~~ "Eu, Valência Brooklyn, rejeito Tyler Anderson como meu companheiro destinado. Prefiro aceitar a morte a um companheiro desleal." Essas foram as exatas palavras que mudaram sua vida. Uma vez que este mundo dos lobisomens não podia aceitá-la por ser uma ômega sem ter um lobo, ela decidiu fazer exatamente a mesma coisa. Ela se tornou uma renegada que todos começaram a temer e procurar. Uma renegada que matava outros renegados, roubava pessoas, rejeitava um alfa, enganava o conselho e, mais importante, vivia entre os humanos enquanto quebrava todas as leis e normas. O que acontecerá quando alguém do conselho passar o seu caso anônimo para o alfa mais forte do mundo? Um alfa ainda mais forte que o filho do Rei Alfa? Como ela se salvará de um alfa que jurou matar todos os renegados para vingar o que fizeram com ele? Como Maverick Aurelius pegará essa renegada misteriosa que não tem cheiro? Quando eles se encontrarem pela primeira vez, ele deveria tê-la matado, mas como ele deveria reconhecê-la quando ela era apenas uma gata? Valência nunca se transformou em seu lobo porque estava amaldiçoada a ser uma metamorfa. Como o alfa reconhecerá a renegada na gata que desenvolveu o estranho hábito de entrar em seu quarto e brincar com suas coisas? ~~~~~ P.S. Esta é a minha segunda inscrição no WSA 2024. Por favor, apoie com votos, presentes, ingressos e comentários.
[ATENÇÃO: CONTEÚDO EXTREMAMENTE ADULTO] “Se você chegar perto da minha mulher novamente, eu te encontrarei, te torturarei brutalmente e desencadearei a fúria do inferno sobre você pelo resto da eternidade.” A história dela com ele nunca deveria ter sido dita. O mundo deles era tão cruel quanto astuto. Lobisomens semeavam terror sobre os humanos como guerreiros da nação. Vampiros governavam a alta sociedade com punho de ferro. A vida toda, Ophelia se perguntou por que os vampiros e lobisomens no reino nunca a atacavam — apenas para perceber que ela foi declarada intocável dez anos atrás. No entanto, todo o reino lutava pelos direitos sobre o corpo dela — ou sua vida. Mas por quê? E para quê?
"Nicht hier, Schwächling! Wir treffen uns in einer Stunde am Bach nahe der Rudelgrenze, dann kannst du mir zeigen, was du kannst." informierte er sie. "Gut, Herausforderung angenommen! Aber wenn ich dich besiege, hörst du auf, mich zu schikanieren und lässt mich in Ruhe!" Aurora knirschte. "Klar." Erwiderte er ihr. "Der Hass, den ich für dich empfinde, wird aufhören, wenn du nicht mehr da bist. Dort drüben wird dir niemand zu Hilfe kommen und ich kann dich endlich in Stücke reißen. Niemand beleidigt Dante und kommt ungeschoren davon!" dachte Dante innerlich, während er wegging. Auroras Leben sollte eigentlich perfekt sein, da sie von adliger Geburt war, aber leider war es alles andere als perfekt. Ihr Vater war der Beta, der Stellvertreter des Alphas in ihrem Rudel, und ihre Mutter war eine der starken Kriegerinnen des Rudels. Da sie die erste Tochter war, wurde sie wie eine Blume behandelt, geschützt vor Schaden, Traurigkeit, Unruhe und Ärger, und war nur der reinen Freude, der reinen Liebe, dem Glück und allem Schönen ausgesetzt, während sie aufwuchs, aber ihr Leben war nicht auf Rosen gebettet, als sie älter wurde! Als sie aufwuchs, hatte sie geglaubt, sie würde normal sein wie jeder andere Werwolf in ihrem Rudel und die gesamte Werwolfgemeinschaft, aber leider war sie seltsam anders. Sie war der einzige Werwolf in ihrem Rudel, der keinen Wolf, ein inneres Tier, hatte, und wurde deshalb wie eine Ausgestoßene behandelt. Während andere Werwölfe ihre Wölfe an ihrem sechzehnten Geburtstag bekamen, weigerte sich ihrer, aufzutauchen. Nicht einmal, als sie achtzehn Jahre alt wurde. Nicht einmal, als sie ihren Gefährten traf!!!
"Love finds it's way no matter what happens....." ..... At the beach. With their hands intertwined together, Sebastian and Ellie were taking a romantic evening beach walk together. Turning towards Sebastian, Ellie smiled and asked, “Seb, what do you like in me?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian smiled. Inching closer, he brushed their lips together and whispered, “I like each and everything about you.” ...... This is a story about Ellie Miller, a resident of Seattle, Washington and Sebastian Stewart, a native of Los Angeles. After spending more than a decade trying to live up to his parents' expectations, Sebastian Stewart had lost the true meaning of life. He lived his life in a very systematic manner with each and every second planned and scheduled for something. Many even said that he lived a robotic life. But things changed when someone entered his life and dragged him out of the robotic life he lived in. Not only did she add colors into his boring life, she opened the most beautiful path for him, the path of love and compassion. Like every ordinary woman, Ellie Miller always wanted to have a perfect love story. After witnessing the special bond her parents shared, her expectations for love spiked. Having zero experience in love even after twenty-five years of her existence, Ellie finally realized how beautiful love actually is after meeting Sebastian Stewart. Coming from two different family backgrounds, will Sebastian and Ellie manage to overcome all the obstacles that come their way? Join Ellie and Sebastian in their sweet and beautiful journey of love and compassion where they learn and grow together. ---- Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me :)*Author's other work (She belongs to the Demon King)* *** They say opposite attracts, that's a lie. Opposites kill each other! When a hot blood meets another hot blood, things are bound to get burnt. That is exactly what happens when the pompous and prideful elven princess, Neriah of the Avelah Kingdom is forced to marry the brash dragon Prince, Barak of the Trago Kingdom. Neriah's goal is to someday break away from her marriage and run away with the love of her life, Lyle of the Niles. While Barak will do everything to keep her as a wife. Neriah is certain she's in love with another, but she's also certain that no one can ignite the kind of passion her husband brings. Her husband who she hates more than anything. Can the flames of passion be drawn from hate? Can that same passion burn down the walls of lies, betrayal, and hurt? Can its ashes transcend into love? Excerpt "I am a rose, a beautiful flower, delicate and precious! But you my dear sir are nothing but the thorny stem! Prickly, dangerous and very harmful!" ranted Neriah while poking his chest with her index finger. "Well you seem to forget one important detail, my love." He calmly grabbed her poking hand. "And what would that be, my fine sir?" "That the thorny stem and the rose grow together. The delicate rose and the prickly thorn, they belong together my dear." "You—" "And no amount of ranting and raging will change that. You think I want to keep a witch like you? You are a pain in the neck. If I am a thorn then you are a piece of fish bone stuck inside my neck. I cannot swallow and I can not spit it out! I just have to bear it!" "You insolent bastard! Do you mean to say I am a burden!" "Well you are no precious prize, are you?" And that was it, she threw herself at him with her claws ready to mar his face, but he was quicker and he caught both her hands with one of his own and pressed her heaving chest upon his. Golden eyes stared deep into hers. They were as green as the fresh leaves on an orange tree. His fingers caressed her face, “You might not be a precious prize, but by the heavens, you are mine.” And his lips fell on hers, and once again, another argument was drowned.
If she was a character in a book, she would have been the perfect villainess created to disrupt the leads in their pursuit of true love. Born with a silver spoon, Sarah lived her life like a hooligan, loved like there was no tomorrow, and pursued whoever made her heart flutter. What is love? This question had always tormented her, daunted her, and haunted her for most of her life. Love made her unruly, made her happy, led to her fall, and made her lose everything that meant everything to her. Living a life filled with so many unanswered questions it wasn’t easy; that was until she finally found out what role she had been playing in the so-called book if she was a character in one; a pitiful cannon fodder. Unknowingly used by an enemy she had never met, Sarah found herself losing everything and everyone around her because of a love that was doomed from the beginning. And when she thought that everything was lost and gone, she found herself bound to a system that promised her riches, fame, and, above all, a second chance to rectify her wrongdoings. How will she use this opportunity? Will she forgive and move on with her life? Will she open her heart and find love? Or will she choose to have it all? Read more to find out!!!!!!!!!!!! Excerpt [Ding! Mission: Find a baby boy in 12 months. Reward: 1 skill art.] [Ding! Mission accomplished. The host successfully brought the first boy home. Keep up the good work and spread the word about what a fantastic cougar you are. How can you have just one boy as a qualified cougar?] [Ding! Issuing a chain mission. How can you, a great cougar, be satisfied with just one baby boy? Make it your mission to bring in as many boys as possible. Don't you think it's nice to have a lot of people around you who love you, care for you, and protect you?] [The mission's duration is indefinite, and the host should always keep in mind that all boys must be seven years younger, or more and rewards will be issued. I look forward to your commitment.]"You don't deserve to be auctioned" The Don finally said, making me stop the struggle. "Thank you" I said as I cleaned my watery eyes, happy that he finally listened to my subtle pleas. "Get her ready for the ritual!" The Don ordered the big man who was currently still holding me. **** "Once marked by the Don, you do not own your life anymore as you solely become his" ~ Author. ******* The minute he set his eyes on her, he knew he had to make her suffer for the sins of her sister and so he MARKED HER. Jadelyn was being used as a collateral for her father's unpaid debt, landing her in the hands of the most ruthless young don - Romano Callamore. All Romano knew was that she had to pay for the sins of her wicked sister -his ex secret lover and that he did. Just when their love was about to blossom after so many tribulations; Jadelyn's sister reappears back with a child who looked exactly like Romano Callamore. Confusion sets in as Jadelyn doesn't know how to feel considering the fact that she was pregnant and also in love with with her sister's First Love. Jadelyn was torn between letting her beloved manipulative sister have a happy life without her- Jadelyn in the picture, AND fighting for what she wants What do you think her decision will be? Family Loyalty or Love? Join me as we uncover unending secrets and unexpected plot twists. °•° # WARNING. This story contains mature and explicit content. ©This work is a product of authors imagination, ranging from the names, plot, events and whatnot. Thank you as you read!
Layla Rosenzweig wurde in eine der reichsten Familien des Landes hineingeboren, doch ihre wahre Identität wurde ihr bei ihrer Geburt von der Geliebten ihres Vaters genommen. Sie ist gezwungen, als uneheliche Tochter der Familie Rosenzweig zu leben. Alle behandeln sie wie eine Außenseiterin in ihrem eigenen Haus. "Das ist meins. Das gehört mir. Eigentlich gehört alles mir", sagt Laylas Halbschwester zu ihr. Alles, was Layla gehörte, geht an ihre Halbschwester, einschließlich ihres Freundes. Dann wird sie gezwungen, den skrupellosen Onkel ihres Ex-Freundes zu heiraten, Lucius De Salvo, den furchterregendsten Mann des Landes. Lucius De Salvo ist bekannt für seine rücksichtslose Art, seine Arbeit zu erledigen. Sein Name reicht aus, um den Menschen Angst zu machen. Man sagt, er sei ein Mann ohne jegliche Gefühle. Er findet Gefallen an den Schmerzen und dem Elend der Menschen. Er liebt es, diejenigen zu quälen, die ihm in die Quere kommen. Aber warum ist er so lieb zu Layla? Oder ist das nur ein Vorwand? "Bist du bereit für die Hochzeitsnacht, Darling?" fragte Lucius. "Ich habe dich schon lange begehrt." "Was?" Layla war schockiert. "Warum solltest du?" "Weil du Layla Rosenzweig bist. Die Frau, die ich mag." Mit diesen Worten eroberte er ihren Mund für einen leidenschaftlichen Kuss. ~~~~~ Folge mir auf Instagram: rayoflight_pcy
Check out my new book "Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate", which participates in Cupid's Quill. Please support me by adding the book to your library, voting, and commenting :D *** This story is slow-burn to show the characters' desires and emotions properly. The ML will appear in Chapter 28. If you'd like to skip the earlier chapters, you can go ahead to Chapter 28, where the main story begins. Chapters 1-28 give a glimpse of Yohana's life before she's resurrected in Runa's body. They also contain hints for several mysteries, but not major ones that would disrupt your reading flow. ___ [updated daily] Yohana, a skilled and relentless assassin, is killed after eliminating a prostitute. But she returns from the dead and finds herself in the body of the prostitute, who turns out to be the former princess. Now Yohana must unravel the mystery of her death while navigating high society as she assumes a new identity. As she uncovers the truth, she faces unexpected allies, enemies, and love, challenging her at every step. ___ Instagram: merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/dgHBGW844.7
Note: This book contains mature content. Hazel Gale was sold off to one of the biggest Families in New York 'The Wilson's' by her father. She was forced to marry the only heir of the Wilson's and Comigo empires. Alexander Wallace Wilson, a heartless Billionaire with a cold heart who was still in love with his ex Beverly, even after she cheated. Their contract marriage only lasted for 6 months, but one thing Alex failed to notice was his wife was pregnant before she left. He searched around the world for the woman he once rejected but couldn't find her anywhere. Alex was losing it, he felt like going crazy, insane, mad... He turned depressed overnight. He turned the entire country upside down but couldn't find the one person his heart belonged to. He has been so stupid to hurt her so much cause he was scared of falling in love with her, but now she's gone, he finally realized he can't live without her. EXCERPTS, "I've fallen in love with you Alex," I confessed, finally feeling relieved that the burden was now out. He stared at me without a word for some seconds, "Are you stupid?" I met his gaze astonished. "For fucks sake, what the fuck is wrong with you woman?" Everything he's done was to hurt her which he regrets completely. "Sir I think we found madam working in London! Ben said, "Buy the company Ben and book me the next flight to London." Alex ordered. For more update on the book you can follow me on Instagram @Kourtney Sspears NOTE: The book cover is not mine, contact me for immediate take down.Die Ehe ist nicht das Allheilmittel, wenn man plötzlich schwanger wird. Das hat Loreen aus Erfahrung gelernt. Als Karrierefrau akzeptierte sie es, Hausfrau zu werden, als sie plötzlich von einem One-Night-Stand mit einem Fremden schwanger wurde. Aber nach ein paar Monaten hatte sie eine Fehlgeburt. Jahrelang versuchten sie es erneut - ohne Erfolg. Bis es schließlich so weit war... "Unterschreibe die Scheidungspapiere und verschwinde von hier", forderte ihr Mann. Muss sie geschieden werden und sich schämen, weil sie keine Kinder bekommen kann? Kann eine Ehe und eine romantische Beziehung nicht bestehen, ohne dass das Paar eigene Kinder hat? . . . Er war derjenige, der sie verlassen hat. Aber halt, 200 Anrufe und 100 Nachrichten. Was zum Teufel ist mit dem Kerl los?! . . _________________________ Geschenke und Bonus Zauberschloss = 5 Bonuskapitel Raumschiff = 10 Bonuskapitel Goldenes Gachapon = 15 Bonuskapitel *Hinweis: Die Bonuskapitel werden zu Beginn des folgenden Monats oder nach Erhalt der Geschenke hochgeladen. Dies hängt vom verfügbaren Kapitelvorrat ab. Tehee.
In an Empire where the heir was determined by his lineage, a prophecy changed it all. It would not be the bloodline but she whose love will give the Empire its next head. But what if her heart was filled with revenge rather than love? Will she succeed in giving the Empire the ruler it deserves or will everything burn down to hell? ____ Get ready to experience the journey filled with conspiracy, revenge, betrayal, mystery, greed and love. Which side will you choose? ____ Instagram- irissky_author ---- Special thanks to my editor- Shir Li ChewThe Synders and Thornes had always been the closest of friends. So when Kyra Thorne and James Synders both lost their parents in an accident, twenty-year-old James swore to protect ten-year-old Kyra as though he were her uncle. Twelve years later, Kyra had not only blossomed into a beautiful woman, but she also could no longer ignore the feelings she’d developed for James at nineteen. After three years of struggling to suppress them, she was finally ready to confess. However, what Kyra didn’t know was that James had long discovered her feelings—and had devised the cruelest way to reject her. But, what happened when James unintentionally crossed a line? One thing was certain: Kyra Thorne always got even, even if it meant destroying them both.
Keeley, une simple Jane quelconque, décroche le gros lot. [Non, elle n'a pas gagné à la loterie!] Du moins, c'est ce qu'elle pense lorsqu'elle épouse le célibataire le plus éligible de la ville de New York : Aaron, un riche séducteur au cœur froid et magnat. Elle veut montrer au monde qu'elle mérite sa position et se tord en quatre pour s'intégrer à son monde. Un beau jour, Aaron lui tend un document et lui demande de le signer. Un papier de divorce... "Elle est enceinte, et je dois assumer ma responsabilité." C’est la dernière chose qui lui tourne en tête avant de rendre son dernier souffle. Keeley meurt, victime d'un 'accident de la route'. [Fin de l'histoire. Pas du tout!] Pour une raison inexplicable, elle se réveille dans son jeune corps. Une jeune lycéenne, à peu près à l'époque où elle a rencontré pour la première fois son mari volage. Se souvenant de sa vie avec Aaron avant sa mort, elle se fait la promesse qu'elle fera tout en son pouvoir pour l'éviter à tout prix. Sera-t-elle capable de tenir sa promesse alors qu'Aaron a aussi ses propres plans, spécifiquement pour elle ? Ou va-t-elle répéter l'histoire et tomber à nouveau sous son charme... Pourquoi ne pas faire ce voyage avec moi et découvrir la vérité derrière leur histoire. *Couverture d'art par polkadottedscrunchie*