status: complete April Jackson a 24 years old painter's life took the worst turn, in just a day she lost everything, her job, her home, and went totally bankrupt. In the darkest moment of her life, there was a flicker of hope. She got a generous offer from a stranger she couldn't resist. That one leap of faith changed her life drastically. As she ends up living with the most sort out bachelor in the city, Brad Sebastian Smith, a grumpy handsome billionaire who has an hidden malicious agenda. April wasn't the ordinary girl she thought she was, there were secrets about her life she is totally clueless about. She has something the vicious Brad Sebastian Smith wants, and he will stop at nothing to obtain it from her. Grumpy meets sunshine as their world collides. Broody Brad couldn't resist the bubbly jolly April innocent charms as he was caught up in a personal conflict of choosing April over his ambitions. Can Brad carry on his ulterior motive when April has completely hold his heart captive? Excerpt# Brad I can't believe this is the same quirky April Jackson I saw at my study days ago. Gone are the ridiculous Jeans and T-shirts. She was wearing a sexy black dress that caresses her body like a second skin, bringing out beautiful curves I didn't notice before. I nearly stumbled when my gaze fell on her sexy long legs, and her wild curly hair added a fierce appeal. She looks like sin. I had to support my weight by pressing my palm to the wall, lest I trip and fall. "Mr. Smith you are back," she said snapping me out of my daze. "Mr. Smith, are you ok? you look pale" she asked. I clenched my fist, my eyes darkens as I took a step towards her, I cornered her to the wall. Ever since I met her I feel like I am losing control, from her pushing my buttons, getting under my skin, and now to this. She is going to be trouble! I gaze at her with lust. Her eyes flickered open. For the first time, I noticed she has beautiful grey eyes. My gaze fell on her plump lips, painted with red seductive lipstick. She bit her lips stirring up a strong urge to brush my lips on hers, devouring her lips with the craving desire surging up in me.4.76
[NOT HAREM] Luxury… How would you describe it? Eating 5 star multi course meals? Extravagant jewels and the finest of clothes? Being chauffeured in most expensive cars and private jets? All of this was the only thing Varya Vance, heiress to a multi-billion dollar company, knew until Earth was attacked by an Alien Invasion. After being targeted by the alien emperor, her plan to escape being captured is foiled when she is knocked unconscious. She wakes up in the bed of an alien prince as the world she once knew ceases to exist. Join her journey as she seeks to return to the security she once knew. For the first time in her life, she's going to have to rely only on herself. Only the tough will survive in this new reality of hers where murderous aliens run free and sanctimony has lost all reason. She had searched for her soulmate on Earth, but it turned out he was in the stars.Keeley, eine ganz normale Frau, hat den Jackpot geknackt. [Zumindest denkt sie das, als sie den begehrtesten Junggesellen von New York City heiratet: Aaron, einen wohlhabenden, kaltherzigen Frauenschwarm und Tycoon. Sie will der Welt zeigen, dass sie ihre Stellung verdient hat und verbiegt sich, um in seine Welt zu passen. Eines schönen Tages überreicht Aaron ihr ein Dokument, das sie unterschreiben soll. Ein Scheidungspapier... "Sie ist schwanger, und ich muss die Verantwortung übernehmen." Das ist das letzte, was ihr durch den Kopf geht, bevor sie ihren letzten Atemzug tut. Keeley stirbt, ein Unfall mit Fahrerflucht. (Ende der Geschichte. Nicht!) Aus einem unerklärlichen Grund wacht sie als ihr jüngeres Ich auf. Ein junges Highschool-Mädchen, etwa zu der Zeit, als sie ihren betrügerischen Ehemann zum ersten Mal trifft. Sie erinnert sich an ihr Leben mit Aaron, bevor sie starb, und verspricht sich selbst, alles in ihrer Macht stehende zu tun, um ihn um jeden Preis zu vermeiden. Wird sie ihr Versprechen halten können, wenn Aaron ebenfalls seine eigenen Pläne hat, speziell für sie? Oder wird sie die Geschichte wiederholen und sich erneut in ihn verlieben ... Warum nicht mit mir reisen und die Wahrheit hinter ihrer Geschichte herausfinden? *Covergrafik von polkadottedscrunchie*
[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] Noelle lived her whole life in luxury. Anything she demanded was handed to her on a silver spoon. But not Night. A boy she desires and thinks of as her 'perfect prince'. In a sick twist of fate, Noelle's family fell into huge debt, making her view things differently. Now with a broader view and an open mind, Night doesn't seem to be as perfect as he was in Noelle's eyes. COMPLETED 17 JUNE 2022 to 1 JANUARY 2023 -------------------------- *Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Discord: Fujiashi #3282 Instagram: @fujiashi Twitter: @Fujiashi_[TERMINÉ.] [Contenu mature.] Chloé Carlson, 35 ans, était une femme mariée vivant avec son mari infidèle— Vincent Gray, et leur fille— Mackenzie. Son mariage en échec l'a amenée à demander le divorce après 10 ans, mais son mari a refusé de le signer. "Je sais ce que tu veux Chloé, tu veux mon argent après notre divorce. Tu veux tout prendre de moi et je ne laisserai pas cela se produire !" Vincent accusa. "Je n'ai pas besoin de ton argent, Vincent ! Je veux juste emmener Mackenzie avec moi et partir !" Finalement, elle quitta son sale mari sans prendre un centime de lui. Elle allait se frayer un chemin dans la vie et offrir le meilleur à sa fille. Cependant, les choses ne vont pas si bien pour une mère célibataire comme Chloé. Il était difficile de trouver du travail parce qu'elle avait été femme au foyer sans qualification pendant longtemps. Ainsi, en désespoir de cause, car elle devait s'occuper de sa fille, elle n'avait qu'une seule solution. Elle a contacté son beau-frère— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25 ans, un jeune séducteur sans cœur, qui était également le PDG d'une entreprise en plein essor, lui demandant un emploi en cette période difficile. "Un travail? Ce n'est pas un problème. Tu peux travailler comme mon assistant personnel et t'occuper de tous mes besoins quotidiens." Vernon sourit et se rapprocha. "Surtout au lit", murmura-t-il à son oreille. — Chloé tombera-t-elle entre les mains de son méchant beau-frère et deviendra-t-elle l'esclave de ses caprices ? Ou retournerait-elle chez son mari minable et abusif pour l'avenir de leur fille ?
Dicen que los opuestos se atraen, eso es una mentira. ¡Los opuestos se matan! Cuando una sangre caliente se encuentra con otra sangre caliente, las cosas están destinadas a quemarse. Eso es exactamente lo que sucede cuando la pomposa y orgullosa princesa elfa, Neriah del Reino de Avelah, se ve obligada a casarse con el impetuoso príncipe dragón, Barak del Reino de Trago. El objetivo de Neriah es algún día liberarse de su matrimonio y huir con el amor de su vida, Lyle de Niles. Mientras que Barak hará todo lo posible por mantenerla como esposa. Neriah está segura de que está enamorada de otro, pero también está segura de que nadie puede encender la clase de pasión que su marido provoca. Su marido, a quien odia más que a nada. ¿Puede el fuego de la pasión surgir del odio? ¿Puede esa misma pasión quemar los muros de mentiras, traición y dolor? ¿Puede sus cenizas transformarse en amor?
Liu Yi sempre amou ler romances desde pequena, agora aos vinte anos, seu amor pelos romances não só não diminuiu, mas aumentou ao ponto de se perguntar se passar o dia todo lendo não é uma das razões para sua vida amorosa solitária. Liu Yi leu muitos romances em seus vinte anos de vida, mas nunca conseguiu abandonar sua mais recente obsessão, ela leu o romance mais vezes do que consegue contar e ainda terminou chorando no final. Ela sentiu pena do segundo protagonista masculino que não recebeu amor de nenhum dos membros de sua família, exceto do seu avô, e a mulher que ele acabou gostando só tinha olhos para o protagonista masculino. O que mais doeu em Liu Yi foi quando o segundo protagonista masculino doou seu rim para a protagonista feminina, apesar de seu problema cardíaco, e em troca recebeu um convite de casamento dela com o protagonista masculino. Liu Yi odiava o autor do livro e detestava a protagonista feminina, ela sabia que era apenas um livro, mas por algum motivo ela simplesmente não conseguia superar, ela achava que o que aconteceu com o segundo protagonista masculino era injusto e desejava poder fazer algo para mudar seu cruel destino, esses eram seus pensamentos enquanto seus olhos pesavam com o sono. Liu Yi abriu os olhos quando ouviu alguém chamá-la de senhorita e ficou surpresa ao ver que não só estava no corpo de uma criança de dez anos, mas que estava no romance, no mesmo mundo que o segundo protagonista masculino. Saber disso encheu seu coração de alegria, pode ser que ninguém amasse o segundo protagonista masculino, mas ela amaria, ela iria dar ao segundo protagonista masculino todo o amor que tinha, mas o único problema é que ela não só estava no corpo de uma criança de dez anos que acabou sendo a meia-irmã da protagonista feminina, mas também, não foi a meia-irmã da protagonista feminina que morreu aos dezoito anos? E o pior é que o autor nunca explicou quem ou o que exatamente a matou.
Doctor Irish Lane- 28 years old, was a renowned psychologist in New York. She looked stunningly attractive, sexy, and intelligent—a real beauty that undeniably captured every man’s attention. Joseph Dover- a Ph.D in Economics, a diamonds and gemstones expert and the CEO of the Runestone Group, appeared cruel and heartless in the eyes of his business rivals; however, his life abruptly changed when Irish Lane came like a nightmare, drowning him gradually and destroying his perfect plan. Everything seemed to be perfect until he showed his real intention, destroying their perfect love and shattering her beautiful dream. He showed his passionate love to her only to reveal his true color and purpose - to avenge his family’s tragic downfall caused by her father, and she was merely a bargaining chip used by him. However, fate has laid out something different from his plan. He found himself madly in love with the daughter of his enemy, but it was too late to restore what he had destroyed, causing them to fall apart. **** Her whole body trembled, screamed, and loosened at the pleasant sensation she hadn’t had before. Her strength was drawn away. Her body flopped on the man’s chest, fluttering like a cloud of feathers. “How much do you hate me, huh?” Joseph sighed above her. His voice was low, as mellow as a cello over her ears. She silently admitted that she had a soft heart. Joseph didn’t want to wait for her answer, and his rough thumb moved down her eyebrows. His handsome face pressed down close to her, and his thin lips seemed to sweep through her nose bridge and then gently touch her lips. He uttered in a low voice, “But no matter how much you hate me, you are mine.” At the end of the speech, his kiss fell. His kiss gradually became deeper and more passionate, and finally, he became more greedy. His cheek pressed down, and he murmured gently beside her ear. “Don’t force me to be rude to you.” The hot breath burned her, and her slender body twitched gently. Joseph raised his eyes, staring at her. The yellow light failed to light his eyes, which were still deep as night. His eyes were like a vast starry sky, ethereal and lonely. “I want to love you. I do, but I don’t know how I would trust you.” His piercing stares seem to melt her gradually. He always wanted to love her with all his heart, hug her with all his strength, and take care of her for the rest of his life. Irish’s heart was pierced with pain after hearing his words. She didn’t know if it was because of his eyes or his words. She looked at him intently, yet her emotions were concealed. His eyes were full of impatience and tension. Was this the woman he wanted to love with all his heart, who was heartless and stubborn? He couldn’t understand. He had paid so much and invested in this love, and why, in the end, he couldn’t make her happy? Why did they end up becoming an enemy after all the passionate nights they shared before? She couldn’t wait to leave him and wished she had never met him. Their passionate love turned into hatred, and the overwhelming pain pushed them to hurt and kill each other to survive. WSA2022 Entry. Leave your review, comment, and vote for this novel. I highly appreciate them. Stay tuned as I unfold the mystery behind this novel, and the mass release will follow soon!``` Walaupun hanya perkawinan semata-mata demi kenyamanan, Amelie Ashford adalah istri yang sempurna dalam segala aspek. Dia cerdas, patuh, dan dihormati. Dia baik terhadap semua orang dan berbakti kepada suaminya. Dan dia sangat puas untuk menghabiskan sisa hidupnya seperti itu, walaupun dia terus-menerus didesak untuk hamil. Sampai suatu saat suaminya masuk ke rumah mereka dengan membawa selir di sisinya dan akhirnya menuntut perceraian. "Baiklah," kata Amelie dengan tenang, "Saya akan menceraikan Anda." Mata Richard berbinar ketika ia mendengar istrinya mengucapkan kata-kata ini. Namun, kejutan baginya, dia belum selesai. "Tapi jangan heran ketika Anda mendapatkan undangan ke pernikahan saya berikutnya." Untuk kejutan semua orang, Amelie memang menikah lagi, dan dengan pria yang lebih muda dan, ternyata, lebih kaya! Dan dia memastikan bahwa mantan suaminya menyadari apa artinya kehilangan dukungan dari wanita seperti dirinya. _____ "Saya dibesarkan untuk menjadi istri kelas atas yang sempurna, terlatih untuk unggul dan tetap waspada. Yang saya tahu hanyalah bagaimana memalsukan senyum, membaca, dan bekerja keras untuk memastikan tak ada yang berani merendahkan keluarga saya. Tetapi pada akhirnya, itulah yang membuat saya menjemukan dan membosankan. Jadi ketika suami saya memutuskan untuk menceraikan saya, mengapa Liam malah jatuh cinta dengan saya? Penting: FL bukan Mary Sue. Perceraian terjadi di bagian kedua novel jadi hati-hati dengan tekanan darah Anda. ```
Walking the earth with a sword in hand Love and hate freely without a plan Stray into the red dust and grievances rise Emotions become the hero’s demise A bloodstained dress is the emperor’s dream The battlefield is not what it seems One sword may bind or break the heart Next life we’ll stay forever apart ----- When a twist of fate causes high school junior Wang Jingyuan to transmigrate into an alternate universe—one where Wuxia and palace struggles play out in real life—she promptly finds herself deeply entangled in power schemes, war, and heartbreak. Left with only her wits, modern knowledge, and all the dramas she’s ever watched, she must navigate this new world and become the smart and strong protagonist of her own story—without losing herself. As the worlds collide and fates intertwine, will Wang Jingyuan find her happily ever after, or will reality shatter every beautiful daydream? ----- Note: This is an ORIGINAL story, not a translation! All rights reserved. Warning: There will be minor cursing in the story.Winter’s impulsive one-night stand in a nightclub would set off a chain of events that would change her life forever. After discovering she was pregnant, she fled to another country, determined to start over and raise her child in peace. But when her grandfather suffers a life-threatening accident, Winter returns to a world she swore to leave behind—only to discover that her grandfather had arranged a marriage for her, one she never consented to. The shocking revelation? The man chosen for her was none other than Kalix Andreas, the ruthless mafia don with whom she had shared that fateful night of passion. Cold, calculating, and powerful, Kalix is not the man Winter remembers. Underneath his unyielding exterior lies a dangerous man with a past that binds them both. Faced with a forced union, Winter must confront her deepest fears. Kalix is determined to claim her heart and her soul, declaring, "I’ve waited years for you, Angel. No matter how strong the walls are, I will break them with my love. You have to be mine." But can she accept the love of the man who embodies everything she’s fought against? Or will the weight of his dark secrets tear them apart? A tale of passion, betrayal, and redemption, the story will keep you on the edge of your seat as Winter struggles to choose between love and the walls she’s built around her heart. PS: I DO NOT OWN THE COVER. CREDIT TO THE RESPECTED OWNER. *** Do vote for the book. The more powerstones and golden ticket the more chapters. Motivate the author as it helps her to write beautiful stories
"I love you please marry me" I closed my eyes in the fear as I kneel in front of the devil itself who has his hands warped around the female lead. The next thing I knew I stood in the wedding hall wearing the white suit while in front the Villain itself putting the ring on my finger. "Now I declare you as husband and hu-husband you may kill your husband" It was supposed to be a straight Otome game where I was supposed to be dead while saving the FL. But here and I married to the villain itself. "WHEN DID IT TURN INTO BL?" I don't own the cover as I just did the editing of the art and credit goes to its owner
The Goddess of Heavenly Realm has taken a rebirth to prove her loyalty and love. The Descendant of Fire Spirit has returned after a century. ***** Su Licheng, the Crown Prince of the Su Empire, lives in a place that is difficult to reach. It has been seven years since anyone has seen Su Licheng. Thus, everyone calls him the Shadow Prince. But is it the only reason to call him the Shadow Prince? The Emperor, Su Zhenji, wants to bring Su Licheng back to the capital but has always failed in his attempts. However, when one day the Princess of the neighboring kingdom, Yu Xiana, comes to the Emperor for his help in the great war, he offers his help to Yu Xiana on the condition that she will bring his son back to the capital. Carrying a sword in her hand Yu Xiana entered the shadow city to defeat the five martial warriors before finally meeting Su Licheng. ~~~~~~~ "This marriage will not happen today," Su Licheng's voice roared as he ground the sword on the wooden floor, thus fearing everyone in the marriage hall. Yu Xiana, who was in her bridal attire, moved her veil away. "Prince Licheng isn't supposed to do this on my wedding day," she stated. "Did you forget your promise to me, Xiana?" Su Licheng arched his eyebrow and took slow steps toward her. Yu Xiana frowned as he halted before her. The next second, he pulled her up by her waist, shocking everyone in the bridal hall. "You need to serve me all your life, Xiana," Su Licheng said while smirking. ~~~~~~~ The story has a rebirth plot. Su Licheng and Yu Xiana, the story's main protagonists, are connected by their past lives. My other stories: Married To The Cruel Crown Prince (Completed) Gifted Bride of the Sinned Prince (Completed) The Second Husband (Completed) Revenge Of The Crown Princess (Completed) The Vampire Prince's Blindfolded Bride (Ongoing) Follow me on Instagram: rayoflight_pcy
[This Book Is Complete] Starlet yearns for her husband to love her but the way he was coerced into matrimony makes him hate her instead. Their two and a half years of marriage has been a miserable one for Starlet. She has had everything she has ever wanted as the daughter of the richest man in their society but what she wants most, her husband’s heart has been closed off to her. Despite the hurt he has put her through Starlet feels she can make him love her. She refuses to see any other outcome. Although the idea of her husband looking elsewhere for female company has been so far, internet articles and images of him being with another woman spark something in Starlet. Up to this point she has been taking the punishment her husband has been giving her but she has had enough. She decides that she had to show him her strengths and make him love her. She forces him to write a post nuptial agreement (which only fills him with more bitterness toward her) and underhandedly gets rid of his mistress. Somewhere along the line her husband begins to warm up to her. She feels that they may have a good married life together. Their past however make Starlet question the affection he shows. If it is true or calculated. She struggles with the decision to keep him bound to her or if loving him truly would be to let him loose. She wonders if he would be happier without her and with a woman who claims to be his first real love.Una chica pobre nacida con enfermedad cardíaca congénita no tenía muchas esperanzas para el futuro, pero su vida da un giro brusco cuando un apuesto y rico hombre le propone matrimonio después de su trasplante de corazón. Fue lo más sorprendente que le sucedió en sus 22 años de vida. Abigail nunca había pensado que Cristóbal Sherman, un joven empresario multimillonario, se acercaría a ella y expresaría su deseo de casarse con ella. Estaba eufórica y aceptó su propuesta. Pero poco sabía que el guapo hombre de 32 años tenía una razón secreta para querer casarse con ella. Abigail entró en su mundo con mucha esperanza en su corazón. Pero casarse con él no fue el final feliz. Solo fue el comienzo. ¿Podrá mantener su corazón intacto? ¿Qué sucederá si descubre su verdadero motivo? ============= —La vida era fácil antes de casarme contigo —dijo Abigail con dolor en sus ojos—. Me estaba muriendo, pero era feliz. —¿Qué quieres decir? —Cristóbal le sujetó el brazo—. Deja de decir tonterías y toma la medicina —siseó, colocando una tableta en su palma. Bajo su mirada ardiente, Abigail se encogió. —¿Te resulta difícil cumplir con mi exigencia de tener un bebé? Han pasado dos años, Cristóbal. No respondió a su pregunta. Todo lo que hizo fue mirarla, actuando mudo. —¿Por qué siento que no te importan mis sentimientos? —preguntó Abigail—. ¿No me amas? Su silencio fue la respuesta clara. ============= Un agradecimiento especial a Aurora, mi editora, por sus útiles sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar la sinopsis.
"Oooooooo ...... no ...... don't." "Baby you want it." Nancy wants to cry without tears lying on the table, looking at the big boss behind her keep fucking her with no rest, the first time she regrets working here. Day after day she was fucked and her back and legs were sore. She was just a little secretary who wanted to do her job properly! How come it was so hard? "Boss you have to work seriously, you can't indulge in female sex all day, you ...... ah ......" Nancy tried to reason with the big grey wolf behind her, but he didn't listen at all and even intensified his behaviour. "I don't indulge in female sex, I only indulge in you." The man lay behind her ear, breathing heavily, extremely seductive. The burning breath exhaled caused Nancy to resist tightening her body. "Hiss ...... relax ...... don't ......" There was no shame in the office, while in a distant place, another miserable assistant looked at the sky speechlessly. CEO and ma'am please let me go, change someone to squeeze it! Why are all the CEO's subordinates, but the assistant and secretary have different treatment?
[Status: Completed /02/14/24] Synopsis: When Monarki found herself tied inside a dark castle dungeon, she merely thought that it was all just a product of her dream. But when knights appeared in front of her and ordered her to be dragged to the guillotine, she realized how intense and terrifying her dream was. Determined to go on and witness where her silly dream will take her, she obediently puts her neck under the blade that screams her death. “Death to the sloth! Execute the lazy bitch!” She was convinced that it wasn’t real, but when the coldness of the blade touched her skin, the heart-wrenching cries and tear-stained faces of her loved ones filled her vision. She finally realized that her lethargic and boring life as Monarki had ended, and her new identity in that unfamiliar world where magic and monsters exist began. However, the lingering soul of the body’s owner, Luna, seemed to have wanted her body back. Will Mona allow her to reclaim her life once more? Or will she fight for her own life, despite the truth that nothing belonged to her in that world? “What can I offer for you to feel belong in this world?” Asked by the Grand Duke who wanted her to stay. The man gave his heart instead, now owned by Monarki. Join Monarki to unravel the mysteries revolving around her transmigration, and find out why her soul, of all people, was the one who got summoned. *** This is my first story so I can assure you that I'll finish it no matter what^^ The novel will focus on Mona's adventure as she unravels the mysteries revolving around her and Luna's identity. Romance is quite slow, but it will gradually focus on that, so please keep reading^^ Thank you! - Cover is mine^^Who would have thought supernaturals exists? Not I at least. Heartbroken when my crush left me for a trip with his boyfriend, I did what any sane love smitten boy will do. I decided to take care of the boyfriend's company with my crush's siblings. What I never envisioned is having to take care of not only the company but the insufferable friend Meka. A boss who sees everything bad in all I do. Determined to get the work that's allocated to me done and over with, I never expected there to be a glitch on the way. I stupidly had to fall for the Stony boss not knowing he's a fire-breather. Note: This novel took place in two universes. The first part took place on Earth while the other part took place in a fictional world.
Ivonne, a despised werewolf with a rogue lineage, thought marrying her fated mate, Alpha Lincoln, would finally win his love. But after a tragic accident causes her to lose her pregnancy, her life spirals into despair as Lincoln abandons her for his pregnant ex, leaving Ivonne broken and betrayed. Out of desperation, she enters a dangerous contract marriage with the ruthless Alpha Tobias, Lincoln’s powerful uncle, agreeing to bear him a child despite knowing she can’t conceive. But what will she do when she suddenly discovers that this man she is cheating is her second chance mate? And what will she do when she miraculously finds herself pregnant, but doesn't know who the father is. As two powerful men battle over her, Ivonne is forced to survive her tumultuous new life, even as old wounds resurface, new enemies appear and deadly secrets emerge. Will Ivonne find happiness with the man she’s grown to love, or will her past destroy her once and for all?
"Reste avec moi et je te donnerai tout ce que ton cœur désire. Pour toi, ma chérie, je séparerais les montagnes, fendrais la mer, et provoquerais le chaos sur Terre juste pour t'avoir." - - - - - Dans chaque histoire d'amour, il y a toujours une fiancée vengeresse et venimeuse qui était engagée avec le riche et beau PDG qui est tombé pour la pauvre, mais douce et innocente actrice principale. Dans sa soif de son amour, il a brisé sa pauvre fiancée dont l'amour l'a conduite au bord de la folie. Personne ne se souciait jamais de ce que la fiancée ressentait. Zhao Lifei a été préparée toute sa vie pour épouser un homme, mais soudainement, son cœur a été capturé par une autre femme. Elle a été giflée, détruite, et repoussée pour avoir aimé Zheng Tianyi. Elle était prête à sacrifier sa jeunesse, son temps, et son cœur pour cet homme, mais tout ce qu'elle a reçu en retour était de la douleur et du désespoir. Il a fallu deux années dures, mais éveillantes pour que Zhao Lifei comprenne enfin les erreurs qu'elle a commises dans le passé. Après sa rédemption, c'était maintenant à Zhao Lifei de vivre un amour plus grand que celui de l'actrice principale. Plus intelligente, plus battante, et plus spirituelle, Zhao Lifei savait comment survivre dans la cruelle, traîtresse, et dure haute société. "Un fiancé infidèle qui a brisé mon cœur ? Qu'il aille au diable, je trouverai quelqu'un de plus riche !" "Tous mes amis m'ont abandonnée ? Peu importe, je trouverai de meilleurs amis !" "Mes parents me renient ? C'est très bien, mon grand-père est plus riche et plus puissant qu'eux deux réunis !" A l'opposé de la sarcastique Zhao Lifei, se trouvait le très riche et puissant, mais impitoyablement froid, Yang Feng. Yang Feng, le Roi de l'Empire des Affaires, était un homme à craindre. Un cœur de glace, des yeux de pierre, impitoyable mais séduisant, il n'y avait pas une seule personne en ce monde qui osait l'offenser. Beaucoup ont essayé, mais aucun n'a réussi à attirer son attention. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que son chemin croise inopinément celui de Zhao Lifei. Des défis se présenteront, le chaos commencera, et le drame s'ensuivra. Mais après tout, qu'est-ce qu'une histoire d'amour sans perturbation ? Ils disent que l'amour sans conflit n'est qu'un simple béguin et l'histoire de Zhao Lifei et Yang Feng était bien plus que cela. - - - - - Statut du roman : Terminé. Note : Ceci est une histoire originale de moi (xincerely) et non une traduction :) Ce livre se trouve exclusivement sur webnovel.com. Veuillez NE PAS le reposter ailleurs. Discord de l'histoire : https://discord.gg/N5zzn6t Instagram de l'auteur : xincerely_author Editeurs et Correcteurs : Yserieh, ketaki, deelah, SniperGirl, dumdum007, YunRei, Blissful, ninaviews, Ocelot, Hoodwinhemmford, PantojaC0311, _pia29, dumdum007, filledelisle, myco, rosie, and littlebakergirl