Takeshi Hayabusa is fighting to regain the empire that was taken from his family by some of empire's enemies. In order to win a war, Tekashi had to learn some serious values if a true leadership, but amongst the greatest that he learns, he ends up doing the opposite, he brings together the four lost empires in a unique way. This is the only way, though illegal he has to do it.
When Kate encounters the superhero who killed her dad, she decides to avenge him. But a series of misunderstandings result in her getting admit to the only superhero academy in the world. Between risky missions, an arrogant nemesis and a lunatic headmaster, Kate Willow will have to choose between her natural instinct or a new compassionate side of her. But being a hero doesn't stop you from being a villain. Especially when everyone seems to hold a different story… "So you want to save the world as a villain?" "I just want to stay alive, and the Earth happens to be the place where I live."