"Don't worry I have it covered for you, and naturally it's not a bad one either. I'm such a good god" God began to smile
Movies · Suuper
who is garrick?
late teenage is not correct. it should be late teenage years or late teens
"Urgggghhh" A woman in her late teenage with black hair and brown eyes, was screaming out in pain on the bed with a big belly, next to her was a man of the same age as the woman with brown hair and gray eyes was holding her hand in support.
Book&Literature · EddyVirgil
someone needs to practice his shape-shifting, to get the details right so he doesn't need the potion
Who talks like that?
"I guess so. I think that in your case, it feels that your mind is heading towards a different aspect. But for some reason, I don't really hate this kind of relationship with you. "
Book&Literature · Ginormous_Madman
One scene, not a chapter make
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This the third commandment, not that you care
Second Commandment: "You shall not take the name of God in vain":
Anime & Comics · GodOfPride_z
Well a promise is a promise I guess 🥲
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Anime & Comics · xXTheDarkOneXx