Adonitology_Wizard - Profile



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Praise Adonitology!

2020-11-25 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 11

Moments 455


May man out here building the Triforce


"Interesting, but also troublesome." Muttered Matthew as he stared at the Stone worried. The Drones almost missed the Stone, after all, it looked like a small stone and could easily misinterpret as a pebble. But one of his Drones literally stumbled over the Stone and fell. Coincidence? He didn't believe in such a coincidence. Especially since his Drones aren't supposed to fall over a stone. It was if the Stones wanted to get together and be found. Even if the Soul inside them was still sleeping. For now, he took the Stone with him but stored it inside a Box that he created for Horcruxes and kept it away from the others. He didn't want it to fuse with them like the two previous ones. From all, he knew the Being inside was too powerful. But leaving it here was too risky, he didn't know what would happen if it fell into wrong hands.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


The Ravenclaw door can talk, how is this interesting?

"Hmm, so you can talk. Interesting. The Password is 'Center Shock'." Once the Password left Matthew's mouth, the Gargoyle Statue began to move. It began to rotate and a Stairway began to appear from the Ground in the Stairwell leading to the Headmaster's office. Matthew quickly stepped onto one of the upper steps and let himself be lifted upwards. After a short while, the stairs stopped at a Platform in front of a massive and old wooden door.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee



This time he prepared himself for as many eventualities as he could think of. For once he prepared multiple specially enchanted glasses with the purpose of protecting himself from the deadly gaze of the Basilisk. According to his Calculations, they should be able to block the gaze of the Basilisk completely. Glasses alone would save him from Death and only petrify him, with his enchantments he could fight it. He had normal glasses but also aviator goggles in case he was sure he would have to fight the Basilisk, normal glasses could after all drop to the ground easily during a fight. He already wore glasses so the other Students wouldn't wonder too much why he suddenly wore glasses once the Basilisk attacks started.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee

Replied to Legendary_Gear5

What do you mean? This is canon

Flaming Christmas puddings followed the turkey. Percy nearly broke his teeth on a silver sickle embedded in his slice. They watched Hagrid getting redder and redder in the face as he called for more wine, finally kissing Professor McGonagall on the cheek, who, giggled and blushed, her top hat lopsided. They left the Table with a lot of new things. The White Mice disappeared and would most likely end up as Mrs. Norris meal.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


Well, now they're just wasting food. A hundred turkeys? Really? For no more than 35 people at the absolute most? Alright, we can add the House Elves into the equation but still that is massively extensive

Matthew was the only Ravenclaw that remained for the Holidays, everyone else returned home after opening his Gifts he joined the Teachers and a few Hufflepuffs, Harry who looked very happy, and the Weasleys in the Great Hall for the Christmas feast. A magnificent feast. A hundred fat, roast turkeys; mountains of roast and boiled potatoes; platters of chipolatas; tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce – and stacks of wizard crackers every few feet along with the table. These fantastic party favors were nothing like the feeble Muggle ones he remembered from home. Harry who wore his new Glasses to Matthews happiness pulled a wizard cracker with Fred and it didn't just bang, it went off with a blast like a cannon and engulfed them all in a cloud of blue smoke, while from the inside exploded a rear admiral's hat and several live, white mice. Up at the High Table, Dumbledore had swapped his pointed wizard's hat for a flowered bonnet, and was chuckling merrily at a joke Professor Flitwick had just read him.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


Dude... you're always "laying low".

They arrived at the Ravenclaw tower and joined the rest of the House to the feast in their Common Rooms after Hermione thanked him presonally, soon the whole house knew Matthew took out a troll and stared at him in awe. The whole school would know by tomorrow. Matthew decided to lay low for a few weeks.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


I'm glad it took until his 3rd year to conclude this. I hate it when Fanfics have the MC hate dumbles before they even get on the express for the first time.

'So I was right. Dumbledore doesn't want to only take out Nicholas Flamel, but also test Harry and confirm that Voldemort is alive, and most likely the connection between the two.' Mused Matthew as he followed behind the three first years, he could clearly feel the effect of a timed compulsion charm on them that draw them to the forbidden Corridor.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


Honestly, if it were me I'd still not say his name. Or maybe just a shortened version of it. Yeah, there was the taboo on the name that shouldn't work now but the war lasted long enough that most of the populace have legitimate PTSD from the name.

"From What? Like you, I grew up in the non-Magical World and don't have that fear ingrained in me. They didn't say his name back then because Voldemort cast a Taboo on his name and was able to locate people who would say his name. Usually, after saying his name a group of Death Eater would arrive and attack you. Death Eater is how his followers are called." Replied Matthew half-amused and half-serious.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


I can't wait for him to realize all his plans are forfeit as soon as he learns its a crossover universe. Honestly, it makes sense why he wouldn't know yet. Most recognizable Marvel companies are in the US and not apart of something he would learn about. Yeah, Stark industries is a huge company but they don't become a Household name for a long while since they are mainly a weapons company currently. And unless they make major breakthroughs in science, there's no way to learn about Oscorp. You just don't see these companies on the news often. He left school after Year 6 which should still be in the area before WW2 is discussed, especially for a country with such a large history. He might have seen Captain America cartoons but just assumed they were Marvel Productions and not based on a real dude. I'm starting to wonder how he will learn about the Marvel side and not when that will be now.

After all, Matthew had a large trunk in possession and stasis charms. The prices also were cheap without the over 30 years of inflations and crisis till he died in his world. Why not invest 3600 pounds after beating up some Criminal Scum into a Currency only he could invest in that form. A gram of weed cost currently 2-4 pounds, while after the introduction of the euro it would be around 9-16 pounds. Which would be a nice investment for money he had no use for at the moment, and he still wanted to study in the Future. Students liked weed and were ready to pay a bit. Since he was underaged he couldn't invest it into shares and he couldn't exactly tell his parents he had exact information of the future or divined the development of the economy, it was too absurd. He could still invest his money in the future since the first iPhone came only in 2007 out and Facebook was founded in 2004. Maybe he could use their ideas before them, which would make him one of the richest people in the world. Before even Cryptocurrency came out he could be filthy rich, legally.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


The only time a novel actually mentions this. I hate it when MCs have to witness death in their new life despite dying themselves in the previous one. Makes no sense

[Beep! Scan of new Lifeform complete! Registering a Mystic Energy field around the Thestral. The field is combined with a new unidentified type of radiation which should be responsible for the invisibility. The current hypothesis, the unknown energy radiation is related to death. Further data and experiments are necessary. Host saw his death, so condition to see the Thestrals fulfilled.]

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


Once again, Muffliato is a Spell invented by Snape and only known after reading his 6th year potions book. Also, the spell itself is horrible for stealth. The mechanics of the spell is that it will fill another persons Ears with buzzing so as to prevent other people from listening in to a conversation. You're actually creating a radius of sound that will move with you, pretty much announcing you're position


After opening the window with the unlocking charm he climbed into the empty room. The room was small and dirty, lots of garbage was laying around. With another "Homenum revelio" he located the gang members on his floor. One sitting by the Door another in a room directly opposite. With a "Muffliato.", he silently opens the door. The first guard by the door was luckily asleep. After stunning him with a whispered "Stupefy" Matthew approached the door with the last person on the ground floor. Spying through the keyhole allowed him to recognize a dark room with a few beds inside, on one bed is a body-like shadow. Matthew silently opened the door and stunned the occupant.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


Yeah, maybe for British magic, and even then it's a stretch. Pretty sure Dumbles spent years traveling the world with Gellart learning about all kinds of magic that most people in Britain besides maybe the old families have no experience in. Pretty sure it's canon that a lot of old classes or clubs from Hogwarts was shutdown as well like the Dueling club that Dumbledore could have been apart of during his time at Hogwarts.

Books he could read at home, but practicing magic only in Hogwarts. So he spent as much time as possible inside the Room. He didn't need to study theory for the exams, there was no one in his or one of the upper years who could even come close to the AI Chip's ability to totally recall everything he read. Maybe a practicer of Occlumency could come close. He was confident that before his OWLs he would be more knowledgeable than Dumbledore in magic. Maybe Dumbledore would know more obscure topics because he found some rare books during his long life, but in general theory, nobody could beat Matthew.

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee

Replied to Azrialt

Snapes, like, 30years old or something like that. Yeah, he's extremely talented but he also focused on Potions mainly with some research into the dark arts. Its somewhat the same with McGonagall since she's more focused on teaching and being deputy head mistress. She at least had some Auror training though. DADA professor made a career out of fighting dark wizards. He's the closest thing to an actual soldier in the Wizarding world. Of course he has a more trained and developed magic, especially since he's really old. If your magic power increases with age, yeah, it might hit Rank 4 even if you can't use it to its full power do to age.

'Hmm… What is the meaning of Wizard(Rank 1)?' [After further analyzing the different Wizards in proximity the AI Chip created a rudimentary ranking system to categorize the different power levels of Wizards. Rank 1 Wizards are generally young student-level Wizards in the age range of 11-15. Rank 2 Wizards are the general adult wizards the mystical energy value reaches that stage naturally at the age 16-17. Rank 3 Wizards are exceptionally powerful Wizards that reached that level through their talent, practice or high age in this category for example are Snape, McGonagall, and Flitwick. Finally, Professor Dumbledore is a Rank 4 Wizard even possibly approaching the Rank 5 rank. Barely qualifying as a Rank 4 wizard is Professor Williams due to his high age and career as an Auror. But also due to his age, he isn't able to show that level of power.]

Magus of the Wizarding World

Magus of the Wizarding World

Book&Literature · Arrowinmyknee


Is this gonna be right before Maya leaves?

"Strange... You would think they would have someone to greet the tourists if it was their main source of income." Kane said, a little curious about the situation, but not enough to worry over it.

Rogue of Borderlands

Rogue of Borderlands

Video Games · GrimsReaper

Replied to Justin_Richardsn

He talks about it in a one of the side missions. Also, fun fact, she's the reason he's fat. She gave him the advice that if he was overweight people will start to see him as weak and unassuming. Its one of the main reasons she looks how she does

Moxxi came out of the room that Marcus was just in, clothes also a little out of place, and hair a little frizzy. 'I knew they were married, but I thought they broke up!' Kane thought as he eyed the cruel woman carefully.

Rogue of Borderlands

Rogue of Borderlands

Video Games · GrimsReaper

Replied to Shockingly_Decent

She doesn't really betray them, Steele busts down her door and threatens her to send the VHs out while she has the full key so Steele could take it from her. She figured the VHs would enjoy killing bandits and went with it.

He remembered it from a cartoon in his previous world, and it was quite genius to him. The only reason he had forgotten about it was that he had never invited anyone over, cause he didn't want to.

Rogue of Borderlands

Rogue of Borderlands

Video Games · GrimsReaper

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