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27.5% Rogue of Borderlands / Chapter 11: Moxxi

Kapitel 11: Moxxi

In the city/shithole of New Haven, Kane was walking down the street towards Marcus' shop with Luna by his side. She had apparently wanted to say goodbye to the greedy merchant, so he brought her along.

Walking into his shop, Kane went straight to the counter and was puzzled. For the first time since he could remember, Marcus wasn't at the counter waiting on someone or flipping through the ECHO-net making deals.

"HEY, MARCUS!!! WHERE YOU AT?!!" He shouted, hoping that the man was even here.

A few minutes later and Marcus walked into the room, looking like he had just stumbled out of bed, and a few minutes later, Kane saw the reason why. It was one of the people he hoped not to meet in this universe, although he did have to admit she was a smoke show.

Moxxi came out of the room that Marcus was just in, clothes also a little out of place, and hair a little frizzy. 'I knew they were married, but I thought they broke up!' Kane thought as he eyed the cruel woman carefully.

'Of course, Marcus would be able to tame the bitch!' Kane thought as he took a few steps away from the woman, making sure he could have his weapon at the ready in the blink of an eye if necessary.

"My my, don't you look yummy!" Moxxi said in a lustful voice, her eyes roaming up and down Kane's body. She started to walk towards him, but she had barely gotten more than two steps when she froze.

Luna and Kane both drew weapons, aimed directly in her face, and they looked like they would fire in a heartbeat if she took another step forward.

Kane would because he knew of this woman and didn't trust her as far as he could teleport her, and Luna because she had been on the list of individuals Kane had warned her about. It wasn't a very long list, but everyone on it was to treated with caution.

Kane had warned her to never let her guard down when she was near anyone on the list, and funnily enough, Marcus was also on the list. Luna and Kane were both close to Marcus, but that didn't mean either of them would ever think him weak or he wouldn't take advantage of a situation as long as it was beneficial towards him.

Moxxi's name was in the top three names on the list of people to be cautious around, and she wasn't exactly hard to miss, considering the fact she had posters of herself posted almost everywhere on the planet.

Kane realized he didn't like this woman, regardless of this being his first encounter with her. He knew how she acted from his talks with Marcus, and from rumors spreading around Pandora. The ECHO-NET also described some of the things she was into.

The whole, enter into a coliseum of death for entertainment of others and fortune and fame for yourself was great, and Kane, with his warped sense of humor actually enjoyed it himself.

However he knew what it took to get something like that started, the people you would need to force and how cruel you would need to be to do what she did, and it wasn't comforting.

He knew what it would take because the person would need to be at the very least, as twisted as he was, and that was someone he just wouldn't trust.

After all, he had plans to screw with the whole God damned galaxy, so a MILF with a power complex, and the followers and brains to pull it off... fuck that bitch!!

"You better leave." Marcus said, trying to defuse the situation. Moxxi turned to Marcus, trying to sweet talk him into 'Help a lady out', but the man was adamant she leave, so she turned her attention back to Kane. Giving him another once over, she licked her lips before departing the shop.

"How can I help you, Kane?" Marcus asked, his jovial attitude coming back into full swing once Moxxi was out of the building.

He had no intention of asking what all the drama a few seconds ago was about, considering he knew Moxxi better than almost anyone and just figured she was responsible for pissing Kane off in some way or another.

Storing his weapon away, Kane smiled happily as he brought out a large envelope filled with cash and placed it on the table, followed by him putting two large red chests beside the counter.

"I was wondering if you would see that Brick, Roland, Mordy and Lilith get these when they're back from dealing with Atlas, for a fee of course." Kane said, pushing the money towards the man.

"Also, I have a few more chest of lower quality firearms that I was hoping you could take care of." Kane added, waiting for Marcus to agree to his deal, which took about half a second. "Of course!! Same as always?" Marcus asked, getting a nod from Kane.

Marcus then lead him and Luna into the back where Kane unloaded a few dozen chests. "AHAHAHA!! It's always a pleasure doing business with YOU!!" Marcus shouted happily as they went back into the shop area.

Marcus then went behind the counter and brought out a small package before he handed it over to Luna. "Just as I promised, and top quality too!!" Marcus exclaimed, showing a victorious smile.

"And here I thought I had asked for something beyond your capabilities. Serves me right for doubting you." Luna said as she handed over a key and a piece of paper.

"I'm sorry, did I miss something? What did you get, and what did you pay him?" Kane asked, looking down at Luna.

"Marcus and I made a bet. I bet him that he couldn't get me any books or items about Sirens. If he won, I had to give up a few cases of different kinds of alcohol I borrowed and stashed away from your bar, and if I won, he had to be my butler for a week." Luna said, clarifying the nature of their deal.

Kane wasn't too happy with Luna, but at the same time he was kind of proud. The alcohol cost him practically nothing, but he was still a little irritated that she managed to rob from him without his notice.

However the fact that even after she 'lost' the bet with Marcus, she still got an item with information regarding Sirens, made him quite proud. If he had tried to buy the book, he had no doubt it would have costed him a fortune, but if Marcus was getting it for a bet, and for alcohol no less, he considered it a win.

There was also the fact that there was no time limit for Marcus, so he would never actually lose the bet unless he admitted defeat, something Kane didn't think would ever happen when it involved a deal. Plus Kane couldn't picture Marcus as a butler, so that thought was discarded pretty quick.

"I might be proud of you for getting this, but that doesn't excuse you robbing from me. For the foreseeable future, all training is doubled, and you have to pay me $10,000 dollars for every case you stole. I'll be checking when we get back." Kane said, getting a look of horror from Luna.

"This is gonna be how I die, isn't it?" Luna whispered as she crouched down to the ground and began drawing circles with her finger.

"Was that everything you wanted to discuss?" Marcus asked, clearly holding back his laughter towards the situation. "I think so. Cya in a few months." Kane said as he and Luna began walking towards the door. "So long, Kane!" Marcus shouted at his back.

Exiting the shop, Kane halted in his steps. Standing across the street staring at him was Moxxi, and she looked far too happy for Kane's liking. Taking a quick glance towards the rooftops, Kane noticed two sniper rifles pointed towards him, which just made him angry.

The stuck-up whore had actually tried to intimidate him!! 'Bitch Please!!' Kane thought in disdain.

Faster than anyone could see, Kane teleported 4 times in the span of mere seconds. The first teleport brought him above the first sniper, followed by a quick decapitation, then a teleport to the second man, who was also decapitated.

Sure the two would-be killers were just doing a job, but they made a very foolish, and final mistake!! They had pointed a gun at a lunatic with anger problems, who craved violence and deliberately sought it out.

Next, Kane teleported above Moxxi and dropped the severed heads, before teleporting back in front of Luna. Looking back over to Moxxi, Kane saw the horrified look on her face as she held one of the severed heads in her hands, while the other rested at her feet.

She wasn't scared because her goons died. Hell she reveled in bloodshed and got herself off on that sort of shit. It was how they died with what appeared to be a blink on an eye without a single sound being uttered. To Kane, her horror filled eyes were wonderful, causing a feral grin to form across his face.

It wasn't one of lust, no. It was one promising of pain. Once again he teleported, but this time he appeared right behind her. "You will always remember this day, as the day you royally fucked up!" Kane whispered in Moxxi's ear, right before he drove a small dagger through her back.

The wound wouldn't kill her, but it would forever be a memory that he could stab her in the back and she would be helpless to stop it.

Frankly speaking, he didn't think the two guys on the roof top would have actually fired at him unless he drew his weapons again, but the fact that they had him and possibly Luna in their crosshairs just pushed him over the edge.

He would have killed Moxxi too, but she was a vital part in creating Handsome Jack. After that though, she'd be fair game. He also wanted to finish doing business with Marcus before he killed her, because he had no idea how the man would react if he suddenly killed his ex-wife, who he was still sleeping with.

Acting like he didn't just murder two people and stab a third, Kane walked with Luna until they were out of sight before teleporting into the sky and heading off into the distance. He still had some preparations to make before he left Pandora, and that was only about 30 something hours away.


(Moxxi POV)

"Aaarrggg!! That god damn hurts!!" She squealed in agony. This hadn't been the first time she had been stabbed, but it was one of the most painful times.

All she had wanted to do was talk to the mysterious man who had sold Marcus the unbelievable alcohol, but he was too defensive against her.

She had no idea if she had ever met him before, but if she had it most certainly didn't end well. She thought with the two snipers pointed at him he would be still and let her talk, but then he vanished from thin air and dropped the heads of the two people she had seduced into doing this for her on top of her.

All she could do was watch the man smile murderously towards her before a burst of pain shot through her back, and when he spoke, it felt like death himself was whispering in her ear.

Once the strange, terrifying man had gone, she pulled out her ECHO device and called Marcus to come outside and help her.

A long while later, Marcus came walking out of his store as if he was taking a casual stroll through town as he walked over to her kneeling figure.

"I warned you... DON'T!! TRY!! TO FUCK WITH!! KANE!!!!!" Marcus shouted in her face before he roughly picked her up and carried her inside his shop.

"I didn't do anything! *ARGG!*" Moxxi said, but Marcus didn't buy it. "So the two heads outside are just things you keep with you to look good?" Marcus asked sarcastically.

She couldn't really say anything as Marcus tore the clothes around where she was stabbed, then began to clean it.

"I'm actually surprised you're still breathing. From what I know, Kane doesn't leave people alive, and judging how untrusting he is of you, I'd say you angered him, which could be your death." Marcus so helpfully added.

He rather liked Kane. The man was a walking treasure trove, and he paid more than anyone did for his products, while choosing to buy on the more pricey side of things.

"Did you know about his speed?" Moxxi asked as Marcus sowed the wound shut with needle and thread. "Yes, but he pays more than you could ever scrape up to buy that information. Besides, I did warn you." Markus answered, smiling a little cruelly to the woman.

"Look, I'm now positive he won't do business with me, so how about you and I make a trade?" Moxxi asked, earning a roar of mocking laughter in return.

"You only got one thing I want, and I can get that for far cheaper from someone else. Granted not as good, but I can still get it." Marcus stated as he walked over to his counter. He came back a few seconds later, holding a bill for 'Medical Services=$430' which just pissed Moxxi off.

"Can you take this seriously?!" She shouted as she glared daggers at the man. "I am. Now unless you want to finish up what we were doing before Kane showed up, you can leave my shop." Marcus politely suggested.

Not being in the mood, for once, she left the shop. She figured it was about time she prepared for her trip to Elpis, and take a few weeks away from Pandora. She walked back to her hotel room, all thoughts of trying to get revenge on Kane ended before they even got a foothold in her mind. She knew for certain she wouldn't live the moment he decided to end her.

Little did she know, her death was already being planned, and unless she somehow got into Kane's good graces, she would die without even seeing her attacker.


(General POV)

Instead of heading back to his base, Kane decided to make a pit-stop in Skagg Gully. They would be leaving soon, so he figured he better make sure his pets would remember who was in charge. As he landed smoothly on a small rock pile, Kane cast his gaze all around them. Not seeing anything, he did two sharp, loud, high pitched whistles.



Less than 30 seconds later, 6 larger than average Skaggs were barreling towards his position. Before they could get too close, Kane held out his hand and pointed his index finger downwards, prompting 5 of the things to halt about 10 feet away and sit on their hind legs. The sixth Skagg, the only one with a purplish skin, kept charging towards Kane, it's teeth bared.

'Damn mutt!!' Kane thought in annoyance. It had only been a few days since he was last here, but even then, Fang had acted out a little. It had just been a few nips at the time, so Kane had let it go, but now it seemed he was being too lenient.

With a flick of his wrist, one of his molecular bladed swords appeared in his hands. Raising it up, he stepped into Fang's charge, impaling the rebellious hound clean though. There wasn't even a yelp of pain as Fang died instantly. "Damn it!! I can't believe that bastard did that!!" Kane shouted as he pulled his sword out .

Looking over to his remaining five pets, he noticed how they were laying down in subservience towards him. Spot and Puffles also seemed to be letting out a low whine, like they were scared. "Stop it!!" Kane ordered, instantly silencing the two of them.

With a nod of approval, Kane pointed to Rufus and signaled him to come forward. Rufus was a lightning Skagg, although completely different from how they were in the game, he was still a monster. He was also Kane's favorite of the bunch, but he treated them all equally.

In the game, the Skaggs were covered in the element they were attuned with, and were immune to said element, while also being able to shoot it from their bodies or mouth. However that wasn't how it actually worked. If they were a lightning elemental Skagg like Rufus, they were a lighter shade of blue, while occasionally releasing small shocking sounds.

They were also not immune to their element, but they were resistant to it up to a certain threshold. For instance, Rufus loved being tasered, but if he was hit by a lightning bolt, he would most likely die.

As for the elemental damage they could do, well it differed. Rufus and Pikachu, were his two lightning elemental skags, and for the most part they were the same in power, although Rufus was almost double the size of the others, and seemed to be a more relaxed pet.

Power-wise, they could both release any lightning they had generated in their bodies from their mouth, although it was contained more inside their mouths, so they would need to bite something for it to really be effected. They couldn't breath lightning like a dragon, it just didn't work that way.

The fire elementals literally worked the exact same, the only difference being the element. The corrosive and slag were similar to each other, being more of a liquidly kind of thing. The skags could collect the stuff, then spit it at a range, although the range depended on the skag.

As Rufus came forward, Kane swung his sword and divided Fang into 5 similar sized pieces. Once he was done, he used a little spatial manipulation to toss one of the pieces into the air, which Rufus caught with some excitement.

As the big dog-like thing held the piece of it's former compatriot in it's mouth, Kane stepped forward and stroked his armored head, avoiding his two tiny eyes, something which Rufus in particular didn't enjoy.

Kane then made a throwing gesture, and 6 bandit corpses appeared in a pile a few feet away from them. Rufus looked at the pile, then back to Kane. "Wait for it!!" Kane ordered, then pointed to a spot a few feet away from the corpses.

Next was Spike. He was a fire elemental, and probably the fastest of the bunch. Just like Rufus, Spike got his piece of Fang, a pile of corpses, then was told to wait for it. Pikachu came next, followed by Puffles, the only Corrosive Skag Kane had been able to tame.

Kane noticed how the corrosive elementals seemed to be the more dominant and more wild of the bunch, which was why they were so hard to tame. Puffles was the opposite of that though. She was a lot more submissive compared to the others, although that was only to him. He had watched her kill two other skags who thought they could claim her, and she had made it seem easy.

Spot came along after and got his food, letting a little bit of fire show in his mouth, letting Kane know he was still hot as ever. With that over and done with, Kane stepped back to Luna before he turned to look at all of them.

They were waiting as still as ever, not daring to eat before they were given the okay to do so. Over three minutes later, Kane gave a quick whistle, which was the signal to eat, prompting all of them to start ripping into their meals.

"God, those are creepy!! I don't know why you decided to get pets!" Luna chimed in, getting the shivers in the process. She didn't like pets, at least the ones on Pandora. She had read about real dogs and not their mutations that were skags, and honestly she really wanted one, but Kane declined.

He didn't want anything that he would have to keep constant watch over and have to feed for every meal. For his now 5 pets, he rarely fed them, but that was more of a special treat then a feeding time. They hunted just fine by themselves, and had gotten pretty good at working as a pack.

"Don't worry about it..." Kane answered. He had to stop himself from saying, 'I kept you didn't I?' thinking that it would have been a bit much. He realized Luna was changing him in little ways, and he wasn't exactly sure he liked it either.

Done with that, Kane gave each of them another scratching, then he and Luna decided to head back to base.


"Are we gonna say good-bye to Brick and Mordy?" Luna asked after they had gotten back to Paradise.

"No. Honestly, Brick would probably try to come with us or talk us out of going, and I don't want the big lunatic to tag along. Maybe in a few years, but for now I think I need a break from him." Kane said, dreading the thought of having Brick come barreling into his room in the mornings.

"I thought I was supposed to be the anti-social one out of the two of us?" Luna said, actually making a little bit of a joke. "I like my privacy and sleep, but with Brick around, that's just not possible." Kane said as he sat down on the couch.

Closing his eyes, he wanted the hours to pass by faster, hoping to leave Pandora for awhile. Nothing of interest would happen for the next year or two, at which point Lilith, Roland and Moxxi would have betrayed Jack, while also helping him create an almost unbeatable robot army in the process.

'Real smart...' Kane mentally thought as he thought about the timeline. There was five years after the first Vault was opened before the next group of Vault Hunters would come to Pandora to find another Vault at the manipulation of Hyperion, which just confused the hell out of Kane.

Why the hell would Jack manipulate some of the most badass murderers to come to Pandora, just to try and kill them?

(A.N. Honestly couldn't figure that part out.)

Anyway, after dealing with Handsome Jack, there was about 7 years before the Calypso Twins made their debut to the universe, starting a war that would kill millions, maybe even billions of people, all in an attempt to become Gods.

'If only they knew they were nothing but a joke to the true gods...' Kane mused to himself.

Kane slept for the next nine hours, then he got in some training. Using the time for what it was, Kane took another dose of Eridium, expanding his energy pool by leaps and bounds.

At the beginning when he first got to this world, his energy pool could have been described as a bucket of water, but now it could be described as a decently sized swimming pool. With this new boost in power, it practically doubled in capacity, allowing him to finally be able to make his wings appear.

Each Siren had their own form of wings, Lilith being able to create wings out of fire, Maya had the Blight wings, Angel had the electrical-like wings, although Kane had no idea what to call them.

Amara had wings that took the manifestation of arms rather than feather-like, mostly due to the nature of her power than her actual control. The other powers were a mystery, but Kane guessed they took forms similar to their abilities, so his should somehow be related to space.

Looking over his shoulder, he was quite surprised to see wings that were black as night, somehow bringing back the memory of the void. With the wings active, he felt that his power was somehow amplified by almost triple, but at the rate it was being consumed it would only last for a few more minutes.

'So that's what the wings do!!' Kane thought in realization. It made sense too, given the fact that they were only ever used in serious situations when a boost in power was called for, but the game never described it like that.

He spent the next 10 minutes turning his wings on and off as fast as he could, clear until he ran out of power. After his power was expended, he could feel that the speed at which his energy returned had increased slightly, but it pissed him off because this was the main area he wanted to increase, but it was also the area he knew absolutely nothing about.

As he waiting for his energy to come back, Kane wrote down all his theories about the Siren wings, and even how it felt to activate them. Once he recovered about half his power, he decided he needed to go for a swim, so he did just that.

The pool had been a recent acquisition after Luna had begged and pleaded, even going so far as to buy all the equipment and material from Marcus at the time.

Radar had said the project was so simple and trivial, it wouldn't even reduce his time on the other projects to do it, so it had been started and completed in a matter of hours. Perks of being in a universe that was so advanced.

With a hop skip and a jump, Kane dove into the pool, his clothes disappearing mid-air. He was getting really good at making his clothes appear and disappear at thought, although the reappearing was quite a bit more challenging than the disappearing act.

The first few times had resulted in his pants being put on backwards and his head to be put through the sleeve of his shirt, but now it only took a tiny bit of concentration to get it right, with minor inconveniences.

Hitting the water, it caused a large splash that just so happened to engulf a sleeping Luna, who was sleeping on her little rubber ducky bed out in the water.

"*AAAHHHH-!!*" Luna screamed as she rolled to cover herself, only to fall off the tube and into the water. She came up an instant later splashing about then made it to the edge of the pool.

"Asshole!!" She screamed as she pulled herself out of the water, then stomped off back to her room. Kane laughed for a good 5 minutes before he did a few laps, then went to get a drink.

There was about 16 hours before the ship would be ready, so he figured he may as well make sure Tannis had everything she needed before they left here.

He also had the Vault Key in a mechanism where it would slowly be fed Eridium, allowing it to charge overtime, but would never recharge as fast as Jack had done unless he forced the Eridium inside the key himself.

However he didn't have anywhere close to the amount of Eridium needed to accomplish that, and no desire to as well. Tannis however studied the damn thing almost day and night, watching how it absorbed the Eridium, causing the runes or markings to glow.

She could apparently read most Eridian writing, but for some reason the symbols on the key made no sense to her, so she naturally had to study it until they did.

"Hey, Tannis!" Kane shouted as he walked through the door to the lab. Like always, Tannis didn't even bother to acknowledge his existence unless she was the one looking for him, but that rarely ever happened.

"It's dinner time!" Kane shouted, saying the only words that ever registered in her head. Like he predicted, her head snapped in his direction, finally taking notice of him. "What are we having?" She asked, curious if it was something new.

"I lied. Anyway, we're gonna be setting off in the morning, so is there anything you'll be needing?" He said, getting a look of betrayal from the insane(ly smart) woman.

"Yeah, I want my dinner!" She said, annoyed that she would even need to ask such a thing.

"Well, good for you! The storage room has all the food you'll need for the next year or two, so you should be fine there. I also made sure you were added into the security defenses, so that shouldn't be an issue, but if you leave the base and someone follows you, let's just hope it's an enemy because you'll never get to say good-bye to them." Kane said as he went over everything someone like her would need for a year.

She had food, clothes, tech, alien artifacts, protection, and Radar to keep her company, and as far as he was concerned, there wasn't anything else he could think of. If he guessed correctly, she would stay holed up in this place for the next year, and if she left the base at all, he would consider it a miracle.

"Actually before you go, could you let me have access to the Eridium and Slag samples?" Kane just stared at Tannis with a deadpanned expression, wanting nothing more than to put her over his knee as he beat her ass, screaming, "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!!!" Over and over.

What he actually said was, "I'll give you samples, but you have to move out." He looked so serious that Tannis actually took a step away from him. Not out of fear of him, but of having to leave the place she would describe as a true heaven, if she believed in that sort of thing.

"I'm glad we had this talk, Tannis." Kane said as he left the room, not bothering to say anything else. He already had everything he would need in his inventory, and the space ship would already have everything he would need to travel the galaxy as comfortably as possible.

That night, they all at dinner together for what would be the last time for over a year, and surprisingly to Kane, Tannis actually looked as though she was sad they were leaving. Well, at least sad that Luna was leaving. She might miss having him around to scratch her metaphorical itch, but she could always do that on her own if she ever really got pent up.

She would however miss Luna, as to Kane's great shock, the two of them had become besties. Weird, keep your fucking distance and don't say stupid shit besties, but besties nonetheless.

Luna and Tannis talked with each other for a few minutes, neither of them really saying they would miss the other in normal person speak, at least normal for Kane, but it was getting weird for him, so he finished up his food and stood up from his chair.

As he was leaving the room, he turned to Tannis and said "This being the last night we'll see each other for awhile, we could go out with a bang!"

He didn't bother waiting to see if she was up for anything or not, knowing if she did, she'd meet him in his room later tonight, and if not... well it would be disappointing to him, but there were always other women out there who would be up for the offer.

Walking back to his room, Kane pulled out a tablet looking device and began searching the ECHO-net for something. He knew full well Malliwan had a fragment to the Vault Key which resided on Skywell-27 in the game, but the location was a little foggy because Skywell-27 was an asteroid close to Promethea.

In Borderlands 3, Katagawa Jr. had one of the three Vault Key fragments for the vault on Promethea, but Kane had no idea if he had it before Atlas went under or after. He guessed it was after, so maybe he wouldn't even need to deal with Malliwan at all, and just get the two fragments from Atlas HQ.

His only guess about it being after Atlas went under in the game, was because if Malliwan did have one of the three fragments, they would have been a lot more powerful, and had further advances in Eridian technology.

However the Vault on Promethea hadn't been opened in centuries, if the monks on Athenas weren't lying when they said their Key fragment had been locked away for more than a century. Given the fact that only a siren could open their little safe room, it was a fair assumption they were telling the truth.

So given the fact that the three pieces hadn't been together in over a century, both Atlas and Malliwan could both have a fragment, and were just too stupid to figure out how to use it until Hyperion did all of the work for them!

(A.N.. I honestly don't know, I'm just pissing into the wind here, but this is how I see it, so that's all that matters.)

He searched where Skywell-27 was, and all that came up was an abandoned research facility belonging to Malliwan, but that was it. Kane had Radar hack into the Malliwan servers and he did find that there was actually nothing there at the moment but old buildings.

It wouldn't be until Jack had his own laser made from the Destroyer's eye, that Malliwan would use Skywell-27 to create a laser of mass destruction that they would transfer their key fragment there, but for now that didn't really matter to Kane.

He could wait a year before he claims that fragment, so long as he gets the other two fragments first. Malliwan might be in possession of one piece, Athenas had one stored in their secret chamber, and the last fragment was stored in Atlas HQ in the office of the CEO.

Kane would take the fragment in Atlas HQ first before Rhys got his hands on it, mainly because he knew where it was currently, and the fragment on Athenas wasn't going anywhere for at least a decade. He had planned on going to Athenas first, but given how weak Atlas was at the moment, he wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Kane was brought out of his research when his door opened and Tannis walked inside. "Considering this might very well be the last time we see each other, I decided may as well have some fun." Tannis said as she began removing her clothes.

'God, is this ever gonna be fun!!' Kane thought with a wolfish smile. Needless to say, it was a very fun last night on Pandora.

GrimsReaper GrimsReaper

I'M BACK!! Sorry for the long wait, but my eyes got fucked up, but I saw a specialist and they fixed'em up!! Should be somewhat back to normal soon!! For those who still read my stuff, there will be a surprise in the near future!!

Kind of a long chapter, but I really enjoyed writing it. Anyway enjoy!!

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