Ape_Tamer - Profile


LV 4
2020-09-11 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 4

Moments 286

Replied to dan12036

Ah, who's greater good though. Could be his own greater good or the greater good in general, it's all about perception really.

"And now, how do you take the Sacred g...." a ball of light left her chest and flew into my hand. I smiled gently. "Thank you very much, here is your card inside this envelope with a password. It has money, of course." I quickly used a magic circle and left that place. I did all of this for the greater good.

Riser Phenex? DXD SI. Multicross?

Riser Phenex? DXD SI. Multicross?

Anime & Comics · Kaioshin


More likely in my opinion that his investors paid for nearly everything while using a small token amount in the crafting area of the shop.

"You could say that, also that even though the client was anonymous it seems I actually knew them personally when I mentioned that we did something to Biotechnica they laughed and said they'd still give us the bonus in full." Even after being split 3 ways I still got 100k, I hope he is already selling things to people now so we can start making up for all of this lost SP, I'm actually to afraid to look at what I got as I could just see it rapidly dropping if I did seeing as we probably already used 60% of our total SP for everything if I had to guess low end and 80% high end.

Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada

Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada

Anime & Comics · OneMoreScore


Now to make a small angel that looks like him that only she can see.

Olga chuckles as she says, "That is simultaneously terrifying and reassuring, but if I do start seeing small versions of you, I believe I have well and truly lost my mind." I laugh as we sit together in her office, and she simply says, "Thank you for believing in me."

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1

Replied to UnknownJace

Personally, I was just thinking when it was repeated three times that important things have to be said more than once.


Should ask for compensation from Voldemort if he brings it up to Nick later as he broke a Ravenclaw heirloom.

Nick relaxed after that for the rest of the week after having ordered the emerald for Malfoy's ring. Harry had woken up three days after the incident and spoken to Dumbledore who arrived there shortly after he woke up since Madam Pomfrey told him. A thing that made Nick frown however was that during the clash between Harry and Voldemort the dark lord had apparently cursed by saying "How dare that brat touch what is mine!". Clearly Nick and Helena had set off the man's traps right when he was in confrontation with Harry alerting him to the defenses he placed being triggered.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro



A random person, Warhammer 40k ->

The One and Only: Genie

The One and Only: Genie

Movies · DigitalSignal

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