Nice HP reference.
Why does your Tokyo ghoul fanfiction keep getting deleted? Thats twice now I've seen it deleted. Just curious, I'm reading it on scribble hub now anyway.
Yeah it's stolen. Original fanfiction writer was called Dragonfics I think.
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I remember in pokemon Y I found a horde of 5 Zangoose and 1 of them was shiny, unfortunately I couldn't catch it. I also hatched a shiny Froakie with the protean ability on the first egg. The very few other eggs I had went into the wondor trade after hatching.
His earnings should be 1,940,000. 30 x 30,000 = 900,000 x 2 + 140,000 = 1,940,000.
General of the Seventh Fleet? Just a few chapters ago is was the Fifth Fleet.
Got Rings of Power vibes when he said there a hurricane in him... God what a horrible show the rings of power is. Tolkein would be spinning in his grave.
I like it, however I don't like how he keeps talking in 21st century terms such as, Hey, guys and Broke. I just find it takes away from the immersion.
A church? In the underworld? Should change church to orphanage.
I read the quote at the top. Didn't he say he "im the king" just a few chapters ago in a different quote.
Game of Thrones: Killing to the top
TV · Bran1222