
LV 5
2018-11-10 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 6

Moments 251
2 years ago

I was relatively critical of the last chapter, this next chapter makes some of the issues with the last chapter better, I still hope that emery gains some IQ at some point, he has good battle sense but seems like he hasn’t gained any tact outside of that when making decisions

2 years ago

Not going to lie I personally think the earth portion of the story has gotten boring, it’s just become exposition then “Ohhh something special that usually wouldn’t be on a low world was found on earth and that helped him get stronger randomly” wish he would have taken the deal, and even if he has to go back to earth all he has to do is negotiate some time to deal with stuff on earth, if he has basically an unlimited lifespan a couple years is nothing and there is no way he’s going to come close to matching a whole faction anytime soon or ever without help and resources, I enjoy large parts of the story but if these factions are as strong as you’ve made them out to be, with how many extra resources he needs and with the fact that this is his last “term” of his time in the academy, and his bloodline is as valuable as you’ve made it out to be he should have the freedom to help his own world even if he takes the deal especially since it’s a faction he’s trusted with his secrets and by now should have the IQ and emotional growth to not act like the kid that was the lowest noble on some island on a low world, what’s the point of the character growth he’s been through if every major decision he reverts back to the character he was at the beginning of the story. Don’t mean this to sound harsh, I’ve enjoyed reading this story a lot and I think you’re a great writer but IMO the earth storyline has become really forced and the characters outside of his main group don’t contribute much of anything to the story, I would much rather see him come back to earth incredibly strong and be able to handle everything easily rather than some enemy like the witch get some random power up so it becomes a struggle for him, even if its “special” earth is a low world and his main conflict with the Nephilim faction won’t take place on earth. Again most of the story is great and you can totally disregard my opinion and I’ll still read it but just want to let you know how this comes off as in my opinion, but it’s your story and as long as you enjoy writing it I’ll read it

3 years ago

Not that important but you called them Deprativas in the middle of the chapter when he named them at the end of the chapter, reads a little weird, thanks for your hard work

3 years ago

Glad this is back thanks for your hard work

3 years ago
Replied to evchab

He has literally stated multiple times that he’s going to use every advantage he has and that he doesn’t care about anyone else besides himself and his sister, I’m just saying that what he’s doing now is contrary to what he’s said in the past and continues to say in future chapters. Also from what he said most people only get weaker after each death, it takes and excessive amount of deaths to actually kill someone.

3 years ago

The only purpose that serves is to hurt his advantage, don’t see any reason why he would make that post as he doesn’t seem to care about anything but his family or what could make him personally stronger

3 years ago

Thanks for the chapter

3 years ago

Still pumped for the webtoon take your time! Thanks for your hard work

3 years ago

Hopefully we won’t have to deal with Gwen for awhile now

3 years ago

Thanks for your hard work