/ Anime & Comics / This isn't High School DxD, damn it!

This isn't High School DxD, damn it! Original

This isn't High School DxD, damn it!

Anime & Comics 38 Kapitel 2.1M Ansichten
Autor: The_POZ

4.6 (76 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis Reviews


When I got myself my very own Game system with a world travel function in a bizarre twist of events, it was only natural I would choose to leave my boring life and visit my favorite anime world High School DxD.

But as if my luck had run out immediately, I was instead thrown into an Otome game world!

I wanted to visit the Oppai heaven. Not a Shoujo game world where 99.99% of the girls are stuck-up bitches and rich Ikamen are the only ones with any power.

What a pain!

"*Sigh* Whatever, I'll get out of this world ASAP and go to DxD."

There was just one little problem.

[Notice: Please note that the world travel function has been temporarily closed due to the user not possessing the minimum required amount of World Points. To unlock the function, please collect 1 million World Points.]

"Son of a b-!"


This is a story of a guy who is reluctantly involving himself in the plot of "Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs" to gather World Points so he can visit his favorite anime world and indulge in what any sane Isekai'd OC would do- Making harem, Getting OP and Slapping Villains left and right.

But in the process of collecting World Points, he will end up attracting a lot of attraction. (Not that he cares.)

Nobody messes with the Gamers because they're OP.


A/N: I've been interested in fanfiction and ended up writing this story as a pastime. Naturally, I don't claim it to be any good since this is my first written fan fic.

A/N 2: This is most likely going to be a Multiversal fic. With a more than likely High School DxD as the next world... unless something changes. You never know how fate works.

  1. TheWeebPrince
    TheWeebPrince Beigetragen 903
  2. Warren_Nelson
    Warren_Nelson Beigetragen 709
  3. Daoist9zjq
    Daoist9zjq Beigetragen 274

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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Never thought I would write fan fiction. But here we are. As the author, it is an obligation that I rate it 5 stars, but that's not a claim that it's worth that much. But I have been having fun writing this, so it is a 5/5 for me. Thanks for giving this humble creation a try, if you did. That's more than what I can ask for. :)

18 Antworten anzeigen

I normally dont go out of my way to review a story at its starting point, but im too hooked and author promised more motivation for reviews: I love it, good pacing, likable protagonist ans marvelous grammer and writing! plain and simple review! :)

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The fic is great author san,Mobuseka fics are like very rare I think I only read one before this one but wasnt that good.Hopeto see more chapters in future,you have my support and stones.

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Advice !!! 1. don't make pokemon harem because they have no influence on the story and you have to write down their emotions and personalities, points of view _______________________________________ 2. write down the world in which mc is and what influence it has on the world _______________________________________ 3.you need to write a mc that has its own point of view and possible character changes _______________________________________ 4.Mc doesn't always have to win, he must also have difficulties because if he always wins, it gets boring and this is also the possibility of his character's development _______________________________________ 5. and if possible, change the character of other characters in the story, e.g. bad and good _______________________________________ 6. don't make this harem don't have thoughts of their own that mc treats them as objects and doesn't care about their feelings, so they can have their feelings faded and they can go or come back and this is the growth of mc and heroins

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Whole thing is treated like he isnt part of the world. Ik he doesnt want to be there but he has parent and a new name there but mc is like nope. Use my ian as name even tho everyone calls him that worlds name. Mc is just treating it puke nothing real. This is main problem with world hoping ffs in general. No real character growth and barley anything really original going on. Author hates on negative comments when most may not be worded politely but alot speak the truth. Hope some like it but mc and world hoping and how he treats his predicament ruins it

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The author has no idea about most of the things in the plot (I guess he didn't read any of the web novel or the light novel), then the worst thing is the mc whose personality is a combination of: a jerk who thinks he has all the answers when he really knows nothing, his entire existence is based on obeying the system, a playboy attempt (this is more embarrassing than unbearable) The plot is just copy and paste from the anime (but with a protagonist trying to be cool) so don't wait long. Anyway, if you read the novel or are a fan, don't read this.

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To begin with, I want to say that it is my opinion based on the fact that if I follow both the web novel and the light novel, I did not only watch the anime, that being said, it is a terrible story, I do not recommend it to anyone. The problem with this story is that the author has not read anything about the conflict and the background of the world, added to the fact that his mc's attitude is horrible, it seems that he has identity problems and his only reason for existing is to do what he orders the system you have. There are things that the author does well but they are very small. I advise you to rewrite this story after getting better information, as well as defining a single personality for the protagonist.

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Well, the main problems of this story is that the protagonist keeps complaining without knowing anything about the background of what he is talking about, an attitude of everything makes me lazy, which is very irritating, his communication skills are very low and the plot is move. seek to please the system

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I saw the cover with the images of Olivia and Ange, so if it's what I'm thinking, you deserve all [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]my respect

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Indonesia Inggris wkwkwk.... sangat bagus author.. apalagi saya juga salah satu penggemar novel ini..... dan saya juga sedikit kesal dengan tokoh utamanya yang sangat padat dan terlalu bertele-tele,, walaupun pada akhirnya dia tetap membantu permasalahan si Heroine itu...... saya harap si ratu milaine bisa jadi waifu utamanya 😂 yah...saya tidak peduli yang penting saya nantikan alur ceritanya Hahaha.... very good author.. Moreover, I am also a fan of this novel. and I'm also a little annoyed with the main character who is very dense and too long-winded,, even though in the end he still helps the Heroine's problems...... I hope that Queen Milaine can be the main waifu 😂 well... I don't care what matters is I'm looking forward to the storyline

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MC is boring especially chapters 13-14 and doesn't take his world seriously.............................................................................................................................................................................................. .....

Spoiler enthüllen
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This is very good with one caveat. The MC feels almost lifeless. He’s somewhat charming and a little caustic which is nice but it feels like he’s getting dragged along by the plot. He has to participate to get world points so he can travel to a world filled with magic, beautiful women, and large breasts, yet ignores the fact he’s in a world with magic, beautiful women, and large breasts. There are half a dozen women such as Olivia, Angelica, Jilk’s ex fiancée, and the queen who are all beautiful, even tempered, ready for an mc to get them to fall in love with them, and possess large breasts. Despite this he complains constantly and doesn’t bother attempting to court them, almost content to mope, complain, and dream of DxD. I get it, I do, but he should focus on the here and now and let the future come as it will.

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It is a fanfic with a lot of potential, I do not get tired of reading it, very entertaining and fun................................................................

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В начале было более-менее интересно,и то интерес был скорее из за самого мира который автор выбрал,но читая все дальше и дальше становилось скучно,во первых МС нытик,он не попал в DxD,почему бы не написать несколько глав о том как главный герой будет ныть об этом,во вторых Автор мало уделяеть внимание для описание окружающего мира,описываеться только то что видит гг,и из за этого резкие переходы от одной сцены в другую,что опять же делает все хуже,и в третьех МС хочет уйдти по скорее уйдти в DxD,но он даже не благодарен что ему дали шанс на нлвую жизнь,а лишь жалуеться что оказалься не в том мире,а тот факт что ему дали шанс на новую жизнь,а ещё в будущем выбор на мир в котором он может оказаться,и он ещё жалуеться,раздражаеть,из за чего читать станлвиться невозможно,и такие моменты пропускаешь,и читать окпзываеться нечего,так как Автор решил все по быстрому написать ,как будто хотел что бы от него по быстрее отвалили

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Cool idea. [img=recommend]

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Very fun to read the mc is both funny and Individual who do everything he wants with some limit of course, making the mc In the gray area or neutral also i like the change in the novel making is similar yet different from the original. The cast is also feel alive not like some robot or AI but a person that why i recommend it to everyone. So sorry if my grammar is not good English is my second language. [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend]

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I'm loving this so far, keep it up! : ) excelent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [img=recommend][img=recommend]

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Good start with OP as the main character.

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Llegué con bajas expectativas y me dieron un baile moustroso es muy buena no esperaba mucho y terminé llevando una gran sorpresa, no quiero spoiler a nadir así que diré que es súper recomendado

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LV 1

The only otome story I've seen here. You do the original justice and I look forward to the future of your story. Please update a little more. Keep up the great work.

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Autor The_POZ