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The Novel's Extra's Extra Original

The Novel's Extra's Extra

Book&Literature 156 Kapitel 1.6M Ansichten
Autor: dvelasquez

4.4 (57 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis Reviews


As a reader, Cristopher always looked for things that entertained him, didn't matter what the "critics" said, all that matters was his own opinion on the novel, so he started reading "The Novel's Extra", a webnovel that despicts an author who is transmigrated to his own novel. It was fun and all with its own good and bad points, really, one of his favorites novels at the end of the journey, and that's taking into account the little fact that he didn't have too many things he was able to enjoy, not in that empty shell that was called life for him... Why could someone be born like that? With a void inside, an endless void that slowly consumes oneself...

But... for better or worse... everything changed one day, the same day he woke up to discover he had the same fate of the author whose novel he just finished reading, becoming an extra in a novel, becoming The novel's extra's extra...

/Ok, now that's the description I thought of... first of all, for those of you who are reading this, if any, a few points I have to make clear:

1. I'm not an english native speaker, so if you find anything wrong in the text, please let me know, that would help me learn, and I would be thankful for that.
2. I'm writting this out of pure "enjoyment", so while I'll try to be constant, I'll not make any promises.
3. True reason why I'm writing this is because I'm going through a moderate to crippling depression right now (and no, is not because anything trully bad and horrendous happened to me, it seems to have something to do with my brain's malfuctioning, among other things), and doctors told me to try writing as I enjoy reading. So yeah, this is more like a self-help excercise, to keep myself distracted while trying to be safe from my self.
4. I choose to make a fanfiction of "The Novel's Extra" as I don't trully know how to write, and because I really loved that webnovel, though there are some points I didn't particulary liked.
5. If you see some (let's be clear, really much) self insertion on this series, well, that may be me trying to escape reality, to which I make an early warning and disclaimer, and also ask for forgiveness, as I said before, this is more of an excercise, so don't take it too serious.
6. I'll be a slow writer, as I have to still check a few things from the novel, even when I've read it like 3 or 4 times already, and because I know shit about writing a novel or a series.
7. If you get to enjoy this, then that's good, I would be glad about it, maybe even more motivated, but I don't really expect this to be any good.

Thanks to you all who may, or may not, be reading this novel./

This is already in Scribble Hub and Royal Road under the same username, well, almost, Dvelasquez, because why not, right?

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  2. dvelasquez
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Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

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The Novel's Extra is one of my favorites novels but that ending tho.

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LV 1 Badge

It ain't that bad, if you can ignore all the cursing and edgy stuff. My problem with the cursing is that there's too much of it, I myself curse daily but not to the extent that every sentence I say contains cursing, basically the MC sounds like a brat who just learned swear words. Another thing I didn't like is the MC being too edgy and a prick all the time, like if my friend just says for me to do things all the time and that if I complain one bit he will get angry at me and says for me to 'just get on with it and do it!', I will probably punch him in the goddamn face. Another thing is that this fanfic is basically a wish fulfillment, Why do I say this? well first of all the MC is too fukin' strong! unnecessarily at that, like you can just give him a powerful gift but no... you just had to give him another type of power that doesn't belong to that world, Why?! One more is that the MC is basically a retard, he wants to lay low but he answered almost all the questions correctly, I mean come on buddy that's just a retarded move! if you want to lay low just answer 40-50% of the questions! This is also one of the reasons I hate some novels who has MCs laying low but does it in a retarded manner EX: Guy wants to lay low so that he doesn't get noticed, does a physical exam(running) and stays in the middle but after the exam he didn't even pretend to be exhausted while everyone else was panting from exhaustion, like dude! of course your ganna get fucking noticed! Well enough of that, apart from those things it is pretty good, also please don't write anymore singing its horrible. here's a gif of what I think of the fanfic

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Its good. If you could get past the chunni bullshit past and the MC acting like an asshole just for the sake of being an asshole every now and then you'll find the story quite enjoyable. Also **** OC archer girl, Rachel best girl for romance.

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LV 11 Badge

Author seems to understand Novel's Extra quite well, so I was excited for this even though the grammar was nothing to praise. However... it went downhill fast. (FULL OF SPOILERS BELOW) Some things that really bother me are, - The MC curses all the time. Like... In almost every conversation he has, he's going to curse. It just honestly results in an off-putting MC that has a small vocabulary who can't speak without feeling like he's superior to everyone else. - Out of nowhere, we get some real chunni shit dumped into the back story of the MC that becomes his extra powers in this world. Some weird, cringe dragon stuff. He also has other power systems other than mana... that add nothing special to the story. Just another way of making the MC OP. Any enjoyment we could have gotten out of someone using their meta-knowledge to get stronger is instantly taken away as the MC is already one of the strongest in the world... while also at school and doing nothing other than cursing other people out. - Progress is slow. Now, that usually means we see character development with other characters and with the MC, but like I said before, he spends most of his time cursing out other characters and saying the same shit 10 chapters in a row to this OC archer girl. ... However, the banter between the MC and Kim Hajin is actually really good. Even though he starts pushing for character growth from Hajin even though its only been like 3 days... C'mon. Anyway, it's not horrible, but I feel this should be used as a draft for the author to rewrite it without the shitty out of nowhere power up, tone down the cursing and increase the pace of the story.

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This novel is harder to review for me. When the dialogue between the mc and most of the other characters is happening, the story is enjoyable and immersive. The focus on including lots of character development through dialogue is a strong point of this story. I also think that the portrayal of characters from the world is done well, as they do not feel totally different from the original novel. The world building could use some improvements. It is there but some more introductions to the power scaling and important characters in the world would help. A lot of the time things are introduced but only in name and without context. The pacing is also consistent but could be faster(cutting out olivia alone would have things moving faster). But other times, some sections are inconsistent, feeling forced, lengthy and not flowing with the rest of the story. This mainly happens with the mc’s interactions with the oc character Olivia. I held off on commenting about this in the early chapters and even deleted a comment as the author stated they were trying to inprove things. And while they do improve, it is not enough and still lacks believablility. Olivia is like Sansa Stark in game of thrones in that she doesnt add anything to the story. She constantly anatagonizes the mc, needs help from the mc, and almost every interaction the mc has with her doesn’t fit with how is his character is portrayed in the rest of the story. No one in the story frustrates, angers, or crosses the mcs boundries more than her, but he never acts according to those feelings aside from yelling at her. But he still helps her more than anyone else, even Kim hajun. I have seen friends in toxic relationships(romantic or otherwise) like this and it is frustrating to read when the mc is portrayed as someone who would never put up with this but continously does. After 40 or so chapters the reason for his patience was given as she reminded him of himself, but it is far from enough to explain his inconsistent character. In my personal opinion, Olivia, like Sansa Stark, could have been removed from the story and nothing would be different. In fact it would probably improve the pacing of the story. I wont touch on the excessive cursing, but it is indeed excessive. Overall, I have hope for this story. It is unique and ambitious. The good quality grammer and spelling compared to other fanfics shows the authors care for this work. I really dont like olivia and the mcs interactions with her. I also worry that the author is being to ambitious with the over complicated backstory. But i do like how the backstory actually has meaning and isnt just there to elicit sympathy. In summation, there is some good, some frustrating and a lot of potential. Above average for now but could be much higher and i hope it keeps improving.

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LV 5 Badge

The novels extra was one of my favorite novels. and im happy that theres a ff. but tbe characterdesign and their interaction are really not my favorite. they seemed so forced and useless because of maybe not enough information or thinking. bc of that i cant see growfh in power in romance and in thinking. But the writing helps a little. if youre a fsn of the novel, then i think its something wortheile to read or atl if you have nothing else to do. and it seems that there will be many chapters. but yea.. its ok :/

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"The Novel's Extra" I haven't started to read this yet but I mostly loved the canon story so here is a 5 star before I even crack this bad boy open! Nice to see some unused fan-fictions instead of the asme old same old!

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It's a really interesting story but it's really difficult to read some time. First, the MC has a crippling depression and it got mention all the time, like the author is trying to rub it in the reader face, it's really annoying. Second, That b*tch Oliva(an OC) ask the MC how he can run faster than her and keep pestering the MC to train her just because because of that, his rank is higher isn't that common sense that he's better? She act like a b*tch and keep demanding it like he own her money or something, that development is ridiculously force. The author keep saying he has plan for that but until we get to that point readers patient would probably ran out. I even wonder if the author plan to make her a love interest. Third, the MC action is inconsistence, one moment, he kind of gave in to that b*tch Oliva and agree to train her other moment he act like an edge lord and ignore other opinion of himself ( his use of language is consider rude in Korea I think? he doesn't give a cr*p despite other telling him about it, there's a saying in Rome do as the Roman do and he say he doesn't want to stand out).

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Dejando de lado el fondo copiado es decir es un fanfiction ,la historia es exasperante al punto de la idiotez un MC que ni el mismo se entiende demasiado poderoso,parece un mocoso emo que se da golpes de pecho por que se le rompió la uña digo sufrió mucho en fin cada quien tiene su estilo de escritura pero para un fan se nota que personajes como chae nayun fueron de tu desagrado,xD tal vez por eso odio tanto tu historia que siento que es un insulto a todo lo que fue the novel extra esta fue una historia sobre un tipo que se la paso años creciendo,asumiendo errores,acarreando culpas y responsabilidades o sea actuando como un adulto pero aquí vemos a tu mc un tipo desmotivado demasiado poderoso al punto de para que escribes sobre villanos si este se los puede abofetear con un gas,digo ya que sentido le da a un medio emo que mira a todos hacia abajo con la excusa de que no siente nada o que no es su problema,nisiquiera es gracioso no le encuentro el chiste y repito es solo un niño chunni con demasiado poder que se piensa que es el único en el mundo que la pasa mal ,odio tu historia siento que vomitaste en una historia que ame no puedo describir mi decepción

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Finaly, this fanfic who i so long time for read. Thank you, keep do it. Take my stone... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .

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Honestly not much to say. This SI(?) fanfic is interesting and pretty comedic, well at least to me… anyways tho, it’s a good fanfic and I would recommend

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LV 14 Badge

Here take this 5 star!! I have been looking for a fanfic for this novel and f*** why did this not show up any sooner!! Just knowing theres a fanfic for the novels extra already makes me excited!!

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not gonna lie i was excited for this, i thought maybe this would be a fanfic where they fixed some of stuff from the original but my god was i wrong. the first chapters and what do we get? one of those cringy af mcs, yeah the mc is the chaos/destruction/murder kind of dragon with ultimate power that can control all elements, master of hand to hand combat, all weapons are mastered by him and destroy the universe with his mere presence. yeah one of those self insert mcs that make the author feel good about themselves. honestly i was expecting for the mc to become something like hajin, a normal guy who was thrown into that crazy world, and choose an unorthodox class and make it op. but no we get the mc that has mastered all kind of weapons and still chooses a basic sword.

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hope you create your own original novel not fanfic, i love this novel and it is also good just hopin that you create your own, you're a good author tbh.

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It's overall Good so far and hope it remains that way Although the cursing is a bit above normal, its ignorable and after reading story up to the current point, I am getting used to all the cursing from the MC. Background is interesting like how the MC has travelled to other worlds and stuff. Character designs are Good. Story development is Nice but the character development is a bit slow, but its ignorable. Writing Quality is good. Although there are some grammar mistakes, its not so much that it becomes hard to read, only at some points in the Novel so far, so compared to the other novels, its still to the minimum. Updates are a Bit slow now, but its understandable considering the length of each chapter. Although I do hope that the update frequency fastens a bit. Overall, the only thing I want more is the character development, Also hoping for Rachel to meet Evandal soon, it'd be even better if the Relationship betweem Cristopher and Rachel gets a boost a little sooner. Overall, I'd want to give it a 5- star, but since as said, the updates are a but slow now, so it'd be a 4.8 stars for Now. Though I can always change that if it gets better Keep up the good work, and hope you're safe. Thanks for reading the review, have a good day!

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The turning point that made me love this novel was when mc got himself a fckbuddy and just like Angelica I cant for the life of me, ever get rid of this mona lisa from my library. I wont deny being annoyed by Olivia and MC at the start (the power up didnt bother me much, but his cannot-be-hidden-and-also-growing-and-glowing stigma did. was actually glad theres hope in helping Hajin not fall so much) but I always held hope when MC had said "if girlfriend then not Olivia" lol not the exact words but more or less. I just want to praise how special our mc is. I love the indifference and practicality despite the seemingly sheer helplessness in dealing with his genuine emotions. Also for... fate, if it exists. Although there was the drastic addition of Christopher, there werent much change in the TNE storyline which is a plus for me. It was eerie at first when the storyline got written word for word (there were changes sure) but tbh to see an actual scene from the TNE may have excited me more then it should, which is undoubtedly a plus. There are also many things to note of that makes this novel worth the read >MC mentality and approach (just read the chapters without olivia although she gets better. tbh even after being discplined i still want to tape her mouth and limbs whenever i see her and place her in a queen sized bed with yi yeonghan) >The fact that MC is actually too OP where it feels like hes an actual extra. where everything he does feels like a snippet of a famous strong dude. Id say, growth(in strength) is what makes a protagonist and a Cristopher doesnt grow, he only unseals >Improvements in strengthening department (the laws sure that was sweet, but strengthened Hajin? fk yes) >More Yeonha misunderstandings >Yi Byul >Rachel (actually author can we have more message scenarios. idk if shes endgame but evandel has more for you otherwise) >DevilDex I just read it today and finished midterms part3. thank you for making me surpass the weekly reading mission in one day. i will sue you for this 18 hours of happiness

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Love this novel both this one ane the novel it is based off of just hope this one has a way better ending 😅😅😅😝😝😝😝😝😝😝🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

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search for a cover will you?people ain't gonna buy apple that hidden from the stall. what is the purpose of the stall? to promote the apple! for real tho... you need a cover my dude.

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Cerita bagus. Walau ada kekurangan di sana sini, tapi tetap cerita bagus.Tolong jangan di hentikan. Tandai 5 bintang dulu. Makasih untuk bacaannya.

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Autor dvelasquez