/ Libros y Literatura / The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker
Why would you think a shut-in would change his ways, just because he got superpowers? I’m happy right here in my room.
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionHey, Can I use one of your Kuro Side stories as a base for a new book I'm thinking about writing. Specifically the one about him being an alchemist in dc. I'd like to take that chapter and build on it. Of course I won't use Kuro himself as the main character but I'd like to use the concept and most of the content from that chapter.Ok now that my question is out of the way, let's talk about this book.It's a DarkWolfShiro book, is guaranteed quality. The concept of a gamer's Guild is fun, the characters feel like actual people and the story is interesting. The only downside is the update speed but considering the length of the chapters, speed is a sacrifice I'm more then willing to make.
It's fun. Long chapters and real characters (especially the OC MC's). look forward to more across tinker, supervillain and nightmare. It's fun. Long chapters and real characters (especially the OC MC's). look forward to more across tinker, supervillain and nightmare.
I have nothing to complain about. Loved this story from the length of it’s chapters, to the personality of the mc, to the way the world reacts to the protag’s actions.
10/10 would recomend.its a fanfiction that leaves you wanting for more. the only complaint if slow chapter uploads.
Awesome Story, really just want to read more. I started reading and before I noticed i had already read all available chapters. Please more!!!
This story has (like usual when shiro writes) already become one of my favourite fics and I am impatiently waiting for a new chapter. Not only do the characters have real personalities but the ideas and tech shown are incredibly fun to read (*cough* big brother *cough*).
Hahahaha, never thought you'd shift here. I can already see a bunch of pssies crying in the reviews on you original story that begun with Shiro. Kuro might get a tamer response since he's I guess less chaotic 🤣🤣
Me gustan muchos tus fanfics, principalmente el sistema villano pero este con solo un capítulo me gustó un poquitito más diría espero que sigas escribiendo esté.
i really really enjoy your fics here and in fanfic my current favorite you currently have out is the tamer i cant wait what you do with the monsters!!
Autor DarkWolfShiro
hey Shiro can you bring back your original stories that you took down, even if they were not finished I still like rereading them, pretty please I've been a loyal fan since the beginning and all I ask is this.