[A/N: Before you start reading, please understand that this is a fiction, anything resembling the real world is a mere coincidence, I have no intention of offending any kind of group, this is just a fiction!]
I open my eyes, seeing a familiar ceiling, and turn my face to look at my computer that was on my personal desk, "When did I get home?" rising from my bed I start to think. My memories were scrambled and I couldn't remember anything...
"Victor!!" Suddenly I hear a woman's voice. It was an angelic voice, a wonderfully beautiful voice; and she sounded very worried.
"Ugh... Who?" I put a hand to my head when I feel it start hurting badly.
I lean on the bed and try to get up, but all of a sudden I feel my hand sinking into the material of the bed. I hear the noise of wood breaking and look in the direction of my hand; I see that my hand has gone through the mattress and broke the wood that supports my bed...
I quickly pulled my hand away and I looked, confused, at my mattress that had a hole in it "What's wrong with me?" I asked aloud, stunned.
I don't remember being so strong; did something happen to me? I start to question myself, and I try to search my memory. But, even though I try to search my memory, I can't find it; it's like something is blocking my memories.
I try to form a coherent train of thought as if I'm putting together a puzzle, "Let's start at the beginning, I went to the grocery store to buy the food my mom ordered, but..."
I try to continue to form a timeline with my memories, but I don't have time for that when I feel unbearable thirst in my throat. It was like I ran a marathon and needed a drink of water! My throat was parched!
I quickly get up, ignoring the sounds of wood creaking from the floor and grab my bathroom door handle, attempting to open the door, but something amazing happens...
The door is literally ripped off the wall. I was shocked at this show of force but I don't have time to admire it, or even question how I was able to do it. I quickly walk into the bathroom and try to turn on the water tap.
As before, the tap broke when I tried to open it and the water started to spew out; I ignored it, and put my mouth into the water trying to drink as much as possible. I looked like a man who was lost in the desert and found an oasis for the first time in days.
I feel the cold water from the tap entering my mouth and seeping down my throat, but the water doesn't seem to satisfy me; I needed more. I needed something to satisfy my thirst, the water didn't seem to be working.
"Calm down," I hear a woman's voice, it was the same voice that called my name when I woke up.
Suddenly, as if it were a misleading lie, the thirst I had been feeling earlier disappeared.
I fall to the ground and start to inhale and breathe heavily, "Who's there?" I asked out loud, but I didn't hear an answer. I take a deep breath and sigh, "Just what in the name of God is happening?"
I look at the overflowing water and realize I couldn't leave it like this. I carefully turned off another valve that was located near the floor and soon the water stopped pouring.
I sigh in relief and get up off the floor. I turn to look at myself in the mirror, and what I see surprises me: "Is that … me?"
I look a little taller, I have a well defined body with muscles in the right places, six-pack abs and muscular arms. What stood out the most in my appearance is the incredibly pale skin, it's like I'm missing most of the blood in my body. I used to look like a dead creature from a disease that gave me anemia, an extremely inconvenient disease and in some cases deadly... But, this is another level... I look like I don't have any blood in my body, I also noticed that my face is more defined; and my blue eyes and black hair have gained more shine?
Did the former 21-year-old who was skinny and looked like a teenager, grow up to be an athletic looking man in just one night? What happened? Was I kidnapped by the government and drafted into the super soldier program?
"Victor, what's going on? Why all the noise?" I look towards where I hear another voice and I start to breathe heavily; my throat starts to get thirsty again. I look through the wall and see the image of a human, and I can see her heart beating in a very attractive rhythm...
I could see the person's entire body with a red vision, it was like the world around me had changed; and I could see the heart that was glowing a more vibrant red. It was like it was inviting me to rip it out ... and drink it.
"Victor? What's happening? What was that noise?" Hearing my mother's voice, I woke up from my inebriated state.
"M-Mother...?" I responded in the most normal voice I could muster; but, it was obvious that I failed.
"Victor!? Open the door, what's going on?" I look at my reflection in the mirror and notice that my eyes have changed to blood red.
"Oh... Shit."
Realizing what happened to me changed me in many different ways, I started to think rationally. I try with all my strength to resist the temptation to leave the room and rip my mother's heart out.
First, I must calm my mother down and get her out of here.
"Mom, I'm busy right now."
Realizing I was speaking normally again, she visibly calms; at least that's what my new red vision implies. I can't see her expression but I can see her heart beating at a slower pace.
"Can you open the door?"
"I can't…I'm not wearing clothes right now", I said in an uncomfortable voice.
"Oh," She suddenly turns and starts heading towards the stairs. I was confused for a moment, why did she give up so easily?
"Make sure you take out your trash; I don't want to clean your fluids, that's your girlfriend's job. If you have one of course."
Oof, I feel an arrow in my chest for some reason but, strangely, it helped me calm down. I grow a little smile; my mother has no mercy and speaks her mind, she's very honest. That's the quality I like most about her. Though, I won't deny that I am often irritated with her honesty; but living 21 years of my life under her roof, you get used to it.
Anyway, I look at the clock and see that it's morning. I need to go to college, but I don't think I'm able to go out on the street right now, and...
I look at my room and see the mess I made, the floor was broken, the door was ripped out, the bathroom was flooded... "I need to organize this mess"
Two hours later.
When tidying my room, I found out several things about my new self. I had more strength, much more strength than I had previously.
Because of this change, I'm having trouble controlling myself. Before I used X force and I could open my bedroom door without breaking anything, but if I use the same force now, the bedroom door will literally be ripped off the wall.
My senses like hearing, smelling, sight, etc. They're much more sensitive, my hearing isn't on the level of the comic book scout friend who wears blue and red and has the S symbol on his chest; that guy could hear the entire planet...
As far as I've tested, I can hear everything that's going on in my house and in the surrounding neighborhood. It's annoying, I hear multiple voices at the same time and I can't discern who's who.
Because of that, I tried something. I focused all my attention on a porn video that I opened on my computer called 'The hardest game in the world'.
Do I look stupid? Yes, but it worked. Men are easy creatures to grab attention from.
My sense of smell has also improved, but the only thing I can smell from several kilometers away is blood, I can't differentiate the scents either.
Another thing I learned is that I have another kind of vision. When I switch to this vision, the world turns red and I can see everything around as if there were no walls. And, in this world, I can see human silhouettes. When I focus on these beings, I can see their hearts glowing bright red.
I just tested this for a few seconds; I don't want to risk getting thirsty again.
And yes... I know shit happened to me... I became a vampire, or something like a vampire...
The features are very obvious, pale skin, red eyes, better physical conditioning, and an insatiable thirst...
Knowing this, I have a starting line in my reasoning.
First, let's see what weaknesses I have.
The most obvious weaknesses from vampire books are garlic, the cross of Jesus (or something related to god), sunlight, and I can't enter someone's house uninvited. Also ... running water?
Some weaknesses may seem stupid, but I need to test them all. First the cross of Jesus. I look at a necklace that is hanging on my computer screen, on that necklace there is a cross; I slowly touch the necklace and I feel ... nothing.
Hmm, next. Running water... Well, I drank tap water, I guess that counts as a no? I don't know. I need to go to a pool or river that has running water and test; let's leave this weakness for another time.
Next on the list is garlic, I remember I bought garlic pizza two days ago. I walk towards the small fridge in my room and pick up the garlic pizza I had bought. Smelling the pizza with my nose, I feel like throwing up, but I also don't feel anything else; like a sudden weakness or something.
I think the urge to vomit was because my appetite changed? I try to put the pizza in my mouth and as expected, my body instantly rejects the food.
I ran towards the bathroom and spit the pizza into the toilet.
"How disgusting," I said with a nauseous face, "Why do I feel like I've eaten an out-of-date fish?"
My stomach churns, and I feel like throwing up. I quickly started to inhale and take deep breaths, a few minutes later repeating this process, the urge to vomit passed.
In the future, I must test whether whole garlic has any effect on me. Thinking about it now, that was stupid... What kind of vampire would have weakness to garlic pizza?
Anyway, the next weakness is the sun...
I walk towards my bedroom window, which is located on the wall where my bed is positioned; I climb onto my bed and open a small gap in the curtain for the sunlight to enter.
I swallow my saliva, I am a little scared of disappearing. After all, the biggest weakness of vampires is sunlight, but, I need to know; and I think just putting my finger in the sun shouldn't cause any problems, right?
Slowly, I bring my finger closer to the sunlight. When there was only 1CM left until sunlight touched my finger, I stopped... No, I need to know; don't be a chicken, Victor!
I put my finger in the sunlight and... nothing happens. I don't feel my finger disappear, and I don't feel that intense pain that I expected...
I sigh in relief, I look at my window curtain and open it. As soon as the sunlight enters my room, I feel the sun bathing me in warmth and touching my entire body; yet, I feel nothing.
For some reason, I felt like I should praise the sun right now, but I'm not going to do that. What if someone saw me?
I lie down on the bed and look up at the ceiling. "With no other obvious vampire weaknesses, I don't want to try to decapitate myself or rip my heart out; I'm not crazy enough for that."
"... What am I?" I say to myself out loud. This morning was weird. For some reason, I don't remember what happened yesterday and I woke up with the characteristics of a vampire. But, I also didn't have the obvious weaknesses of a vampire... Am I reading too many books?
"But, Hey, at least I don't glow in the sunlight." I laugh at my own lame joke. I close my eyes, and slowly, I drift off to sleep.
Edited By: IsUnavailable
Chapter 02: Awakening.
I open my eyes and get up from my bed. I hold my throat, feeling an unbearable thirst. This time I felt like I couldn't control myself; I feared for my family's life, that I would do something myself, an action I would regret forever.
I open the window, position myself at the edge, and jump.
I don't know how much force I put in, but I felt the window frame crack a little, and soon I was in heaven...
At night, I felt stronger, my senses increased. Before, I could hear my whole neighborhood, but now I don't know what the limit is. I also had no control over my feelings. I actually tried to control myself, but the bloodlust was holding me back; it was like I tried to drive a car, but I was too drunk to achieve any control.
I was freaking out from the smell of blood; I need blood... I need blood!! Without me realizing it, sharp fangs started to grow in my mouth.
I fell on top of a building, and felt the crash of concrete breaking, but I ignored it and ran towards the stronger smell of blood.
I don't know how long it took, my consciousness was almost fading, but I did my best to keep my consciousness active. I refuse to become an animal overpowered by thirst! Soon, I was in a dark alley. Slowly, my world starts to change to the color of blood, and soon I see four silhouettes.
Three men, and one woman, two men are holding the woman's arms, and another man is holding a knife to the woman's neck. I looked at the hearts of the three men as if watching prey; they looked just like my mother's, with the only difference being that the light of their hearts was weaker.
"Hey, who are you? Get out of here!" They said something, but I didn't care.
I looked at the woman, and realized she was weird. She didn't have a red light in her heart. Did she have a red light in her neck? For some reason, women attracted me more than men.
One of the men walks towards me with a knife in his hand, he approaches me but stops walking when I look at him. Without my noticing, a predatory smile appeared on my face, and in that smile, they could see that my teeth looked sharper than a normal human. My teeth looked like a shark's, teeth that could easily tear through flesh and bones, and that sight startled the three bandits.
The bad guys' faces started to change, they looked like they saw their worst nightmare manifested in front of them.
"M-Monster" The thug who was holding the woman spoke, he tried to run away, but he couldn't; he was paralyzed.
My smile grows abnormally when I feel the fear of the bad guys. I walked calmly towards them, they couldn't get away. By the time they looked into my eyes, they were already trapped like pigs being brought to the slaughter.
With a display of supernatural speed, I appear in front of the bad guy with the knife. With a speed that he can't react to, I pierced his chest with my hand and pulled out his heart.
Holding the man's heart in my hand, I felt the heart beating in an attractive rhythm; but for some reason, the man's blood didn't interest me. I opened my hands and the man's heart dropped to the ground.
"H-Huh...?" The movement I made was so fast that the bandit's own body didn't have time to react to what happened. All the bandit saw at the end of his life was the predatory smile and red eyes of the freak that attacked him.
"Hiii~!!" The thug who was holding the woman screamed like a scared little girl and tried to get away, but like his friend, he couldn't run.
This time, I disappear in front of the thug and appear behind him and soon his vision starts to spin, it was as if he had lost his balance, but before the thread of life faded from his eyes, he realized that his head had separated from his body.
I grab his head and use my tongue to lick the blood off his face. After all, I was curious about the taste, though I didn't feel like drinking his blood, but soon my expression distorted in disgust. " disgusting."
I spit on the floor in disgust, it feels like I've eaten a bad hamburger. Now, I understood why I wasn't interested in these men's blood.
I look at the last bandit left, using my arm like a sword, I cut the bandit in half. The bandit looks down and sees his body falling towards the ground. In the end he can't even say anything.
I was intoxicated by the pleasure of killing and the smell of blood in the air, my consciousness was in a state in between wakefulness and sleep, from my perspective it felt like I was dreaming.
"Hahahahaha" I hear a woman's voice laughing, I look at her.
My vision slowly returns to normal, and I see a beautiful pale woman with long white hair that is tied in a ponytail that reaches the floor. She has vibrant violet eyes, a nice figure, modest breasts, and an ass big enough that it can't be hidden by the black dress she's wearing. Was she wearing a dress with a tie? Her outfit looked like goth cosplay.
She's also tall, just a little under my height. I don't know how tall I am now, but before my transformation I was 175CM, I look around 180CM now.
"As predicted, you exceeded my expectations, Victor." Hearing her voice again, I suddenly remembered the voice from when I woke up this morning.
"You-" When I was going to question her about the doubts I had, she put her finger to my lips: "Shhh."
"You must quench your thirst first, my blood will tell you everything you need to know, Darling." Suddenly, she reached for the buttons of the dress she was wearing and started to undress, slowly she showed some of her neck.
Seeing that pale skin and smelling her a lot stronger than before.
I swallow hard… My senses were going crazy, all I wanted was to sink my fangs into her neck.
While keeping the flirtatious smile on her face she said: "Come."
I hug her with all my strength and bite her neck. "Ahhh~! You are being very violent."
I ignored what she said and started drinking her blood, it was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in this life. I felt like I was eating a 5-star dish made by the most renowned chef in the world; but it wasn't just that, I felt a connection forming, I felt her whole existence, it was a euphoric feeling, it was like a drug you couldn't stop taking. Her blood tasted so good.
"Looks like you like my blood, that's good." She spoke with a flirtatious smile, I suddenly felt a bite on my neck.
Everything I was feeling from drinking her blood suddenly intensified. The blood tasted 100x better, our connection increased and we became one? It was weird, but it wasn't bad. Actually... It was really good!
Suddenly a set of memories started to enter my mind. I was in a place that I know well, this was the market I always go to when my mom needs to buy supplies. Apparently, I was seeing this woman's point of view.
"Are you sure?" A woman's voice asked, she sounded quite unsure.
"Yes, I will make him my 'Darling'." The white-haired woman spoke with a loving smile.
Suddenly the vision changed and I was in an abandoned building? Looks like the woman took me to some abandoned place.
She bites her finger with her fang, and soon the blood starts to drip, when the blood falls to the ground something like a magic circle forms. When she looks at the ground, I see my old body lying there, and, did I look hurt? My arm had a big cut like a wild animal had clawed me. I could tell that I would have died from blood loss at any moment.
When the circle formed on the ground, she bit her wrist. As soon as red blood started coming out of her arm, she brought her arm closer to my body, and let her blood fall into my mouth.
She sits on my body, lifts me off the ground, hugs me, then she says: "Victor, you're going to be reborn; I'm sorry about this." Suddenly, she breaks my neck!?
It stays connected to my body, and soon something happens. My body starts to regenerate at an unbelievable speed and the magic circle starts to spin on the ground. When my body stops regenerating, the magic circle suddenly disappears.
The woman displays a satisfied smile, "Success."
Suddenly, I open my eyes, and I realize that they are blood red. I get up quickly and hug the woman, then I bite the white-haired woman's neck.
I finish biting the white-haired woman and the memories of the other person disappear, or she just stops sharing?
Before I can figure out what happened next, the world around me starts to crumble and I wake up in the dark alley I was in earlier.
What happened after I disappeared?
"Victor, do you want to kill me? You are already satisfied, right?" She spoke with a playful smile.
I stop biting the white-haired woman and look at her, I have a lot of questions on my mind now, but first: "What's your name?"
The woman displays the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, "Violet... Violet Snow"
"The violet ice flower? Fancy name, huh", I commented with a small forced smile.
"My family is quite peculiar." She laughed.
"I bet it is" I commented with the same smile, so I give my name too:
"Victor...Victor Walker"
"The walking victor? That is very simple," she commented with a small laugh.
"Well, my family are simple people" I commented with a shrug.
Now that I've calmed down, I look at the corpses and feel my stomach churn at the sight. I feel like throwing up, but at the same time my body refuses to let anything out, after all... I was just nauseous. It was like I had taken a long 24-hour car ride, and I needed some air.
I had mixed feelings about the situation, internally. I didn't care about the death of strangers, even though those deaths were caused by myself, but my rational mind knew that was wrong. But, honestly, I was just confused by everything that was going on, and I didn't care about those dead men.
Violet, seeing my confused face, proposes: "Let's change locations."
I nod in agreement, she approaches me, and says: "Try to follow me, I'll slow down."
Violet suddenly, with a small impulse, jumps towards the building's roof. I try to do the same, but the ground around me ends up breaking. Looking at this, I realize how I have no control of my strength; leaving it aside for now, I start following Violet.
I know she was the woman who made me what I am now; I should be suspicious of her, but for some reason, I can't do it. It's just a feeling, but I feel like I've met this woman once in the past, I just don't remember when.
Well, baby steps...one baby step at a time, I know absolutely nothing right now to make a decision. For now, let's follow this beautiful vampire.
The sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has an antisocial personality disorder. People with this disorder, also called sociopathy, lack empathy. They cannot understand the feelings of others
The functional Sociopath designates a person who, despite suffering from sociopathy, has this situation under control, ie, the effects of sociopathy do not greatly affect their interaction with other people.
Edited By: IsUnavailable
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