Arin, a modern-day museum curator from Tokyo, is inexplicably transported to a mystical prehistoric world, awakening in the body of a young girl in the Silverglade Tribe. Isolated by the impenetrable Mist River, the tribe's once-great power, tied to the mysterious Moonfire Crystal, has dwindled over the ages. As Arin grapples with her new identity, she explores the wonders and dangers of this ancient world, uncovering secrets of the stone age.
Hello guys! Thank you for deciding to check out Echoes of Dusk. After reading for so long I decided to write a story of my own.
As of right now I plan to update 3-4 chapters a week and will later increase the frequency. I want to create a story that is thorough with no nonsensical plot so please be patient with me.
This will be my first book so be sure to comment and let me know your thoughts.
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Schreiben Sie eine Rezensionlove everything about this book especially the world background and buliding it is very unique and different , hope you don't drop it author
this is honestly the best works I've seen if not the most unique I seen so far so please don't drop this pleassssssse. Your ever loyal fan.
Autor Zero10ne
Great concept and unique setting, hope this continues