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Kapitel 27: Chap 26: Planet and plans

[Zane's Planet, no name yet]

"Hey Amy how is everything going so far"

"The Island needs some finishing touch boss but essentially with the extra shield surrounding it, it's next to ready.

As for the city I am waiting for your final order, the blueprints you designed can be implemented in minutes all it needs is for you to give the green flag.

Are you still hesitant about the 'Daily Life System' master?"

"Hmm.." I gave my trusty AI a hum to think a bit, with the amount of energy I have I decided to add another shield exclusive to the island since you know, you can never be careful.

The city like she said is ready on paper and can be done in minutes once I decide the living system I want.

The Daily Life System or simply DLS is about the points every citizen in my city will receive per month and per the amount of work or contribution more specifically.

The food, water even clothes and any day life necessity are offered by me and all can be ordered digitally in their respective shop. Every house, shop or whatever building will have a menu screen like video games where they can well.... do anything.

That why I'm wondering if I bring people here what can they offer me? Or more like how will they contribute?

I obviously don't want lazy citizens nor leeches but I have everything to offer and nothing to want in return. Well aside from loyalty but.... haaah is that what they call I am suffering from success?

"How is the academy Amy, is everything like I instructed?"

"Of course boss, the 'Academy Land' and everything related to it is ready, all the classes be it theoretical or practical, training grounds and sleeping dorms along with the 'fun area' everything like you wished."

"Hmm.. let them speed up on the 'Integration Land' I have an idea for our first citizens and we may need it but I will give you a notice before that in the meantime you can check on the file named 'the Zone' to understand more"

"Consider it done Boss"

"Thank you Amy"

"With pleasure Master Zee"


The continent is almost ready, the only reason it took that long is because I am always upgrading and changing things who knew building can be fun?

Beside the exclusive shield for the island which also protects the island obviously it also block any entry from anyone who isn't me or mine. So beside me, Eve, Warwoman and Serly who I just teleported from earth to meet the ladies and gave her citizenship and access to the island and my home like the other two no one else is allowed for now.

It was funny and cute how she directly got along with them fast. Once Serly was teleported here the first thing she did was ran to me, hugged me then kissed me hard only after that she noticed the two ladies beside me.

One look at the smirking Warwoman and the blushing Eve she just outloud cussed me with 'charming Womanizer devil' and couple other words that made Warwoman laugh outloud saying she likes her already all the while eve is trying to look for some place to hide. And utterly failing at that.

So I made Amy take them to continue or restart the tour to the island while I do my things. Which they gladly did with Serly dragging the red Eve along while telling her some words like 'you poor little thing' and 'you fell for this devil' and other things I and Warwoman found funny.

I'm glade she didn't call me a snake and mentioned something about an apple or tree or something.

Anyway I also updated the outer shield to block telepathic signatures outside and inside, no one will just fly by the planet and 'accidently' feel my people brainwaves and go reading all their memories and informations.

And no telepathy beside mines is allowed to work, there are special training places for telepath if they want to use it for training or whatever but I am not gonna allow anyone to go around spying on people and reading their mind.

Unless they have my permission ofcourse.

If I ever come across a species that telepathy is basically their norm, well they either have to adapt or I can see if I have to do something special for them. Or maybe I will equip everyone with telepathic-blocker bracelet or something.

Hmm... an omni-multi-purpose bracelet or necklace that work as identification, a way to hold points and a way to activate and utilize all the equipment avaible. I will come to that later and add all the necessary additions.

After telling Amy about this idea I continue thinking about the issues regarding the DLS itself, one would think it's great and all and I am overthinking it but with my knowledge, mind and couple simulations if I don't do this right then it will be a problem in the future, but I am not in a hurry anyway so...

I hosnetly don't plan much for this universe, I plan to simply sit back and watch the show, maybe help here and there a bit I want to see what will happen if the heroes have the high ground and advantages, and maybe help the meta community I mean I hate abducting kids, torturing them and enslaving and experimenting on them. Who does that shit?

Well obviously a lot. That why I thought maybe I should make a school like Professor x or a planet like magneto? Gather them around help them and teach them and let them be? Maybe make a team out of them? It will definitely be better than the Outsiders that's for sure.

So I decided to build an academy for future Meta-children who will like to join, or any Meta if they accept my rules. It's actually an all purpose academy but I don't see any reason why I should accept anyone who's not gonna benefit me so it's Meta only for now and maybe their families.

Maybe in the future some alien species will also join but that for later it's still all on paper.

I called it Academy Land because well a whole land is dedicated for it but it's not your traditional school or Uni, I am doing it differently here.

Everything is obviously free and digital so no need for books and whatsoever, every knowledge they will need is present, every hobby or art they want to pursue is also here.

Aside from learning at least three languages and some basic but essential math, physics and biology nothing is obligated and they can choose whatever they want to learn, I also designed some kind of Tree-path where they can see the path they can walk if they choose for example to study physics or biology the path will show them all the possible achievements in that direction like turning to a doctor, astrophysicist a teacher or whatever.

I did this for every possible path imaginable even for arts and sports where the path will show them for example the most famous painting or sculpture even the best sport record ever recorded on earth.

Of course I don't want to do it like every school on earth or something I want it to be special and unique more on hand approach, I will include powers into the teaching like how is physics related to gravity, telekinesis, portals and teleportation.

Plant manipulation and biokinesis with biology.

And a lot and a lot of ideas and imagination.

So yeah I am trying some out of the box ideas especially with Metas, training their powers and using it creatively will be like 65-70% the focus of the school for now.

I even added a 'Hero-path', cringe I know but atleast I can show them that you don't need awesome powers to be a hero nor everything can be solved with a punch. And that everyone can be a hero. Ivy alone can fix at least 50% of the world hunger if anyone with two braincells thought about it carefully.

I almost overdid it and wanted to introduce Midoriya Izuku and Asta as some motivational stories or something. I wonder what season they are at now?




But that all for way later anyway, the age of Meta is not there yet.

As for the integration land well it's simple, a land where new citizens will learn to integrate in my city they will learn about the DLS, the rules of this place and who's the real boss.

For crimes I decided on a simple method, those who don't respect the rules will be banished back from where they came with their memories erased of the place. I am still deliberating if I should do some magical contracts too.

As for the heinous crimes like murder, sexuell assault and these stuff well, it can reach to the punishment of death if one really managed to do that which is very hard with my security and monitoring system.

I will have no criminals nor prisoners and poisons in my land. I want all clean.


I want to try to be a villain for some time. But not the psychotic kind or look down on inferior being kind maybe a ruler or something? Like the justice lords? Definitly not like the crime sydicates. Those two universes might be interesting one is kinda like a dictatorship and the other is a rulership? Terrorship?

Ruling or conquering is not my goal or dream. I actually find it a cliché that every villain out there want to spread chaos or rule the world bla bla blah...

But after seeing the memories of the different Angstrom Levys and seeing how evil some Marks can be and the amount of destruction and despair they caused I had the idea of trying to stop them and since the planet will be left half destroyed and without help even if they rose from it because humans are adaptable and will find a way but, Mark or Omni-man are not their only threat.

If I deal with them the Viltrumites will send another if not all of them. So it's back to square one. That why I thought of taking over but I am not sure how. Humans can be stubborn after all, even if I saved them they won't be just be like 'thank you our lives is in your hand and we will gladly be under you' they will think I am the next evil or something even if I showed kindness so this will need some planning too.

To be honest I don't really want nor care about conquering or world domination or whatsoever I find it a drag and more of a burden than anything else, but they are opportunities and resources and they are left like that, I mean someone has to do something right?

Besides maybe this will be an opportunity for me to learn better rule my planet, a test of sort you know. Like a tutorial or something.

I said it before I am not a villain – a bad person – but I am not good either I just want to see the consequences of my actions, I came to realize that senseless killing is not the answer but some still deserve it, it is still necessary, and I will deliver but I want to see firsthand what will happen after that. Did I make the right choice? Do my actions make things better or worse?

If I take actions here in my own universe and all the heroes start going against me – because they are stupid like that – am I doing the right thing? That what I want to know and this experiment will help me figure it out.

I did say I don't want to interfere much here but still the amoumt of bullshit that exist won't allow me to live freely here unless I take actions even if I can live or seclud myself somewhere else. Just because I want to live in peace doesn't mean everyone else will let me.


First I have one thing to do before going on my multiversal journey and that is taking Kara out of the phantom Zone, call me biast and all but Supergirl is one of my favorites, I have some of Superman blood from our last fight and Superman has the kryptonian codex bonded to his genetics, I obviously copied his physiology just to see if there's anything special about him and for now nothing, just got stronger and I absorb sun energy faster or kinda more efficiently don't know.

That won't allow me to find Kara per se but Kryptonians to be more precise and guess where they all at, exactly in the phantom zone and that's all I need now with some spells and technology it won't be hard to find her and I am curious how the phantom zone will affect me to be honest.

The Zone is a realm of only consciousness to what I remember and not a physical place. Willpower is the key to doing anything there. Heh gives me Haki vibes, is that a thing or just those from one piece can do?

Should I take over Zod whole group and just shut that arc from season 4 and be done with it? But what should I do with them, I can't just let them here, I know Zod is ambitious and won't accept defeat easily or will he?

I honestly don't know he was a good general and will be good to have him under my command... hmm I need some preparation to do for them if they ever wanted to betray me or something maybe I can take them to another universe so they can take care of it when I am not there, but that will open a whole can of questions.

What about Zod's kid who will come back in time to free his parents, will he still exist? What about some time-space police or something, is there a Marvel TVA equivalent in the DC universe? I honestly don't know. It will be really interesting if there were but if they are some cosmic entities related then that will just be like hitting myself, I am not even close to these beings, yet.

My power level right now is about planetary+, but don't misunderstand power level with threat level. I can destroy a planet at a time with my power be it physically or with abilities but my threat is more like galaxy level, I can threaten planets and armies alone let's not even talk about the resources I have hidden in [FL]. But that's it, I am nowhere close to those cosmic or concept beings so they can still threaten me.

But I don't think there is a problem with me doing some universal or time jumps, I mean come on the Flash, Legion of Super-Heroes, BOOSTER GOLD yeah I don't think so, ah wait there are ones in the Legends in the arrowverse, Time Bureau they call themselves but those are like a joke, nothing like Kang machinations, speaking of Kang.... nah forget it, let's not think too much in the future now.

Anyway I don't think anyone will have a problem with me changing timelines or bringing people to other universes unless it's a too important universes maybe. Or if someone got their eyes on me.

But I wonder, if I free Zod and his followers will there still be this whole time travel shenanigans at all? like is Zod's son still gonna be born, steal the phantom zone gun and travel back to this era making the legion of hero follow him? Or the timeline will continue with the changes I make? Maybe Zod's son is still gonna come which make the timeline spin in a paradox? Fuck if that happen all my shit talking about Barry will be hypocrisy by now. Should I try it somewhere else? But it will take time, years atleast to know if I fucked up the timeline or if it fixed itself.

What to do, what to do.

I mean I already changed the timeline if everything before was minimal now not anymore after I gave Superboy and Wally their serum.

That bring the question, what to do with earth?




Sitting on my big chair that looks like a Throne one leg on another, my chin resting on my right hand the left arm resting on the armchair looking down with emotionless eyes with disinterest like an Emperor.


Always wanted to that.

Anyway back to the topic what to do with earth?

Honestly I can do just... nothing. I can just sit here and watch the events unfold, there are a lot of events and details I don't know and the future too is a big mystery. I know Darkseid is like the end boss or something but till then I'm lost.

Like what led to the scene where Barbara got the accident where she became paralyzed?

When and how did Batman find Cassandra Cain? Is there a kate in the bat family? The red-hair gay one.

Who's the blonde ninja look-alike and all the ninjas/assassins that Batman teams up with later on?

What about Raven and Trigon? Does she exist in this universe? She exists in most.

Is she in his demon realm? Will she come and he will follow?

That look like a plot for the future in my opinion.

Starfire? Her sister blackfire? Another plot.

What about Superman son in the fourth season? When was he born? And where? Is krypton really gone or there is a planet with kryptonian on it like the one from the Supergirl tv show?

How strong are the new gods and Darkseid? The new gods don't look like something that impressive in my opinion but who knows.

What about Darkseid? Is he just a mere Avatar and the real one is something beyond the 5th dimension or whatever? I read in my past that Darkseid sends his avatars to conquer universes and when one is done he empower another in another universe. Can I kill Darkseid or will he continue to grow stronger till he get rid of me? Or will another Darkseid appear if one is killed?

What if the real Darkseid came and erase the whole universe out of rage? Can he do that? I don't think so but I'm not sure to be honest.

I need to venture to space see where Thanagar, Tamaran and others are. I mean there's already hawk man and woman, so Thanagar must be somewhere they were mentioned in one episode I believe, there's also the Reach and a lot more so the others must exist right?

And all that in a single universe. How many others are there. I mean infinite possibilities mean infinite universes right? But this is DC!! Is complicated here.

Huff.. that's why I like Marvel more. Even though the same they are more orderly at least.

Too many questions with no one to answer. That why I can't really do whatever I want to do. Who knows if the Justice League is really the only way to deal with these bullshit? what if some villain is involved with saving the universe and I kill him? Did I doom the universe to get destroyed?

And that's all the 'normal' route, imagine a reincarnated or transmigrated person, and one powerful enough to actually change things? When I got the cloning and memory datas of the Mauler twins my mind suddenly and directly thought of a person. I read in my past about this shard of soul who became Superboy, I don't know what he did exactly or how, but the motherfucker took over his universe and already scavenging others. He had the whole Themascyra AND Wonder woman under his balls, not to mention the thousand of clones of different characters like Kara, Galatea and who knows who. I really really hope this bastard doesn't exist because if he does, well I have a loooot of contingencies to think of.

(Shoutout to The Ultimate Saiyan Warrior Reborn)

Ughhh. Just enough I will deal with these stuff when it comes. More like future me will. I pray for you buddy.

Hopefully I am just overthinking it.


overFantasies overFantasies

I'm back!! and hopefully for a long time.

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter and what do you want or expect to read?

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