/ Video Games / Real Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester
What happens after we die? Apparently we are shipped off to market to be reincarnated. In my case, I lucked out. I’ve been chosen to act as a beta tester for a whole artificial copy of the World of Warcraft, equipped with a moderately accelerated ability to learn magic and a collection of amulets that could condition their wearers to love me. No leveling, but I’ve got everything I need if I don’t do anything too stupid.
Heavy on brainwashing, heavy on scheming, heavy on plot, modest on smut, and with far too many characters and far too many chapters, I proudly present this offering unto you, good reader.
Based in the World of Warcraft and drawing heavily from SwiftRosenthal’s Waifu catalog, this is a harem building, mind control heavy, extremely nerdy story that I started on and it just got really out of hand.
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Schreiben Sie eine Rezensionyour work's great and i can see the effort you put into it It does suffer from the same problems other WOW fics do... world's too big too many aspects to keep track of and you easily get lost in the details. That's the main problem it feels like you put too much focus on obscure things/ characters/quests... hope this helps
Author I want to ask is there any ntr again just like chapter 27 so far I read until that chapter was good but that part kind make me think to stop or not I hope (thare no ntr again)
Spoiler enthüllenAutor Jerynboe
!!Spoiler Warning!! The MC shares a woman once (one time too many if you ask me), and it was decided afterward that it would never happen again. There are no details about what exactly happened during that time, but it is confirmed that something did happen for a "mission reward". I'm out because this doesn't follow the definition of a harem (no sharing), but I really liked the story until up until that point.
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