They were on the same Island where Rayleigh used to train Luffy. The island was full of dangerous beasts like Hancock remembered.
"Now I only agreed to train you Hancock. Silver, there are many other areas where you can develop. So before you learn haki, I recommend you to increase your physical condition.
As per Hancock, it will take time for your body to reach it's peak condition. So we are going to focus on your haki instead. Your goal is to dodge my serious attacks and kill our food without touching it. I know that I don't need to remind you that your sisters fate depends on you." Rayleigh said in a serious voice.
"I know."
"Our time is short so I am not going to teach you in normal method. And besides you are already quite proficient with basic haki. You will be learning while fighting against me and other animals in this Island."
The entire training period was brutal. Especially the first three months. Hancock was sure that if not for her armament haki, her entire body would have been filled with scars. At first Rayleigh made for fight with giant bears with very thick skin. Even with her armament haki, she was unable to put even a single scratch on the bear. She could only dodge its attacks. But for something so big, the bear was surprisingly fast. So her observation hockey was also put into test. Then she realised another problem. Even when she could see the attacks were coming, her body was unable to respond in time. That was the reason she lost the count of how many times the bear threw her away with it's paw strike like a ragdoll. Her only saving Grace was the armament haki, that she used to cover or entire body with.
So for the first few days this routine continued, until she was able to dodge The attacks of the bear with out getting hit. But still there was no progress in her armament haki. She could emit the haki, but the internal destruction that Rayleigh talked about was really far away from her reach. After the first month of speed training she finally faced the dark king.
No need to say that she got beaten thoroughly. Rayleigh was merciless when it comes to training. He was fast, very fast. So fast that she could barely catch his movements with her observation haki. And it was really a hard blow, when serialised that he was going easy on her. Rayleigh was not using sword against her. But there was no need either. His natural armament haki was superior to her's. And with his own emission, he used to beat her black and blue. After 3 months of severe beating she finally able to see a few seconds in the future. Although it was an accomplishment in itself, she got still beaten as her speed was not enough to match Rayleigh. Naturally her armament haki improved as well. But still she couldn't grasp the concept of internal destruction.
"Since last month, there is no improvement in your armament haki.
But it is not your fault. Your body is going through changes. Your natural strength is increasing with the growth of your body. That's why you are not facing enough challenge from the animals in this Island."
Hancock understood the meaning behind Rayleigh's words.
Unlike her previous life where her body was malnutrited, due to her slavery, in this life it was different. She has already grown to an impressive height of 5'1" at the age of 12. Her breasts have started growing. And the shape of her body was changing to more feminine shape. But along with her body her strength has also increased quite a lot. Now she could take down giant tigers with a single strike.
"And as per my fight against you, you are not showing any progress either. That's because you are not facing any life and death situation from fighting me. Subconsciously you think that I won't harm you that's why your growth is lacking. " Rayleigh said to Hancock.
"So what should I do ?" Hancock asked Rayleigh. With her change in personality, she has begun to see the world differently. There was once a time when she prided herself for being the most beautiful woman in the world. But she has understood that without strength, her arrogance has no meaning. She has understood the beauty of small things in life. At the beginning of her training deep inside her mind, she was somewhat afraid that her beauty would get diminished in the training. But for her sisters she has hardened her heart. But later she understood that Luffy won't care if she is the ugliest woman in the world. And that's all it mattered for Hancock.
After four months of training Silver has also managed to learn observation haki. She new about the power of haki. But she didn't have access to it. But now she has grown a lot.
"Like I said earlier, any further training from me would be meaningless. Your body has manage to grow to the point where you can dodge my serious attacks. You can see almost ten seconds to the future. So why don't you guess what I am going to tell you ?" Rayleigh said smiling.
"You should face some strong opponents that might pose some real threat for you. Sorry to say this but our training is no longer effective." Hancock said after seeing the future.
Then she went into deep thought understanding the meaning of her own words. She realised that what Rayleigh said, is true. But she will never get a real opponent in the paradise. With her increased strength, she doubted that she won't get into any real life threatening situation. So her only option is going to the new world.
She didn't wanted any unwanted attention of world government . Not until she freed her sisters. That's why her only option was bounty hunting in the new world.
Check out my other fanfictions
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a useless girl
You can read advance twelve chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd just for 5 $.
You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.
Check out
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto: Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a Useless girl
The new Ship
"I can't believe we gathered up 400 million berries just by bounty hunting in 3 days." Silver was really surprised.
"You are good with guns right ?" Hancock asked Silver.
"Yes but these are fine too." Silver told her.
"Nonsense those were pretty old model. We are going to get you new ones. And besides I want to buy some clothes too. After we buy a ship from groove 10, we will ask Rayleigh to coat it while we will go for shopping our stock for journey." Hancock has taken 1 year timeline as the deadline to save her sisters. So she was in a hurry to go to the new world. But that doesn't mean she would forget the necessary things. New world is a much harsher place than the paradise. So without a proper navigator it is very hard to navigate through the weather of New world. Hancock has the basic skills of navigation. And by basic, she meant that she can navigate through the paradise easily. But the new world is a different matter. And that's why she needed some skilled navigator or has to learn some navigation skills to sail through the new world. Thinking about her plans for the future Hancock didn't realised that they have reached the ship pawn shop.
Every year many pirate ships reach the sabaody archipelago. But the environment here is much harsher then the entire Paradise. And with the presence of G1 base, many arrogant pirates doesn't make till the ship coating is done. So naturally there were many abandoned ship. Not to mention, many merchant ships used to sell their ship here because the cost of getting it to the other side of the red line through the official channel exceeds the value of the ship. So naturally the ship pawn shop is a great place for these abandoned ships.
Silver was carrying a large bag which was full of berries. So it was natural for them together unwanted attention. But because of the presence of Hancock, a few dared to approach them. But those who did were swiftly dealt with.
After entering what looked like a artificial shipyard, a slim tall man greeted them.
"Hello young ladies. Are you here to buy something or sell something ?"
The man was professional. He has years of experience dealing with several kinds of people. And from his vast experience, he knew very well not to judge someone from their looks.
"We want a ship within 320 million berries. Preferably something small but sturdy." Hancock has no plan to recruit more than two people except for two of them in her upcoming journey. Not to mention they are only two people and a snake for the beginning of there journey. So she didn't plan to take anything big. 320 millions is enough to buy a galleon or a brig sloop. But she didn't have the manpower to operate a galleon or a skilled navigator for a brig sloop. A caravel would be ideal for their journey but most of the caravels were not strong enough to withstand the environment of the new world.
"May I ask you how many passengers you wish to carry ? And do say your preferable ship type." The man asked again.
"Maximum five. But for now there are two of us and another. I would prefer a caravel. But it should be strong enough to survive the new world." Hancock said to the man.
The man took out a diary from his shirt and went through a few pages. Then he closed the diary and looked towards Hancock. "Sorry young lady. But currently we do not have any ship that fulfills your requirement. But I do have one ship in mind. It is not a caravel. But it is small and sturdy. Will you like to take a look at it ?" The man asked.
Hancock wanted to increase her budget to 350 millions to see if he got something, but then decided to see the ship first. With her permission the man took them to a loan corner of the shipyard where there were nothing but scraps. But within those scraps, stood a ship in silver colour. It was a galleon.
"Allow me to tell you the details of this ship. The name of this ship is unknown. It used to be the ship of genius pirates, who got captured by the marines twenty years ago. The ship is very old and made of metal. But it hasn't rusted a bit. The ship has a manual book which has mentioned how to operate it. But it is too complicated for people to understand. That's why this ship is here for so long. No one wants to buy it. it is really hard to believe that this ship is 20 years old. But it still operates perfectly. This ship might be bigger than any caravel, but it is the smallest galleon we have." The man point further to tell the details about the ship. It was a bit big for hancocks taste. But the design of the ship was really simple. Not to mention it was probably the smallest galleon Hancock has ever seen.
"How much is it ? And I am asking you with the cost of the sails. The ship might be and top condition but those sails were barely hanging so we will need a replacement." Hancock asked the man.
"The price of this shape is 220 millions But with the sails, it will cost you 223 millions. Do you want any customisation in the ship or the sails ?"
After visiting the interior and handing over the manual book to Silver, Hancock decided to do some customisation in the ship. After listing out everything it's final cost was around 260 millions. Hancock gave 10 millions more to take the delivery next day. After giving them 200 millions as advance , both the girls return to the shakky's rip off bar.
The day after the next day, they recieved their ship from the shop. Then the finally gave it to Rayleigh. Silver became busy learning the function of the ship from the manual while Hancock went for shopping.
Finally after seven days, the coating of their ship was completed and it was ready to set sail.
"By the way you didn't named it." Silver asked Hancock who was busy uploading the supplies.
"Huh ? Oh it is Pearl."
Check out my other fanfictions
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a useless girl
You can read advance twelve chapters of this fanfiction on my p@treon AnimefanfictionInd just for 5 $.
You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.
Check out
Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten
Uzumaki Naruko
Naruto: Asmodeus Template
Reborn as a Useless girl
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