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40.22% Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord / Chapter 35: The Final Move

Kapitel 35: The Final Move

Pov Dozo: 


I was in my office getting ready to go to Ozai's spoiled daughter's birthday party.


I looked in the mirror and saw my bearded face. I was wearing a red kimono with gold details. After combing my hair, I was completely transformed, as if I had returned to my days as a general. 


Even after almost a decade, I couldn't accept that my honor had been destroyed because of a useless child, but worst of all was that Ozai listened to a child at a war meeting.


- I should have been the Fire Lord, not this farce. - I say, looking at myself in the mirror. - Just one more night, and tomorrow you will rule this great nation. 


On my way to the royal palace, I was riding in my iron chariot, driven by a Komodo rhinoceros that had lived in my family for decades. 


As I imagined, all the generals survived the attack by my loyal soldiers. Unfortunately, the damned Kai took almost all of my subordinates with him, and the bastard had the gall to mix half-breeds into my troops, placing users of other elements in important positions in the exercise.


If I had been the Fire Lord at the time, I would have ordered the elimination of all the half-breeds who had tarnished the Fire Nation's honor. 


I let out a weary sigh, I couldn't deny that the last three years of preparation had been difficult for me. I had to gain political power through trade agreements with various areas of the capital, bribing and preparing for this day.


I had made several alliances and friendships with specifically some nobles and great families. Recovering my reputation and honor has cost me dearly, but at least my new fame is equivalent to my first days as a general.


In order for my plan to succeed the throne to work, I had to create chaos in the capital, making the people suspicious and worried about the sudden attacks on the generals, giving them the false impression that they had been invaded by another nation, because I knew that the existence of fire-bending traitors would not be publicized. However, with the generals' victory over my soldiers, their arrogance and ego grew, and they let their guard down to my real trap.


With the supposed victory over the traitors, unfortunately on the birthday of the beloved Princess Azula, a tragedy would occur, a huge explosion that would lead to the death of almost all the high-ranking military personnel, along with the loss of the royal family. 



As one of the survivors, I would announce a hunt for the culprits and take care of the nation's melancholy, leading them and winning their hearts, so that in a few years, I would become the next Fire Lord. 


My plan was perfect, I would get rid of the vermin who had stolen my glory and become the new king of this nation, of course, unfortunately, we would lose territories in the Earth Kingdom because of the disorder, but nothing I couldn't solve in the long run.


My carriage stopped and I saw my door being opened by my servant who was driving the transport. 


- Sir, we have arrived at the palace. - said the servant with his head down. 


- I want you to pick me up in an hour. - I'm serious. - Don't be late.


The princess's party had started at noon and would last until midnight, the time I had just arrived at was the ideal time for most of the main guests to arrive.


The palace was packed with people, all wearing the most expensive or elegant clothes possible, in an ostentatious display of luxury and status. 


Walking to the palace was a little difficult due to the number of people, there could easily have been more than a thousand guests.



Thanks to my reputation, I managed to enter the Royal Hall, which was filled with the elite of the Fire Nation, a pity that their lives would be the fuel for something greater.


I talked to some nobles and military men, but for me it was just a game, I kept my act perfect, the truth was that I wanted to have one last chance to see the face of Ozai, someone who lives in the illusion of a false god.


I noticed that the eyes of all the guests quickly focused, as if their attention had been drawn to one place. My eyes were also surprised by a sight I could never have imagined, and which made my heart beat faster.


A woman of medium height, with hair as black as night, two strands falling in front of her delicate face, two eyes as golden as gold. She wore a red dress that would give any man a good idea of her beauty. Her curves were perfectly proportioned, giving you an idea of the size of her breasts and hips. In her hair was a tiara with the symbol of the Fire Nation plated in gold, along with a necklace with a blood-red ruby.


I couldn't believe how much Princess Azula had changed since I had last seen her, I think it was ten years ago, but she had completely transformed into a woman with a completely divine appearance.


My mouth felt dry, I hadn't expected there to be such beauty in the world, which made me wonder for a moment if it was worth destroying this palace with her inside.


I had a glass of wine in my hand and decided to take a sip, but I almost spat it out, feeling the wine boil in my mouth from one moment to the next, as if it had been heated in a furnace. 


- I didn't expect to find you here, Mr. Dozo. - said an unfamiliar voice.


I slowly turned towards the person behind me, and with the purest force of will, I swallowed the boiling liquid, feeling my throat burn and my chest ache, which made me feel enormous discomfort. 


When I came face to face with the stranger who had called me, my eyes went up and I noticed that he was unusually tall.


For a moment, anger came over me, but I managed to control myself in time, because even if almost 10 years had passed, I would easily recognize that snow-white hair and those red eyes.


- It's been a long time, General Kai. - I bowed respectfully to keep up appearances. 


That son of a bitch had been responsible for all my problems since he showed up, how could someone be so tall, I was 175 cm myself, but it looked like Kai was around 200 cm, he didn't even look human.


Physically he was a giant, and it was obvious that his kimono couldn't hide his muscles. For some embarrassing reason, he had a slightly ferocious appearance that conveyed a strangely attractive atmosphere.


- It seems to me that you managed to stabilize your life after he was dismissed from his post. - Kai said disinterestedly, but his eyes seemed to say something else.


- It was hard to overcome the difficulties, but I'm glad you managed to lead my troops. - Lying, feigning a smile.


Kai studied Dozo's every move cautiously, as if he were studying a prey for slaughter, which made Dozo feel a creeping discomfort.


- Is there a problem, General? - I asked, feeling my legs slowly losing strength.


- I noticed the way he looked at Azula. If you like your life, get away from it. - said Kai, his voice taking on a draconian tone.



I felt my body temperature rising as if I were sick, and I felt my skin becoming damp with sweat. My first thought was to run away, but my pride would be destroyed even more if I did.


- Don't worry, I would never have such thoughts about the princess. - I say quickly, but I was sure it wasn't true. - If you'll excuse me, I have other things to do.


As Dozo left the palace, a man with a bandage on his head wearing a military uniform approached Kai with two glasses of wine in his hand.


- So this is the son of a bitch who had me killed. - Tizo whispered, handing Kai one of the glasses.


- We've been watching him for three days, the evidence and documents relating to him and his family's business are the main investor for these mercenaries. - Kai whispered, sipping his wine elegantly. - We're waiting for his last move.



When Dozo left the palace, he noticed that his carriage hadn't arrived, which made him increasingly anxious.


- Where is that bastard? - I whispered to myself. 


I've been waiting like an idiot for over an hour, damn it. 


I look carefully around me, noticing that there was still a lot of movement of people. I let out a sigh and walk towards the alleys of the city.



The feeling I had when Kai stared at me was still there. My legs were shaking a little, but it was still an uncomfortable feeling.


I walked for 15 minutes to an abandoned building, smiling mischievously and proudly.


- Today the world is going to bow down to me!


When I entered the building, I noticed that no one had taken over the place yet. I climb the wooden stairs, which creak under my weight. I walk down a simple corridor until I come to an old, worn door.


I took the keys and unlocked the old door. As I entered, I felt a wave of nostalgia, for this was where I had patiently planned my revenge. On the walls are various plans of the palace, one of which reveals a secret passage that I had been investigating for years.


I enter the kitchen, which is full of cobwebs and dust, making it look like it has been abandoned for decades, not to mention the smell of rotting animal flesh. 


- Hmmmmm... I should have taken better care of this place. - I headed for the main room.


A single chair stood in the middle of the small room, facing a window that overlooked the palace. The old house had an ancient fireplace that gave off a horrible smell.


I sat down in the chair and spent some time looking at the palace and the beautiful view of the capital.


- It's a beautiful view, but it's a shame I won't have the chance to see it again for a long time. - I light the fire in my hand, illuminating the dark room.


I throw my fire into the fireplace, causing a small explosion. The truth is that the fireplace was connected to a tube of explosive jelly that ran hundreds of meters to the basement of the palace.


It took years to connect this tube to the palace, but I would be presented with a huge explosion of fireworks.


- You may be powerful, Kai, but you're a mortal like me. - I whispered with a smile. - Now I'm going to rebuild this wonderful nation over your dead body.


I stood enjoying the view, mentally counting down to the explosion. With every passing second, I felt my confidence growing, a joy flowing through me.



- 3... 2... 1... Boom. - I spoke, my eyes wide open to catch every moment of the chaos.




The seconds ticked by, but I had nothing to fear, although I found it strange that I had miscalculated the time of the explosion.


- Hmmmm... did I miscalculate? 3... 2... 1... 


The minutes passed and nothing happened, I got up from my chair confused and felt a weight on my chest.


- This doesn't make sense, the explosive jelly should still be detonated, it's a highly flammable substance, even after years of use. - I said anxiously.


My breathing was out of control, my hands were shaking and sweat was running down my face.


- [My plan was discovered? No... I should be dead by now!] - I thought, biting my nails hard. - [Maybe there was a fault in the fire's path, maybe one of the connections collapsed and prevented the flames from reaching the warehouse].


My plan was perfect, it couldn't have gone wrong right now! Not at this moment. I couldn't have made a mistake, that would never have happened. 


Without delay, I left the old building and headed for the Royal Palace, anger in my eyes. I had to calm down to get past the guards, but the thought of almost ten years of sacrifices and plans being thrown away couldn't simply be in vain. 



- Are you all right? - asked one of the royal guards. 


- I'm fine, my name is Dozo, I was here earlier, I just forgot something. - I apologized, trying not to look suspicious.


The royal guard looked seriously at Dozo, ready to throw him out, until he was surprised by another guard who whispered in his ear.


- Excuse me, Mr. Dozo, you may pass. - The guard said with a light tone in his voice. 


- Thank you, Mr. Dozo. - I thanked him, not caring about the guard or the people around me.



I walk through the palace, guided by my memories of being a Fire Nation general. A few minutes later, I was in the basement and smelled an unpleasant aroma of explosive jelly.


- The smell seems to have gotten stronger; if I light my flames, it could still cause an explosion. - I commented, rummaging through the boxes where I had stored the explosive jelly.


Unfortunately, I couldn't just open the box, it was tightly closed, so I gave it several knocks in the hope of opening it, but to no avail.


Since I couldn't open the crates without using my firebending, I headed for a large crate that was near the wall. This particular crate had an opening next to the wall that connected directly to the pipes of the building I was in before.


I started pushing the crate with extreme difficulty, which took me a few minutes before I came across the real problem. 


The pipe was sealed by a layer of earth, making it impossible for my flames to reach here.


- Damn! - I punched the wall hard, making my hand bleed. - Those sons of bitches!


I was hyperventilating, feeling a pain in my chest very different from physical pain, a feeling of impotence and shame.


- 10 years of shit for nothing! - I screamed, knowing that no one could hear me.


Tears were falling from my face as I pulled at my hair, almost ripping it out with the force. 


- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! - I laughed at my pathetic situation. - I could still blow this place up with my fire, just send you all to hell!

While I was still hyperventilating in the cellar, I looked at my hand and tried to gather the courage to light my flames.


- A single moment of pain, just a single moment. - I closed my eyes, breathing in the air with difficulty because of the smell, and applied my native element. 


I expected to feel the familiar wave of heat or excruciating pain in my body, but when I opened my eyes, I realized that I hadn't managed to ignite my flames.


- Why? Why can't I use my fire? - I asked as I tried to use my flames. - What the hell! What's happening to me?


I was shaking with fear, I didn't understand what was happening to me, perhaps subconsciously I didn't want it to end like this.


- It can't all end in vain!


I started rummaging through the boxes, one by one, looking for files or old objects. My eyes fell on a metal object, a knife with lots of beautiful details.


I grasped the handle of the small blade, my eyes lost in time, admiring the beauty of the weapon.


- If fate doesn't allow me to become the next Fire Lord, then this princess won't either. - I say angrily.


I tuck the blade into my kimono and head for the exit of this claustrophobic place. When I finally reached the stairs, I still couldn't bend my fire, but I decided to ignore that for now.


- [I want to see how you react, Ozai and Kai, when you see the princess die in front of you]. - I thought as I felt a rush of adrenaline in my body.



Inside the main hall, several guests were dancing in pairs to soft, relaxing music. 


My eyes searched intensely for the princess's position until I came across a head of white hair that stood out from the crowd.


Azula and Kai were dancing together, lost in their own world, attracting the attention of several people because of the feeling that emanated from the couple, as if they were made for each other.


As I approached the couple with each step, I noticed that they both had their eyes closed, the best opportunity I could have had. I took the knife out of my kimono, but without carelessly exposing myself. 


Dozo was at least 5 meters away when he felt a hellish pain in his hand and chest. Because of the pain, he instinctively dropped the knife on the ground, not noticing that the metal was orange, as if it had been intensely heated in a fire.


- Aaaahhhh! - I screamed, falling to the floor and making everyone at the party look like they were talking or dancing. 


My chest burned with pain, as if I were being pressed with hot metal. I looked up and saw Azula and Kai staring at me with subtle smiles of superiority.


- Did you really think you could stage a coup and lead the Fire Nation? - Azula sneered, noticing the look of disbelief and pain on Dozo's face. - What? Didn't you understand why your plan didn't work?


- You bastards! You don't deserve to rule the Fire Nation... AAAAAHHHHH!- I screamed, feeling my chest hurting next to my stomach. 


- The right to rule is not a right that people like you can aspire to, it's a right given to you divinely from birth. - Azula continued seriously, making sure everyone in the room could hear her. - Leading the Fire Nation cannot be done by conspiracy, betrayal or favor...


- Only through absolute power. - Kai added, his eyes shining.


Dozo began to scream in despair, in incomparable pain, as if every part of his body was being tortured by embers that grew hotter by the second.


- What have you done to me? AHHHHHHHHHHHH! -I asked, noticing that my mouth and eyes were bleeding.


Without Dozo realizing it, due to his pain, his body was emitting steam and his skin was gradually changing color, as if he had been burned alive little by little.


- It's nothing special. - said Azula maliciously. - It's just a new sub-bending of my fiancé.


Everyone was stunned by the princess's revelation, many seemed astonished, others didn't understand what had happened to the man on the ground. 


- I'm sorry, you were supposed to keep it a secret, weren't you? - Azula said affectionately to Kai, the exact opposite of the way she had treated Dozo seconds before.


- *Sigh* You've said it, there's nothing more to be done. - Kai seemed slightly annoyed that Azula had revealed his technique to the public. - I'll have to punish you later. - He whispered seductively in Azula's ear, making the princess blush for a moment.


Dozo's shouts became louder, disturbing the main couple at the event. Dozo's ears began to bleed, and his skin turned completely red, making it a miracle that he was alive or even conscious.


- Before you die, I think it's only fair that you at least understand what's happening to your body. - Kai commented, walking calmly beside Dozo. - As you may already know, I am able to manipulate the flames of other firebenders. With my years of practice, I've realized that the energy released by a firebender isn't exactly different from what I can normally use.


Kai crouched down in front of Dozo, who was almost in a vegetative state from the pain.


- A little idea popped into my head, I realized that the energy of all humans, regardless of their element, comes from the same type of energy in their primary base. - Kai smiled mischievously with a dark tone in his voice. - Well, Dozo, imagine my reaction when I discovered that I could use the inner energy of humans or animals as fuel for my flames. 


Kai got up from the floor, noticing the fear in some eyes, but he didn't care because he was only concerned with one thing. With a simple snap of his fingers, Dozo went up in flames, burning so hot that nothing remained but his bones.


- I would have liked to keep this ability a Secret, but if I had to name it, it would be Sub-bend: Eroption. - Kai spoke in a draconic tone.


The death of a person in such an event took everyone by surprise, some trembling with sheer terror as it was the first time they had seen a person die before their eyes.


Azula looked at her fiancé with intense passion, unable to resist biting her lips in excitement. With a smile that only she could muster, the princess approached Kai like a queen, drawing the attention of everyone at the party.


- Let this serve as an example to all those who dare to defy the royal family or endanger the Fire Nation. - Azula proclaimed like a queen, but not without feeling one of Kai's arms around her waist. - Those who conspired with Dozo will pay for their crimes.


Next chapter: Moments Alone +18


author's note: 


In case you had any doubts, this new kink is an equivalent of the blood bend






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