/ Fantasy / The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master Original

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy 496 Kapitel 3.8M Ansichten
Autor: Aoki_Aku

4.52 (204 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Born into a dirt poor mining family, Karl only had one chance to get ahead in life, the annual elite recruitment day. On their final day of middle school, every student in the Golden Dragon Nation was given an experimental injection to awaken their affinity with magic.

Those few who succeeded would become the Elite, the leaders and idols of the nation, blessed with incredible magical powers and respected by all. Those who did not would return to their normal lives of hard work and low wages, just doing the best they could.

But with the nation surrounded by enemies, both humans and monsters, how long would these peaceful days of magical idols last?

Follow the story of Karl as he awakens a unique power and strives to become the world's first Legendary Beast Master.

General Audiences
  1. VoidStalker
    VoidStalker Beigetragen 20708
  2. Ecco966
    Ecco966 Beigetragen 19467
  3. N1dhogg
    N1dhogg Beigetragen 19340


Geschenk -- Geschenk erhalten

    Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

    Rank -- Power- Rangliste
    Stone -- Power- Stein

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    • Qualität des Schreibens
    • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
    • Geschichtenentwicklung
    • Charakter-Design
    • Welthintergrund

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    Finished another title by this author and have absolute faith that it's gonna be a good one!!! already stoked to see where this goes

    14 Antworten anzeigen

    I took a chance and spent more than Two Thousand Coins in one go to read this novel. The story is about a young man named Karl and his journey as a Beast Master in an Academy. The initial onset of the story is intriguing, and you give allowances for pacing, detail, and depth in the beginning of all novels as an author is just started to build the world. There are no major mistakes of writing being done in this novel, which is great news. Spelling is great, and the author never uses a larger unknown word when a simple one will suffice. The novel world building leaves you with the initial impression that the world is less advanced, but in fact, it is just geographical to the main character circumstance. The descriptions of people, places, and things is on par for a webnovel, which is to say lacking. I found it lacking in description, and that hurts world immersion. Pacing wise the story is a race to the finish but you are not quiet sure if it is actually moving fast or not because there is no overarching goal for the main character unless you count getting stronger of which Karl does very fast. Let me ask the question: Who is the antagonist? The main mystery is the System, the ancient power of the world dragon. In this Karl is unravelling the mystery faster than anyone has in hundreds of thousands of years. So yes, the story is lacking in sub-plots. Absolutely. The Magic system and Training. Arguably, one of the reasons many of us read these novels and we as an audience are hypercritical, but of course, we are a paying audience. There is a system that the character is trying to unlock, but is is only partially unlocked. Karl is only able to use some of his powers, but training is not confined by these limitations, yet the guy never really trains in any discipline. The initial experience of the academy was not enough to warrant his skills. I could go in more detail but as an audience member following along in the novel I found myself not being able to believe Karl was actually skilled. The written Style of Battle Karl as a Beast Master is endowed with skills such as Rend, and with some training and adjustment, he seems to be able to manipulate Rend and use it in different ways. I for one love this it is absolutely the greatest. You see this in the best novels written by the most creative writer on this platform. Yet the written battle style plays out like an MMO damage dealing scene...=( It is disappointing. If there was a build up of written word that showcased Karl's training dedication to some kind of martial discipline you would not be able to see it from the way the battles are written. They follow a buff, attack, shield, suprise and win format. Karl as a written character has not really grown. His rank has gone from Awakened to Commander leaving Royal, Monarch and Overlord left more if they haven't been reached or mentioned but has Karl grown? Nah, not really. At this point Karl has just reached Commander Rank. Write the character into some training give his skill set some depth and show us the ingenuity of him learning to use his skills outside the box. There are some incredible novels on here Aoki this can be one of them. That said, you're finding success as is so yeah Good luck.

    4 Antworten anzeigen

    Obligatory Author Review. We are all familiar with the beast taming genre: choose your preferred pet, train them, find the legendary resources to level them up faster and reach the top. But what if you were the very first to have that power? What if nobody knew the training methods, necessary resources or even which monsters could bring out potential of the Beast Master? That is the situation that our MC Karl has found himself in. I do hope that you all enjoy the story.

    Spoiler enthüllen
    29 Antworten anzeigen

    Probably my most favorite beast tamer novel. I just hope it won't do the all generic overused "oh church actually evil," "this kind organization is actually super evil," then the MC will automatically go looking like some satanic worshipper and acting like a 12 year old try hard edgelord.

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    Review at CH162.. The beast taming aspect of the story is done really well as Karl tries to navigate the path to making his tames better. The writing and world development overall dont leave much to be desired. The pacing kind of feels like we're following a slice of life with some combat here and there. My main complaint so far would have to be the character development. A lot of the characters, to include MC, seem rather flat and dont have much of a personality. Other than being stronger, it doesnt seem like the MC has any sort of goal nor do we really get a peek at his mentality. The tamed monsters are arguably more entertaining and individualized than any of the human characters we meet so far. I really enjoy the novel and wait for my chapters daily, just hope we can get more full bodied characters

    2 Antworten anzeigen

    I am very happy to find a well written beast taming story that actually focuses on the beast taming and raising aspect. I am currently at chapter 90 and so far there are no major issues I can point out, no grammar mistakes, no missed used words and no strange word choice, making it easy to read. The monsters each have their own unique traits and personality, and the characters are diverse enough to keep the story interesting. The world building we have had so far is good, modern tech and architecture that sometimes has a magical twist and I can't wait to see more of the magical side and monsters that has been hinted at. Its a too early for any major character development so I can't speak on that yet. I have only read mecha warrior system from this author which was a good novel and this is shaping up to be just as good, however I do hope there is a little more romance than there was in that story. For stability of updates author seems to be updating plenty of chapters just like his other stories and isn't known to drop off the face of the earth like many other novel authors on webnovel.

    2 Antworten anzeigen

    How boring to start with the academy, plus we have a boring mc who seems smarter than the others for no reason... This novel is more for young children without drama or suspense 😴

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    First, short chapters and a lot of filler. Second, in this story EVERYONE is a good person, NO ONE has bad intentions. It's not realistic. Third, MC divulges his secrets to everyone. 130+ chapters and it's been less than 2 months. MC is too naive, too kind. When MC goes on a trip with companions, their names are NEVER mentioned.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    read up to chapter 130 entertaining at the beginning but the pace is too slow and it turned into too much "slice of life" chapters that i gave up. another complaint i have is about the verbal interactions of the main character with pretty much everyone else. it is too smooth, it's as if everyone (including the mc) just always say what they truly think and in a way where the recipients absorbs 100% of the information conveyed. that is not realistic and breaks the immersion. in real life there is a spectrum of people. i guess a way to put this kids conversations (overly simplistic, one dimensional interactions)

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Aoki, where is the romance? Where is my dragon??? I need it 🥹. All jokes aside, this is the beast tamer novel I’ve been looking for. The beasts have their own personalities—Hawk is my favorite—& Karl is not an edgy homicidal psycho. I love everyone’s reactions to Karl’s beasts and that Karl treats them like family. Great job, author. Ps: seriously, where is the romance 🧐

    2 Antworten anzeigen

    Good intresting plot but the protagonist has faced 0 adversity till now no backstabbing no jealousy hate crimes I mean thats one part I like but it completely not being there makes it too smooth sailing for the mc and lack of meaningful interactions except dana further there is close to 0 world building aside from the golden dragon city there is hinted that its a big world but the concept has not been developed also there are multiple filler chapters like trial arc and the rewards that followed it took 20 chapters and then the bus incident again pointless an actual development of foreshadowing of where the story is going because there is no clear antagonist it is just the mc getting stronger and everyone is helping him

    2 Antworten anzeigen

    good story and i like hawk the mc contracted beast

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Well I haven't even started but I know that it will be an awesome title none the less. With Aoki's skills it is a given that this one will be as awesome as the other ones.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Read my thoughts..... Mc is 14 at the beginning of the story.... and yet for some unknown reason he is cautious and smart.. somewhat like he is not from a city of miner... He also started hiding his powers and abilities for some unknown reason (Well he did say that he didn't want to become the target of others envy... but the thing is... how does a 14 year old kid know all this, like did he read some kind of novel or stories, or is he from earth? well Author didn't say anything about it... it's like he is smart and has knowledge for some unknown reason)

    4 Antworten anzeigen

    Whelp, this is my current favorite novel to the point of paying for the extra chapters lol. it's a really fun read. I'm looking forward to how it progresses and how the characters develop. I'm also loving the slow burn romance since the author isn't rushing to age up the cast despite it being easy to do with his system of power.

    2 Antworten anzeigen

    muy buen libro me gustó mucho se los recomiendo

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    so far I love this novel. I blazed through the 187 chapters currently out in less than 24 hours.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    gonna have to wait a few months because daily updates is just torture

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    I've read every one of the author's books I've loved every single one of them and Beast taming is my favorite Power System. so between faith and the author's ability and a type of power I love I'm willing to rate this highly before it even gets started.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Good story overall. Well written and interesting. However, I can’t get over the academy sending two brand new students to a place they didn’t even check on and then didn’t even consider saving them from when they found out it had an emergency. Then let them sit for a day before others had to take them back. Then they had to explain themselves to everyone multiple times!!! It was very frustrating to read and a glaring logic oversight by the author. Also, others were almost killed and everyone laughs it off. Just stupid.

    0 Antworten anzeigen
    Neueste Veröffentlichung:
    Chapter 496: Minotaurs and Trolls 21 hours ago

    Volumen 1

    1. 1
      No Second Chances 7 months ago
    2. 2
      Into The Unknown 7 months ago
    3. 3
      The Early Bird 7 months ago
    4. 4
      Windspeed Hawk 7 months ago
    5. 5
      Rend 7 months ago
    6. 6
      Dropoff Site 7 months ago
    7. 7
      The Fields 7 months ago
    8. 8
      Walk Softly 7 months ago
    9. 9
      Room Choice 7 months ago
    10. 10
      No Mice 7 months ago
    11. 11
      First Classes 7 months ago
    12. 12
      Sparring With Rita 7 months ago
    13. 13
      Agility Training 7 months ago
    14. 14
      Updated Mission Statement 7 months ago
    15. 15
      Resources 7 months ago
    16. 16
      Growing Fast 7 months ago
    17. 17
      Proper Training Regimen 7 months ago
    18. 18
      Playing The Game 7 months ago
    19. 19
      Unarmed Combat Training 7 months ago
    20. 20
      Wind Stone 7 months ago
    21. 21
      Outside? No, Keep Working 7 months ago
    22. 22
      Situational Awareness 7 months ago
    23. 23
      Practically Trained In A Swamp 7 months ago
    24. 24
      Swamp 7 months ago
    25. 25
      Found 7 months ago
    26. 26
      A Bird In The Bush 7 months ago
    27. 27
      Best Study Spot 7 months ago
    28. 28
      The Maze 7 months ago
    29. 29
      Sleepless Nights 7 months ago
    30. 30
      Snacks 7 months ago
    31. 31
      Stress Induced Learning 7 months ago
    32. 32
      Efficient Nutrition 7 months ago
    33. 33
      Heavy Eating 7 months ago
    34. 34
      More Resources 7 months ago
    35. 35
      Efficient Casting 7 months ago
    36. 36
      Practice Makes Perfect 6 months ago
    37. 37
      New Claws 6 months ago
    38. 38
      Are We There Yet? 6 months ago
    39. 39
      Goblins 6 months ago
    40. 40
      Not A Day Trip? 6 months ago
    41. 41
      Low and Slow 6 months ago
    42. 42
      Well Rested 6 months ago
    43. 43
      From Above 6 months ago
    44. 44
      Night Fight 6 months ago
    45. 45
      Easy Pickings 6 months ago
    46. 46
      Don't You Listen? 6 months ago
    47. 47
      Incoming Troops 6 months ago
    48. 48
      Special Forces Inbound 6 months ago
    49. 49
      Streets Swept 6 months ago
    50. 50
      Career Paths 6 months ago
    51. 51
      Safe And Sound 6 months ago
    52. 52
      Awakened Exams 6 months ago
    53. 53
      Mission Report 6 months ago
    54. 54
      Quality Kibble Is Needed? 6 months ago
    55. 55
      The Prince and the Overlord 6 months ago
    56. 56
      Shredded 6 months ago
    57. 57
      Golem 6 months ago
    58. 58
      Interrogated 6 months ago
    59. 59
      Contact and Contacts 6 months ago
    60. 60
      Orders From Above 6 months ago
    61. 61
      Colonel Valerie Boris 6 months ago
    62. 62
      Small Group Training 6 months ago
    63. 63
      Modification 6 months ago
    64. 64
      Get The Goods 6 months ago
    65. 65
      New Foods 6 months ago
    66. 66
      One Day Off Isn't Enough 6 months ago
    67. 67
      Tank 6 months ago
    68. 68
      Cocktail Hour 6 months ago
    69. 69
      Pills and Pokes 6 months ago
    70. 70
      Big Hawk 6 months ago
    71. 71
      Lean and Cut 6 months ago
    72. 72
      Hawk's Concerns 6 months ago
    73. 73
      Annoyed Rita 6 months ago
    74. 74
      All Day Long 6 months ago
    75. 75
      Early To Rise 6 months ago
    76. 76
      Hold Position 6 months ago
    77. 77
      Pet Suggestions 6 months ago
    78. 78
      Begin The Search 6 months ago
    79. 79
      Locusts 6 months ago
    80. 80
      Down By The River 6 months ago
    81. 81
      Bloodbath Spider 6 months ago
    82. 82
      Mistakes Were Made 6 months ago
    83. 83
      Thor 6 months ago
    84. 84
      Physical Recovery Begins 6 months ago
    85. 85
      Physical Examination 6 months ago
    86. 86
      Hyper Cerro 6 months ago
    87. 87
      Divulging Secrets 6 months ago
    88. 88
      Life Is About Balance 6 months ago
    89. 89
      Rae Meets Dana 6 months ago
    90. 90
      Not Morning People 6 months ago
    91. 91
      They Need Exercise 6 months ago
    92. 92
      Teamwork Makes The Dream Work 6 months ago
    93. 93
      Ambush Practice 6 months ago
    94. 94
      Student Led Mission 6 months ago
    95. 95
      Off The Train 6 months ago
    96. 96
      White Robes 6 months ago
    97. 97
      Cleanup At Tree Three 6 months ago
    98. 98
      Tree Apes 6 months ago
    99. 99
      Moss Tea 6 months ago
    100. 100
      Crystal Chamber 6 months ago
    101. 101
      Forgotten Temple 6 months ago
    102. 102
      Willpower 6 months ago
    103. 103
      Setting Camp 6 months ago
    104. 104
      Mana Stairs 6 months ago
    105. 105
      Quality Over Quantity 6 months ago
    106. 106
      Fate Stairs 6 months ago
    107. 107
      Skill Master 6 months ago
    108. 108
      Rewards 6 months ago
    109. 109
      No Access 6 months ago
    110. 110
      Shiny Rocks and Big Ferns 6 months ago
    111. 111
      Go Around 5 months ago
    112. 112
      To The Tracks 5 months ago
    113. 113
      They Weren't Alone 5 months ago
    114. 114
      Marked 5 months ago
    115. 115
      Drakes 5 months ago
    116. 116
      Recovered 5 months ago
    117. 117
      Questioned 5 months ago
    118. 118
      Satisfactory Answers 5 months ago
    119. 119
      Good Intentions And Bad Ideas 5 months ago
    120. 120
      Formal Dinner 5 months ago
    121. 121
      A Different Style 5 months ago
    122. 122
      Good With Animals 5 months ago
    123. 123
      Holy Rewards 5 months ago
    124. 124
      Bad Navigators 5 months ago
    125. 125
      Early Mornings 5 months ago
    126. 126
      How To Choose 5 months ago
    127. 127
      Fuel Stop 5 months ago
    128. 128
      Storm Rolls In 5 months ago
    129. 129
      Rainy Days 5 months ago
    130. 130
      To Remove The Blockage 5 months ago
    131. 131
      Free Flowing 5 months ago
    132. 132
      Night Watch Lizards 5 months ago
    133. 133
      Aftermath 5 months ago
    134. 134
      Corps Of Engineers 5 months ago
    135. 135
      Bridge 5 months ago
    136. 136
      Home Stretch 5 months ago
    137. 137
      Home Sweet Academy 5 months ago
    138. 138
      Barriers! 5 months ago
    139. 139
      Direction 5 months ago
    140. 140
      Rae's Game 5 months ago
    141. 141
      Teaching Thor 5 months ago
    142. 142
      Earthquake 5 months ago
    143. 143
      Rae's Taste In Attacks 5 months ago
    144. 144
      Lacerate 5 months ago
    145. 145
      Drake Scale Potion 5 months ago
    146. 146
      Trolling Is An Honored Profession 5 months ago
    147. 147
      Their Ways 5 months ago
    148. 148
      Bleed and Play 5 months ago
    149. 149
      Looking Good 5 months ago
    150. 150
      In The Mirror 5 months ago
    151. 151
      Testing Thor 5 months ago
    152. 152
      Rae's Specialty 5 months ago
    153. 153
      Lottery Assignment 5 months ago
    154. 154
      Drop The Seniors First 5 months ago
    155. 155
      Everyone Out 5 months ago
    156. 156
      The Mackenzies 5 months ago
    157. 157
      Sharp Senses 5 months ago
    158. 158
      Rope Bridge 5 months ago
    159. 159
      Tree Fort 5 months ago
    160. 160
      Doug's Cooking 5 months ago
    161. 161
      Morning Watch 5 months ago
    162. 162
      Clearance Sale 5 months ago
    163. 163
      Neighbours 5 months ago
    164. 164
      Odd Alliances 5 months ago
    165. 165
      Hawk Being Hawk 5 months ago
    166. 166
      Late Start 5 months ago
    167. 167
      Helpful Hawk 5 months ago
    168. 168
      Bestial Strength 5 months ago
    169. 169
      Ogre Cave 5 months ago
    170. 170
      New Fort 5 months ago
    171. 171
      Hill Giant Camp 5 months ago
    172. 172
      Clear The Woods 5 months ago
    173. 173
      Pulled The Adds 5 months ago
    174. 174
      Strategic Slacking 5 months ago
    175. 175
      Dana's Trip 4 months ago
    176. 176
      Routine 4 months ago
    177. 177
      Phoenix Lotus 4 months ago
    178. 178
      Scared Them Off 4 months ago
    179. 179
      Retrieved 4 months ago
    180. 180
      Grease The Wheels 4 months ago
    181. 181
      Back To Church 4 months ago
    182. 182
      Bus Trip 4 months ago
    183. 183
      Candidates 4 months ago
    184. 184
      New Group 4 months ago
    185. 185
      Test Location 4 months ago
    186. 186
      Ascended Test 4 months ago
    187. 187
      Commanders Mackenzie 4 months ago
    188. 188
      Join A Patrol 4 months ago
    189. 189
      Forward Operations 4 months ago
    190. 190
      Why Am I Up Front? 4 months ago
    191. 191
      Spider Golems 4 months ago
    192. 192
      Found Her 4 months ago
    193. 193
      Green But Not Lizards 4 months ago
    194. 194
      Headcount 4 months ago
    195. 195
      Return To Base 4 months ago
    196. 196
      They're Not Even Looking 4 months ago
    197. 197
      Morning Formation 4 months ago
    198. 198
      Productivity 4 months ago
    199. 199
      The Value Of A Scout 4 months ago
    200. 200
      Guided Hunting Tour 4 months ago
    201. 201
      More Disciplined Troops 4 months ago
    202. 202
      Tribunal 4 months ago
    203. 203
      Caught Lacking 4 months ago
    204. 204
      Rae and Lotus 4 months ago
    205. 205
      Mental Space Limitations 4 months ago
    206. 206
      Good Stuff 4 months ago
    207. 207
      Suspiciously Good Loot 4 months ago
    208. 208
      System Stones 4 months ago
    209. 209
      Scapegoat 4 months ago
    210. 210
      The Capital City Cathedral 4 months ago
    211. 211
      What You Had In Mind 4 months ago
    212. 212
      Affinities 4 months ago
    213. 213
      Focus Training 4 months ago
    214. 214
      Hidden Treasures 4 months ago
    215. 215
      The World Dragon's Luck 4 months ago
    216. 216
      Luck Prevails 4 months ago
    217. 217
      Spend Some Reward Money 4 months ago
    218. 218
      University Educated 4 months ago
    219. 219
      Armored Golems 4 months ago
    220. 220
      Protection 4 months ago
    221. 221
      Mental Focus 4 months ago
    222. 222
      Lore 4 months ago
    223. 223
      With The Avatars 4 months ago
    224. 224
      You Can't Hide 4 months ago
    225. 225
      Official Request 4 months ago
    226. 226
      Armour 4 months ago
    227. 227
      Supplied 4 months ago
    228. 228
      Spellblades 4 months ago
    229. 229
      Prince Corbin 4 months ago
    230. 230
      Big Scaly Things 4 months ago
    231. 231
      Yeti Clans 4 months ago
    232. 232
      Swarmed 4 months ago
    233. 233
      Escape Encirclement 4 months ago
    234. 234
      Spaces Maximized 4 months ago
    235. 235
      Check The Cave 4 months ago
    236. 236
      Enchanted Caverns 4 months ago
    237. 237
      Round Two... Fight 4 months ago
    238. 238
      Rae The Invincible 4 months ago
    239. 239
      Skillz 4 months ago
    240. 240
      Do We Move On? 4 months ago
    241. 241
      On Repeat 4 months ago
    242. 242
      Three Hour Completion 4 months ago
    243. 243
      Corbin's Wisdom 3 months ago
    244. 244
      Find A Way 3 months ago
    245. 245
      Enter The Dungeon 3 months ago
    246. 246
      Loot Now? 3 months ago
    247. 247
      Shaman Champion 3 months ago
    248. 248
      Stunned 3 months ago
    249. 249
      Naga Dungeon Complete 3 months ago
    250. 250
      Bonuses 3 months ago
    251. 251
      Commander Karl 3 months ago

    Volumen 2 : Commander

    1. 252
      Government Officials 3 months ago
    2. 253
      Special Treatment 3 months ago
    3. 254
      Rita 3 months ago
    4. 255
      Bossy Bureaucrats 3 months ago
    5. 256
      Contracts 3 months ago
    6. 257
      Learn When To Say No 3 months ago
    7. 258
      And When To Say Maybe 3 months ago
    8. 259
      Cold Front 3 months ago
    9. 260
      Bear Chops 3 months ago
    10. 261
      Back In The Snow 3 months ago
    11. 262
      Hunting Frost Giants 3 months ago
    12. 263
      Taunt The Giants 3 months ago
    13. 264
      Thor's Loot Bags 3 months ago
    14. 265
      Commander Dalton 3 months ago
    15. 266
      Shadows In The Snow 3 months ago
    16. 267
      Artillery Lullaby 3 months ago
    17. 268
      The Line Retreats 3 months ago
    18. 269
      Border Jumping 3 months ago
    19. 270
      Left Behind 3 months ago
    20. 271
      Tori's Choices 3 months ago
    21. 272
      Abundant Pork 3 months ago
    22. 273
      Runaways 3 months ago
    23. 274
      Missing Deliveries 3 months ago
    24. 275
      Ice Front 3 months ago
    25. 276
      Need For Speed 3 months ago
    26. 277
      Sneaky Yetis 3 months ago
    27. 278
      Yeti Uniforms 3 months ago
    28. 279
      Hawk Gets The Stragglers 3 months ago
    29. 280
      Loot Drop 3 months ago
    30. 281
      Hunt For the Relic 3 months ago
    31. 282
      Snowed In Valley 3 months ago
    32. 283
      Close Call 3 months ago
    33. 284
      The Good Cave 3 months ago
    34. 285
      Rest And Recovery 3 months ago
    35. 286
      Could There Be Others? 3 months ago
    36. 287
      Reunion Trip 3 months ago
    37. 288
      And Then There Were Ten 3 months ago
    38. 289
      Relic Hunting 3 months ago
    39. 290
      Not An Illusion 3 months ago
    40. 291
      Chain of Disasters 3 months ago
    41. 292
      In The Mountain 3 months ago
    42. 293
      Remi's Dedication 3 months ago
    43. 294
      The Path More Travelled 3 months ago
    44. 295
      Totems and Spears 3 months ago
    45. 296
      Still The Same 3 months ago
    46. 297
      Inland Route 3 months ago
    47. 298
      Light Reinforcement Day 3 months ago
    48. 299
      They Ran Away 3 months ago
    49. 300
      A City Razed 3 months ago
    50. 301
      Survivors Found 3 months ago
    51. 302
      March of Ash 3 months ago
    52. 303
      All Nighter 3 months ago
    53. 304
      Orphans Delivered 3 months ago
    54. 305
      General Orland And Company 3 months ago
    55. 306
      Sent Back 3 months ago
    56. 307
      Through The Snow 2 months ago
    57. 308
      Clever Girl 2 months ago
    58. 309
      Duel 2 months ago
    59. 310
      Mad Dash 2 months ago
    60. 311
      Mess Hall 2 months ago
    61. 312
      Prognosis 2 months ago
    62. 313
      Evacuated 2 months ago
    63. 314
      Capital Checkup 2 months ago
    64. 315
      Roommates 2 months ago
    65. 316
      Light Sleeper 2 months ago
    66. 317
      Morning Visitors 2 months ago
    67. 318
      Gathering Friends 2 months ago
    68. 319
      New Advisors 2 months ago
    69. 320
      Break Rooms and Evaluations 2 months ago
    70. 321
      Morgana 2 months ago
    71. 322
      Career Path 2 months ago
    72. 323
      Suitable For The Role 2 months ago
    73. 324
      Drake's Verdict 2 months ago
    74. 325
      New Doctors and Understanding 2 months ago
    75. 326
      Let Off Some Steam 2 months ago
    76. 327
      Rehabilitated 2 months ago
    77. 328
      Cathedral Again? 2 months ago
    78. 329
      Empty Halls 2 months ago
    79. 330
      On The Road Again 2 months ago
    80. 331
      Who Needs Points? 2 months ago
    81. 332
      You Left Us Behind 2 months ago
    82. 333
      The Final Reinforcement 2 months ago
    83. 334
      Colonel Wilkes 2 months ago
    84. 335
      Envy The Fort 2 months ago
    85. 336
      Morning Combat Drills 2 months ago
    86. 337
      Whistle While You Work 2 months ago
    87. 338
      Pretty Rocs Obtained 2 months ago
    88. 339
      Ancient History 2 months ago
    89. 340
      What To Do 2 months ago
    90. 341
      This Feels Like... School 2 months ago
    91. 342
      Presents 2 months ago
    92. 343
      It's Art I Tell You 2 months ago
    93. 344
      Buff The Tank 2 months ago
    94. 345
      Berserk Terror 2 months ago
    95. 346
      Barbecue Party 2 months ago
    96. 347
      A Relaxed Afternoon 2 months ago
    97. 348
      Reporting In 2 months ago
    98. 349
      General Knowledge 2 months ago
    99. 350
      Twenty Questions 2 months ago
    100. 351
      But Is She? 2 months ago
    101. 352
      Remi's Habits 2 months ago
    102. 353
      Remi's Expressions 2 months ago
    103. 354
      The Giants' Search 2 months ago
    104. 355
      Brace For Impact 2 months ago
    105. 356
      Great Golden Lions 2 months ago
    106. 357
      Regroup 2 months ago
    107. 358
      Meat Aisle Stocked 2 months ago
    108. 359
      Rotate The Lines 2 months ago
    109. 360
      Rae's Treasures 2 months ago
    110. 361
      Break The Stalemate 2 months ago
    111. 362
      Crush Them 2 months ago
    112. 363
      Momentum 2 months ago
    113. 364
      Battered But Not Beaten 2 months ago
    114. 365
      Owlbears Speak Hawk 2 months ago
    115. 366
      Spare Gear 2 months ago
    116. 367
      Repair Party 2 months ago
    117. 368
      House Guests 2 months ago
    118. 369
      Wayward Thoughts 1 months ago
    119. 370
      Calling Cards 1 months ago
    120. 371
      Rae's Priorities 1 months ago
    121. 372
      Blood Bath 1 months ago
    122. 373
      Poof Giant Spider 1 months ago
    123. 374
      Earth To Rae 1 months ago
    124. 375
      The Way Of The Monsters 1 months ago
    125. 376
      Flag Set 1 months ago
    126. 377
      Fighting Blind 1 months ago
    127. 378
      Are You Done Showing Off? 1 months ago
    128. 379
      First Advancement Trial 1 months ago
    129. 380
      Stage Two 1 months ago
    130. 381
      Epic Team Challenge 1 months ago
    131. 382
      Challenge Complete 1 months ago
    132. 383
      Group Accomplishment 1 months ago
    133. 384
      Royal Return 1 months ago
    134. 385
      Formalities 1 months ago
    135. 386
      Heroes Need Capes 1 months ago
    136. 387
      Do I Have To? 1 months ago
    137. 388
      Interview with Israel 1 months ago
    138. 389
      The Archmage 1 months ago
    139. 390
      Final Photos 1 months ago
    140. 391
      Photo Shoot 1 months ago
    141. 392
      Impress The Money Men 1 months ago
    142. 393
      Doug And Hawk Showdown 1 months ago
    143. 394
      Bags and Skills 1 months ago
    144. 395
      Dana's Training Day 1 months ago
    145. 396
      You Can Try 1 months ago
    146. 397
      Opinions 1 months ago
    147. 398
      Ogre Anomaly 1 months ago
    148. 399
      Meet In The Middle 1 months ago
    149. 400
      Anomaly Stable 1 months ago
    150. 401
      Cleanup Crew 1 months ago
    151. 402
      Artwork In The Wild 1 months ago
    152. 403
      Breakfast Of Champions 1 months ago
    153. 404
      Honest Jobs 1 months ago
    154. 405
      Points Of Reference 1 months ago
    155. 406
      Loot Goblins 1 months ago
    156. 407
      Thor The Eternal 1 months ago
    157. 408
      Reports To Write 1 months ago
    158. 409
      Dumplings 1 months ago
    159. 410
      And Cake 1 months ago
    160. 411
      Private Fort 1 months ago
    161. 412
      Birthday Morning 1 months ago
    162. 413
      Morning Run 1 months ago
    163. 414
      Cleared 1 months ago
    164. 415
      Cookies 1 months ago
    165. 416
      Honored Guests 1 months ago
    166. 417
      Overlord Upgraded 1 months ago
    167. 418
      More Fire 1 months ago
    168. 419
      Late Night Visitors 1 months ago
    169. 420
      Nice 1 months ago
    170. 421
      Overlord Kenichi 1 months ago
    171. 422
      Witry Mages 1 months ago
    172. 423
      High Traffic Area 1 months ago
    173. 424
      Newbon 1 months ago
    174. 425
      Donald The Monk 1 months ago
    175. 426
      Emergency At The Mines 1 months ago
    176. 427
      Anomaly Zone 1 months ago
    177. 428
      Long Walk 1 months ago
    178. 429
      Eastward Bound 29 days ago
    179. 430
      Bag Of Treats 29 days ago
    180. 431
      Last Leg 28 days ago
    181. 432
      Bunga City 28 days ago
    182. 433
      Blood Blade Gang Returned 27 days ago
    183. 434
      The Real MVP Of The Guild War 27 days ago
    184. 435
      Host City 26 days ago
    185. 436
      Darklight House 26 days ago
    186. 437
      City Management 25 days ago
    187. 438
      Elves Reunited 25 days ago
    188. 439
      Concerned Parties 24 days ago
    189. 440
      To Finish A Quest 24 days ago
    190. 441
      Quest Objective 23 days ago
    191. 442
      The Lives Of Elves 23 days ago
    192. 443
      Nice Scales Lady 22 days ago
    193. 444
      Lacking Common Sense 22 days ago
    194. 445
      Miviascan Wilderness 21 days ago
    195. 446
      Unconcerned Beast 21 days ago
    196. 447
      Cara 21 days ago
    197. 448
      Orcish Army 21 days ago
    198. 449
      Village Raid 20 days ago
    199. 450
      More Points 20 days ago
    200. 451
      Raid Successful 19 days ago

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