My vengeance shall be swift and brutal, and only then will I allow myself to grieve.
Video Games · Rastislav
damn so worked up that he forgot to loot the shit dry
As I walk out of the den of my broken foes I take one last look at the Dark Brotherhood's sanctuary and decide to cleanse this place from even the world's memory. I take a deep breath and shout "YOOL TOR SHUUL!"
Video Games · Rastislav
And so it came to be that the song about the King and his loyal Court Wizard became the song about the King alone.
Video Games · Rastislav
I support that as long as they don’t become like some mad Monarchy to keep the bloodline pure.
I managed to move to the side as Rosalie doubled over, vomiting. Kneeling down next to her, I made sure to keep her hair out of the way as she continued to vomit.
Movies · Beans_on_a_tree
that would be interesting to read
*hunger games ( movie, 1 through 4)
Movies · Beans_on_a_tree
looks like a door, smells like a door, tastes like a door. "Yep, definetly a mimic."
"Boy, doesn't the South Pole have fun?" asked Petra jokingly, causing Sokka to look down at the snow and realize that it was indeed still snow.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
Happy wife, happy life.
The purpose? Hakoda didn't ask, with his age and experience, the best he could do was listen to his wife, so he just listened and brought his daughter to the meeting.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
Stiles at this moment
Chris put a hand on Stiles' shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll help you with that."
TV · Ayoub_AMZ
they should keep it for wild nights or rent it out why sell a property asset when you don’t have finacial Problems
Melissa thought for a moment. "Maybe sell it, unless you want to keep it."
TV · Ayoub_AMZ
Poor Ulfric.
"So it is my greatest honor" Savos summons an ornate cup filled with no doubt incredibly expensive wine "To welcome Winterhold's fourth resident Archmage!"
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
Video Games · Rastislav