/ Anime & Comics / High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha
3.59 (50 Bewertungen)
High School of the Dead x Prototype.
Harem, Action, Romance.
Brand Mercer had it all. Women, money, properties and most importantly luck. Many attributed his riches to his unprecedented shrewdness, hustling to survive after being abandoned by his father, there seemed to have been only a single thing he inherited from him that was useful, his luck. As such there was no casino that Brand hadn't cleaned with his luck, alas... the day came for him to pay.
The goons of the most prominent casino in Las Vegas believed him to be a cheater; with no more options and surrounded by gangsters at a filthy corner filled with piss stench and rats. Mercer knew this was the end of his luck, or so he believed.
As such, with nothing else to do Brand did the only thing that could have brought him satisfaction at that very moment, just as he had done for his whole life. He kicked the leader in the balls and awaited to be battered and possibly killed.
Little did he know his luck wasn't finished, in the afterlife he met the Goddess of Luck and Causality, Sonasha; who -much to his surprise- found out that he had certainly inherited something that the goddess had left for his father.
A lifelong blessing of Luck.
[Tags: weaktostrong, harem, romance, action, adventure]
Hello here from Author-Photosphere, new fanfic for the new year with new objectives. This time the story is based on many worlds with the theme of Zombies, there is no multiverse travel; there is world travel. If there is such a thing as multiverse travel, it shall be considered in the future.
First World: High School of the Dead + Prototype.
Second World: My Girlfriend is a Zombie???
Male Lead: Brand Mercer (OC)
Harem Confirmed: Busujima Saeko, Shizuka Marikawa, Rika Minami.
Original Cover by Lee Inhyuk
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionAnother decent ff ruined by harem. It amaze me on how forced plots can be just so MC can get more girls in his harem. This pic below perfectly describes the ff in a nutshell
Mc has bad personality and is very dumb alreadys acts like young master from start at least as far as i read and gets angry over someone cheating once in sports.
all style no substance. sorry before for this. but too much harem and lack of progression. character development is low. and the focus story is low. i read until 25chp, but the story is quite monotone and flat. too much harem destroy the story. i'm so sorry. i got many expextation before. but i quite dissapointed that's why i write this. thank for your story. but its not for me i think. sorry
Okay-okay, don't bash me. I know that giving a 4 star, was way too much. And yes, I should be aware that mc would be brainless simp for girls. It's exactly what happened in his other works. But man, I wasn't prepared for this. Like I literally was rolling on a ground laughing, when mc was trying to be a tough guy with girls. Those explanations is just ... Oooh,bruh. Beautiful.
The MC's simp, he talks about how he is a millionaire in his past lives and talks about how he used people as pawns in his previous life but when he reincarnated, his 'self-made millionaire' intelligence is nowhere to be found. You gotta be the most delusional author ever. The moment the author added rei back, this story became straight trash. It's always sad to see fics with great potential turns trash because the author wants to add drama and a forced plot.
The MC's simp and character development? You gotta be the most delusional author ever. The moment you added rei back, this story became straight trash.
Story is pettry good... but author fails wity his protagonist. He has many contradictions. The biggest one? Mc is a 25 years old reincarnator in a now 17 old body in highschool with all the memories of both lives completely but author thought it was a good idea to make it so mc cannot do 1 digit addition correctly... he failed to answer what was 8 minus 2.... cannot answer what is 4x5 either.... but somehiw he can answer that he would need to kill 1 million zombies to get the points he needs after thinking about it? Thus the contradiction. If author wants to make a mc who dosnt knows how to do the very basics of math that you learn when you are 8 years old... you cannot make mc a highschool student.... The tragic reality is that in england for example... in england... HALF the population only has the math skills of an 11 years old child. But even then. They can do math until triple digits.
A 5 star if rei wasnt included. Cant really get behind the author writing her in a way to make us dislike her, only to accept her at the end just because she kissed him out of nowhere.
This 5 stars is solely for me waiting for the "My Girlfriend is a Zombie" arc. I've yet to read a fanfic of that dope CN/Manhua, 5 stars for being a pioneer.
Mc turns into a beta simp the moment he accepted rei back just for a kiss. She left to go wet with other guy after a 'misunderstanding', she literally had a crush on the mc but just because of mc having segs with Lucy, his girlfriend, she thought he betrayed her, and went to go wet with other guy. She is a used garbage but the mc went simp and accepted her back with open arms. I don't know what else you would consider a simp if you don't this this is.
I had written a long review in English but it got deleted 💀, I'll write it in my original language because I don't want to waste time writing in English coherently Entonces comencemos con la reseña, la historia es agradable y personalmente me gustó la idea de la historia, pero tengo un problema con el MC, es muy infantil, no sé si el autor lo hizo así a propósito o no, pero el MC actúa como el típico ex que no logra superar a su anterior pareja y está despechado/a y constantemente le presta atención, dedica su tiempo a pensar mal de ellos o incluso sentir disgusto odio repulsión envidia etc, el MC es ese tipo de persona, tiene una chica que constantemente quiere captar su atención pero "actúa" como un f0ckboy rechazandola en múltiples ocasiones lo cual todos sabemos que eso no pasan en la vida real, eso causaría depresión en la chica y problemas de autoestima (no digo que la acepte, pero eso es lo que sucede el 90% de los casos), es como si el autor agarrara a esa chica y la usara constantemente para humillarla y aumentar el carisma del MC lo cual personalmente me disgusta. Esto es algo que se repite en varios capítulos y constantemente, razón de mi disgusto, si fuera algo de 1 sola vez no me molestaría. En resumen, el MC no me agrada por esas razones, además de buscar otras chicas y no marcar límites en la relación (la cual según el autor es de amigos) a pesar de decir constantemente "soy fiel a Shizuka", hermano no seas hipócrita, acepta que quieres un harem y solucionado, no actúes renuente cómo si les estuvieras haciendo un favor a esas mujeres al relacionarte con ellas, me entiendes? Es desagradable desde el punto de vista del lector y mío. También tengo una duda/problema, tiene suerte máxima de su vida pasada, y además suerte potenciada por la diosa de la suerte, entonces cómo logró sacar basura del Gacha? No tenía suerte elevada? Simplemente no lo entiendo, puntos desperdiciados. Si el problema del MC se soluciona creo que la historia mejoraría mucho Todo es 5 estrellas menos desarrollo de la historia y diseño de personaje, ahí solo pude dar 1 estrella
Im gonna puke, Whats with this forced plot and drama ? Like some chinese cultivation novels MC and one of FMC separated and one of the worst thing yuriko during the fight between her ex and MC, stopped the fight the time ex gonna lose him head. pathetic in many way mc braindead too. I just created account for this garbage and I hope the other readers didn't waste their time in this book. Nvm DON'T Read This wn
For the sake to not ruin the ratings for this story for those that want to read or actually enjoys it. But I got to chap 2 and ended it their. I can never under why writers for fanfictions that involve HSoTD decide to add stuff from other supernatural worlds. To me it completely destroys the whole concept of a zombie apocalypse. Like yhe systems or the blessing from a goddess. If you wanted to add stuff from other worlds use series like Dead Rising, Resident Evil or even Left for dead they would fit a lot more. I want to see more stories for this anime but I'm tired of seeing the MC is pretty much a Isekai. Gets powers that takes away the horror aspect of a zombie outbreak. I don't care if he starts out weak he's still getting help and from what I've seen in reviews he's going to other worlds? Hard pass.
5 Stars, without a doubt. This is written amazingly, and (although slow to begin with), really seems to be picking up in the latest chapters (without seeming rushed at all). Honestly, it's already the best HSOTD fanfic I've EVER seen, and its hardly even started. Plus, PROTOTYPE! I love the game and have always thought it'd make for an amazing fanfic, but all the very few ones I know of are either terrible or dropped years ago within the first 5K words. Plus, the updates are fast. Honestly, this is already in my top 5 Fanfics (and I've read many hundreds, possibly more than a thousand fanfics (only including those of more than 25K words)...... I lost count past 300), plus its hardly even started. I'm thrilled to see where this goes, and the fact it's a crossover with Prototype that's not just been dumped in there, but the author has clearly thought long and hard about it - including a decent backstory already, while still clouded in mystery..... I just know I'm gonna love it. Plus, the 2nd world is My Zombie Girlfriend / Virus Girlfriend, and I LOVE that .... Manhua? Or Manhwa? Either way, there is none on it, and that's heresy in my eyes, so seeing as the Author clearly has some good skill, I have high hopes. I'm just wondering if the world will transition into that one or if the MC will travel to it, though I'm betting on the latter. This was done perfectly - such that I think even harem haters would enjoy it. Thanks for the book Author-Sama~~~.
the author's previous Works speaks for itself in my opinion and so far I have not been disappointed
Overall a 5 star novel but I give it a 1 after the author disappears for a while and comes back again and says I’m not updating this anymore here so go pay for it
Buena historia, incluso va lento pero agradable en el transcurso si no fuera por la personalidad del MC que deja mucho que desear. La personalidad es del tipo "Eh? De dónde lo conseguí? Tengo un sistema, tengo magia espacial... Etc. El mc cuenta a todos sus habilidades, poderes y ventajas algo que me desagrada
Autor Photosphere
Review: Shameless. First World: High School of the Dead. First Waifu: Shizuka Marikawa. Genres: Action, Romance, Harem, WeaktoStrong, HighIQ. Lemons: Yes. Multiverse travel: Undecided. *** How much character development do you want? Yes. How Much Gore do you want? Yes. How Much fanservice do you want? Yes. How many lemons do you want? Yes. Is the author gay? No, but you are. What else do you want? start reading.