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67.03% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 120: The players have arrived for the meeting

Kapitel 120: The players have arrived for the meeting

Hours passed, and the time for the meeting Vlad planed out was approaching along with the coming of the night.

The council room was welcoming more individuals along those hours compared to the initial Faust, Johan, Aldenis, and Kavos.

The atmosphere around Sol was shifting and became even noisier. It was a sign that the city's people had a life and were not just subjected to work to survive.

They had the freedom to spend their time in whatever way they choose, as long they didn't disturb the city's order.

In this bustling city, 5 middle-aged guys who were seeming to wear clothes that were a bit more extravagant compared to the rest of the people walking on the streets.

"Ahh, Count Arden, Count Rohan, this atmosphere really is pleasing to the ear and eye. The territory under Lord Blood for sure developed surprisingly. I'm kind of inclined to have a talk with him, so I can know the steps to improve my territory's capital." added one of the 5 middle-aged guys, who had blonde hair and blue eyes, along with a clean shaved face and also short styled hair.

The two guys who had their clothes a bit more ornate than the other three said with a calm tone to the one who looked pleased around Sol.

"Viscount Brune, do you think you are the only one who wants to improve the standards of their people? Just look at his Excellency and the transformation he made for what was 3 years ago that lowly place." added Count Arden, a middle-aged guy who had quite the handsome features that matched his black hair, along with a well-built body.

"Indeed, Arden, but for that, we need to reform our system. I've talked last time with that old man Aldenis, and we have a lot of steps to do to have our territory grow. Listen well, you might not like it how it sounds, but we need to abolish the Serfs System and let the peasants become people of our territory, similar to the commoners." said Count Rohan, targeting the other nobles.

At the same time, they moved toward the Administrative Palace on foot.

"Tsk, don't mention it, my lord. I'm still not prepared for that step." added the Viscount while the two Barons also nodded their heads, feeling similar to the Viscount when it came to the Serfs.

"Well, I will notify you guys, but I, along with my fief retainers, started formulating a plan in this regard. I will submit it today at this meeting to his Excellency for him to check my proposition."

"Gosh, Rohan, are you really serious about this? What if it will lead to us nobles losing power?"

"Arden, don't sound like those hypocrites siding with Lacilet. You know well what their schemes are. Hmph, do you need me to remind you what happened to His Majesty Opheltius and His Highness Lucius? Weren't we supposed to be their retainers, yet we stood from the sidelines as the others were targeted by the sharks."

The other nobles took a deep breath when Rohan mentioned this, and the Count still didn't let them off.

"We allied with his Excellency Blood because he is the only one powerful enough to put a hold on Lacilet's encroaching hands. We are lucky because our territory is situated relatively close to Sol. Those sharks are blocked by Pandora's Mountain, and his Excellency Fleet doesn't allow the sharks to even approach the part of Kaysang we are sitting.

Also, I will only end by saying this. You know what happened to Old Duke Selentes and his territory."

"Swallowed by Lacilet in its entirety." added one Baron while his face was serious.

"Indeed, Brune, that's why we need to be allied and fight together against Lacilet and those bastards siding with him."

As Rohan ended saying this, they approached the Administrative Palace, which always made them feel weird when seeing it and thinking about their mansions or castles. They noticed a guy with short black hair exiting from the building and only staring for a bit at the nobles before moving on his way.

"Hmph, those commoners sure started forgetting about us nobles, to not even bow his head at us."

"Baron Dalt, let's not pursue things. We are not in our territory, so the people here don't need to bow or do anything for us. Remember, this isn't our fiefs." added Count Arden to the noble who felt a bit offended by the guy who just moved past them.

Entering inside the building, the five nobles began moving toward the stairs and going for the third floor, where the council room was located.

Meanwhile, Vlad, who was focused on moving the [Blood Clone], noticed the 5 nobles but didn't give too much thought to them since he had an honorary participant to fetch from the harbor.

Then as he was seated on the highest chair and only listened with a half-focused self on the discussion between the guys inside, he heard the sound of the nobles moving toward the room.

Still not focusing much on the nobles, he said to Aldenis before closing his eyes.

"Aldenis, take care of the nobles and keep the room stable as I move my clone to take Felicia to the building."

The old administrator who talked with Nius nodded his head and then saw Vlad close his eyes and frown slightly.

'That ability of the prince should be really taxing on the mind. For even he to not be bothered with the situation inside, it means he really needs to focus on the ability to control it.'

It was at that time that Pablo entered inside the room and lead the 5 nobles, and also introducing them to the rest.

"My Lords, Count Arden, Count Rohan, Viscount Brune, Baron Dalt, and Baron Belmore have arrived."

"Thanks for our introduction, gentleman, but we already know each other. I greet you, fellow gentlemen, sorry for our late arrival. We tried arriving faster after receiving his Excellency summon." said Count Arden while moving at the front of the nobles.

Aldenis, who was sharp-minded, rose from his seat that was on Vlad's left and welcomed the 5 nobles.

"My Lords, don't stress about it. You've reached the meeting right on time. We are still 40 minutes before starting it. Come take your respective seats."

The nobles who noticed Vlad standing on the highest chair felt a bit weird and even wanted to comment something but the two counts gave the lower nobles a deep stare, also adding in a quiet tone.

"Shut it. That young man could be his Excellency."

The Viscount, looking at Vlad's features as he held his eyes closed, said to the rest of the nobles who still had to take their seat.

"Right, the person who exited the building, wasn't he looking like this young man? His twin?"

"Hard to believe, didn't you guys heard the rumors spreading from the Noble District, that his Excellency has a rare and powerful Devil Fruit Power? It could be his ability, and now he isn't focused on the meeting.".

As they ended their whisperings, they moved to their seats positioned relatively to have Vlad in their vision, making them feel even more awkward.

While the people were settling down in the council room, Vlad, who was moving his blood clone toward the harbor, finally arrived and began looking for a person.

Moving between people with human-like motion, he spotted a lady that seemed to be in her late-twenties. She had long wavy black hair that reached flowing down her back and also a mesmerizing pair of brown eyes that matched with her gorgeous face.

Her clothing was quite peculiar, choosing more common clothing to match with the rest of the people. She had a pair of black leather trousers, with some boots that reached close to her knees and a white buttoned shirt that had its buttons opened to leave a slight opening to her cleavage.

Apart from this clothing choice, she had a black cloak with a hood attached to it while not putting on her hood.

She seemed to wait for someone while staring at people as if watching out for something.

'I remember you. You are the one who wanted to buy me from Mayer and also the one who brought many of the unfortunate girls to get captured and sold into slavery.' thought Vlad while seeing this lady.

Moving toward her and getting her to react toward him, he said to her in a gentlemanly way.

"Lady Felicia, it's good to see you well and safe after traveling all the way to Sol."

"Handsome, do I know you? Your face seems a bit familiar, but I don't know from where I know you. Also, you seem a bit weird. You don't smell human."

"Lady Felicia, there will be answers for everything. Now, we should move toward the Council Room, so we don't have the other gentlemen waiting." said Vlad in a calm tone while smiling at her.

Since Vlad came toward her, Felicia felt weird when looking at him and sensing a metallic smell about him. She could only feel a bit skeptical about this.

"I don't even know who you are. If you tell me at least your name, I might follow after you." said Felicia while fiddling her long hair and checking on Vlad's reactions.

She could see that he reacted a bit delayed, but aside from this, his behavior was humanlike.

"My lady, you can call me Vlad if this satisfies your curiosity. Now we should start going since it is unknown when and if they will strike you or me."

Felicia's serene expression turned cold, and she looked around herself even more carefully, but Vlad's clone assured her, making her come calm.

"We are safe from the Union rats, for now. The range of my sensing ability encompasses almost the entirety of Sol. I know their gait and their breath."

"Who are you? Could it be, you are the infamous Blood?"

"Let's not talk too much about these things when people can pick on us, my lady. I don't want to repeat myself too much. You will find inside who I am."

Felicia could only put down her checks and lower a bit her guard around Vlad, starting to move after him, and at the same time, take in the bustling atmosphere of the city.

"To think this place was once such a degenerate place, full of criminals and all kinds of people. I really pitied the girls here. Right, handsome, do you know about a white-haired girl that is really gorgeous, that it even makes someone like me say this? Or did she feel under those syndicate bastards?"

"Why do you ask?" said Vlad after the delay of his connection with his clone.

"I wanted to offer her a job under me, to have her out of what was a dirty place." added Felicia while looking around the city.

"Ohh, and what job would you have offered her? A prostitute offer?" asked Vlad sarcastically while not even bothering to look at Felicia with the clone.

Felicia looked the same as if Vlad's comment meant nothing without feeling offended. Still, she said to him as if to remind him something about herself.

"Handsome, if you think that I'm such a woman, then you are greatly mistaken. While my front business seems like a prostitution den, everything is a cover-up for my other business. However, if you are interested, I have some girls who have a big sex drive and who are also beauties."

Vlad just moved forward and responded to her in a probating way.

"Interesting offer, but I also have my standards, also I'm a taken man."

"That's really unfortunate. You seem quite capable. Lucky the girl who snatched you." said Felicia in a joking manner while looking at Vlad's cold, straight back, and dull expression.

He didn't reply back and seemed to be distracted by something else.

It was at that time that inside the council room, an old man that looked closely related to Vlad, having a well-maintained white beard along with shoulder-length white hair, followed by a beautiful young lady that had white hair entered inside.

Vlad, seated on the high chair, finally opened his eyes, lessened his link to his clone, and asked the white-haired girl.

"Sofiya, you should have told me you wanted to come. Same for you, grandpa."

The nobles turned a bit back to see the newcomers and instantly reacted when seeing the old man. They even felt the white-haired girl familiar but, the old man mattered the most.

"Your Majesty!? Your Majesty Opheltius, you are alive!? We thought that bastard Lacilet killed you to swiftly take over the king title." added Count Arden and Rohan, while together with the rest of the nobles, began to move away from their seat and welcome the old man.

When they got close to him, they went to one knee and looked at him, while the old man felt a bit surprised and said as if knowing those 5 nobles.

"Raise young Arden, Rohan, Brune, Dalt, Belmore. This place isn't the Wisdom Palace. Let's act more normal."

"No, Your Majesty, we, your subjects, should always hold you high in our hearts and minds. We also are exalted knowing that you remember us five." said Count Rohan while bowing very low at Opheltius.

Nius got up from his chair and said to Opheltius, while not even bothering with the nobles.

"Brother Tius, come take my seat. I can stay on my feet without much fuss."

Opheltius, who settled down the 5 nobles while smiling warmly at them, looked at Nius, who was on his feet and shook his head.

"No need, brother. Don't look at me as if I am some frail old man."

While all of this was happening, Vlad, who was still half focused on his clone and guiding Felicia to the Administrative Palace, extended his hand and made 2 chairs beside his elevated chair, standing on the same level with him.

"Now, you two settle down. We still have to wait for two people. One is on its way, while I will give it an additional 15 minutes while the last one. If he doesn't show up, we will start the meeting."

The nobles who took their seats back and finally could see Vlad's dark-green eyes and complete his facial features started to process these leads while also having Opheltius now in front of them give them extra boss.

'He is Prince Lucius' son? The crown prince sired a child before meeting his end? I see. The clues finally start getting bound. I kind of understand who this young man is. But now, who is the young lady sitting next to him?' thought Count Rohan while putting his entire brain power at work, figuring out those clues left in the open.

While he was thinking, similar to the other nobles, Vlad got back to his closed eye state while listening to Sofiya reminding some things to him.

"Is Grandpa Patrick yet again going to miss the meetings you set?"

"I don't know. That old man is really unpredictable. Anyway, here comes the second last member."

As he said that, Pablo opened the door and welcomed Vlad's blood clone along with Felicia, and tried to introduce the newcomer, but he didn't know her identity.

To take away from his embarrassment, Vlad, standing on the high seat and looking straight at Felicia, opened his mouth.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the newcomer is Lady Malson Felicia. She is one of the leaders of the Dawn district. One of our main allies supporting us from the time of our rebellion."

Pablo bowed down, targeting Vlad, and left the room while breathing out in relief that he didn't make a joke of himself and also said to himself as he closed the door.

"Phew, thanks, Your Highness, for saving my skin. I thought for a second that I will turn into a laughing stock. So she is that infamous woman from Dawn that controls the pink zone of Sagletius and has a significant percentage of the clothing industry in Kaysang.

When I heard this from pops Aldenis, I was pretty shocked, but this lady for sure is quite powerful."

Meanwhile, Felicia, who noticed that she had two Vlad's inside a room, felt a bit weird, not knowing who to address. Still, then the clone beside her walked to Vlad, and when he was in hand's reach, Vlad on the high chair also extended his hand, and something shocking for most of the people in the council room happened, except for Nius, Sofiya, and Opheltius.

The blood clone began shattering and morphing into liquid blood that got sucked back inside the progenitor's body.

Vlad's eyes turned crimson for a brief moment, enough for Felicia to notice.

"Lady Felicia, come, don't be shy. Take a seat down. Your seat is to my right, next to where Count Rohan is seated."

"Thanks, Your Excellency."

As she said that, Felicia walked toward her seat while staring at the people partaking in this meeting. As she did, she noticed the white-haired girl that matched with some descriptions Felicia heard from Jennifer when she infiltrated inside the forsaken district for the first time.

'So you were doing well, young girl. You even snatched quite the fascinating man to yourself. It makes me a bit jealous that I might even try to steal him from you. Huhu, I'm still a bloomed flower, a fragranced one at that. Just give me some time, and I will for sure have him.'

Thinking that, she noticed the blonde young man who at first had a heated talk with the middle-aged man next to him staring at her while smiling foolishly at her.

Noticing that Felicia looked at him, Faust said to her in a gentlemanly way and tried to sound as close to Vlad's way of speech.

"My lady, after this meeting, are you open for dinner with me?"

Felicia, hearing this invitation from this blonde guy, who had some ash marks on his face, giggled a bit in a mature lady-like style, and while staring at his blue eyes, she opened her mouth slowly, gesticulating with her lips.

" M. A. Y. B. E."

This made Faust fired up, and he even forgot about Johan's arguments on his projects.

Minutes passed since Felicia's arrival, and there was only an empty chair that had engraved on its chair, Patrick Cochrane.

The Viscount and two Barons got a bit impatient, wanting this meeting to start so they could get finished with it, and asked Vlad, who stared at all of them.

"Your Excellency. The person who was supposed to come seems not to arrive. Should we start without him? It's not like he should be of high importance."

Hearing this comment, Vlad looked at the baron who said that, making the noble feel a bit uncomfortable being stared at by Vlad's serene eyes, yet they could hear the heavy footsteps of someone coming toward them.

The door was opened in high style, with a kick which made all the members of this meeting, including Felicia to turn their attention to him.

Vlad just smiled at the newcomer, that made a big entrance to himself.

It was an old man with short white hair, a clean shaved face, and who was wearing some ceremonial clothing. Aside from wearing his luxurious ceremonial clothing, he held an admiral hat on his arm and showed off his sword and fire gun.

Patrick, who came inside in big style, didn't even bother looking at the people inside this room, not even Nius, and Opheltius, and only kept looking at Vlad.

Moving with confident gaits in his steps, he got closer to Vlad and did a ceremonious bow, as if he was the only one worthy for him to bow down.

"My Royal Highness, I, Patrick Cochrane, have arrived to be part of your council meeting. I hope this old man didn't take too much of your time."

Vlad, who got up from his seat to match Patrick, said to him, while his lips seemed to turn a bit up.

"You have arrived just in time, Lord Admiral. Come, get on your seat and get comfortable. I have some things to say to the gentlemen who probably don't know me too well, and after that, we will get serious and get to business."

Patrick laughed a bit, and turning his attention on Nius since entering the room, he gave him a middle finger and said to him as he walked to his luxurious chair.

"We finally meet you gambling fool. We shouldn't fight in the presence of the little prince. Since it would embarrass me."

"Hmph, you don't know how to lose if you ever think of fighting me." replied Nius while smiling a bit at Patrick from where he was.

Then, only after Patrick settled down and looked at the cup of tea on his side of the table, he could see that it was freshly brewed and took a sip of it while looking attentively around himself.

As Vlad prepared himself for his speech, the atmosphere turned silent, yet he still wanted the participants to wait for a bit more before opening up and revealing his identity to them.


A/N: Setting those scenes sure is fun for me. Now we know all of Vlad's faction members, all the people that form his council.

Hope you like this scene, because this kind of stuff is Kingdom Building at its best. Also, remember this type of scene because it will play out in a bigger setting. Just saying ;)

We also saw one of Vlad's abilities and also have some form of understanding of how it works.


Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the story. It's support coming from you and also a reward for me, for delivering quality content.


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