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21.22% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 38: Administrator

Kapitel 38: Administrator

Chapter 38 - Administrator


Entering inside the administrative house, with Vlad grabbed by the hand, after distancing himself from the door and walking toward the stairs leading towards the upper floor, Nius shook the boy a bit.

"Vlad, what's going on, is your body acting up again? Do you want to take a small break before entering the administrator room?" questioned Nius with a worrying tint in his tone.

Vlad was with the hands-on his face, seeming to rub his eyes like he got an unending itching coming from his eyes. After a minute of stopping in place, his itchiness started to lessen. Only after that, he opened his eyes. Opening his eyes to look at the old man, they remained the same deep green color, and nothing was wrong with his eyes.

They looked normal to Nius, maybe the fact that they were a bit red from the boys rubbing. However, it wasn't something to worry over.

"I'm fine, old man. It is just that I tried playing around with my blood powers, and they started acting up without me wanting to. What happened earlier was me focusing too much on those guards. When I reached a certain threshold in my focus, my eyes started hurting. Still, I could swear that my vision was better than usual." ended Vlad while looking at Nius' worrying face. After noticing Nius's genuine worry, he could only smile at him.

"Ohh, so those powers of yours are of fault. At first I thought you really had some health problems going on with you. Sigh, stop worrying this old man, lad. For now act normal, only try to use your powers when you get the gist of it. How many times do you want me to repeat? I'll soon turn into nagging old fart with the pace you're changing. So kid, can you allow this old man to still be normal after you leave the camp?" looked Nius at Vlad's eyes and later hitting him over his back.

Then as Nius ended by saying that Aerius, who was hiding in Vlad's long hair, hit him with his beak before saying.

"You're dumb sometimes. Why don't you take it slow with those powers of yours?"

"Hmph, what do you know, little guy? You're just a hatchling right now. Maybe once you get bigger and recover your memories, I might take it to heart, but now? You better stay in place and don't play around.

I'll give you a treat once we finish our business here. So stay in place like a good boy."

"Ohh, a treat. Sure, it's not like I can't see what is going on, since my vision is stronger than yours."

"Fine, fine. We'll see about that once I master my devil powers."

Ending saying that, Vlad then turned to look at Nius, assuring him that he will not mess anything.

"I'll try old man, is just that I couldn't expect that controlling those new powers would gave me such a challenge. Ahhh, it is a bit frustrating to not have control over your own body and powers, as if I'm the intruder or something. No wonder Louis specified that I need patience with this powers. Sigh, fortunately I can continue protecting myself with swords until I master those wierd powers."

"Well, it would be useless to say something that you already got told. Think of it as with a good wine bottle. It takes time for good wine, similary it's your situation. Anyway, let's stop with this chat since you know what to do for now, we got other problems at hand, remember?"

"You were the one to stop to check me! But sure we better get going and end this problem before other changes happen to me." Said Vlad, a bit annoyed at the old man nagging, that could go for entire nights if left unchecked.

Hearing that, Nius acted dumb, using his finger to clean his ears for a bit. Looking at Vlad with a confused face, he said.

"Did you say something? No? Then let's throw this hot potato away and clean ourselves." ending that he resumed his initial direction of going towards the administrator office.

With the old man being the lead person, Vlad only followed the old man back with a sneer on his face while thinking. 'I can't wait to see your performance in front of that administrator, old man.'

After some minutes, they passed unquestioned by any other person inside the administrative house. Even the guards inside the building let them pass without any questioning. Vlad's first thought was that probably most of the guards inside the building were in the basement doing whatever God knew what.

At last, the two of them stopped after climbing the stairs in front of an exquisite door with a name sign *Pholbor Novio*. Old Nius stopped for a brief moment to look at the closed door, in a way similar to someone preparing for an important meeting. Vlad could only chuckle gently behind the old man and say to rub more salt to his wounds.

"Go ahead old man, is not a big deal. You enter and tell the man what's the problem and after that, we can go home."

"Damn, if it was as you thought boy everything would go smooth sailing. Fuck, here I go. Don't you dare make any sounds while I talk, it will be worse if you interrupt my flow of the story." said Nius in an annoyed manner while also looking at the little creature sticking out his beak from one side of his neck. "You too, little fella. Just stay there quiet and nothing will even happen."

Seeming prepared on all categories, Nius knocked on the door.

It took some long seconds for someone to respond. It was a man's monotonous voice that sounded a bit tired. "The door is open, just come in guys."

Nius opened the door and walked inside, followed by Vlad's calm state. The room was spacious, but nothing around could be of notice. Only the man beside the large desk, who was bald and had a goatee beard, got the full attention of Nius and Vlad.

The man beside the desk, thinking that the ones entering the room were some guards, changed his attitude when seeing Nius and especially the upper naked Vlad that had a made-up bag filled to the brim with something unknown to him. Not placing much importance on that, he looked at the two and smiled amicably.

"Is you old Sir, come in and have a seat. Also you young man, there's a seat for you also."

Vlad and Nius haven't expected this kind of treatment and could only nod their heads in agreement, walking to take a seat close to the administrator desk. Having both the old man and young man stead, Pholbor asked them for their specific reason for looking after him.

"I wonder why the two of you come to me at this hour of the day. Especially after a working day, I doubt the two of you would be in the mood to visit me. Especially you young man, I bet you would love to give me a beating from all the things you had to endure inside this camp."

The old man responded before Vlad could enter the conversation. He got fast to the problem at hand.

"It is like you say sir Pholbor if we wouldn't have a reason to come to you we wouldn't bother ourselves, especially the young one. The thing is that we just now managed to solve a really tricky problem going inside the mine, at the current zone me and Zagreus are at."

"Ohh, don't tell me? Yet again another annoying flooding rushing to the mines?"

"It's indeed like this Pholbor. Initially when digging down today, until the end of the working hour nothing suspicious happened. Until the kid notified me that some water seems to come from a shattered spot of the mine floor. We had to think fast on the spot and solve the problem. It took us some hours to patch those open spots that could let the flooding inside. In addition, to assure that the miners' work is not shifted, the two of us opened another section close by to follow next by."

"Impressive, you two really saved my head from another problem inside the mine. To be frank with you if that annoying fat retard got to hear that yet another section of the mine is flooded and it would affect his revenue it would really make for the worst day for me. Anyway, enough with my problems.

Tell me old Nius, would this new section you dug follow around the spot that would get flooded? Also is it efficient enough to give us a sufficient yield of ores to feed the market?"

"There's no problem with the new section we dug Pholbor. It follows a higher inclination that would go for a bit more up, escaping the path of the waters that if dug more it could flood maybe more than the deep level. I think that if let to flood it could flood also other zones that are on an upper floor. About the ore's yield, I'm not really sure to say with certainty, but I guess is the same yield as going deeper."

"That's for the best old Nius. It's truly great news to my ears now, senior. If not for the two of you, I would have to deal with a worsened situation and the addition of that annoying fat retard. Imagine having to get your salary cut for all shit happening inside the mine. Like all that goes about in the mine is by my will or something. So absurd to have to work under such a boss.

Ahem. Sorry guys, I'm yet again diverging from the subject with my problems. Let me think for a bit, and I will see if there's a need for additional verifications.

When he said the part about verifying the problem at hand, Nius got a bit sweating. Even Vlad wasn't spared by the tense situation when hearing "verifications" with a composed face. Similarly, the gryphon hatchling gulped a bit while hiding in Vlad's neck area, covered in his dark hair.

He stuck a bit his face to look at the bald guy, but Vlad sensed that and made a shoulder movement to get him in place. The three, together with the small creature, and humans looked at Pholbor which calm expressions, at least for Vlad. Meanwhile, Nius, in the process Pholbor was thinking, started beating his feet on the ground like a tremor. Seeing Vlad's gaze, old Nius also turned to look at Vlad, who looked as composed as he could be.

Administrator Pholbor didn't notice the two's stare exchange since he was more preoccupied with writing on a sheet of paper. Vlad could tell bits of what he was writing since he managed to learn a bit of this world language, but it was still hard for him to figure out the entire context.

This tense moment that if gone wrong could lead to an unknown situation lasted until Pholbor got his head out of the sheet of paper. Reading what he had written once again and giving it a nod, he turned to look towards his visitors.

"I hope you didn't get yourselves bored watching me write my papers. But it's required in case some asks the reason for the shift in the digging direction. Indeed you heard well. There's no need for other verifications, old Nius. You worked in the mine before I could even get to work here as an administrator, so why would I bother doubting you?

Also, young Zagreus, I know you might have a particular grudge on me for all the tasks you got and the punishments you went over. I'll be open to you in this regard. What's going around with the tasks sharing is not under my hands. I'm the one managing the state of the mine and ore's sales to the market.

If you want to find someone to push your fury, you should go to Belphel. Since he kissed that Mayer fat ass, he seems to hold more control of what's moving around the mine. Most likely, that dog listens to what Mayer commands, and from what I understand, he holds a grudge over something you did when you were younger right?"

Vlad didn't wait for Nius to tag himself in. Instead, he responded towards Pholbor, briefing of the situation going around the mine.

"Sir Administrator, it is good that we made this clear. Now that I know that you didn't get to hold any bad intentions over me, I'm more assured to say that you're a good person who only does his job. Sorry to ask this, but do you have a family by chance?"

"You can tell? Indeed, I have a family that I need to look after. A caring and warm wife, and a little imp waiting for me each night. So for this reason, this job is quite important to me, especially when it pays me well. Well, it used to be at one point." smiled Pholbor bitterly at Vlad when talking.

"I see, Sir. I can only hope that luck will be on your side in the following days, who knows maybe you'll get out of this place and get an important job in the kingdom."

"Who would even bother hiring me, a nobody? The nobles are sticking with the nobles, while for commoners is hard to find a job in the administrative side of a job. Those snobbish bastards, regardless of their status, as long they are nobles they don't even bother looking at you or your abilities. But thanks for the encouragement, and let's hope you're right. I would love to switch jobs with something that would positively affect the people, not just this dark shabby job, where I have to control and imprison different people.

Vlad calmly chuckled a bit and only said. "Sir, you're a good person, with certainty you'll be fine as long you're watching your back in this environment."

"Thanks, boy. Well if this is all you wanted to said to me, you two can go. I have written down the briefing about the flooding, if others ask me about that zone, it will come at handy later. Also thanks a lot for fixing that part of the mining site. I doubt that if flooded this zone can be fixed." genuinely thanked the bald man, going as far as shaking the two hands.

Like this, the two exited the administrator's office without any incidents starting. It went too well, almost like the administrator ate in its entirety the story made by Nius. Meanwhile, Vlad began to taking a liking to this administrator, who he only met in person this first time. Once he got to the throne, he would especially make way to invite such a capable person, who managed to handle this entire operation by himself.

As for what Pholbor told him about his taken authorities and that Belpel was responsible for all the tortures he received. He passed that on another ear since he was prepared to kill Belpel regardless if he was a saint in a demon skin. Still, from what the humble administrator said, Vlad could draw some lines that he felt from his initial grace that Mayer Loftso held him.

The two walked out of the house without commotion. Even the guards outside guarding the house's door didn't start any conversations. Only Nius was there to say his goodbyes to the young guards while Vlad was just walking, thinking of something more profound.

This time while they were alone walking on the alley, Aerius jumped away from his hideout and got directly on Vlad's head, watching vigilantly as if he was a guard dog, with his eagle eyes.

The dark fur of Aerius and his white hints of color on his head and wings give him a mysterious feeling, blending perfectly with Vlad's dark hair.

"Finally, I'm free. Woah, I thought I would suffocate in that place." tapping Vlad's head with his paw Aerius continued by asking him. "Hey Vlad, did everything go well with that baldy mister?"

"I guess, you could say it went too perfectly."

Like this, they continued distancing themselves from the administrative house. Continuing onward, they started walking back to the shack zone, specifically Vlad's shack 115. Vlad, while walking, started focusing on his body, while walking using his instinct of the path he took so many times.

At the same time, Nius followed behind him in silence without bothering him. Yet, while he didn't disturb Vlad from his contemplation on his blood powers, he would talk with Aerius, asking him all sort of things about how Atlas looked for the young gryphon.

"The palace? It's in the center of the kingdom, protected by three sparkling white bridges. Right, also the palace is enormous, I don't know if there are any clansmen of my tribe, but the palace was our place of meeting while sitting on the palace turrets. From my exploration with Louis when we were young, the kingdom seemed to be breathing life itself. The ships going and exiting from the port were so many that you couldn't even count.

The people were also happy, not missing anything from their lives. Even those commoners and peasants had a balanced life. The old king tried his best to have the nobility and the rest of the populace as equals. I think that mantle was taken by Louis too when he grew up."

"I see, thanks a lot for the explanation, little friend. To think that the royal palace would be standing in place after 800 or more years, this is quite scary. Even the connecting bridges are still standing."

"Old man, the old palace still exists? Wow, I want to see it again, I kind of miss the throne room and the kitchen."

"Don't worry little friend, you'll be able to play around the palace in three years time as much you want. For now we'll have to prepare to fight some bad guys who plans to destroy Atlas for good."

"Destroy Atlas!? Tell me old man who are they I'll go right now and kill them all." yelled Aerius while hitting Vlad with his paws in anger.

Old Nius, with a calm face, only said. "You'll have to wait little friend. We can't destroy all our preparations just because we're angry. When we attack we'll clean everything."

"That's good." started Aerius to settle back to his seating positions on Vlad's head.

Meanwhile, as the two, small creature and old man talked, Vlad was in a world of his own. While exploring his powers, he figured out how to move the blood from his heart a little bit. He did some blood circulations along the way, not bothered by Aerius hitting his head with his small paws.

Then his silence broke when he reached the chaotic zone. Vlad's focus on his eyes returned and instantly stopped in place, taking the old man by surprise.

"What's the deal now kid? Have you got some enlightenment to behave like that all the way?" asked Nius, looking curiously at Vlad's face.

"Is not what you think old man, I just figured out some interesting ways to use my devil powers. Do you think I have a chance to kill that Belpel if he's the one stopping my escape when I use my devil powers?" asked Vlad with a pondering face to Nius.

"How would I know if I never fought against you? Don't tell me you're expecting this old man to fight with you lad? What if I kill you by accident?" chuckled a bit Nius at Vlad question

"I'm just asking if I could have a chance to deal with that Belpel as I'm right now." continued with the same question, Vlad.

"Hmmm, quite the tricky question kid. Let's do this kid, after we eat something I'll see for myself your chances. How does it sound, will you give me a break for now?" said Nius after some minutes of considering how not to be too direct with the boy.

"Sure gramps. Let's see if I still got some food in my storage." laughed Vlad, a bit satisfied when hearing the old man's proposal, and with an evil smile, he went back to his shack.

"Yey, food. I'm also starving." said Aerius from Vlad's head with an happy expression and some saliva coming from his mouth.

"Screw you little guy. Don't salivate on my head, do you remember our conversation with the poop? This is similarly."

"Argh, fine, I'll try not do that again." remembering the process Vlad described of how he would shave all his dark fur and later pluck all his feathers, again and again, he froze in place.

The old man only chuckled at this weird prince of his and his new friend.

Reaching back home, with the old man behind him. He entered inside. What was waiting for him was the three boys talking to each other. Inorra and Kipset were making fun of the new member of the shack, Robert, with different jokes about the mine.

Inorra was a master in bothering people with all kinds of stupid subjects. Right now, he was telling Robert about how he would have to suffer carrying all loads of stones on his back. Going as far as describing to the boy how Vlad was in his initial stages in the mine.

When Robert heard all those stories about Vlad when he was about the same age as him, from what he seemed to be initially awed by him when first meeting him. However, after Inorra's stories, he was beyond shocked.

His shock lasted until Vlad said in a cold tone towards the boys. "Inor are you doing that crap again? Brainwashing people to think that I'm some hero to survive in the conditions I was?"

Hearing Vlad's voice, Inorra turned a bit pale and turned around to face him. He saw Vlad's upper body naked, with a bag filled with something, a cat-like creature on his head, and with old Nius behind him.

He said with a shiver when looking at Vlad. "No way Vlad, you must have heard it wrong, right Robert? Haven't I told you only how it will be initially in the mine? About when first getting your job?" said Inorra to Vlad while also insinuating for Robert to play along with him.

Hearing Inorra says that Robert could only stare at the tanned young man, and after some seconds of thinking, he said. "It is true what he said, Vlad. He only told me about how it will be at the mine and small examples of people who suffered inside the mine."

"I see, so you boys had the time of your life, talking and having fun while me and the old man had to bust our asses. Ahh, I'm too tired to deal with you right now. Hey old Nius, let's take a seat at the table to eat something, as for you Aerius, just sit on the table, you're to small for the seats."

"Sure, I don't mind. What food do you have? I prefer lots of meat." said Aerius with an expecting face.

"Heh, look at him, even having the pretense of asking meats. Probably I got some left. I'll give you a bit."

When Inorra, Robert, and Kipset heard the cat-like creature talk with human speech while being on Vlad's head, they got shocked, while Inorra asked with a scared tone.

"That, that cat can talk? Did you got yourself a monster or something? Argh, it's looking at me, Kipset help."

Hearing that, Aerius, who already was looking at the kids Vlad was talking about, looked annoyed at Inorra and jumped from Vlad's head directly in Inorra's direction while yelling.

"Who are you calling a monster you stupid human. I'm called Aerius, the mighty Gryphon King. Show some respect." ended Aerius while jumping to scratch him with his claws. Making Inorra run and hide behind Kipset.

Aerius turned into an angry cat, instead of a dignified Gryphon King as his adult version was, now chasing Inorra and Robert.

Vlad and Nius only laughed heartily at the situations the kids were against the unleashed Aerius. Nius even said something funny. "That's the power of the mighty gryphon, to use it in chasing some kids."

"Haha, he's really funny in this hatchling form, but I don't wish you to meet his adult form. He'll kill you instantly." commented Vlad while looking at the circus while laughing together with the old man.

He let Aerius have some fun with the kids while going towards the food storage, taking some cured meats, bread, and some vegetables. He still had plenty of food, such as cheeses or cereals, but he didn't bother to flex on Nius. Calmly, he took a large carved wooden plate and placed all the foods he got from the storage. With a dull tone, he said to the old man.

"The meal is served, old geezer."

Next, he turned to Aerius, who was still scratching Inorra and Robert. Mostly Inorra, who said some mean comments and whistled to him to pick his attention.

"Come here Aerius, let the kids alone. You got your exercises already for tonight."

Hearing Vlad, the gryphon hatchling stopped all of a sudden and started running with some saliva over his beak, sniffing hard the cured meat Vlad took from his storage.

"MEAT! YOU GOT ME MEAT! Thanks a lot boss." jumped Aerius on the table and almost got a shock attack while looking at the piece of cured meat.

Vlad facepalmed himself while the old man laughed heartily at the little guy's reaction.




A/N: Fight incoming! Alert, my story isn't just a slice of life, haha. Do you feel it guys? We are approaching the end of the volume closer and closer.


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