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4.46% One Piece: Blood Unleashed [Revamped - in the synopsis] / Chapter 8: Underworld Auctioning & Lady Felicia against Noble

Kapitel 8: Underworld Auctioning & Lady Felicia against Noble

The old man was looking at Dethel Blokted the captain pirate who was quite notorious inside the sea of South Blue. Smiling with his old wrinkled face, giving off a creepy feeling towards the pirate captain.

" "Dirty Money" Dethel Blokted, I hope you don't play around with me. If it is like you say, you will be paid well if the quality is like you say." said the old man looking with a crooked smile at the pirate.

'Fuck me, stop looking at me with that disgusting smile old man.'

Blokted could only look at the old man's face and lament on his bad luck to watch that creepy face of an old man.

It has been around four years since he last came here to sell some fishmen's kids playing around on an inhabitable island on South Blue as if it was their hideout. Seeing them made him salivate at the thought of how much he would be paid.

One thing was for certain, despite the old man's appearance, he was cruel as much one could be. He used to be part of the Golden Lion Shiki crew from what he heard other sellers and buyers talk, and even took part in the stellar fight between Shiki and Pirate King Gold Roger.

What he did in his pirate life no one knew, since the moment Shiki got captured and imprisoned in Impel Down he retreated to this desolate kingdom in the South Blue, that was mostly controlled by the nobles.

They walked down the building's upper floor, wandering to the back of the building where the guards organized the blindfolded kids' group. Behind the guards were some pirates from Blokted crew assisting the guards with the kids.

When the old man got to see the kid's group, he only nodded his head after giving some orders to the guards on how to deal with the kids. He slowly switched from the kids, looking at Blokted, and only said.

"10.000.000 𝔅, that's how much I'm willing to give for this batch. Do we shake hands, young man?

Blokted thinking for a while and analyzing the money on stakes, he could only agree. Compared to the trade he did four years ago with the fishmen he caught, the humans market price was the lowest. Only female humans sell well as sex slaves, maids, or whatever the desire of the buyer.

"The sum is good enough, old man. Hope you a good night in selling those goods out."

After he agreed he took his leave, not wanting to stay too much in this part of the island.

"Good, it seems we have a deal, kid. Go to my accountant on the next door to my own office and tell him the deal with the price, he would give you the money, not missing a belly."

Blokted went to get his money and later on left the building with the rest of his crew seeming to go out of the zone of control the old man had. They probably went to the Forsaken District of Sagletius to spend some money on booze or gambling.

On the other hand, Vlad's situation was far from simple. He didn't even have to negotiate for a single thing. He still had the blindfolds, but for a reason why, he didn't bother knowing and could care less about the surroundings who were foreigner to him.

'These people are doing business so easily over slaves, kind of reminds me of the Tatars of the Crimean steppes. They even have auctions to deal with this sort of stuff. Almost like a bazaar, but it deals in uncommon things.'

The staff members here began to take care of the girls, unfolding their eye folds, washing them and giving them more food to at least recover a bit. From what he heard, they took care of the kids, but for a reason, probably much more profound than doing it out of kindness. As long as they presented the kids well, especially the girls, for sure, they would sell better.

Otherwise, why would they even bother? The boys were still dirty, wearing tattered clothes. Some were skinny like Vlad, whereas the part with the older kids who looked a bit fuller would most likely be slaves somewhere where force would require them.

A day passes, and Vlad was thinking of how he would blend much better in this new world. In the folds' blackness, especially while having his eyes closed, his mind started to wander around.

First, his name from the original world sounded weird in this world language. It gave him a hint that he was like an alien. People wouldn't understand or couldn't spell his name in his native tongue, but that was something that he could postpone for now.




[Vlad's POV]

'What should I do with my original name, if those guys ask me for my name, what do I say? I can't convert my name because this little kid doesn't know the alphabet of this world. Sigh, then if I can't use my real name, for now, I will use the boy's name temporarily.'

'It wouldn't bother me so much since I used to be called all kinds of names since I was young. Taking over another's identity wouldn't be my first and for sure not last.'

'I can't forget my own roots. NEVER! How could I ever forget all the pain I had to endure, all the bright days before me? Even if they were in small amount compared to by darkest days. The birth of my kids, my wedding, my wins over the Turks. My own glory and legacy sent Christians and Muslims in fear. Even if is a bad reputation, I at least go down in history as a champion of Christianity.'

Zagreus the name of the little child that Vlad took over, even if he would use his name temporarily, he at least will not forget about the little child's identity. He, Vlad Dracula, would also do his best to avenge this little boy, dealing at one point with those pirates.

'This aspect should be settled. Using the boy's name wouldn't create problems when I try to speak my language. But now another aspect that is on my mind, what type of slave I would be?'

There are so many jobs in this world to do. Sigh, Hades you really had to play with little me like this? Just look at me, I'm starving to death. Yet again I have to bide my time, to put my wheels on high demand to see what future has on hold for poor little me.'

'If I'm slaving on construction sites, maybe the meals would suffice and help me gather my strength back and regain a normal body frame worst chase I will be sold on shipyards or mines.

Vlad was comparing the similarities between the two worlds. Shipbuilding would be the same process similar to mining. It's still possible to live and see the day of freedom while being stranded as a mine slave would be a sentence to death.

That's the place where you would sentence someone to a slow death, and to make a child slave in a mine would be the worst capital punishment, even in my world, we rulers wouldn't put young kids on mines.'

'Nevertheless, now I understood that for the Gods, our insignificant mortal lives would mean nothing, however, there's something they don't have dominion over, and that is fate and destiny. They can influence certain things, as Hades said, but they are still bound by the worldly rules, which I presume is fate or destiny. So fate, watch me. WATCH AS I WILL RISE AGAIN!'

'Only power can deter their influence over us. But how strong do I need to be in order to leave from their influence?'

Yet as he was saying that in his mind, the was something inside that seemed to move as if laughing at what he thought.




[General POV]

As the sunlight seemed to go down, people in the building started to get busier. It was the feeling of an ant nest being stirred.

The working men went straight for the boys. He lashed some of them that didn't comply to get in order.

For Vlad, this reminded him of the times he was in the janissary army, having to train his ass off while also keeping in line. Otherwise, the torture he would get regardless of apology was nothing compared to what those men even dreamed.

Thus he escaped from any beating that the man did to some of the rebellious kids inside the room. The assistant said after stopping his lashing.

"Little shit, do you think you're some high noble to act like this here, people here wouldn't give a single damn on shits like you. Even if I smash you to pieces, the manager would say nothing, because you guys are not the ones that would bring us profit."

What the man said to the young kid who was scared shitless, confirmed one of Vlad's presumptions. This made him even more silent as if he was a mute, slowly masking his emotion.

They got gathered somewhere high. Vlad got this, though, from walking up some stairs, the platform wasn't by any means elevated. However, it was just high enough for people to see from a better view.

From the other side of the room, people's voices were heard. In moments there was laughter in the room. Later some people were mocking each other. The typical stuff a wealthy person would do when gathering inside a single room. The debauchery was at high ends. This time the old man outdid himself, managing to pick the interest of some big spenders.

Vlad was there waiting, thinking of nothing at that moment. Simply waiting to see what was to come for him since he already prepared his plans last night, that regardless of who was buying him, he wouldn't react to provocations. But could he really achieve that? What if he would be pushed around and even attacked?

He obviously hasn't thought about this so deeply, going with only one plan in mind.

Soon, the people voices dropped to a low quiet. The old man finally took over the stage.

He was wearing a black suit, with the usual black monocle of his left eye, having his hair done slicked back, which made him look good for once. The only bad aspect was the wrinkles he had. With a straight back standing in the front of the stage, he welcomed everyone.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for taking time from your precious schedule to attempt this auction. "

The old man ended the welcoming ceremony after explaining the rules of the auction to the participants with.

"I'm your host Darrel Graham and I can only hope that the items we have for this night will take hold in your esteemed eyes."

"We know that already old Darrel. Now start the auction we have other things to do besides standing here and smelling our sweat." added a fat man in the audience holding a number placard on his greasy hand.

"Then if you wish so, guys bring the first items for today."

After some seconds passed, the old man assistants brought out the kid who was beaten today for not complying with orders.

"A young man that is full of spirit, around 12-13, the bruises on him are a mark of his spirit, a troublesome kid if you ask me, but for some of your needs probably he would be perfect. Starting price 50.000 𝔅." the old man looked at him as he said that.

Some people in the audience started to laugh a bit, but the room's order was soon to be restored.

"Haha, I like this kid. I bid 120.000 𝔅 for him. I'll take care of him in a special place." added the fat man while playing around with his rings.

"Stop jesting you greedy prick, I need this young man to start learning to build ships. 200.000 𝔅." added a middle-aged guy with a clean shave.

"You just called me a greedy prick, have you? I dare you to say it again! I bid 250.000 𝔅." retorted back the fat man with a more red face.

"Come on fatty, do you want to spill blood from bidding more than your little heart can handle? I bid 300.000 𝔅 for this fine man." the middle-aged man outbid the fat guy again.

The fat guy stopped and thought for a second and finally conceded this bid.

"300.000 𝔅 once, twice, final bid won by number 27." Said, Darrel.

The night just started for the audience. The next item was a cute girl that walked scared on the podium guided by Darrel's assistant.

She was the type of little girl that looked like a doll in all the senses of this word. Big eyes, smallmouth, with a clear and delicate nose. She just stood there shaking from fear in front of the wolves that would probably destroy or change her life.

The audience was in an uproar. Some crazy ones even whistled a little bit. For such creeps to be attracted by little girls, Vlad could only sigh by himself when he heard the people in such a frenzy.

'Animals, to react in such a manner because of a little girl. Such animals. Sigh, I pray for your safety little girl. May your luck and fate show their light to you too.'

The bidding was too exorbitant compared to the boys. The people who fought for the girl seemed to be a regular noble and a beautiful lady wearing a wealthy dress. Her face emanated the allure of a mature woman, her brown eyes together with her styled black hair made all the bidders' guys salivate over her.

The bid finally stopped when the price reached 1.000.000 𝔅. Even Vlad was shocked by the number. Still, for the buyers, the money was just a number. What mattered was how much one was willing to go.

'Damn, Ali, we rarely even talked about such big numbers, yet those fuckers got so fast to this number.'

"Just let me take this child, she will do a great maid for my little princess waiting at home. I bid 1.200.000 𝔅." bid the noble again, while swinging his arms in his seat, smacking an assistant over his head angry that the beautiful lady couldn't let him win the little slave girl.

"Are you sure that this poor child will be just a maid for your girl? No one believes you! I bid 1.300.000 𝔅." outbid the lady.

"Old hag, are you willing to go this far just to piss me off, do you still think that I will not intervene in your sweet "Pink District" in the capital. You damned commoners, how dare you embarrass me a noble in such a manner? Just you wait when I get home, the council of nobles will have a discussion with regards to your guilds, having too much monopoly over things!" said the noble in anger.

"Yes, yes. Go to Lacillet and suck his cock before crying about your lost honor. Stupid noble."

"Felicia you whore. Don't you dare tarnish His Grace name with your dirty mouth. Haven't you sucked enough dicks that you want to do His Grace?" retorted back the noble feeling even more offended by what the beautiful woman commented.

"Haha, don't worry tiny Baron, I don't have to see him naked to know how small his dick is. Or even yours, so you better piss off. Don't offend me you stupid Baron without even the slightest power to be noticeable inside Sagletius."


Then before the two could even continue on their jabs of insults in the delight of the participants, especially of those who were staring at Felicia's body.

"ENOUGH! STOP YOUR INSULTS YOU TWO! Lady Felicia enough. Your beauty and reputation isn't worth destroying in this place. Same for you Baron Tyrrell, do you wish to be viewed by the other nobles as a sore losser, mind your language." said the old man in a high tone that stopped Felicia and the noble from their word fight.

Finally, after the spirit calmed down, Darrel stepped for the final countdown

"Final bid 1.300.000 𝔅, goes once … twice … item won by number 6."

The lady could only smile when she was looking at the girl on the podium who was shaking in fear on the stage. Jumping on the stage in a swift manner, the people on the bidding platform especially the men had their dicks go erect when seeing her legs and body.

Patting the girls head in a loving manner, she took her back to her stand while saying in her ears.

"What is your name, little girl?"

"Iris, miss."

"Good, don't worry little Iris, you'll be fine with me. You'll be soon free, just that you will have to work for me for a while."

"Yes, madame." replied the little girl while shaking a bit.



Back to where Vlad was standing, blindfolded, he could hear the commotion and the names being called.

'So that tender and sexy voice is of a woman called Felicia? I will remember you.'

'Hmmm, there's still a long way before I'm put on display.'

The auctioning kept on going regardless of tensions. Some were disputed on the spot by trash-talking some would be later resolved by power struggles. What mattered the most now was the unknown future of the kids that kept on being displayed on the podium like cattle.

After most kids took to the podium, finally, some frail kids were presented on the stage. It was Vlad's turn to go on the podium.

His weak body went on the podium like some leaf. One of the assistants took off his blindfold. What people could see was a kid around 10 years old that had his face turned towards the audience but all this time having his eyes shut down.


A/N: You've heard some names here, conflicts, city names. Don't worry guys, you'll soon understand what's their role in the story.

Until then enjoy the auctioning process.


If you liked the story make sure to give it a follow and some encouraging reviews or pointing out my mistakes with comments so I can fix them and grow as a writer.


I am looking for editors/proofreaders to help me out with my story/stories. If you are interested and want to help me out join my discord and say something.


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