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17.85% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Kapitel 20: Chapter 20

Fuyōna stood face to face with the six tails. The giant slug-like creature trapped inside of its sealing prison unable to move freely.

"I think it's time we got to know each other six tails..." Fuyōna said.

He had managed to enter his inner psyche, now coming face to face with the tailed beast. It was certainly different from how Naruto's looked in the anime.

Fuyōna's surroundings reminded him of his home village. Snow and trees surrounded them, dimly lit by the full moon's glow in the night sky above.

"Why do you speak to me?" The six tails asked.

Fuyōna took a moment thinking about how he should respond.

"Tell me Six tails, what would you do if I set you free?" Fuyōna asked.

There was a moment of silence before the tailed beast spoke, Fuyōna waited patiently for its response.

"No human has ever asked such a question." It spoke softly.

"It matters not. Your kind would simply capture me again. You are all the same."

Fuyōna remained silent, walking around as he examined the seal that envelope the beast.

The six tails watched him with interest as Fuyōna walked around. It could sense no fear coming from him, which was unusual among humans.

"It must be hard being trapped in one place to the next," Fuyōna said as he sat on the floor in front of the beast.

"You see me as a weapon... Nothing more." It spoke with a little malice in its voice.

Fuyōna could understand, in fact, he knew better than most. But he was determined to tame the six tails.

"Let's start nice and easy. Tell me your name? You do have one, don't you?" Fuyōna asked, trying to get the six tails to let its guard down.

"My name... You want to know my name?" It asked, confused.

"No human has ever asked for my name..."

Fuyōna gave a smile.

"I'm not like most people."

The six tails looked at him strangely before it nodded.

"My name is Saiken." The six tails spoke.

"Good to meet you Saiken, my name is Fuyōna. Fuyōna Yuki."

With that, Fuyōna decided to open his eyes exiting from his inner psyche. He knew it would be best not to rush things if he wanted to master the six tails powers; it would be a long process and not something that would happen overnight.

The next few days passed by with Fuyōna having some time off his duties, so he decided to spend his time training. He trained mostly by himself focusing on every aspect. First was his morning routine consisting of strength exercises and stretches.

Next was Taijutsu practice. Fuyōna would spend hours perfecting his Taijutsu abilities; because his Shikotsumyaku abilities were mainly useful when combined with Taijutsu. Fuyōna would focus on his body's agility and speed, spinning and weaving in and around his imaginary opponents.

Flipping and springing off his hands and feet, Fuyōna aimed to master his body to forge it into a deadly weapon. It was a beautiful dance of death as bones darted out all over his body, letting him spin attacking with another part of his body as if a never-ending assault of combinations.

Fuyōna was panting hard, sweat dripping from his body as the middays sun scorched the ground. It was an unusually hot day today and the increased heat meant Fuyōna was sweating more than usual. He had even taken his training vest off, leaving his small yet muscular body exposed.

Planting his hand into the ground using it to spin his entire body around rapidly, he flipped, rolling onto the floor before using his other hand to turn his body more and more, bones shooting out one after the other before he executed a perfect butterfly kick landing in his fighting pose exhaling hard.

"I think that's enough Taijutsu practice." He said, wiping the sweat off his face with a towel he had next to his things on the floor.

It had been three weeks since the six tails had been sealed inside of him. Since then, he had noticed his energy levels had increased along with his recovery rate.

Fuyōna took a drink of water from his bottle and placed it back on the floor. It certainly wasn't a bad thing having more energy reservers.

Next was Ninjutsu practice, Fuyōna was looking forward to testing out a few new Jutsu he had been working on. Fuyōna made the hand signs with ease. Two large ice swords started to appear, the ice forming from the moisture in the air, one growing in each of his hands.

"Ice style, dancing blades." He said as he tossed each of the blades into the air.

Each blade started to dance around Fuyōna's body as if they were possessed, moving in perfect rhythm.

"Now, to test it out," Fuyōna said as he grasped two handfuls of shuriken. Fuyōna tossed them into the air as hard as he could before he quickly made a few hand signs.

"Wind style, reverse current!" He shouted. A large gust of wind stopped the stream of shuriken midair, forcing them to come flying back aimed at Fuyōna himself.

"Here we go!"

The shuriken rained down on Fuyōna one after the other, but none of them could touch him. Each of the ice swords danced around him, deflecting the shuriken one after the other until there were no more.

Fuyōna stood with his arms crossed and smiled before releasing the Jutsu.

"It certainly takes a lot of chakra control. My current limit is only two blades." He said, a faint memory of the first time he tried to use this Jutsu popping into his head.

He laughed, remembering getting stabbed with a couple of shuriken before he sat down. Fuyōna focused his chakra, placing his hands together until the air around him grew cold.

The grass below him started to freeze as he continued to focus, his breath visible in the cold air.

Fuyōna slowly made a couple of hand signs. Three ice clones started to form and stood around Fuyōna one a little further away than the other. Fuyōna made a few more hand signs, this time unique to the Yuki clan. His eyes quickly snapped open as he finished the Jutsu.

"Ice style, flash freeze!" He shouted, letting his chakra explode around him.

Everything up to the second clone was instantly frozen, even the particles in the air. Fuyōna let out a sigh and stood up slowly, allowing his clones to disappear and his Jutsu to fade, letting the ice melt away as if it were never there.

"I need to be able to expend more chakra to cover a greater distance. Something I can work on." Fuyōna said as he picked up his water, trying to take another sip before he realized it was frozen solid.

Fuyōna laughed as he turned the ice back into water so he could drink it.

"Just one more thing I want to test," Fuyōna said, placing the water back down, making a few hand signs one again.

Two ice clones formed and took their positions as Fuyōna instructed. Each clone started to grow bones out of their arms, interlocking until it looked like each was holding a thick white shield.

Fuyōna nodded with a smile.

"Alright, then."

Fuyōna crossed both of his arms, his hands and fingers spread in front of his face. Suddenly he fired two lots of bone bullets from each of his fingertips, aiming at the shields of each clone.

Of course, the bone bullets hit the shields and bounce off having no effects. He took the same pose and this time channeled his chakra, firing another set each at the clones.

One of the clones was suddenly shredded apart as the bone bullets ripped through the shield and the clone's body. The other bone bullets hit the shield seeming to do nothing for a moment. Swiftly the shield started to become enveloped in ice and it froze, the ice quickly spreading freezing the entire clone's body in an instant.

Fuyōna had enhanced one set of bone bullets with his lightning style, giving them increased piercing and destructive power. The other set had been enhanced with ice style chakra, anything they touched would freeze almost instantly.

"Looks like I'm starting to get the hang of that," Fuyōna said.

It had taken a lot of practice to mix his lightning style with his Shikotsumyaku abilities. Now that he had masted the required chakra control Fuyōna had started to experiment with its applications more and more.

Fuyōna spent a little more time practicing other Jutsu, always trying to better himself or think of different ways he could use his abilities. Now that his Ninjutsu practice was over, there was only one thing left to try.

Over the last couple of days, Fuyōna had engaged in conversation with Saiken, the six tails that was sealed inside of him. Each time he had gotten to know something more about Saiken, until yesterday.


"So Saiken, I was wondering if I could ask you something?" Fuyōna said.

The six tails looked at him, deciding to agree.

"What is it you want to know Fuyōna?" It asked.

"I was wondering if you would agree to lend me your power? You see, there are things I want to achieve. Things I will need your power for in the future." Fuyōna said, speaking the truth.

Saiken didn't say anything at first instead, taking time to think about what Fuyōna had said.

"You have indeed been kind to me Fuyōna Yuki. Kinder than any host I have had before you. The power of us tailed beasts has always been saught by humans. Ever since we were created. How are you any different than them?"

Fuyōna remained silent for a moment.

"I know about the sage of six paths. How he created you from the ten tails setting you free before his death."

Saiken was seriously shocked by what Fuyōna just said.

"How do you know that?" Saiken asked, confused.

"I told you. I'm not like other people." Fuyōna said as he placed his hand on the seal that kept the six tails confined.

"Maybe this will help convince you." He said, releasing it about halfway.

Fuyōna was able to figure out the sealing Jutsu that had been used by the Mizukage. Thanks to the scroll he had gotten his hands on, his understanding of Fūinjutsu had increased drastically. Enabling him to create his own key to fit the seal.

"I know with the seal only half as strong you could break out and try to take over my body," Fuyōna said, looking Saiken in the eye.

"I don't want to use you as a weapon. I want you to be my ally and lend me your power. What say you?"

Saiken was stuck between two choices. It could break free of the sealing Jutsu and attack Fuyōna attempting to take over his body and gain his freedom.

Or it could allow Fuyōna control of its power, helping him achieve his goals.

Saiken had a flashback to when the sage of six paths was giving him and the other tails beasts his final goodbye.

" I will not live much longer..." The sage said addressing each of the tailed beasts by name.

"Remember, even if you are far apart, you will always be together for you are all linked."

The tailed beasts were all sad each crying over the sight of their dying father.

"Know that one day you will be joined back together. One shall appear to show you what true power is before that time..." The sage said with a smile on his face. His last words to all of them.

-End of flashback-

Saiken could feel that Fuyōna was not evil. In fact, Saiken knew he was different from all the others he had encountered before.

"Very well." It said softly.

Fuyōna raised an eyebrow as he didn't quite hear what Saiken had said.

"Very well Fuyōna Yuki. I permit you to use my power as you see fit. I will help you achieve your goals as an ally."

"Alright!" Fuyōna yelled out in happiness.

Fuyōna walked over to the seal and placed his hand on it, this time fully releasing the seal, completely freeing the six tails from its confinement.

"It's not much, but I hope it helps," Fuyōna said, extending his fists to the six tails.

Saiken took a moment before it smiled and extended its own hand, tapping Fuyōna's fist with its own.

"Is this the one you meant father..." Saiken thought as he watched Fuyōna.

"I guess I will have to train hard to control your power Saiken. But with your help, we will become strong enough to make a difference." Fuyōna said as he turned around, placing his hands on his hips.

Saiken nodded looking down at Fuyōna, the image of the sage of six paths reflected off of Fuyōna's figure, causing Saiken to smile.

-End of flashback-

Fuyōna sat on the floor, focusing hard, getting his breathing under control as a red cloak of chakra flowed from his body, surrounding him forming one tail on his back.

Fuyōna had been trying each day to use just a little of Saikens powers. It certainly made things easier that Saiken was willing to help and lend his aid, which made using his power all that more comfortable.

Fuyōna focused harder and allowed another two tails to form on his back. Quickly making a couple of hand signs three ice clones appeared all taking a battle-ready position.

"Here we go." He said as all three clones jumped in for the attack.

Each one attacked with all of its strength, using all of Fuyōna's abilities to try and take him down. Fuyōna had noticed one of the first things this form gave him was an increase in speed and strength. It was allowing him to move faster than he could typically, which was already pretty fast.

His physical strength was also enhanced, allowing his Taijutsu to become even more deadly.

Two clones attack from either side while the last rushed down the center line as quickly as it could. Each was using wind style to enhance their movements and they weren't pulling any punches.

The clones on the left and right attacked using bones as weapons, each one going high and then low, striking at all angles. The clone in the center stopped dead and started to form rapid hand signs creating ice mirrors all around Fuyōna trapping him.

The real Fuyōna was dodging and parrying every attack they threw at him, thanks to his enhanced abilities, including his reaction speed, he was able to fight both of them without any real problems.

Jumping he avoided a sweep at his left leg, while midair another attack came for his head from the right. It was a lightning enhanced bone blade that could do some damage if it hit.

Fuyōna willed the chakra cloak that surrounded him to act, one of the tails planting itself into the ground allowing Fuyōna to move at the last second in midair.

The bone blade licked Fuyōna's cheek drawing a small amount of blood. Fuyōna kicked the clones hard in the chest sending it flying, spinning and dropping down to his back, Fuyōna slammed a kick into the other clones' head in rapid succession. The clone was able to block the kick, but the force of it sent him flying through the air.

Fuyōna noticed the ice mirrors form around him and smiled. He could already feel the cut healing thanks to the chakra cloak and he decided to wait and see what his clones had planned for him, the harder it was, the better he could learn to control Saikens powers.

So far Fuyōna could use the cloak up to three tails before his control started to lack. Saiken had told him it would take time to adjust to the sudden burst of chakra levels and had warned him to take it slow. Although Saiken wouldn't take over his body if he went too far, he would have to stop the flow of chakra if Fuyōna pushed too hard, so not to harm his body. Or worse, kill him.

The ice mirrors had fully formed, creating a dome all around him. All three clones slipped into the ice mirrors, their reflections appearing in all of them.

"Here it comes," Fuyōna said, taking a ready stance.

Suddenly a volley of bone bullets enhanced with lightning style chakra hit the ground where Fuyōna was stood. He had managed to avoid the attack but soon found himself pressed at every angle.

The clones darted in and around the mirrors. Each firing volley's of bone bullets as they passed almost too fast to see. Fuyōna had been pushed back on the defense. He had a bone blade in each hand and one in each tail of his chakra cloak, which allowed him to deflected the bone bullets for the time being as long as he kept them enhanced with lightning style.

"I need to counter-attack!" Fuyōna said to himself as he was starting to struggle with the oncoming barrage of bone bullets.

"Would you like me to decreased the amount of chakra I am providing your ice clones?" Saiken said from inside Fuyōna's head.

It was thanks to the six tails that Fuyōna was able to train like this, with its constant supply of chakra, the clones could fight at full power for a long time without it draining Fuyōna's own chakra, allowing him to train more intensely by himself than ever before.

"No, keep them going Saiken. I have an idea!"

Fuyōna was spinning and twisting so fast that his body had almost become a blur. Tossing bone blades into the ground in nearly a perfect circle around the ice mirrors. Fuyōna jumped high into the air, quickly making hand signs.

"Here it goes!"

Fuyōna was still focusing hard on his chakra cloaks tails deflecting the never-ending barrage, his concentration starting to slip.

"Lightning style, Lightning trap Jutsu!" He shouted as each of the bone blades suddenly sparked to life, an electrical current passing from one to the next, connecting the entire circle.

One of the clones failed to stop in time and was caught in the electric current, getting fried to a crisp. The others stopped quickly looking at each other, giving a nod as they retreated inside of the mirrors.

"It worked," Fuyōna said, impressed with himself.

"Now to deal with these mirrors." He said, forming hand signs.

"My chakra is running low. I'll need your help for this one Saiken!"

"I'm on it Fuyōna!" Saiken replied.

The clones decided not to waste any more time and sprung back into action. They were continuing their gorilla tactics using the ice mirrors for cover firing bone bullets over and over again.

Suddenly more ice mirrors formed around Fuyōna acting as shields. The bone bullets hit the ice mirrors, but instead of shattering them, they simply passed right through, firing out of another mirror and ripping through the clone's ice prison.

The clones were lucky they weren't hit by their own attack; however, the same could not be said for their ice mirrors which had been destroyed by the bone bullets, shattering them like glass.

Fuyōna allowed his ice mirrors to dissolve into water, falling to the ground.

"Looks like your out of tricks." He said eyeing up his clones.

Fuyōna suddenly felt a surge of pain down his arm, his control over his chakra cloak fading two of the tails disappearing.

"Fuyōna, you have run out of chakra and your ability to control my chakra is becoming increasingly difficult without it," Saiken warned.

"No. I'm not done yet!" Fuyōna shouted, trying to force more chakra.

"You can't force any more of your own chakra if you do you could die," Saiken said almost seeming worried.

"Just one last thing I want to try..." Fuyōna said with a small smile on his face.

Saiken disagreed but nodded.

"Very well, take my chakra."

Fuyōna nodded as his energy was restored, allowing his chakra cloak to grow two more tails.

The two clones rushed in bones spiking out all over their body. Fuyōna realized how terrifying it looked from the outside and almost laughed.

"Here it goes! Icey graveyard Jutsu!" Fuyōna shouted as he slapped his hands onto the ground.

A brief moment passed and the clones stopped in their tracks sensing the danger. Suddenly massive bones discharged from the ground covering the entire area in an instant.

Both the clones were shredded to pieces by the razor-sharp bones their bodies instantly freezing at the touch of them before they crumbled into chunks of ice.

Fuyōna let out a large breath as the bones started to dissolve into the gentle breeze, his chakra cloak fading before he fell to the ground, landing on his back.

Saiken was impressed at how quickly Fuyōna was grasping his powers. Not only was he able to control the massive amounts of chakra, but he could mix his own chakra with it, allowing him to channel all of his abilities and even enhance them.

Saiken was also impressed by Fuyōna's last Jutsu. It cost a massive amount of chakra and from what he could tell, Fuyōna had mixed both of his Kekkie Genkai, creating a deadly combination of the two. Razor-sharp bones that were harder than steel, so cold that once they touched you, you would freeze in an instant.

"That last one really took it out of me," Fuyōna said, still breathing heavily.

"I have been working on that Jutsu for about a year now. I just never had enough chakra to cover such a distance at once."

Saiken nodded, giving a smile.

"I'm glad I could help." The tailed beast said. The two laughing together as Fuyōna took his time getting his breath back.

In the faraway distance, covered by a thick tree line too far for Fuyōna to sense stood a small yet powerful figure. It was the 4th Mizukage Yagura Karatachi.

He had watched Fuyōna 's training and control over his tailed beast's powers with keen interest.

"Impressive... Very impressive... Not long now."


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