Walking down the Stairs Ryo saw Merlin waiting for him in there
Merlin [Well, it's Time Master, shall we start]
Ryo [Yup, I have fifty points, so I should be able to summon three Servants, and I will use the other twenty for a Noble Phantasm]
Merlin [Good, Good, I shall Transfer us to Avalon if the Servants you summon decide acts up]
Ryo [yeah, you do that, now then let us commence the Summoning]
{Commencing Summoning}
A Red circle appeared as usual, and then after few seconds, a Girl Clad in samurai Armor appeared, her armor literally only protected her Forbidden parts, she was beautiful black haired girl, not taller than 170cm, she looked around and said
??? [I am Ushiwakamaru, Rider and I have been called upon. Honoring the full devotion as a Samurai, I will do my utmost best!]
Ryo [Welcome Ushiwakamaru, My Name is Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, I am the King of Babylon, This man here is my Supreme Minister, Merlin]
Merlin [Hello there, Young one]
Ryo [You are called upon here to be a Servant of mine as you may have noticed that is you're real body, if you wish not to serve me than you are welcome to leave]
Ushiwakamaru [That will be Unnecessary my Lord, I didn't realize that I was in the presence of a king so my apologies, I shall devote myself as samurai to serve you my Lord]
Ryo [Very well, Ushiwakamaru, you are very welcome to the Kingdome of Babylon, I will summon another servant and then I will tell you about your position]
Ushi then nodded and moved to the left of Ryo
Ryo "Maybe I should tell her that her armor is very appealing… no too early, let's summon another one]
{Commencing Summoning}
Then after the Light diminished
A lovely girl in her late-teens, who wraps her body in fashionable Japanese clothing and Wears long leather boots, she was very small appearing at 158cm only
??? [Saber, Okita Souji, Shinsengumi's First Unit Captain, Are you my Master?]
Ryo [Welcome Okita Souji, I am Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, I am the King of Babylon, and yes I am your master, if you wish to serve, then you are welcome, if you wish to not serve then you can leave as well]
Okita [I am free to go?]
Ryo [Indeed, I summon people to serve but I won't force you to, I am quite cable of handling myself]
Okita [As a king, answer my question, if I like the answer I will serve you]
Ryo [Go ahead]
Okita [A murder like me, do I deserve to live? and serve?]
Ryo [Of course you do, even if you were Evil in your last life, everyone deserves a second chance, even you, a month ago I killed more than a hundred noble from my Kingdome that all did Horrible things that would make you seem like a saint, however they too deserve a second chance, in another world, for now though they must be cleansed in hell, so Yes Okita Souji you do deserve to live, and you will serve me]
Okita [Is that so... Then I pledge myself to serve you King Ryouto, I swear it on My "Coat of Oaths" and my "Flag of Sincerity"]
Then as if to answer Ryo's Question a Coat was summoned in Okita's Hand with a flag and they both changed the crest on them to The Babylonian crest
Ryo [Well then welcome to Babylon, This is Merlin the Supreme Minister, and this is Ushiwakamaru, she was summoned here few minutes Earlier]
Okita [Lord Yoshitsune, I didn't realize that he would be here, Wait he is a She, that's weird]
Ryo "Like you're one to talk"
Ryo [Well I'll be summoning the Last servant, before we wrap up, so go ahead and wait with Ushi, maybe you want to speak to her for a bit]
Okita [Affirmative Master]
"Commence the last summoning"
{Commencing Summoning}
After the Light stopped
Another beautiful woman appeared, she had blond Hair, and some marks under her right Eye, she had large melons as Ryo noticed, and a black dress, but what Ryo paid attention to the Most were the Many Lances floating behind her and of course the large Dragon tail behind her
??? [I'm Vritra. Seriously, what does a King want this snake to do…? I'm a demon who only moves of their own desire. You better not think you can tame me. Wait, this is a different world, Kihihihhi, I Can sense so many of my kin here in the north, maybe I should go Eat them All Kihihihi]
Ryo [A Dragon, no a Demon, wait you're a Serpent, what Kind of being are you, you are a mix of so many Races it makes me look, Normal]
Vritra [Kihihihi, I like your looks King, feed me well, and I might not eat you]
Ryo [*sigh* Well I am Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, King of Babylonia, if you wish to be my servant I will allow it but no eating people, if you wish to leave that will also be acceptable, but if you try to eat people you will be my enemy]
Vritra [Maybe I should eat you]
Scáthach emerged from the Shadows and said to Ryo
Scáthach [She is strong]
Ryo [I can tell]
Vritra [Don't worry I don't want to be your enemy, just feed me well and I'll serve as this Kingdom's Guardian, Good, Yup hmm, Kingdom's Guardian, Kihihihi, who would have thought]
Ryo [Well if you don't cause trouble then I don't mind feeding you, now come follow me, all three of you]
Ryo then with his new servants and entered the Castle throne Room, it was empty the only one in there was Qiness who was waiting for him
Qiness [Ryo, You seem to have new allies]
Ryo [yup, this is Ushiwakamaru, this is Okita, and the Dragon Girl is Vritra, Everyone this is Qiness my most trusted ally in Babylon, she is also the current minister of well, everything]
Ushiwakamaru [Nice to meet you]
Okita [Should I call you my Lord ?]
Vritra [Oi oi, am an Asura, don't call me dragon girl, Idiot]
Ryo [Same thing to me, well it doesn't matter, I will look at your stats, and tell you what you all will be doing from now on, ah and just so you know, Rama isn't here but he too is a Servant of mine, and that's all]
Ryo then sat on his throne as he went through the system
Ryo"System, Show me the stats of the new servants, start with Ushiwakimaru"
Name: Ushiwakamaru
AKA: Minamoto no Yoshitsune
Age: 15
Race: Human
Class: Rider, Assassin (Locked), Avenger (Locked)
Gender: Female
Attribute: Man
Loyalty: 93%
Alignments: Chaotic-Neutral
Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Female, Genji, Humanoid, Riding, Servant
World Rank: Champion 32%
Active Skills
- Tengu's Art of War EX: The Art of war taught to Ushiwakamaru by the Tengu's, Grants her immense strategical power, and Thinking
- Charisma C+
- Art of the Swallow B: A Skill gained due to Ushiwakamaru's Fast and Nimble body, Grants her 50% increase in speed and reaction Time
- Animal Dialogue D: The User can converse with Animals to a certain degree
- Six secret Arts of War "Thunder and Gale" : a combination of secret arts, that can be used in warfare
- Heavenly Child of Kurama A+ (Locked)
- Genji Slayer (Locked)
- Vengeance Never Dies (Locked)
Passive Skills
-Magic Resistance C
-Riding A+
-Presence Concealment C
-Avenger EX (Locked)
Strength: D
Agility: A+
Luck: A
Endurance: C
Mana: B
Noble Phantasm: Wandering Tales of Shana-oh A++ }
Name: Okita Souji
AKA: Okita
Age: 17
Race: Human
Class: Saber, Assassin (Locked)
Gender: Female
Attribute: Man
Loyalty: 89%
Alignments: True Neutral
Traits: Female, Humanoid, Riding, Servant
World Rank: Hero 25%
Active Skills
-Weak Constitution A: Due to Okita Souji's Risk of Suddenly Falling ill, she gains a Strong boost to her Stats before Sickness
-Eye Of the Mind (False) A: A skill that gives natural talent to foresee/sense and avoid danger on the basis of an innate 6th sense, this skill cannot be obtained through training, but you can perfect it through practice
-Reduced Earth B: a technique to cut down the distance between opponents instantly, this isn't instant speed, there are many variables at play and it can Evolve to Teleportation if it reached the Rank A+
Passive Skills
-Magic Resistance E
-Riding E
-Presence Concealment B (Locked)
Strength: C
Agility: A+
Luck: D
Endurance: E
Mana: E
Noble Phantasm: Lightless, Three-Stage Thrust, Coat of Oaths, Flag of sincerity}
Name: Vritra
AKA: King of Asura, Demon Goddess, World Dragon
Age: Unknown (Ageless)
Race: True Dragon, Asura (Dragon 50% Demon 25% Serpent 25%)
Gender: Female (Genderless in Dragon form)
Attribute: Sky
Loyalty: 69%
Alignments: Neutral-Evil
Traits: Demonic, Demonic Beast Servants, Dragon, Humanoid, Servant
World Rank: Demon Goddess, Supreme Hero 11%
Active Skills
-The Vajra That Penetrated: Immunity to Lightning, and increased Affinity to Lightning
-Fated Enemy of God: She is the complete enemy of All Gods, Especially ones with lightning Powers
Grants 50% increased defense and damage against (Divinity)
Grants 300% increased Defense and damage against (Divinity EX) (A/N Gods)
Grants 1000% increased Defense and damage against (Divinity EX/Lightning Affinity) (A/N like Zeus and Indra)
-Eternal Immortal Demon: Immunity to All damage during the day and night, Immunity to all damage dealt with Wood, Steel, Stone and Dry or Wet objects
Passive Skills
-Magic Resistance A
-Magic Immunity B
-Lightning Immunity
-Dragon Kind EX: Pinnacle of The Dragon Race
Strength: A++
Agility: A+
Luck: D
Endurance: EX
Mana: A+++
Noble Phantasm: Asurashreshtha EX (Locked)}
Ryo looked at Ushiwakamaru's stats, he thought that maybe he could train with her se she can get stronger, he was also surprised that she had an Avenger Class Locked, he thought that she looked to sweat for that
He then looked at Okita's Stats, she was very strong, but she had a very lacking Endurance, her Weak constitution was very bad, so Ryo was thinking about helping her with it,
But then he looked at Vritra's Stats and His eyes Opened wide as he got up from his chair
Merlin [My Lord?]
Qiness [Ryo ?]
Vritra [Kihihih, so you finally realize my worth, King, Well don't worry about it, I came here only for food, I won't make trouble]
Ryo was seconds from sending her back to Wherever she came from, she was far stronger than he could handle now, but something told him that she isn't going to be trouble if he knew how to handle her
Ryo [If you antagonize me for a second I won't hesitate to send you back]
Vritra [Oi oi, I just want food, no need to be mad, unless you're a god with Lighting affinity then I have no issues with you]
Ryo "Fuck, fuck, fuck what kind of stats is this, Fucking OP Dragon *sigh* System why is her Noble Phantasm Locked ?"
{Due to her nature and the power her Noble Phantasm, it will be locked until her Loyalty reaches 100%}
"Well that's a relief, An Anti World noble Phantasm, huh]
Ryo then sat back on his chair and said
Ryo [Well Ushi, Okita, since you both have experience of leading, why don't you join Rama in being Generals?]
Ushiwakamaru [If that is what my lord Asks, than I shall do so]
Okita [I do have experience in leading so I don't mind]
Vritra [Oi Oi what about me?]
Ryo [Am getting there! well since you are a True Dragon than how about you act as the Kingdome's Guardian for real?]
Vritra [Well as long as I get food, then I don't mind]
Ryo [Good, good, Now then Qiness will lead you to your Rooms, as for you Vritra well how about we give you some food then]
Vritra [Kihihi Finally!]
Ryo then escorted Okita, Ushi and Vritra and they had a large banquet in which Vritra ate more than an entire Family… Five times
Ryo "Well at least she did in maidenly manner"
Ryo then looked at the new Kingdome Stats
Kingdome {Babylonia}
Royal King {Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan}
Queens [Aria Gilgamesh Arkhan] 1/?
Sub Rulers [None] 0/?
Royal Children [None] 0/?
Supreme Minster [The Magus of Flowers Merlin] 1/1
Ministers [Qiness] 1/?
Generals [Rama/Ushiwakamaru/Okita Souji] 3/?
Kingdom's Guardian [Vritra] 1/?
Active Unites (Ordinary Warriors){39305} [12305 Demons] [27000 Humans]
Active Unites (Magic Warriors) {2500} [200 Demons] [2300 Humans]
Total Population {373576} [53420 Demons] [320156 Humans]
Kingdom's Finances [321100 Gold Coins in circulation] 61% "Good"
Kingdom's Reserve [120000 Gold Coins]
Area of Rule {Diavola Continent 16%} [Arkhan 100% - Zion 100% -Tunlan Forest 25%]
Diavola Continent's Rulers (Old Data) [Diamond Kingdom 34%/ Wallachia 34%/ Holy Zion 10%/ Divola 7%/ Arkhan 5%/ Tunlan Forest 4% "No Ruler"/ Dragonia 3%/ Eden%3]
Diavola Continent's Rulers (Current Data) [Diamond Kingdom 34%/ Wallachia 34%/Babylonia 16% / Divola 7%/ Tunlan Forest 3% "No Ruler"/ Dragonia 3%/ Eden%3]
Ryo "well things seem to be good lately, I guess am gone have to keep my promise to Inana"
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