I cursed out when I saw the tiny silvery-white crystal brought out from the ground from my string. The crystal is very small, the size of a rice grain, but it shocked me clearly.
It is a pure soul crystal, which is much much rarer and more precious than pure soul water.
I took it in my hand, and my already widened eyes couldn't help but widen up further; its grade had faintly touched the level of the Grand Lord. If I were to be a little loose with the grading, I might say the crystal is of Grand Lord class, and it is very shocking.
This ruin is a Grandmaster class ruin, which means all the natural treasures inside it are Grandmaster class.
It is extremly hard for any natural treasure to surpass the limit, but some treasures can do it, and this soul crystal is one of them, considering it had faintly crossed over the limit.
The first crystal was just beginning; a few seconds later, I found another one and then another one.
Do Vote Hard guys; we need to climb at one more rank this week.
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