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51.8% A Different Kind Of Journey / Chapter 43: Arc 3: Learning the Truth Part 1

Kapitel 43: Arc 3: Learning the Truth Part 1

I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note 2: For the readers who doesn't like this story and kept bashing it. I really don't care what you say or what you think. You are just wasting your time here and If you don't like the story, just leave.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 3:

Chapter 10: Learning the Truth Part 1

Morning of February 2

Dawn had finally arrived once again, the sun was still on its early stages of rising, as the nightly stars slowly disappeared one by one. The cold breeze of the wind was still present, and anyone that had plans to go outside at this time should be wearing jacket right now.

Miyuki comfortably sat down on one of the seats at a familiar ramen shop. She had woken up earlier than her usual time, just to take a morning stroll along the still quiet streets of the village, and then decided to have her breakfast at the shop, she is currently waiting for the meal that she ordered just awhile ago.

After waiting for several minutes, Ayame finally came out serving her meal, which consists of fried rice (Yakemishi), steamed dumplings, and a cup of hot coffee.

"Here's your breakfast meal as you ordered, Ms. Miyuki!" Ayame greeted with a smile, as she served the meal.

Miyuki gave a smile." Thank you, Ayame." She simply said as she immediately grabbed the chopsticks in front of her and started eating.

In fact, She really didn't knew that the shop had a breakfast promo until she just found out this morning and the fact that she often buy her meals during lunch and dinner only. Of course, She had tried cooking her meals before but because of the heavy load from work, she had to changed the lifestyle for a bit. It was very similar to her old life back home.

She spent most of her time quietly enjoying her breakfast without the presence of thoughts, only after awhile that her name was then called by Teuchi himself.

"Looks like you woke up early today, Miyuki!" He said with a surprised tone of voice.

"This might be the first time that you're eating our new dishes from the breakfast menu!" He added. He was just surprised to see her early in this time.

Miyuki gave a small smile." Uhmm... Yeah, I can see that." She said as she then resumed back to eating her meal.

"Uhmm, Ms. Miyuki?"

This time, it was Ayame that spoke and called her. The short black haired woman then looked up once again from her meal and raised both of her eyebrows.

"Well, I've been really thinking of asking this question for awhile now, and maybe I think this could be the right time." Ayame had that slight nervous smile as she explained.

Miyuki just sighed. She had the feeling that the girl was going to eventually asked her real age, because that's the thing that many people noticed her about. They were just shy to ask the question, but this girl got guts.

"Go ahead." She simply said.

Ayame then took a deep breath and open her mouth." Well, I just want to know on how did you managed to become successful in life?" She finally asked the question.

Miyuki then widened her eyes in surprised. She'd never expected to hear this from the girl and this was something new to her compare to the usual questions that people asked about her.

"What do you mean Ayame?" She asked.

"Well, You're really successful in terms of how you handle yourself, especially how you make your life stable, plus you have a clinic of your own!" She explained.

"I mean... How do you that?" She added.

Miyuki just sighed and gave a slight smile." Well, it's quite simple Ayame." She said.

"It's a matter of how you make your own decisions, you either choose to persevere and keep moving forward or see yourself become a nobody." She simply said. She would go on to explained that no matter what the consequences or challenges, a person would just need to be strong all throughout.

Ayame just stared in amazement, Her advice was simple yet very effective. Even though, she was just the daughter of a famous ramen shop owner, she dream't of becoming big one day, although she didn't know what kind of dream that she has for the future.

"So If I just follow my dreams and persevere then I could achieved anything?" She asked.

Miyuki simply nodded and smiled." Yes you will."

"And of course, always never forget to thank Kami-sama for all things that He had done for our family and our lives!" Teuchi came to the scene yet again and added another important part of the conversation.

Both Ayame and Miyuki turned to the man. The young brown haired girl immediately agreed while the other just kept silent. The mentioning of Kami gave an uncomfortable feeling to the older girl herself. It seemed that everybody in this world still believed in him, even though, He was already long gone.

Her thoughts had gone back to the past for a short while. She remembered his sacrifice just to keep the peace of this world from the total utter destruction that almost happened because of that winged beast. It also caused a lot of changes throughout everything.

Even though that peace was achieved the aftermath of his sacrifice, it didn't last long as things weren't the same anymore. Wars and conflicts still continued to ravage across the world, relationships became sour, everyone has their own goals of making a world a better place and no one was considered the bad person.

Miyuki was a witnessed in this conflicts, there were attempts to heal the wounds, she saw how the council strived for a better future in all worlds, they want to achieved what Kami has envisioned but the problem was that they can't seemed to reached a final decision or conclusion thus debates. were still ongoing until now.

It was not too long when she discovered that something was wrong and how there was this conspiracy which was started none other by him. So that's why she had severe her connection with the council in the first place. Everyone were just being led into his game.

She only wished that she had known it sooner. Although, since the aftermath of the jougan's ability courtesy of the blonde boy, she now had that second chance to do it again and prevent the destruction that was to forthcome just like on the original timeline.

"Are you okay Ms. Miyuki?" Ayame asked as she noticed the silence coming from the latter.

Miyuki snapped from her thoughts. She blinked a couple of times before turning her eyes to the brown haired girl." Yes, I'm fine." She smiled.

"Oh that's good to hear, I noticed that you were in deep thoughts just now." Ayame said.

Miyuki just sighed but smiled." Thank you for your concern, Ayame, although I have to tell you that I finally met the blonde kid that you told me about." She said.

Ayame widened her eyes in surprised." Oh you mean, Bolt-san?" She asked while the other simply nodded.

"That's pretty cool, Bolt-san is really a nice and helpful person, He's the best guy that the shop had in years!" Ayame said. She would go on to explained that one time, the blonde came to shop and told them that he was looking for a job and they happily accepted him, because he was already a member of the family.

"That's interesting." Miyuki commented while drinking her cup of hot coffee.

"So what do you think of him? Well, I mean when you first saw him, what was your reaction? Ayame asked.

There was quietness from the Miyuki as she just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Does she really wanted to know her first impression of him? Was it really worth the thing to know? Well then looks like she doesn't have a choice.

Miyuki opened her eyes and gave an amused smile.

"I think he's a knucklehead."


"I know when I saw him for the first time since that day, that he somegow managed to get back a majority of his normal life. He's a strong kid."



Morning had finally arrived at the apartment It seemed that everyone was already packing their things up but except for a certain lavender haired girl, who was still busy on preparing the breakfast on the table.

"Are you really sure that you don't wanna go in this mission? I mean, Granny Tsunade would really get pissed ya know that."

Boruto explained as He prepared the backpacks, the medical kits and other necessary things that would be needed in this mission. He was very much surprised to hear that his little sister won't be involved in this mission, although it was her decision and choice in the end.

Himawari simply smiled." Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that Nii-chan, and don't worry about granny Tsunade, I'm sure she will understand." She explained. The lavender haired Uzumaki thought that it was time to rest for awhile, from seeing the destruction of her home then being sent on dangerous missions in the past, it really made her exhausted.

As for Boruto, He understood what his little sister mean't. She was just a normal human being, who gets normally tired, she really deserved a good rest for awhile. She was also old enough to make her own decisions and he respected that.


"Sarada, back in our time, was one heck of a leader, and she knew her limits, and she knew when to stop."


Boruto gave a slight chuckle." Just make sure that you don't call her Granny again in front of her or she'll really get mad and cut the tv cable off." He simply said.

Himawari chuckled." You're very funny Nii-chan! Although, that would be quite impossible, since you're always the first one to say "Granny." She replied. Her big brother was always the first one to greet Tsunade whenever the trio meets her.

Boruto just smiled." Well, at least I don't get myself being punched or slapped in the face." He explained. He also told her that Sarada was much more scarier whenever she is pissed or irritated. It was like a carbon copy of Aunt Sakura.

"Speaking of Sarada-nee, where is she by the way?" Himawari asked.

Boruto just shrugged." Well, I think she's busy preparing and packing her things up." He explained as he turned his eyes towards the lone room of the apartment unit.

Although, Sarada should be really here for breakfast, she was still inside the room for quite sometime now, what was taking her so long?



It was all dirt and dust that the raven haired girl can mostly see. She immediately covered the half lower part of her face with a surgical mask, as she searched through the wooden closet for the other things that she needed in this new mission. She knew that the she placed a book somewhere inside this closet.

After a little awhile, she finally found that she was looking for, which none other than her old diary that she often brings to missions back in the future. She thought that it would be a good thing for her to record her insights and inner opinions on what was happening.

After finally finishing her goal, she then turned her eyes back and saw the entirety of their room.

The room of course was a pigsty, with clothes all over the floor and the bed unkempt but most notable of interest was a large padlocked with number codes on trunk at the foot of the bed the blonde's bed, which Sarada decided to investigate. She recognized this trunk but she wasn't sure on was inside. There were a couple of things that came up to her: The trunk either contained the blonde's secret magazines or maybe just a bunch of unimportant things.

However, She still decided to investigate and proceeded to unlocked the trunk easily and opened the padlocked, through a combination of numbers that she had entered. Inside the trunk was a tattered black and red jacket with a white t-shirt, a black cloak, black pants, brown shinobi sandals, a sword in its scabbard, and, most interestingly, an old book and a Konoha headband that looked as though it had been around the block a few times, with two intersecting slashes on the metal piece.

"Oh, it's his old clothes." Sarada commented. It was none other than the blonde's old outfit that he'd wore back in the future as a nod to her Papa's style. However, she mostly took interest of the headband and further examined it.


"I never really thought that he would keep his old things. It really brings back memories during a time where the knucklehead was a brooder, but I'm glad he was able to get back a part of his old self.


There was a small identification slip on a certain part of the headband which read" Property of Sasuke Uchiha, which was scribbled and instead replaced by "Boruto Uzumaki." This headband was once belonged to her Papa, who was been gone for awhile now.

Sarada's instincts took over and she then turned her head to a certain small picture frame, with a stand that was displayed on a certain desk in the room. It was a photo of her Papa and herself, she smiled as she recalled the memories of the time this photo was taken, it was very much a wonderful moment, although this was very much a long time ago, she still felt that this just happened yesterday.

She thought of her Papa yet again. She knew that in a few days time, she will finally get to him in person, at least his younger version which was very much different from the person that she knew and loved. She just hoped that the meeting wouldn't end up in a very bad note.

Sarada sighed as she then placed the headband back inside and closed the trunk. She had enough of reliving these happy memories for awhile, for now she had to focus on the present and looked towards the future.

After finally packing some of her things up, she then proceeded to the kitchen and joined the siblings for breakfast before they head to the mission briefing with the fifth.


(Konoha Hospital)

Kakashi groaned as he just woke up from his sleep. He still found himself laying on his own sickbed, at the hospital, It have been a couple of days that passed since the sucessful rescue mission, which really drained him to the core. He also just found out that his replacement was none other than Yamato/Kinoe, a rival friend from his Anbu days. He began to wonder on why did Tsunade chose him, there were a lot of good candidates out there, this guy had no experience on handling teams! However, it was still no use as he had no choice but respect the fifth's decision.

The masked instructor of Team 7 stared at the white ceiling which he had been staring at for this past couple of days. He was used to being alone, of course there were visits from some of his friends which made him smile, but what really made him alive was that the nurse in charged of taking care of him was really pretty.

Kakashi considered himself to be the luckiest patient on earth, to have a pretty nurse like this. She had brown hair, hazel eyes, and an overall beauty that he had never seen before. Technically, he was often like this to other pretty girls that he come across with.


He was suddenly brought back to reality by a very familiar voice. Kakashi then blinked a couple of times before realizing that there was a certain spiky white haired man standing beside him near the window.

"Jiraiya?" He muttered.

Jiraiya could only sighed." You've been staring at that nurse for awhile now, What gives?" He asked. Since Tsunade had left for the Hokage office, just awhile ago, Kakashi had been really focusing his eyes on the nurse.

"I guess that orange book of mine has really affected to you." He added.

Kakashi slightly chuckled. "Well, It's just one those things that I do, whenever I feel bored or maybe lonely, but please I would really love to read the latest edition of your novel ." He explained, he was still loyal.

Jiraiya just sighed." Well, there's nothing that I can do about it, I guess we're same kind of people in a way." He said.

"Kakashi chuckled again." Yeah I guess so." He said, he was referring to themselves being a little bit perverted. Although, there was something more from deep down inside that he had been longing for.

"But then again, I really want to see her." Kakashi said. She was referring to a certain teammate from a long time ago. Rin was really something else. To him, she was the perfect girl that he'd ever met but sadly, she left too soon.

Jiraiya gave a sad smile." Well, I understand but we gotta face the truth, even Tsunade is trying hard to forget her past." He explained. He had the feeling that his former teammate hadn't moved on from Dan and Nawaki.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya also took the time to tell his side of the story." Well, I guess you haven't heard this but I'm planning to asked her out on a date." He said.

Kakashi's eyes widened in surprised." Woah, you mean you're gonna try win her heart out!?" He asked. This was the first time he'd heard him speak like this.

Jiraiya shrugged and smiled." Well, something like that, but I'm still planning, so don't get too much excited there." He chuckled." It will take time."

Kakashi chuckled." Well, I guess that's just something new to me" He said." I hope someday I can finally meet someone."

It was a conversation that turned into a very light hearted moment. The two men discussed about the things that were recently going on with their lives. Their stories were similar as both talked about settling down from the shinobi life, if they really found someone.

Time was much faster than before and they were already getting old.


"Well, Kakashi will get there. I strongly believed that, He might even become a Hokage in the future.(Chuckles)



Tsunade took a deep breath as she relaxed herself in her seat, it was a much different morning for her, instead of the usual do the paperwork stuff, she was having a cup of hot coffee of her own and listening to the small radio.

Apparently, she had just gotten back from a hospital visit to check up on Kakashi, who was still sideline. Although, the doctor said that he would fully recover in a couple of days time, but he would never had the chance to resumed his position as an Instructor of his team because today was the day that Team 7 were set to begin their mission.

She hoped that the man was not upset on learning about Kinoe, being his replacement as the instructor of the team. The two actually go long way back but besides, times have changed and Kakashi needs to let the guy do the reigns this time.

Putting that aside, Tsunade drifted her thoughts to what had transpired yesterday. It was a big reveal for her to know that Miyuki was the one responsible for sending the trio to the past, She had the enough evidence to prove that she can be trusted, she also learned that she had been hiding from an unknown enemy, but other than that, there was nothing more.

She also requested to meet the trio themselves if there was ever the time for it, and coincidentally, today was the day the trio was going to attend the mission briefing later at the office, to which she approved, because she might lighted up some mystery about all of this.

After awhile of waiting, the door finally opened to reveal the trio themselves.

"Morning! Granny!" Boruto, who was the first one to enter the room, greeted with his trademark smile, to which Tsunade had a nerve popped out from her forehead.

She really didn't like being called by that word, although, the blonde and his little sister were his future distant relatives.

"Good morning, Aunt Tsunade!" Sarada greeted with a warm smile as she was the second person to enter the room, she was packed and prepared for this mission.

Tsunade gave a smile, the girl really reminded her of her student, and in fact, she was her daughter from the future.

The last one to enter was Himawari herself, she donned her usual civilian attire, which surprised the older blonde woman, who widened her eyes.

"She is not coming?" Tsunade thought.

Himawari just smiled and nodded. She immediately went straight explaining the reason on why she chose to passed on this mission. Apparently, it was due to exhaustion that made her to decide that it was time to rest for awhile. She also assured her that she will be careful and not to spill out anything that would change the timeline.

She just wanted to live the normal life for awhile.

Tsunade nodded and understood the girl, and just like her, she gets tired eventually of things and she knows the limits." I guess, you'll be alright." She said to the girl.

Himawari just smiled and winked at the older blonde, she promised that she would be a good girl while the two are away for awhile.

With all that fixed and said, Tsunade then began the mission briefing. She then called Boruto and Sarada and beckoned them to listen carefully.

"Alright then, since Jiraiya had already told you on what the main goal of the mission would be about, I guess I should go to the part where there are two new members that were added to the team recently." She explained.

Boruto and Sarada took glances at each other, they were kind of surprised to hear the news but at the same time, they felt a little bit familiar about it.

"As of now, you two will still remain as observers for this mission, understood?" She added. She stressed the fact, that this mission was more dangerous than the previous one.

Both of the older teens nodded, they knew what was coming ahead of them and they were prepared whether they're observers or members of a team.

Tsunade took a deep breath as she finished the rest of the mission briefing, now it was finally time, for them to meet Miyuki. She then darted her eyes to the wall clock.

"At any moment now." She thought.


"I hope I made the right decision, she did have a point letting the kids know the whole truth."


After a few moments, the door suddenly opened and a person stepped inside and entered the room. It was a girl, she had short black hair with bangs, , she donned a simple light green dress and white bloomers, and she had that mature smile on her face.

Boruto widened his eyes in shocked and his jaw almost dropped on the floor. Himawari and Sarada became confused and puzzled, as they wondered on who was this person that just came to the scene. Their first thought was that there was a little girl that entered the Hokage office.

Tsunade gave a small smile as she used her eyes to greet the person, that she was expecting to come at this time of today, which was turned out to be none other than Miyuki herself.

"Sorry, I guess I'm a little bit late."

Miyuki, on the other hand observed the three teens in front of her, they were indeed the same trio that she had seen back in the future, it was a good thing that they were alright and properly settled.

"Y-You're that clinic doctor!" Boruto stutteted his way through the sentence. This was the customer that ordered ramen not so long ago.

Miyuki sighed but smiled." Well, it's kind of obvious isn't?" She said.

Boruto then turned his eyes towards Tsunade, then turned back to face the other. "Do they know each other?" He thought.

On the other hand, Tsunade just sighed." By the way guys, this is Namaiki Miyuki, she is an acquaintance of mine, and she would like to have this time to talk to you three." She explained.

Boruto then raised an eyebrow in puzzlement but eventually nodded in understanding."Uhmm, I guess It's alright, Dattebasa." He said as he then turned around to face the girl yet again.

"Is there something you wanted to tell us Ms. Miyuki?" Sarada, spoke this time and asked.

Miyuki gave a small smile as she then took deep breath to get ready. This was going to be a very long explanation.

"Well, in fact yes, and its very important, but let's start by talking about on how and why you three, were sent here in the first place."


It was like a mini-press conference to be exact, Miyuki found herself on the hot seat as she immediately became the center attention. Her eyes surveyed the surroundings as she found the trio staring at her wide eye like children waiting for a bed time story.

Apparently, Tsunade, who left the office for the canteen, had finally given them the privacy that they need for this important meeting. Now, only her and the trio remained in the room as silence took over.

Everybody was anticipating for her to start, the trio were eager to know the reason behind the destruction of their village and the whole truth of what really happened. They might finally know the reason why they ended up in the past.

Miyuki closed her eyes as she tried decide on what she should start with, there was a lot to tell and there simply not enough time for them learn all but most of the basic information. that, and she wanted to keep most classified things to herself. She wasn't ready to reveal the most important of all secrets yet.

Opening her eyes, she began to tell her side of the story." To start off, I believed that you were sent here for a reason." She watched the trio registering their actions and expressions carefully." And that main reason is that you guys might be the only one that can put to stop to all of this mess going on." She explained." She also waited for their reactions but so far, they were still listening.

"What do you mean by mess? Do you even know the person responsible for the destruction our home?" Boruto asked. The questions started to pour in his mind. Does she even know that Kawaki was the one responsible for all this mess?

Miyuki sighed and looked at him straight in the eye." Yes, I know that some kid with punkish black and blonde hairstyle did all the destruction, but what you guys don't know that is that there's something else more bigger behind all of this." She replied.

Sarada raised an eyebrow."Something bigger? Was it the Kara Organization? She asked.

This was turning into a guessing game for awhile as the trio took turns of guessing rhe correct answer.

Miyuki just shook her head." Nope." She said.

"The Akatsuki?" Boruto spoke this time.


"Does it has something to do with the Otsutsuki? Himawari spoke and asked this time.

Miyuki sighed but gave a small smile." You got a small part right, but nice try." She said.

"Then What!?" Boruto and Sarada yelled in unison. They tried everything that they know, on who was behind all of these, until something came up to the blonde.

"Was it those mysterious white cloaked people that I saw during a previous mission?" He said.

Both Sarada and Himawari then darted their eyes on him. What was he talking about? What does he mean by seeing these white cloaked people?

Miyuk, on the other hand, just smiled." Well, we can consider that a right answer, but here's the whole story." She said.

She took a deep breath and adjusted her seat, she was finally going to tell the main story and origin of all of this." To be honest, It's been a very long time since I've been to this world, and Yes, I'm not what you three think I am." She said as she began to drop some of the bombs.

"So you're not Human?" Sarada asked as this was the first thing that came into her mind.

"Well, something like that, but Kami created everyone as the same image as him." She replied, she also took the time to observed their reactions, all of them were very much surprised to hear that from her. She then continued" In addition, I'm not from this world or place." She paused.

"I'm from a place known as the "Pure Land."

The trio was silent when they heard the word "Pure land" especially, Sarada who knew that the place that latter was referring to was none other than the aftelife. There were mixed reactions from the three right now. Miyuki saw shock, surprise and disbelief, many other emotions all rolling into one package on the trio's faces. Before they can bombard her with questions yet again, she continued to speak.

"If you want to know more, then listen carefully, our time is very short."

Miyuki explained, she knew that this was going to be telling of a long story.


"Well, time to go back to the memory vault.



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!

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