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Tsundere Prince's Unruly Princess Comic Tsundere Prince's Unruly Princess Comic

Tsundere Prince's Unruly Princess

Completed 71 Chapters 1.9M Views
Publisher: Sixiputao/Huaxinovel+Fanciyuan commic communicatio
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Xue Moyun reincarnated as the daughter of the Grand Councilor with the same name. Everyone said the lady of the Grand Councilor mansion was a rude girl with no manners. She would love to show those big-mouths how rude she could actually be. But she only rampaged about a few days before they told her that she was gonna marry the Crown Prince. Wait, he just canceled the engagement? Hooray! WHAT?! She's gonna marry another prince now? And he is extremely difficult to handle? Well. She is a professional spy came from the age of science! She will never yield to a scheming prince like him!

  1. Khin_Nwe_Aye
    Khin_Nwe_Aye Contributed 1267
  2. Heather101
    Heather101 Contributed 1144
  3. Tommy_4070
    Tommy_4070 Contributed 1082


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