/ Romance / The Icy Chairman's Cute Little Wife

The Icy Chairman's Cute Little Wife Comic The Icy Chairman's Cute Little Wife Comic

The Icy Chairman's Cute Little Wife

Completed 160 Chapters 7.5M Views
Publisher: Fuxiao LianMeng
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A punk girl turns into a great goddess to beat up scumbags and oppress fake angels. She angers all of the surrounding rotten women to death.
After being reborn, I, Chi Yan, have to marry this brainless playboy with X disease? I found a handsome man to play my boyfriend, but he ended up trying to flirt with me every day! An icy chairman announced: My Yan'Er is the cutest in the world. I won't hold her back!

  1. Punkingpixie
    Punkingpixie Contributed 4268
  2. alphawolf_13
    alphawolf_13 Contributed 4255
  3. Julissa_Tirado
    Julissa_Tirado Contributed 4249


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