/ Eastern / The Drag-Queen Hasn't Gotten a Proposal Yet

The Drag-Queen Hasn't Gotten a Proposal Yet Comic The Drag-Queen Hasn't Gotten a Proposal Yet Comic

The Drag-Queen Hasn't Gotten a Proposal Yet

Completed 40 Chapters 1.2M Views
Publisher: ZAI ZAI X GE GE
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Jin Chuan is transported into a love game while he is dying in real life. In order to have a second life, he has to date three men at the same time who are his boss, a straight guy who doesn’t like him, his first crush who he thought was a girl back then, and his brother who hates him. During the difficult choices which might either blow his cover as a female or lead to having sex with a man, Jin Chuan gradually finds out that these men's feelings for him are not just about clearing missions in the game...

  1. Eliana_Junkins
    Eliana_Junkins Contributed 443
  2. Sierra_Hand
    Sierra_Hand Contributed 433
  3. DaoistHqUPbR
    DaoistHqUPbR Contributed 413


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