/ LGBT+ / Mermaid's Egg

Mermaid's Egg Comic Mermaid's Egg Comic

Mermaid's Egg

Completed 99 Chapters 1.2M Views
Publisher: wan
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A rich dandy ended up alone on a deserted island and brought a merman back to life accidentally. The merman is no ordinary but the High Priest of the Deserted Isle Tribe! The arrogant boy, somehow, was trapped on the island and forced to hatch eggs... “I have my self-esteem!” “Ancient tribes are horrible... I have no choice but to trust Mr. Merman with my life...”

  1. Aja_Marquez
    Aja_Marquez Contributed 6163
  2. LillithJade_Vaughn
    LillithJade_Vaughn Contributed 2251
  3. Hart_1296
    Hart_1296 Contributed 1815


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