/ LGBT+ / I'm Against This Relationship!

I'm Against This Relationship! Comic I'm Against This Relationship! Comic

I'm Against This Relationship!

41 Chapters 204.8K Views
Publisher: ©agdxxxxx
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In the world of orcs, a new law allowing intermarriage between herbivorous and carnivorous orcs has just been passed. Within this world, a rabbit orc and his nephew are each other's only family. They both have boyfriends, but they don't tell each other. And when this thing comes to light, it seems that neither of them is satisfied with the other's partner. Is it merely because they are 'big' carnivorous orcs?

  1. Illium69
    Illium69 Contributed 4957
  2. Paige_Fisher
    Paige_Fisher Contributed 1949
  3. Daniela1999
    Daniela1999 Contributed 1849


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