/ Urban / Fell in Love with Girlfriend's Brother S1

Fell in Love with Girlfriend's Brother S1 Comic Fell in Love with Girlfriend's Brother S1 Comic

Fell in Love with Girlfriend's Brother S1

Completed 62 Chapters 1.9M Views
Publisher: Ni Sansui & Moriya
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To prove whether he was a homosexual, Qiu Zinan decided to dress like a woman and go to a bar. There he “was seduced to the bedroom” by a handsome stranger. Feeling reluctant on the bed, Zinan revealed his true identity, but all they could hear later were the hard breath of one another, and that was how the game began!!

  1. Crystal_Solly
    Crystal_Solly Contributed 880
  2. Sharon_Priem
    Sharon_Priem Contributed 832
  3. andy_Henderson
    andy_Henderson Contributed 753


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