/ Romance / Billionaire's Masked Bride

Billionaire's Masked Bride Comic Billionaire's Masked Bride Comic

Billionaire's Masked Bride

Completed 114 Chapters 1.1M Views
Publisher: ake
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Ada Smith was born into a rich family, her life was a mess.
She was kind and patient, as a substitute of her sister to marry a fool, she was forcibly implanted with a new heart when she was dying, and she fell into the clutches of  William! This perverted satyr who deceives all the people of the world is not only extremely clever but also a demon head with a mask! She lived only to atone for her sins, but since marrying William, she had to ask for peace with her body, he said, no longer wanting her heart. But she did not expect.........

  1. Raya_Roses101
    Raya_Roses101 Contributed 18349
  2. Malina_Ulvi
    Malina_Ulvi Contributed 9887
  3. Sabrina_Franzon
    Sabrina_Franzon Contributed 9302


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