/ Action / Ancient God's Chosen Warriors

Ancient God's Chosen Warriors Comic Ancient God's Chosen Warriors Comic

Ancient God's Chosen Warriors

21 Chapters 81.0K Views

Publisher: IQY

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Lin Hao, a seemingly high school student who keeps his actual age a secret, was abducted by an enigmatic ancient god along with another five thousand humans. From that day forward, they embarked on a journey as the ancient god's warriors, traversing through new and extraordinary worlds with the missions of survival, exploration, and relentless self-improvement. As the protagonist, Lin Hao possesses unique talents such as the "Invigorated Man", "Kept Man", and "Game Player". Join him on his journey as he overcomes daunting challenges and witness how he harnesses these powerful talents to become the ultimate warrior of the ancient god.


  1. fwerbeck98
    fwerbeck98 Contributed 824
  2. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contributed 799
  3. orange_raptor2010
    orange_raptor2010 Contributed 774


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