/ Romance / A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return Comic A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return Comic

A Star Reborn: The Queen's Return

Completed 201 Chapters 26.5M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comic
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She was the Queen of Song, but she died during her greatest years.
After she was reincarnated, she became a simple trainee. She lost her former glory? It doesn't matter—no one can compete with her beautiful singer's voice. She's mocked for her lowly birth? It doesn't matter—her true identity is enough to make the whole world tremble. She owes huge debts? It doesn't matter...
A powerful boss whispered to her: "The debt will disapper if you would become my woman."
But she is proud: "I'm sorry. I would sell my art, but not my whole self."
This is the story of the Queen of Song, of her return to the peak... and an overbearing chairman.

  1. ItsUwU
    ItsUwU Contributed 3497
  2. Heatherj
    Heatherj Contributed 3458
  3. DaoistJMM7Ge
    DaoistJMM7Ge Contributed 2944


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