/ Teen / ~Riya~

~Riya~ Original


Teen 4 Chapters 5.1K Views
Author: rainy_day05

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"I did everything I could to try and convince them to stay, but they already made up their minds and were ready to leave me. Am I really so repulsive? So unlovable? What did I even do wrong? Everyday I tried but it seemed like it wasn't enough, I tried so hard. Am I not good enough? Was I not good enough? Just tell me what I did wrong! I'll change! I'll be better! I'm sorry for making the food that day I just wanted you to eat because you were so busy you forgot to eat. I'm sorry for touching the car, I just wanted to clean the windshield so you don't get into a car accident because it was getting a little cloudy to see though it. I'm sorry for asking you guys to come to school with me, I just wanted to show the progress I made in basketball and show you I can now make a basket. I'm sorry for calling you during the day, it was raining and you forgot your umbrella, I didn't want you to catch a cold. I'm sorry for speaking around you guys, I just wanted to show you how proud I am of you guys and that I love you guys. I'm sorry for listening to every word you said, it's just each word meant so much to me and I love hearing you guys talk even if it's not always kind. I'm sorry for being here. I'm sorry. All I wanted was for you guys to be happy."

Riya has had a rough childhood with many different places she thought was "home" so when she finally has something that brings her happiness and love her past has to come back and ruin it by taking her back making her leave the people that have been there through it all.

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Author rainy_day05