To avoid spoiling his act, Jesse inhaled a little of the anesthesia, stopping the system from dispelling it, before he fell into a light slumber. Though, he could still feel his consciousness, he couldn't open his eyes until moments after.
He opened his eyes to a white ceiling. His legs, neck, and arms were bound, strapped to the bed he was laying on. He yanked his arm away but it didn't budge, his body felt incredibly weak.
[A nullifying substance have been injected into the host's body.]
The system's translucent blue tab popped up.
[Would you like to dispel?]
"Yes." Jesse murmured internally.
[Dispelling strength nullifying substance.]
[Nullifying substance has been dispelled.]
Jesse yanked his arm again, and the metal holding the straps together broke.
Jesse sat up, rubbing his wrists where the straps had been. His eyes scanned the room, that seemed to be a lab.
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