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46.15% Zero System / Chapter 6: Fat Joe

Chapter 6: Fat Joe

Looking in the mirror Nicolas felt exceptionally happy, with an increase in his attributes and on his level Nicolas could feel that every day his body became more sculpted and his face became more beautiful. He was like an ugly duckling that suddenly turned out to be a swan.

'Hey handsome'. He thought while at the same time doing some poses twitching his muscles.

After a while Nicolas finally came downstairs wearing his school uniform and carrying a backpack on his back. The "Silver Moon" school uniform consisted of a long-sleeved shirt, black pants, white sneakers, and a thin, unbuttoned coat with the Stone Men brand stamped on its chest along with the school's own brand.

As he descended the stairs, Nicolas was gradually able to smell the sweet and fragrant fragrance that came from the kitchen and his appetite was soon teased while his belly was making strange sounds.

When Nicolas arrived in the kitchen, he found his mother preparing breakfast. Despite being a 35-year-old woman it seemed that time hadn't had much of an effect on her features and the beautiful facial features that made her look several years younger, she had brown eyes, long black hair and a build that made her look better. quite attractive. At the sight of her Nicolas instantly smiled and greeted her, his eyes glued to the loaves and pancakes under the table.

-Good morning mom! -Before she could realize Nicolas was already sitting behind the table devouring the food like a vacuum cleaner.

-Wow, suddenly my food became so good? Nicolas's mother smiled.

-Your food has always been great! - Nicolas gave a thumbs up and went back to eating. –Although it lacks a little spice. - Nicolas joked resulting in taking a beautiful head of his mother.

It had been a few days since Nicolas gained the system, and in the meantime he seriously considered telling his mother about this mysterious ability that looked like a hack within the cultivation world. However he soon discarded that idea because he didn't want to make trouble for his mother or make her anxious, plus if she accidentally blurted out something about the system she could get hurt and Nicolas didn't want that at all.

"You've been different recently… What happened? "- His mother asked making Nicolas almost choke on his food. However Nicolas was very good with words and as soon as he found himself in this situation his mind worked to its fullest exerting all his acting skills. "What's different? "

"I don't know, you look more mature. " She said making Nicolas sigh inwardly.

First of all he needed to understand what "different" meant in his mother's words, there could be millions of different meanings and so instead of acting like a fool stammering and saying there was nothing strange he needed to confirm what she did. I mean, realizing it was just a casual comment he sighed.

If Nicolas started acting weird in front of his mother it would make her more worried than if he just told the system directly which really wasn't an option. Plus her worry might put pressure on him when he was dealing with other Stone Men in the future.

On the same day he killed Doman the "Conceally" skill evolved to level 2 which made the energy in Nicolas' body seem almost non-existent while he could easily escape people's attention by moving like a ghost. As soon as the bus arrived he settled into one of the backseats and waited patiently.

In just a few minutes Nicolas already found himself inside a classroom with the walls slightly damaged by the flow of time while the noise of some students talking and laughing reached his ears. Nicolas remained seated in his chair without much change of expression, at most he would lay his head under the surface of the table and sigh, revealing clear traces of boredom.

The moment the sound of footsteps appeared in the corridor, gradually increasing all the noises stopped and the students who had previously laughed with enthusiasm sat upright like obedient sheep. Little by little the sound of footsteps increased until the moment when the classroom door opened revealing the figure of a tall, young woman. This woman was particularly beautiful and her very presence was capable of eliciting sighs of admiration from all the male students, even Nicolas was moved by the stunning figure of the woman. She had brown hair that fell to her waist and wore a long-sleeved shirt buttoned with a small cleavage, plus her tight pants really accentuated her attractive figure.

After greeting the class and performing some formalities, the woman walked with calm steps to the blackboard holding a chalk in her hand. With speed and agility she began to copy extensive content onto the surface of the blackboard before turning to face the class.

"Well…in the previous class we learned about some fascinating species found in the X-9 dimension, home and homeland of the Stone Men. The first species is the Skarskhali where in lower language it means "Thundering Wolf" which consists of a species very similar to normal wolves, however these wolves are able to create a fusion core, get their own abilities and use them instinctively.. ."

All students held their breath thinking about such a terrifying being. For humans who had limited physical attributes and abilities any person with a fusion core to them was like a noble or a king, in this case thinking about the possibility of an irrational beast with such powers was really frightening, who in the world would want to be come across that kind of monster?

"After we became servants of the Stone Men 500 years ago, a group of mysterious criminals called 'The Order of Heaven' brought in addition to these wolves several unknown species of many different dimensions to our world. Over time, these species reproduced and spread around the world, becoming part of the world's fauna. Even after hundreds of years, the origin or objectives of the organization 'The Order of Heaven' is not known, nor has the race and identity of its members been confirmed. '

The teacher poured out a torrent of information to the students at once leaving them a little confused.

"You mean we can find these monsters in our world? " A dedicated student asked.

"That's right, that's why it's very important to be careful, especially when staying close to the Dark Forest, where the presence of some of these species has been confirmed. "

All the students paled, the Dark Forest was a mysterious and terrifying forest located right next to human territory, it was specifically on the edges of that forest that Nicolas fought against Doman. Hearing the teacher's words, everyone swore to themselves that they would be careful and would do their best to avoid getting close to that scary place, after all, no one wanted to turn shit like wild beasts.

Nicolas had the shadow of a smile on his face. For him that forest and these "magic beasts" were just free EXP. Of course he would be cautious in dealing with these beasts, as long as he had the time and inclination he would go there to farm and get as strong as possible.

There were several legends about the Dark Forest and reports telling the appearance of ghosts and supernatural beings, in this case people tended to move farther and farther away from that place until the moment when stepping foot in the Dark Forest became a taboo in human territory and it was said that anyone who dared to go there never came back alive.

Nicolas was obviously a little skeptical about these things, all he could think was:

'Fuck, we live in a world where Stonemen breathe fire from their mouths and you vocêre scared of ghosts?!'

The cause of the deaths and legends in the Dark Forest must obviously be the magical beasts and perhaps some Stone Men with a bad sense of humor. Even so it was still very dangerous for people to approach that place, after all there was no difference if there were ghosts or magical beasts if in the end he still died, so Nicolas never shared these skeptical thoughts with anyone.

In one hour of class, the teacher mentioned some more species such as: Water Anteater, Demonic Leopard and Black Turtles. Despite everything Nicolas didn't show much interest in the class, in fact he was even a little annoyed that his teacher had to choose her words well and lick the balls of the Stone Men race so as not to end up on the gallows.

'Do you want humans to keep licking your balls, you motherfuckers? See how this father here turns you into a eunuch! Nicolas thought coldly.

However, his icy gaze and his intention to kill soon dissipated when he left the classroom and saw two people running towards him and shouting excitedly. One of those people was a thin, short boy named Jimmy who looked very innocent in a school uniform identical to Nicolas, the second person was Joe, or as everyone calls it: "Fat Joe". Although the break started literally 2 seconds ago, Fat Joe already had his shirt stained with oil and ketchup stains.

"Nicolas! Jimmy yelled in a comically thin voice. "Is today! "They both came in front of Nicolas and clenched their fists with enthusiasm.

"What happens today? Nicolas was immediately interested.

"Today I, Joe, will declare my feelings to Ana." Fat Joe lifts his chin proudly.

"Are you targeting one of the three beauties at school? Nicolas had a strange expression. "Do you have a fever? Nicolas pretended to measure Fat Joe's temperature causing him to slap his hand away.

"I bet 3 copper coins that she will accept. "Gordo Joe proudly declared.

"I bet 3 coins you're going to be rejected. Nicolas said faking a solemn expression.

"I bet 3 coins you're going to be rejected. Jimmy declared.

Fat Joe's face twitched as he cried internally. Brothers what happened to the "You can do it, Joe…I trust you" or the "I trust you brother"? With friends like these, who needed enemies? When Fat Joe came back to himself and realized that Nicolas and Jimmy were already discussing how he was going to split the bet, Fat Joe felt an immense desire to beat up those vipers in front of him.

After talking for a while an alarm went off all over the school signaling the end of the break, hearing this Nicolas, Jimmy and Fat Joe went to their respective classrooms looking forward to the big moment. Nicolas even drooled thinking about the copper coins he would earn, as a human he had the lowest possible status, given that it was very difficult for him to earn money without spending all day killing himself with work.

To be honest Nicolas didn't have high hopes for Fat Joe's success, Ana was one of the three stars of the school and was also stalked by basically every single man in her age group who knew her. Plus she was the legendary girl who with one look could paralyze any man and who had already turned down over 100 dating requests, she was so unreachable that some people called her "Medusa".

Fat Joe's plan was as follows: First he would send her an anonymous letter asking them to meet under a tree behind the school, after that he would wear a nice outfit he kept in his backpack and deliver a bunch of flowers with it. to a box of chocolates for her after confessing his love.

Upon entering the room Nicolas began to hear some noises from the students and coincidentally they were talking precisely about it.

"Hey did you hear someone sent Ana a love letter? He asked her to meet him after class under a tree behind the school. I won't miss it for anything! "

"What, who's the poor guy who's going to get his heart broken by Medusa? "

"I don't know…but I'm sure he's an idiot. Even the prettiest students in the school were turned away. "

"Really…at least we'll have a good show to watch today. "

After hearing these comments Nicolas couldn't help but feel a little bad for Fat Joe, despite everything they were friends and knowing that Joe would probably go through extreme humiliation today left a bad taste in his mouth.

Time passed in the blink of an eye and finally the appointed time came. Fat Joe accompanied by Nicolas and Jimmy was wearing a suit and black pants with a bow tie down his neck, by Jimmy's words he looked like a waiter and as if it wasn't enough Jimmy even staged a scene of Fat Joe serving a plate of food for Ana after declaring herself this obviously led to a war of insults that was soon won by Jimmy's sharp tongue.

Walking towards the back of the school, Fat Joe can see a crowd of people surrounding a single, solitary tree. In the middle of this crowd of people was a girl with red hair and green eyes with some freckles filling her face, her elegant figure looked even more beautiful if combined with the school uniform, that was Ana.

Fat Joe's heart started beating harder and harder as he approached the tree. When the crowd saw him it didn't take long for them to identify that he was the 'Idiot' who would have his heart broken today, with enormous agility the bottom of the crowd dispersed forming a "U" and giving room for Fat Joe, Jimmy and Nicola passed.

A little later Fat Joe was already facing Ana while Nicolas and Jimmy joined the crowd in a "U" shape standing on either side of the crowd.

"And…I…I've wanted you…I've wanted to tell you something for a long time. " Fat Joe seeing Ana in front of him couldn't help but stutter.

Ana didn't say anything, she just looked at Fat Joe with an expressionless face. It made Fat Joe's heart race, however as things got to this point he couldn't go back.

"For a long time I wanted to tell you that… I like you a lot and I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend. Fat Joe knelt down with a smile extending the bouquet of flowers towards Ana.

A few seconds passed in complete silence it was as if the world was frozen in that moment. Under the mocking gaze of the other girls and the sympathetic gaze of the boys Ana started to laugh.

Her laughter was like arrows hitting Fat Joe's heart and leaving him breathless. Ana laughed for almost 10 seconds by herself as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world, rubbing her eyes she looked at Fat Joe like she was looking at an idiot.

"Who are you boy? The voice that seemed seductive in the eyes of the boys to Fat Joe was like the voice of a demon. "Do you really think very highly of yourself or did you hit your head somewhere? I'd rather accept a pig's declaration than yours... "

The girls shook their heads as if Fat Joe deserved that treatment, as the boys opened their eyes wide and all that crossed their minds was a single clear word: "Cruel". However Ana was not finished.

"You're not even qualified to talk to me…when I got that shitty letter I even thought it might be someone decent, but I never expected it to be a worm like you. "

The boys' eyes grew even more pitying. Some of them had been rejected by Ana too but they didn't receive such cruel treatment as Fat Joe, because if they suffered something similar they were aware that they would keep a trauma for the rest of their lives.

Fat Joe's head was down, no one could see his expression so everyone thought he was going to cry like a baby Fat Joe raised his head with a cold and indifferent face. Even Jimmy and Nicolas were startled because not even they had seen Fat Joe give anyone that look. Fat Joe's posture and expression really gave him a very different presence than before.

"Who here is thinking very highly of themselves?" Fat Joe spoke in a cold voice. "I did have feelings for you, however I am grateful for not accepting my request and for showing me what a horrible person you are. Did you say you preferred to accept the declaration of pigs? Well then... accept! After all, this personality suits them very well. "

Every word was spoken in a clear way that shocked the hearts of everyone in the crowd. No one thought anyone would be able to say such harsh words to one of the three beauties at school.

"If there's one thing I agree with you on, it's that I'm quite an idiot, after all, just being too silly to declare myself to someone so despicable. You keep playing the perfect girl while under the hood you're just another viper. "

Everyone was stunned it was as if their minds had been hit by lightning making them unable to absorb all this series of events. Ana's face already changed color with each sentence said by Fat Joe, she intended to humiliate this boy to use him as a scapegoat to ward off the flies that flew around him, but who knew he would have such a sharp tongue?

Some kids there felt vindicated even though they weren't rejected as cruelly as Joe, they still felt pretty bitter about it. Seeing Fat Joe directly confronting Ana everyone felt ecstatic.

Without looking back Fat Joe turned and started walking down the path he had come earlier, however Nicolas made a series of noisy movements ending them in a standing position, Jimmy did the same and encouraged by both all the boys there. around made a feeling position showing respect to a hero.

Naquele dia, Fat Joe não conquistou a garota, mas conquistou o respeito e a admiração de todos os meninos da escola.

NobodyW NobodyW

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